View Full Version : Question for Tom

Evil Emperor
01-22-2002, 11:09 AM
When you are looking of someone to join you R&D team what kind of qualifications are you looking for? I'm not asking this so I can work at AGD, I'm asking this so I know what courses to take in college.

01-22-2002, 11:16 AM
Not a Beep Blue subject. Moving this to Main Forum.

Evil Emperor
01-22-2002, 11:40 AM
Ahh but you are wrong. The Deep Blue forum is a place in which highly technical things are to be discussed. I'm asking Tom what kinds of qualifications are needed to develop paintball markers/products. Please move this back.

01-22-2002, 11:50 AM
this is a question for Tom about qualifications for developing paintball products. this belongs in the main forum.

DB is a place where we discuss and debate the more technical topics of paintball.

BTW- the question you asked has been answered before, try doing a search :)

Evil Emperor
01-22-2002, 11:52 AM
Thanks I'll do that.

01-22-2002, 11:55 AM
Ahh but you are wrong. The Deep Blue forum is a place in which highly technical things are to be discussed. I'm asking Tom what kinds of qualifications are needed to develop paintball markers/products. Please move this back.
Ahhh but YOU are wrong. ;)

You see, Cphilip was around when Deep Blue was Fight Club. He was also around when it changed TO Deep Blue. He was also around when the new forum software was implemented and it messed up all the old Deep Blue posts, and it became much LESS than it was intended to be.

Might I suggest doing just a little research to see what Deep Blue is actually suppose to be about? You will find that many of the posts there now would still fall short of the actual intention of Deep Blue… and yours would not even be close.

This post is not intended to be rude in any way, but to help you understand that Cphilip did the correct thing and that you are not quite aware of what Deep Blue is suppose to be about. The move was correct.

(Edited: Posts were made while I was writing this.)

01-22-2002, 11:56 AM
Judgement call. But mine to make. We can argue all day. If I go with your argument then I would ask you to look at the other thread already there about this kind of thing and I might be tempted to merge this one into it. I assume you read it? This one: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22145 And then still you posted one about near the same subject (i.e. what to take in college to become a paintball designer etc.) and you directed yours only to Tom was about the main difference. So I could have just merged it couldn't I? Maybe.... By the way if it wasn't already passed on by others I would have moved that one too.... But instead I did you the favor of moving it to main for wider responses. I will stick with my initial decision.

01-22-2002, 11:58 AM
Oh sorry...too slow...thanks for getting my back you guys!:D

Evil Emperor
01-22-2002, 12:09 PM
Thanks guys for helping me understand my mistake.

In the other post I didn't see anything about electronics. I'm currently taking a course taught by a man that travels all over the world for the company that he works for. I think if a major in that I will have a better chance of getting into the industry.

01-22-2002, 12:34 PM
Elctrical sounds like a good fit. But Computer Engineering even? Hydralics and Pnematics whatever that Engineering field is in. I say Computer Engineering might surely have a lot of plus for career field advancement outside and inside Paintball world. If you like I can hook you up with one of our Computer Engineering Profs here at Clemson University who also plays Paintball for some one on one chat on it.

Evil Emperor
01-22-2002, 12:44 PM
That would be very cool if you would give e-mail/IM name. But it will be several years before I start going to college cuz I'm only 15.

01-22-2002, 01:21 PM
Not too early to start planning. Introduce yourself and be brief and polite ok?

PM on the way.

01-22-2002, 04:24 PM
Read these two threads. They'll give you some insight as to what you're looking towards.



Evil Emperor
01-22-2002, 05:06 PM
Thanks for those links, BlackVCG.

cphilip, when I got his PM I'll just ask him about Computer Engineering, ect.
Well thanks guys youve all been a really helpful.