View Full Version : Pump Mag Disappointment

06-22-2008, 07:29 PM
Well I played with the Rainman pump mag for the first time yesterday and horror of horrors I like my Series 6 way way better.
All I have to do to the S6 is oil it, the mag on the other hand is a bit finicky.
It really tested my patience yesterday. If it wasnt one thing it was the other.
Its got the sweetest pump stroke I have ever tried bar none.
Well I put a new clear bumper and a hairs breadth stronger bolt spring
and its working fine but I dont think I am going to keep it.
I am sooo disappointed in myself, I am not sure I can be a die hard mag enthusiast any more if I sell it . :cry:
I have to admit my CCM cocker pump is better suited to a guy thats all thumbs and not very mechanically inclined (not to mention short on patience).
It just torques me off to no end that the cocker wins this time. :mad:

The S6 did blow the o ring in the CCM bottom line asa which was
no big deal except I didnt have any to fit it till I got home.
So the pumps didnt do so well yesterday, but it made me pull out
the Phoenix mag and play with it for the very first time.
I've had it for 6 months and tried to use it once before but the same thing,
the asa o ring blew so yesterday is the first game time for the Phoenix.
All I can say is....oh my stars is it a blast to play with.
Even though I went out with only a hopper full (no pods)
to make it more even against the pumpers, it still ruled !

/end cocker pump trumps mag pump rant


06-22-2008, 07:31 PM
um, what went wrong?

06-22-2008, 07:36 PM
Bolt didnt seem to be resetting all the way.
It would work a bit and start acting wonky.
The bumper was pretty chewed up so I tried a blue RT bumper and a medium
Xvalve spring. Nope.
Then I put a clear Xvalve bumper and a standard bolt spring (but a hair longer than the original one) and it seems ok.
I just dont like finicky markers.


06-22-2008, 07:39 PM
Bolt didnt seem to be resetting all the way.
It would work a bit and start acting wonky.
The bumper was pretty chewed up so I tried a blue RT bumper and a medium
Xvalve spring. Nope.
Then I put a clear Xvalve bumper and a standard bolt spring (but a hair longer than the original one) and it seems ok.
I just dont like finicky markers.


yeah i know how that goes :(

i finally had a marker go bonkers on me the other day. chrono'd at 285 before the game and came off the field at 305. only to realize i changed barrels after chrono'ing :spit_take

06-22-2008, 08:08 PM
You can't honestly tell us you weren't expecting it to be finicky.

There are always threads in the tech forum. A regular mag can be finicky. Now take into account you are intentionally causing bolt stick.

Here's my question. You say you are chewing up bumpers. Are you putting the bumpers behind the wave spring or INSIDE the wave spring?

06-22-2008, 08:15 PM
Sounds like your bumpers the issue.... It needs to fit inside the wave spring.

so trim up the blue bumper so that it fits inside of the wave spring and you should be issue free...

Also if your using a lvl10 then thats another problem since the pump kits really prefer a lvl7 due to the two stage process involved with the anti-chop properties of the lvl10 bolt..

Try those two things and you will be golden most likely.

paint magnet
06-22-2008, 09:03 PM
As far as "cocker trumps mag," keep in mind that you are comparing a marker which was designed from the start to be a pump marker (the S6) to an open-bolt semiautomatic which has been converted using aftermarket parts into a pump gun.

06-22-2008, 09:10 PM
Don't feel bad, I didn't like the feel of the pump mag I had either. There's nothing wrong with you, you can still be a mag enthusiast without liking everything mag related. I consider myself a mag enthusiast but don't own a mag with a body or rail made by AGD, much less use a warp feed...


06-22-2008, 09:30 PM
As far as "cocker trumps mag," keep in mind that you are comparing a marker which was designed from the start to be a pump marker (the S6) to an open-bolt semiautomatic which has been converted using aftermarket parts into a pump gun.

Took the words right out of my mouth ...

06-22-2008, 09:41 PM
I think the mag was just mad you had a cocker in your gearbag. Don't make a mag jealous, that just leads to, well. . . chewed up bumpers?

Buy it some cosmetic accessories and maybe it'll consider working again. :p

06-22-2008, 10:02 PM
Buy it some cosmetic accessories and maybe it'll consider working again. :p

It's a mag, not a girlfriend... :p

06-23-2008, 01:13 AM
I had trouble with mine too.....on Saturday 21st of June.

I played mine 4 weeks ago and no problem at all was working flawless out of my Bag..

Saturday i was thinking of getting rid of it but nothing on the Gun changed so why was mine acting up??

I was chopping Balls because the Balls did not dropped in the Breach all the way only 3/4 so i shot and chopped Balls almost every time i pulled the trigger.

Dont know why but iam not giving up i might just use a Twistlock Body and try it then again.

I tried to unscrew the Detend it worked better but still choppen here and there

Dont know what to do right now

Will wait and see....

use a Standart Spring and cut one ring of the Spring you will not have any reset problems anymore. The Standart spring unless used a lot has too much strenght and can reset the Bolt. I ended up cutting one ring shorter and worked just fine. ( iam using Level7) The Bumper needs to fit inside the Wave Spring or it will be not possible to reset the Bolt.

06-25-2008, 03:50 AM
Surprised no one else said this. But check your sear for wear also. If the bolt is hanging to far in the breach when latched . It will cause the ball not to drop all the way. Also check the bolt for flat spots. The bolt will rotate slightly each time fired.

If one of you 2 want to send me your marker. I would like to see this issue for my self. I've heard of this issue before. But would like to see it. And solve it.

06-25-2008, 01:48 PM
well i can say for sure it my Ball detend. Because i unscrewed it a lil and it was ok after a while it start double feeding because it came out too much.

When i get my other rail done and mine assembled again i let you know.

PS mine did not had any other issues beside chopping Balls because of not feedding enough due to use of a 50 Round Gravity feed hopper.....
If you want to i am more then willing to send my Pump to you and you can evaluate it. Just send me your Address and Phone number per PM.


06-25-2008, 01:58 PM
Use the shortest bolt return spring you can. Or trim one to fit. The bumper is just there to keep the wave spring centered. Read some stuff here:



06-25-2008, 03:25 PM
Surprised no one else said this. But check your sear for wear also. If the bolt is hanging to far in the breach when latched . It will cause the ball not to drop all the way. Also check the bolt for flat spots. The bolt will rotate slightly each time fired.

If one of you 2 want to send me your marker. I would like to see this issue for my self. I've heard of this issue before. But would like to see it. And solve it.

I have some other level 7 bolts and a couple other sears too.
Maybe I will send it to you if I cant solve it myself.
In all fairness to rainman, all he did was assemble what I sent him.
It may be the level 7 or something just needs tweaking.


06-25-2008, 05:18 PM
It's a mag, not a girlfriend... :p

is there a difference :rofl:

06-25-2008, 05:59 PM
i know my Bolt clears the Breach when not reset when reset it will be back a lil further. So with no Ball detent it will fall in place just right with the Detent screwed in it will not all the time. By unscrewing it it will most of the time double feed because first Ball rolls into barrel.

06-28-2008, 01:32 PM
Ok Since your convinced it's the detent. Any chance Theres no o'ring on the detent? There is supposed to be one on the threads.. If not put one on. if there is find a thicker one to go on and see if that solves your problem.

06-28-2008, 04:25 PM
is there a difference :rofl:
I don't know about you, but i don't stick it in my mag. :rolleyes:

06-28-2008, 05:08 PM
I don't know about you, but i don't stick it in my mag. :rolleyes:


06-29-2008, 01:17 AM
and a hush fell across the land

06-30-2008, 07:42 PM
Ok Since your convinced it's the detent. Any chance Theres no o'ring on the detent? There is supposed to be one on the threads.. If not put one on. if there is find a thicker one to go on and see if that solves your problem.

Yes there was an O-Ring on the Detend and i even put a second one on but looks like its to strong for a Vertical feed Gravity hopper.

07-01-2008, 02:10 AM
Little Ho:

For a vertical body try a pressure fed hopper (Halo, Egg, Velocity, etc) that should keep the balls in the stack. Also note that with those small Winchester/Brass Eagle 50 round hoppers, the blowback from a Mag will push them up the ball stack back into the loader, that's one reason I like powerfeed bodies which prevent that. Also try to use another detent maybe the inside spring is too hard.

Going Home - try these things:

A new bolt, new sear, and an old level 7 bolt spring. Use the shortest bolt spring you have. As mentioned above the blue bumper should be cut to fit inside the bolt spring. Or try using a New wave spring.

07-05-2008, 02:52 PM
Yes there was an O-Ring on the Detend and i even put a second one on but looks like its to strong for a Vertical feed Gravity hopper.

Have you tried different detents? Angel detents seem to be weaker then agds. Only draw back is you need a thicker oring and they stick out further.

Bang and Breach
07-06-2008, 04:39 AM
WAAAAAY too much tinkering going on in here.

Mags dont require ANY sort of adjustment, or tinkering.


07-06-2008, 04:46 AM
Tuck and roll, grandma...

07-06-2008, 08:51 PM
#1 don't you eventually sell all your markers anyway? ;)

#2 I have discovered that mags have magical "leave me properties." They need to be dialed in when first built. Once they have given you fits they become attached to the spot of hair they caused you to rip out. Put them in a box with the hair for 3 months and wala they work forevermore. After that you just need to keep the commitment. No changing bodies or anything and they will keep working. Make major changes and it requires a new peice of hair and a box for 3 more months.

07-10-2008, 08:03 PM
Don't feel bad, I didn't like the feel of the pump mag I had either. There's nothing wrong with you, you can still be a mag enthusiast without liking everything mag related. I consider myself a mag enthusiast but don't own a mag with a body or rail made by AGD, much less use a warp feed...

could not have said this better myself
i have to say allen once you tune in a mag it dont change unless you start messing with it again like me :tard:

07-11-2008, 09:20 AM
Yeh, the more complex the harder it is to pump mag. :)

Not a Classic valve? Harder.

Using LX, even harder.

Having a bumper behind instead of in the wavespring, REALLY hard.

I've ran my pumpmag for 6 years now without having any issues. I tried to use my xvalve with LX one day, and while I eventually got it to work, it was really finicy. :)

Oooooh, it's been too long.... Photo time!
