View Full Version : E-Mag battery -> hopper

06-29-2008, 06:55 AM
Let me start by saying that I did try to search first. I found a few results here and there, but could not find any explicit instructions.

I just recently picked up an E-Mag as a project and considering wiring my battery to my VL Eye-Force hopper. I don't have the specs of the hopper at hand but can easily look them up.

I was just wondering if anyone has done anything like this? (found a few threads re: Halo but no instructions)

I know that it will cut down my battery life a bit but I'm not too concerned about that. If I can make it through a full day of play, I'm fine.

I'm not too electrically-inclined, but I have some friends that could help out.

Any suggestions or instructions?


dark blade
07-01-2008, 10:34 PM
well here are my comments, concerns, and suggestions

first off nice idea and it would sure be a nice project to work on and would be intense if it worked.

next let me point out that your biggest problem is going to be converting and regulating the power from the battery into the equivalent of a 9volt or 6 AA's depending on the hopper.

also... i would just like to comment that your next hardest problem is going to be a unique one... in that you are going to need some way to disconnect the hopper from the battery at some point but the only feasible way i could see doing this is through a phone jack similar to an intellifeed. However, when this happens you are going to mix the positive and negative and i fear that when you plug it into the female adapter that you attach to your hopper it will not be able to sort out and seperate the polarizations and the charges of the electricity.

Now, on the plus side, if you can figure out a way to convert the power to that of a usable amount without limiting the board of the marker and can make it so that you can remove the hopper without having to do antyhing fancy it will just be a matter of soldering 1 or 2 wires to 3 or 4 places.

i will do some research tomarow about the currents of the battery and those used in your hopper and i will try to find a way to convert it safely and easily without having to carry around a huge unit. be sure to stay tuned everyone... its gonna be a bumpy ride

07-01-2008, 10:58 PM
This should help you out... http://www.robagd.com/revy-hack/

Everything old, is new again... :D