View Full Version : TEAM AO SOCAL VI >Practice Announcement <

01-22-2002, 01:16 AM
We will be practicing on February 3rd, 2002 at Jungle Island Paintball Park. For all you regulars that would be the same place we did it last time. Just in case, here is a link (http://www.jungle-island.com/index2.asp) I think last practice was great and I must shout out a special thanks to Rey(gibby), Alex, Alvin, and Jerimiah for the grub they provided and the great day of play that they brought to practice. I hope you guys decide to stay with us and possibly get in some tournies with us. Also, I want to encouarge all you southern californian paintballers to come out to practice with us. We like to see new faces. You can be any age and shoot any kind of gun. Feel free to e-mail me for any additional info about our practices. Please post if you plan on attending.

P.S. By the way Toymyster I have a huge bump on my head from you. That was a really great shot.

01-22-2002, 10:09 AM
Thanks Mark. Yeah, that was a fun day no doubt. I will most definitely try to make it out again on the 3rd. I know Alex won't be able to make it, as he's booked for the month of February, but I'll try and get Jerimiah and Alvin to come along again, and hopefully maybe a few new faces. I'll also try and get you their email addresses sometime today too. Peace!

01-22-2002, 11:37 PM
Did I schedule practice the same day as the super bowl???
LMK... If you still wanna practice or what?
I know I do.

BTW Sorry about the delay on the info I was supposed to e-mail you guys but I left my bag at my girlfriends house. I should have the info by the end of the week in your boxes.

Sir. Foxalot
01-23-2002, 12:06 AM
Hey I am interested I live in Glendale anyone near by to car pool? I shoot a mag of coarse and would love to practice with you guys!! Any detalles on prices? or is that in the link. Thanx alot Hope I can see you guys down there!!
*edit* it is super bowl sunday but yeah I can probbaly make it but I will go just about anytime for paintball

01-23-2002, 12:42 AM
No worries about Sunday the third on my end. However, I'll have to ask the other peeps about it. But let's definitely keep in touch. How about Saturday practices if the scheduled Sunday is already planned out for some of them?

Also, you mentioned about the Isoplex in Van Nuys being turned into an indoor paintball field? Do you have a website or more info in terms of pricing and scheduling?

Thanks. =)

01-23-2002, 12:51 AM
Actually gun or no gun I plan on paying a visit to the XPARK(Iceoplex turned paintball) on Friday just to check it out. You guys in San diego and other southern places may have trouble getting there scince it is so far. LMK. I know some of the guys that work there so I will see whats up. I believe it will only be good for pick up games and not to good for drills but if we want to we could make a day of it. I will be there friday night if any of you guys want to show up. I will probably not bring my gear and just snoop around.

01-23-2002, 09:57 AM
Cool deal. I will most likely be working on Friday but let me know what you find out. Being able to go there during the week just for pick up games sounds like fun. Also, a friend and I were talking last night and if our initial plans for his bday doesn't go through, we might just make it a day of paintball at California Paintball Park( http://www.paintballpark.net/ ). I'll keep you posted on that as well.

If we do go on Saturday, anyone who is interested in joining us is more than welcome to. I'll follow up and let everyone know if we'll be there or not. Lates!

01-23-2002, 01:42 PM
Feb 3rd sounds good!!! Although I might have to leave a bit early!!!

01-23-2002, 02:20 PM
you like exclamation marks don't you.;) ok

Sir. Foxalot I live in the valley I could probably swing by and pic you up. LMK where you are at. How old are you and why can't you drive?

Sir. Foxalot
01-23-2002, 05:26 PM
Hey Bonx-
LOl its a funny story actually I just failed my Drivers test today I am 16. LOL man she had her head so far.. well anywase ya so i cant drive till Feb 11. I will PM you as soon as I know for sure If i can go. Thanx

Where n the valley do you live?

01-23-2002, 11:02 PM
I live in Chatsworth.

01-24-2002, 10:37 AM
Sorry I could not make it to last practice but I will make this one along with about 4-5 outher mag shooters and a few non mag users. And we will have a camera man filming the action. So correct me if im wrong but FEB 3RD IS THE FINAL DATE RIGHT? AND THIS IS A SUNDAY AT THE JUNGLE ONCE AGAIN. Because this is the day I have told all my guys practice is on and it is set.;)

01-24-2002, 10:58 AM
wow thats alot of guys...yes feb 3rd is the finalized day for practice.

01-24-2002, 11:54 AM
Cooool were there!!!:D

01-25-2002, 12:08 PM
Wow, it seems our numbers are growing!!! This is great, can't wait till the 3rd!!!

01-26-2002, 01:54 AM
Ok folks... I went to the new indoor paintball park in Van Nuys called XPARK. It only cost 20 bucks for admission and all day air. I also believe I saw them compress filling tanks.(kicking self for not asking what psi they fill to)Anyway, It has only one field and it is pretty dead there. They told me that wednesday night is a good night to go because alot of teams are there that night. It is BYOP as long as it breaks white. They only charge 60 for a case of feild paint so thats not too bad. The guys said that we probably would only be able get some good scrimage games on wednesday night because alot of teams practice that day. However we could go any nigt we wanted. I think practice VII will be there. LMK what you guys think or ask some questions if you need more info.

01-26-2002, 01:57 AM
Markskee are you guys a team or are you guys looking to possibly become apart of our team?

01-26-2002, 02:00 AM
i wont be at practice VI, sorry guys i will try to be at the next one

01-26-2002, 02:05 AM
Ok dude we will catch you at VII. I will post it after feb 3rd.

01-26-2002, 10:41 PM
By the way, Who has my screw driver????

01-27-2002, 12:17 AM
Weren't all you guys sharing toolz??? Ask gibby if any of his friends have it. i am sure it was an accident.

01-28-2002, 12:53 AM
Sir. Foxalot I still have heard nothing from you. let me know what you want to do.

Sir. Foxalot
01-28-2002, 07:47 AM
Sorry for taking so long Bonx My parents are being weird about me going to a practice with "strangers" so I wont be able to go unless I firend can take me down which isnt out of the question. SO thanx but no thanx on the ride but hopefully I can still go to the practice!!

01-28-2002, 10:20 AM
Hey Toy, I know I don't have your screw driver but I'll ask the other guys. What's the color(s) of the handle and I'll see if they might have it in their toolbox. I'm guessing the only person who might have it is Alvin so I'll send him a quick ICQ and ask him to check. But I remember him asking me to put something back into your yellow(?) toolbox. I'll post when I hear back from them.

01-28-2002, 10:47 AM
Yes we are looking to become part of a team or at least play as a group on a regular bassis. See you at practice maybee we can get something together there.:D

01-28-2002, 02:42 PM
Sounds good...maybe we could get the video on the internet so the members of AO can see it...just a thought.

01-30-2002, 01:38 PM
Well, this practice will be the first where I am not borrowing something from someone. For once all my gear will be in the same place. I am getting my gun on thursday. YAY. You have no idea how happy I am that I can finally use my own junk instead of borrowing all bobs stuff. Bob I am very appreciative for what you have done for me. Without you I would have been unable to practice until now. You are a great example of the good people that are here on AO. Thank you again.:)

01-30-2002, 03:21 PM
Yes, Bonx is finally complete!!!!! This sounds like the best practice yet!!! I for one, am itching to play!!! See everyone there!!! By the way, dress warm!!!

01-30-2002, 03:42 PM
Yeah, us californians may have to play in the snow for once. thank god for HPA.

02-02-2002, 12:31 PM
Just a quick reminder to all for tomorrow. I will be there bright and early. I might bring a someone with me if they are not to tired from playing sat. Lets all check in now!!!

02-02-2002, 12:48 PM
man your blood must be thin. i remember when i lived in san fran. and we had a light dusting of snow on the ground untill about 10:00am everything shut down and no one would go outside (except me... in a T-shirt... but that's canadians for you eh?)

02-02-2002, 02:34 PM
Gibby checking in...if all goes well...my friend and I should be able to go. See you all bright and early!

02-02-2002, 10:39 PM
I want to here more people check in.