View Full Version : Triton vs. Chimera

07-05-2008, 07:29 PM
Ok, so I'm strongly thinking of building my own pneumag given the G-Force debacle..

Trying to decide between using a Triton or Chimera frame.
I have not had the opportunity to try either of these so I'm seeking fellow AOer's opinions.

I currently have an Intelli with a reasonable drop forward if that helps.

EDIT: Perhaps MANN could chime in given his extensive collection of trigger frames ;)

07-05-2008, 07:59 PM
what are you wanting to know?

The feel is probably going to be personal preference.

If you like an Intelli then more than likely imo you will like the triton.
If you want a drop foward I would not use a 90* frame.
Another frame to consider is the umf. I am kinda a bigger guy 5'11" 210lbs, and have sorta fat fingers. This frame IMO is going to give you the same angle as the Iframe, but is bigger.

All of the frames Intelliframe, 90* (both rpg and logic), triton, umf, etc have more than enough room to place everything internal if you do it correctly.

Are you going pneumatic or Epneu?

07-05-2008, 08:15 PM
what are you wanting to know?


If you want a drop foward I would not use a 90* frame.

Something like that ;) Just looking for any useful input. Do you not recommend the 90* because of the angle which your hand/wrist sits?
I'm almost wondering if a Y-Frame might be worth considering given the drop but it just seems so awkward.

Another frame to consider is the umf. I am kinda a bigger guy 5'11" 210lbs, and have sorta fat fingers. This frame IMO is going to give you the same angle as the Iframe, but is bigger.

All of the frames Intelliframe, 90* (both rpg and logic), triton, umf, etc have more than enough room to place everything internal if you do it correctly.

Are you going pneumatic or Epneu?

I'm using a Dallara rail w/ a foregrip, so the UMF is out. I also don't care for the square-shaped trigger frame.
Definitely going for pneumatic.. no batteries.

Compared to the Intelliframe, what do you think of the Triton comfort-wise?

Thanks for the input! :dance:

07-05-2008, 08:59 PM
Compared to the Intelliframe, what do you think of the Triton comfort-wise?

Honestly I donk know. I have yet to put it on a rail/body. I am working on it right now. If I finish it up I will let you know. Hopefully I can run some paint through it :D

07-06-2008, 05:06 PM
Anyone else have input? Even if you haven't used both, just give me a bit of info based on what you do have.
(ex, Mann mentioned not using a drop for 90* frames)

Since pretty much everyone has used an intelly at some point, that's my basis for comparison. Not having local AO'ers with either setup makes it difficult to try them out and expensive to purchase both.

07-06-2008, 05:13 PM
Isn't a triton the same as a umf but shorter to fit a classic length rail?

I've had a umf and a few chimeras. The chimera is my favorite.
Not sure about the "no drop" part.
I've used a drop with mine, makes for a very tight set up.

http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l74/MadMarx1/th_blueNblack006.jpg (http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l74/MadMarx1/blueNblack006.jpg)http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l74/MadMarx1/th_blueNblack010.jpg (http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l74/MadMarx1/blueNblack010.jpg)

07-06-2008, 06:56 PM
tritons are curved out alot more then a umf,, imo the triton is comfy-er than a umf but that is all preference.