View Full Version : i just have to say how awesome my EMag is

06-22-2008, 08:44 PM
today me and bryce did some chrono testing with paint to barrel match, using my Emag.

this gun is a machine. no joke, we were getting some setups (meaning paint to barrel matches) where the gun was shooting less than a standard divation of 2 fps.

assuming the consistency is a normal distribution, this means that 99% of all shot fired with that setup would be within +/- 5 fps.

20 balls per case, would be over +/- 5.

thats it.

that is simply amazingly consistent. i mean there is alot of talk on the interwebz about guns shooting +/- 2 and such, but in my 8 years of playing i have to own, shoot, or see a single gun even match the automag.

heres the spreadsheet - http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pp1UimQwRsMngwmAygIkHfQ

updated spreadsheet - http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pp1UimQwRsMngwmAygIkHfQ
after some more measurements of the barrel backs, well be fixing it. but it does raise some very interesting questions about paint to barrel match.

06-22-2008, 11:04 PM
is it going on youtube? With all the attention that mike guy is getting, you could get a really big audience with all the paintballers going on youtube all the time to check if mike has a new video out. It would be good advertising for the automag. ;)

BTW do you know how accurate the standard red chronograph is? I'd like to know how it compares to your awesome-looking one.

Small bore FTW!

Texas Trigger
06-23-2008, 11:57 AM
Oh yeah. It's not uncommon for me to shoot the same exact speed over the chrono three times in a row. I love my E-mag.

06-23-2008, 12:58 PM
It's one of the great things about the automag. Even +/- 5 FPS is possible with a classic valve on COČ.

06-23-2008, 05:00 PM
I've never really considered mags all that consistent. Especially considering "RT Chrono Procedure" and pressure creep.

/mags rule!!1eleven! :rolleyes:

06-23-2008, 05:56 PM
is it going on youtube? With all the attention that mike guy is getting, you could get a really big audience with all the paintballers going on youtube all the time to check if mike has a new video out. It would be good advertising for the automag. ;)

BTW do you know how accurate the standard red chronograph is? I'd like to know how it compares to your awesome-looking one.

Small bore FTW!

video of the tests we did this weekend will be up as soon as we get them edited.

there was no video for the chrono testing, as that would be pointless. we tested backspin bolts, and different pumps to look for the "phantoms lob more than carters and snipers"

i sent the measurements we needed to compelete the chrono testing, so the revised spreadsheet should be up soon. now i need bryce to send me the videos from teh gun/range testing, ill quick edit them up and have them on youtube ASAP.

the funny thing is that poeple toss around +/- 5 fps and such so much, and yet, if you take 5 shots over the chrono and you get +/- 5 fps, thats TERRIBLE consistency compared to this mag. we tossed 20 rounds though it, and ended up with a total range of 6 fps.

worlds better than anything i have seen. yes, i have owned AKAs, macdev, SP, phantoms, snipers ... you name it.

current videos are posted here - http://youtube.com/user/gerglmuff