View Full Version : I stripped a screw...help!!!!

01-21-2002, 09:53 PM
I own an RT (old style) and have stripped out the screws holding on the sight rail. What is the best way to get them out and how can I get some new ones? Also the extra holes in the back of the marker (where the metal line goes from the vertical to the reg)...what can you do with those? I thought about putting a micro line from one of them to my elbow and trying to create an air assist. Will that work or will air constantly flow through it? Let me know.

01-22-2002, 12:31 AM
:D This is my expertise, I have friends who like to strip screws. What you do is take a dremel or a hacksaw, and cut across the screw in the middle making one slit though it. This creates a place where you can use a flathead screwdriver to remove it. ;) I still use a stripped screw on my mag, just use a flat head to take it on and off :cool: Hope this helps tata.

01-22-2002, 01:35 AM
Send it to me and I will fix it right for you. I am a Machinist. Most of the butchers here will just have you do more damage to your gun. I will do it for free. You will just have to pay the shipping costs.

01-22-2002, 11:18 AM
BUTCHER?! DAMAGE TO GUN?! ive done this manny times and if yer carefull it never hurts anything. Also craftsman makes a stripped screw remover set that u can buy at sears. that would be ideal, but then u have to buy a new screw. The way i told u to do it turns it into a flat head.

01-22-2002, 12:44 PM
Yeah, you heard me right. Butchers! Why turn it into a flat head screw when you can have it done right. My way will make it look good as new and you will never be able to tell anything was even done to the gun. I can also retap the hole and supply him with spare screws and wrenches at no cost. The choice is his, be a butcher or have a Machinist fix it right.

01-22-2002, 11:04 PM
im just trying to give him an option where he doesnt need to send his gun away.

01-23-2002, 08:11 AM
i notice that alot of the screws on the sight rails strip pretty easily. ive striped 3 or 4 of them.. its soo annoying!! i always just did what liigod has done untill i could replace them.

01-23-2002, 08:51 AM
actually the hacksaw/dremal method works quite well....

i end up using a hackksaw at work on a daily basis to remove socket head screws of different types.... most commonly used on 6/32 x 1/4 button heads..... them little buggers love to strip out and tat is even using a new 5/32 hex key to typ to get them out properly..... people always seem to think that the tighter the better..... but on small screws like those and the ones commonly found on our beloved paintball markers, it is not nesscary.....

and again the hacksaw method wrorks great if you have the spare screws handy or know that you can get them easily enough..... and when done properly.... it is not a butcher method..... and yes i am also a machinest by trade and my current job has mmy repairing tools and machine parts on a daily basis

01-23-2002, 09:22 AM
You dont need to take send it out, you can probably just take it to a local garage or something and they will have the correct tools to fix it. It's not a hard procedure.

01-23-2002, 12:36 PM
The choice is Rat Freak's. I personally would not put a hacksaw anywhere near my guns or anybody elses for that matter. If he wants to do it that is his choice. It is his gun. I think I made him a nice offer to fix it for free and set him up with spare parts for the gun.

01-23-2002, 01:03 PM
i had the same screw strip a few weeks ago. I took my allen key....put some no name goop glue on it......stuck it in there...waited about 30 seconds and voila! now that key works better with all of em, and it works with teh stripped one just fine too

01-23-2002, 01:13 PM
dude, yer offer was friggen awesome possum. I neversaid it wasnt, but just be carefull with yer nouns. Calling it a butcher method is just unneccissary and implyed that i was giving him info that would fudge up his gun. if he has the time he should send it to you. Ifnot then he should just use my method. Simle as that.

01-23-2002, 01:43 PM
I still think using a hacksaw is a butcher way of doing it. To each their own. You do it your way and I will do mine. My offer still stands if anybody needs some help. Not just this guy. I will help out anybody that I can.

01-23-2002, 03:27 PM
I have never stipped a screw in a paintball marker that I couldn't get out. I have used the dremel to make flat headed screws out of many hex screws in my R/C cars. It's not a hack job, it's not butchering, it's just a simple and cheap solution to removing stripped screws. If you replace the screw with a new one once you get it out, no on would ever be able to tell you did it.

Just remember, hacksaws and duct tape are the handyman's more important tools:)