View Full Version : Ball detent problem (again)

06-25-2008, 02:15 PM
Ok guys. This is my second thread on this topic and I'm hoping you all can help me out the way you did the first time. (which was great by the way! :)

The last 3 times I got out on the field with my TAC ONE, I've come home with no ball detent! The metal piece that screws into the body is where it's suppose to be, but the little soft white part (white in my case) that makes contact with the ball goes missing.

I think that makes sense. I could take a picture if it doesn't.

Any ideas? Is this a user-related/created problem I'm having? What are your thoughts and/or recommendations. I'm at the point where I need to buy a new ball detent almost every (or every other) weekend. *sigh.

Thanks in advance!

06-25-2008, 02:27 PM
Wow that's a new one for me. I've had my Tac One for 4yrs now with the same detent.
Are you buying entirely new detents or just the insides?

06-25-2008, 02:50 PM
Wow that's a new one for me. I've had my Tac One for 4yrs now with the same detent.
Are you buying entirely new detents or just the insides?

Unfortunately, the entire detent! I'm building up quite a collection. lol

If I could buy just the insides, I would be a much happier baller. Any suggestions?

- Roger

06-25-2008, 04:01 PM
Is it a stock level 10 bolt?

Have you tried not screwing it down as far? Put it in only as far as it needs to go for your paint and loader and use some blue loctite to keep it from moving. I had one my son kept tightening with his fingers until it started dragging the bolt and came apart.

I've put a little oil on mine before, but I couldn't tell the difference.

06-25-2008, 08:53 PM
Put an oring around the detent to keep it from going in as far. Maybe that will help.

06-26-2008, 08:55 AM
Guys.. Thanks for the input. As I sit in hours of traffic driving home from work, I've been obsessing about what might be causing this problem and I think you are both correct when you imply that the detent is sticking in too far into the body of the gun.

My local paintball store is going to try to get their hands on a few of the little round detent and spring (so I don't have to buy the whole mechanism) so I can try that out. (Vision Paintball in E. Hanover, NJ ==> Thank you!) :)

I'm going to put some teflon tape (or locktight) on the screw-in part of the detent and not screw it all the way in.

Thanks again for spending the time to think about and respond to my little issue. :)

I'll post the results as soon as I know em'.


06-26-2008, 10:33 AM
Put an oring around the detent to keep it from going in as far. Maybe that will help.

I'd go with athomas. Sounds like your ball detent is sticking to far into the body and your bolt is killing your detent. Be aware that the detent only needs to be snug or finger tight to keep it from unscrewing. If you already have a o-ring on your detent try a thicker one....

07-18-2008, 09:06 AM
Thanks for all the help guys. I replaced the detent in my TAC ONE and decided to put an o-ring on it so it doesn't quite screw in all the way. Additionally, I put a little Teflon tape on the threading so I didn't have to worry about it unscrewing itself out.

After a couple cases of paint over the weekend (ION @ Skirmish), the detent is working PERFECT. Looks like you guys were right when you said the "detent is sticking to far into the body of the marker".

THANK YOU ALL! :headbang: :dance: