View Full Version : a couple simple questions.

06-29-2008, 07:09 PM
is there any advantage to using a larger bolt spring if the little one gets me to the velocity i need?

also i have a warp right ule body for a q loader. and while i love the system. its all just too much hassle and i think im gonna switch to a standard loader. think i could just toss a elbow on the warp right and stick a loader on there? i dont realy mind selling this one and buying a centerfeed.. just curious if it would work. it seems if the hopper was force fed it probably would.

06-29-2008, 07:25 PM
A larger spring would be easier on paint. But it might not be able to reach a velocity as low as a shorter spring.

I'm not sure about the 90* elbow, I'll let someone who's tryed it answer that, but have you considered a warp feed? I know it's warp right, but you could rig it up like I did, it's really cool!


06-29-2008, 07:53 PM
warps are very cool but not for me.. just too many things.. i like my gun simple.

06-29-2008, 08:54 PM
is there any advantage to using a larger bolt spring if the little one gets me to the velocity i need?


To start off, you have to understand that when using the lvlx bolt, it releases air in 2 different stages during a single cycle:

-The first stage is the air released to prevent raising pressure and to prevent chopping.
-The second stage is the air released to propel the paintball.

Knowing that, the only modification changing the spring does is change the amount of pressure exerted from the bolt on the paintball. The longer the spring, the more resistance the bolt will encouter while it is pushed forward, the more time it will take to reach the firing stage and the longer it stays in the anti-chop stage.

So changing the bolt should not change your velocity, however, it will change gentleness of the bolt.