View Full Version : Emag Xmag Questions....

06-24-2008, 01:25 AM
My girlfriend just got me an X-mag, it worked great at the beginning of the day then started to have issues. how would i know if the solinoid was bad. basically what it does is the trigger registers as on but it wont fire even with the ace off. sometimes if i flip it to M with the electronics on it will shoot and then be ok for a while but if i wait then it will freeze up again, also when i put the safety on and try and fire it to hear the noid click it doesnt make much of a sound, so im thinking it needs a noid


06-24-2008, 03:51 AM
I think it could be a couple of things, recharge your battery (16.8v), check that the trigger magnet isn't set to close to the end of it's travel, check the connections are clean/snug, and try to clean your noid out with brasso or metal cleaner/polish. With the safety on the noid will click very lightly because the safety is blocking its full travel.

06-24-2008, 07:04 PM
im having troble getting past the part where your girlfriend gave you an x-mag :eek: i am envious

06-24-2008, 11:16 PM
trigger magnet and all that i checked, i didnt clean the noid, and i didnt check the connections yet, but when the noid clicks against the safety with my emag you can hear it, but when it clicks in my X you cant hear it if you dont put your ear up against the gun.

06-25-2008, 12:36 AM
also can or should you oil the noid? i adjusted my noid to see if maybe the pin length mattered but i cant shoot it that much because i live in an apt and its 2 am, either way i ordered a new noid to have incase i need it.