View Full Version : Set up weight

07-08-2008, 10:58 PM
Hey guys, I'm still working on this mag, and I'm worried that it might be a bit of a clunker as far as weight is concerned. I was interested in what your setups weigh so I could have a goal to at least be somewhere in that range.
Right now, mine's a brick at nearly 6 pounds, but there's still a lot of material on there.
So, if you would be kind enough to take the time, take your loader and airsystem off, and weigh your mag.
I'm very interested.

07-08-2008, 11:01 PM
What parts do you need weighed Dan???


I've got my fully functional ready to go sans barrel barrel down to 1.3 lbs. :headbang:

I've got a few more things to do to it to pull it down some more as I'm trying to hit 1 lb even to include the barrel.

I've got a scale that I can get you most parts weights that I have in Grams, Oz's, Pounds...

What setup do you have and what weights are you looking for?


07-09-2008, 10:12 AM
I'm looking for an average weight of the mag, including body(what kind doesn't matter), rail, grip frame, drop forward, asa, front grip, barrel and so on. Any type of mag really, just without the air system and loader.
The setup I am working on is completely custom. I made the grip frame and the rail myself. It's very beefy, and I just don't want to become known for the heaviest mag around.
Any input would help,