View Full Version : i am selling my mag because of AGD

angry owner
01-22-2002, 02:46 PM
well here is my story and since i cant get any help from AGD i figured i would try here

i recently bought an Emag
when i got it it ripped was workin great i loved it
then i had a little problem with it chopping, but it wasnt bad so i figured no big deal
i played a few times with it, maybe 5 or 6, and magnets out of the trigger broke. i am not sure how and i wasnt even sure what happened till i talked to a friend and he apparently knew what the problem was. well i wasnt happy that my new gun had just broke so i packed up my gear and went home. that week i called AGD tech support and talked to a guy named John. he was helpful and told me to just send it in and he would take care of me no problem. his attitude really kinda settled me down cause i wasnt very happy, but i loved my gun so i sent it in. after all problems can happen to any gun.it took a little time to get my gun back but that was to be expected. so i went to play with it the weekend after i got it back and it didnt work
i tried to mess with it a little to get it to work, like the velocity and stuff, but i really didnt know what i was doing so i sent home again. by now i was more than a little agitated, i had spent money at a field 2 days now that i wan unable to use my gun. and even after i had sent it to AGD it wasnt fixed. i called up AGD again and asked to talk to the same guy named John. when i talked to him he said it was impossible that the gun didnt work and that i must have done something to it. i told him i took it out of the box and hooked up air to it and it didnt shoot, i mean everything looked like it shoudl shoot but it just didnt. i asked him if there was a possibility he forgot to put something back in. he got all upset and started flipping out. all he kept saying was that i screwed it all up. i was like cool it man can i send it back to get it fixed. he said he had all this work piled up and didnt have enough time to deal with little kids sending back the guns he had just fixed because they decided they wanted to be techs and do it themselves. then he said that if i wanted to send it back i could but it might not be done for a long time. although he didnt come out and say it i got the impression that he wasnt going to work on my gun even if it was the only one there to fix. then, because he was being such a jerk, i asked to talk to another tech. he said no and hung up on me. this was the last straw. not only had AGD made a gun that broke in the first few uses but there tech support was appaling. i mean all i ever asked for was a working gun, and apparently that was to much to ask of Tom Kaye and his employees. because of his company i am selling my e-mag, and taking a dive on it because it is broke, and probably buying an angel or something. my friend has an angel and at least it doesnt break. maybe WDPs tech support is better. thank God that a friend told me about automags.org so that hopefully this problem gets resolved. i just hope that all the other people in the world dont have to deal with the same guy i do. he was the only contact i had at AGD and as there representative i was extremely unsatisfied. i will never buy a AGD product again simply because of this single incident, furthermore i will encourage all the people i know not to buy anything AGD.

angry owner
01-22-2002, 02:47 PM
*Edit* I merged the thread from the tech forum to this one in the main forum. Please do not double post threads.

01-22-2002, 02:52 PM
sorry to hear that. Im sure AGD will straighten it out for you.

01-22-2002, 02:55 PM
Dude, I can't believe that happened. I've never had but great service from AGD for over 11 years and brother John has always been a great help. That doesn't sound like him at all. Sorry to lose you as an Automag player. Thoes Emag's can be tricky, I wouldn't even mess with one, and I've been through the tech class.

01-22-2002, 02:55 PM
i'll trade u my angel for it. ;)

01-22-2002, 02:56 PM
you should sell it...to me. for $400 i can take that off of your hands and maybe i can pull some tricks out of my hat and get that bunny up and running.

01-22-2002, 03:02 PM
Well for one thing Jon doesn't work on Emags. Thats why he said that. Not to be smart. You took it wrong. He is not the Emag tech.

Tell us, detail by detail, what its doing so we can help you. You have not given us any details to start working with. We will help you.

01-22-2002, 03:03 PM
I really wouldnt sell it. If you were not impressed with the way John worked, then call AGD and ask for any tech besides John. Maybe its just a bad E-mag. Make sure you tell them about the trigger, although i didnt know that you could break a magnet unless it fell out or somethin. But is you do sell it I wouldnt get an angel. Ive had lots of problems with mine, and they really arent what everyone makes them out to be. If I were you I would try to get in touch with Tom if he doesnt reply to this thread.

01-22-2002, 03:13 PM
I have emailed you, Angry Owner, asking for some details so we can investigate this. I'm also posting in case the email does not get to you. Please send me the RA number and/or the serial number of your Emag, plus your name and phone number.

Thank you.

Marcia Purse
Administrative Assistant
Airgun Designs

brian terry
01-22-2002, 03:16 PM
a bro sorry abought your emag not working..tell you what tom will be going to mg all this week,so he wont be in till next week,but email me at brian terry [email protected] and ill help you out and get the gun shooting so you can use it or sale it ,its up to you let me know....

01-22-2002, 03:21 PM
i dont know what your deal was. i have had nothing but extreme politeness from jon. hes a good guy. and i am willing to bet that every person on this forum will attest to that.
I am not meaning to flame you but i bet you were less than polite to him. i know that when its a job on the line the only time people will bust on someone is only after this person has been rude to them for quite some time.

01-22-2002, 03:24 PM
that post is giving me second thoughts about getting that emag...:(

01-22-2002, 03:31 PM
Nonsense!!!! You will not find better customer service than AGD. There is some extra stuff here we have not heard yet. Keep the faith. Wait till the whole story comes out. It can and will be fixed I have no doubt. Here you have the Office Gal (aka Marcia) and a Tech from AGD (Brian) asking to look into it right away. Where else you gonna get that?

01-22-2002, 03:38 PM
Ohhh boy...mods are gonna have a field day with this one.

Lets see, there are easily thousands of E-Mag owners out there that love thier guns and have no problems what so ever. I had a problem with mine when I first got it, turns out it wasent the E-Mag at all, it was the Warp Feed (just wasent timed correctly). Nothing mechanical at all. Thats not to say that mechanical failure dosent occur. But, in your case, I hardly believe that Jon would just "flip out" on you for no reason. He is one of the best techs in the country. Secondly, was your battery charged? Did you try toggeling from E mode to Manual? Was there enough air in your tank? There are a slew of things that you could check first when the gun dosent fire. AGD does not send guns back without first TEST FIREING them. So I find it VERY hard to believe that your gun was sent back to you DOA. AGD's tech support is the BEST IN THE BUSINESS. Once again, hundreds of members on this forum can attest to that.

What do I think? I think first you should have: A.) Spent some time and LEARNED about your E-Mag, learn about its inner workings, how it works etc. by watching the video. B.) Made an attempt to do part A.

Good day...:rolleyes:

01-22-2002, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by angry owner
but i really didnt know what i was doing so i sent home again.

It might help if you knew what you were doing :rolleyes:

01-22-2002, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by angry owner
i tried to mess with it a little to get it to work, like the velocity and stuff, but i really didnt know what i was doing...

Originally posted by angry owner
he said he had all this work piled up and didnt have enough time to deal with little kids sending back the guns he had just fixed because they decided they wanted to be techs and do it themselves.

01-22-2002, 03:48 PM
Look for a little white slip that should be in the box, that AGD sent back to you, it shows what the chrony speed your 'mag was shooting before going into the box, proving they tested and chronied it before shipping it out. They do this to every new and repaired gun they assemble/get for repair. As for John, hes a great guy, always polite and friendly, at least to me... and ive both talked with him on the phone and have met him personally, and isnt the kind of guy that just 'flips out' over minute matters, heck, ive seen him trying to fix mags with a dozen AOers roaming around, and working on their own mags in his tech area, he was laughing and having a great time all the while, if hes so quick to 'flip out' without reason Id say he would have done so with all those people crowding his tech area and borrowing tools... what you described, doesnt sound like good old john in the least, which makes me start to wonder what the other side of the story is.

01-22-2002, 04:00 PM
I have had a problem much like that with my Minimag before. It turns out that when I would gas the gun, the seat was sticking and I would have to take my allen and turn the vol. adjuster up and down a bit and then the gun would charge and work fine the rest of the day. I do not know where you bought the gun, but this is another example of why you should support your local paintball pro shop and buy from them. Every time I have had a problem with my gun, they are there to help me with the problem at little or no cost.

PS: I was having problems with my seating because my gun got charged at 3000 pc busting my 1200 gauge and turning most of my orings into pancakes =P Oops ;)

RT 01037
01-22-2002, 04:04 PM
ha ha grey_goose and mattyfatty182 that is a very strong point.

01-22-2002, 04:05 PM
*In Paul Harvey voice*

"And now...the rest of the story...."

Come on...let's hear it...

01-22-2002, 04:06 PM
that shouldnt have happened if the AIR is rated to work at 3k.... hmmm.

RT 01037
01-22-2002, 04:08 PM
i also agree with cphilip, agd has the best customer service, every time i have had to deal with them they where more than helpfull.

01-22-2002, 04:13 PM
Jon is an awesome guy, too bad he doesn't do ANYTHING to Emags, besides answer the phone on the tech line and forward you. I'd love to hear the rest of the story, and what "little things" you did to it.

01-22-2002, 04:26 PM
well i guess he was right about something dealing with little kids must be tough buuuuut you need to have more patience hell if you dont want your gun i will trade you a football for it or something along the lines a little kid would like. oh daddy oh daddy give me a fire truck lol not flaming just want a truck. i mean E-Mag

01-22-2002, 04:29 PM
Guys, I think adjusting the velocity is within normal E-Mag tuning proceedures, and if messing with the velocity can mess up your gun, then something is awefully wrong with the gun. Leave off him about the "little things" he did. It could have happened to you, and everyone would be sitting here saying the same thing to you. Be a little nicer.

01-22-2002, 04:48 PM
Warped RT, to be honest I have very little respect for someone who signs up with the name "angry user" and flames AGD. His story was one sided, and he left out many details. No one has taken it hard on him anyways.

01-22-2002, 04:52 PM
i agree with irobbden very poor form angy owner.

01-22-2002, 04:58 PM
Ok... That was a dumb thing to do angry owner. You contradicted yourself a lot of times in that one post.

"I messed around with it, velocity and stuff... I didn't know what I was doing though"
"he said he had all this work piled up and didnt have enough time to deal with little kids sending back the guns he had just fixed because they decided they wanted to be techs and do it themselves."

How wrong could that be!?!? You friggin messed up your gun yourself and then you go FLAMING at an UNDERSTAFFED OVERWORKED paintball company that is actually WILLING TO HELP unlike some other companies that don't give jack "crap" about you. Maybe you should be more grateful that they actually offered to help...

I'm just guessin you're some ooky feller like BONESisaGOD trying to stir up more commotion....

01-22-2002, 05:07 PM
For the first time EVER, I completly agree 100% with FooTemps. It's the classic "I'm gonna act like something happened that didn't and blame it on shotty AGD products/service" syndrome. From what I've seen AGD has THE BEST customer service around, anytime anyone I know has had problems with their Mags they've sent them off, and got them back better than new.

So 1 of 2 things is occuring here. You're either a bumbling, lying fool, or two you're being truthfully, but have yet to watch the tech video which should show you must of what you need to know.

And secondly, where do you get off going staright to the forums with a matter like this? That is so un-believably childish. At least contact the company first, and see if any of the techs could answer your questions, and talk in a polite manner, and ask how/when/why could it not be functioning. From the way your post sounds, I interperted(sp?) that you probably called the AGD techs yelling your head off, and being completly dis-respectful.

01-22-2002, 05:35 PM
Ok...I KNOW I will recieve a beating for this but I believe you "angry owner," AGD does have great tech support, but I do not think you did anything to actually mess with the gun when you got it back...because why would you?

IT could of been a miscommunication between everyone, but its harmless, and you can get this problem resolved. When you said that you will never use AGD prducts because of this 1 incident it kinda of showed me your arrogance.

01-22-2002, 05:36 PM
hmmmmmm somone isnt tellin the whole story..(and or) the truth

01-22-2002, 05:58 PM
is this guy gonna come back and post or is he gonnna keep on whineing about his broken gun in other forums bringing down agd when everyone is willing to help him...

01-22-2002, 06:18 PM
Did this person bother to recharge the battery pack?

Angry Owner,
you flame AGD for not catering to your whims when you in fact screwed with a perfectly fine marker. AGD would not have sent back a marker that didn't function without reason. Why don't you have your parents take care of the repairs/replacement of your marker and leave this forum alone. You are quite immature and need to be spanked at the very least. Stop playing paintball and go play something more your style and age...like Checkers.

01-22-2002, 06:30 PM
LOL Who is worse? Those who may be blowing something out of proportion (or even down right lying).. or those that want to jump on them with NO facts of their own, one way or the other? Sounds a bit like the pot calling the kettle black to me.

I sometimes think people come here KNOWING that any comment contrary to "AGD Worship" will cause a massive feeding frenzy. They can do hit and runs and watch AO destroy itself and any credibility it may have once had.

Isn't that part of the problem other forums had with AO members?

Why not just give appropriate weight to posts and not weight they don’t deserve?

If this guy is full of it, just let the thread drop and disappear… and if he is NOT, then it is not anyone’s concern but his and AGD's.

But that is just how I see it.

RT 01037
01-22-2002, 06:35 PM
every body just forget about it he was wrong and he has no patience. he is just getting us all worked up. apparently he does not want anthying to do with agd or this forum so forget about him.

01-22-2002, 06:36 PM
Shartly thanks for saving me from typing a long post

01-22-2002, 08:00 PM
Did you ever consider the reason that his story is one sided? , MAybe it's because he only saw one side of AGD. The side they let him see. While I do not share in his unfortunate problems with the tech support, he may have a good reason too. If he wants to sell his gun, he should do it, because it's obviously not making him happy. And besides, if he has enough money and enough brains to even buy an E-mag, he must have experience with guns of this sort, so i doubt that he forgot to check the air pressure of the tank, or charge the battery.

You have to remember, ALL companies let out a few lemons. If they didn't, they would be perfect, and you'd see every pro using an E-Mag or other AGDs products. I think he got a lemon. Yes, he did leave out some details, but from what He said, I'd have to agree with him, and he should get rid of his gun. He can get somethign taht will make him happy. Messing with the velocity should not keep the gun from working at all.

01-22-2002, 09:12 PM
the whole story just sounds a little fishy to me. Sounds almost like some stuff is being left out. I must say, I have absolutely no experience with AGD customer service, I mean, why would I, my mag is absolutely flawless!!!!!!:D

01-22-2002, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by FooTemps

I'm just guessin you're some ooky feller like BONESisaGOD trying to stir up more commotion....

Dang Foo, you beat me to it I was just about to say this looks like "I got hit by a superbolt part two".

01-22-2002, 09:45 PM
I would like to hear the other side of the story before i comment... I have spoken to Jon before he has always been courtious to me. The description you offered is not characteristic of him at all.

01-22-2002, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by shartley
LOL Who is worse? Those who may be blowing something out of proportion (or even down right lying).. or those that want to jump on them with NO facts of their own, one way or the other? Sounds a bit like the pot calling the kettle black to me.

I sometimes think people come here KNOWING that any comment contrary to "AGD Worship" will cause a massive feeding frenzy. They can do hit and runs and watch AO destroy itself and any credibility it may have once had.

Isn't that part of the problem other forums had with AO members?

Why not just give appropriate weight to posts and not weight they don’t deserve?

If this guy is full of it, just let the thread drop and disappear… and if he is NOT, then it is not anyone’s concern but his and AGD's.

But that is just how I see it.

hrmmmm.......looks like Shartley got one right this time ;)

01-22-2002, 09:49 PM
Also havent you guys noticed he hasnt been back to defend himself, he posted once, stirred you guys up, then left. If he was that compassionite enough to rid himself of an un-worthy product, dont you think he would be defending himself after every attack? This is obviously an attack on AO, trying to stir us up.

01-22-2002, 09:50 PM
Hey, how about this -

A) Somebody who may or may not have told the whole story


B) A group of people who because of a previous mistrust issue jump all over a kid/guy/girl/whatever because they believe someone is trying to No cussing, consider yourself spanked! with them again?

Let's wait for him to respond before we kill 'em, all right guys? Sheesh...


01-22-2002, 10:18 PM
This will be a bit of an eye opening for Automags.org, seeing as how NO company is perfect, and that NO company has perfect support, this is nice to see a not so great side to AGD, everyone has imperfections....

01-22-2002, 10:18 PM

I doubt he's responding again. It was prolly just one post to piss everyone off... OR he was really upset about it and wanted to say goodbye AGD...

01-22-2002, 10:29 PM
id be afraid to post to if i had all these people saying these things about me. Right now, we are forced to beleive him because we have heard nothing else, regardless of whether this _sounds_ like AGD or John. Though it does smell a bit fishy...

01-22-2002, 10:31 PM
I would like to hear more about your story, if you do not want to discuss it in public please PM me. Im sure it was just a misunderstanding.

angry owner
01-23-2002, 12:19 AM
first off i only posted this today so when you say that i dont reply to my posts its cause this was like 8 hrs ago
and second of all i think i am sellin it to a friend who is gonna try and fix it
hes giving me a decent price cause he knows what i went thru

i am thru with mags this ordeal has left a bad taste in my mouth and i no longer want to deal with AGD
as for the person from AGD that sent me an e-mail i am about to reply to it

01-23-2002, 12:31 AM
Maybe with the time that you won't be playing paintball with, you should get yourself an English tutor.

Because of your bad grammar, it's very hard to believe what you're saying.

01-23-2002, 12:41 AM
Now what happened with angry owner?

Anyone have any leads on this event?

It looks like this is a hit and run attack on a company like AGD. I mean, look at all these people, they support AGD. Ain't I right? I mean, if I were a tech and some tech and I would be mad if I were giving 102% effort daily, and all of a sudden a E-Mag totin kid starts getting mad.

But, I don't know the whole story, so I won't comment that much.

I want to here John's side of the story! Everyone does!

I won't let someone with the name "angry owner" discourage me from purchasing AGD products in the future. I have read to many magazines and posts to say AGD is a bad company. When I get my first gun, I'm gettin' a Mag of some sort, and then I won't be toting some $1200 gun like an Angel.

mags aer awesome, don't dis em'!

01-23-2002, 12:51 AM
Angry Owner,

At this point we don't know who you are or what gun you sent in. No one here remembers talking to someone with a conversation like the one you describe. We certainly would like to get to the bottom of it so please email us your name and RA#. Obviously we can't hide from stuff like this so we would like to know what's going on.


01-23-2002, 01:52 AM

Im sure he can be emailed, if he was as concerned as he sounded in his post, he would definetely respond to get to the bottom of this and expose the rotten tech who did this.

If he doesnt respond or refuses to cooperate in this investigation, then he must have been nothing but a troll trying to weaken the Mag community's respect for AGD.

Probably someone from a different forum, infilitrating the ranks of AO to sabotage the momentum AGD is building up now with its new developements.

Simple tactic he's doing here. Blowing out someone elses candle to make his glow brighter.

Just ignore this guy. If Im wrong, then he has my deepest apologies.


Wayland Fong
01-23-2002, 04:34 AM
Angry Owner,

i'm sorry, but i gotta say that i think you're at fault. an automag is not a very complex marker, not that much can go wrong with it. i honostly believe that maybe you lost a part or didn't install something correctly or something. i'm not trying to badmouth you, cause obviously you haven't had a good experience with AGD. but i, and just about everyone else in this forum (except for maybe Russ) has known AGD to be exceptionally good with consumer service and Automags to be extremely reliable. yea, they have a tendancy to break paint, but they work reliably and are easy to fix. have you ever seen one of those Cocker guys cussing at his defective marker? i see it all the time. man, you gotta understand that a Mag is a pretty high-end gun. it ain't your daddy's Spyder. you should really learn how it works before you go onto the field. and furthermore, you should make sure your gun is working the night before you go paintballing, so you don't waste your money. that way, if something goes wrong, you don't have to go blaming everyone at AGD and their dog about why you can't get your marker to work.

01-23-2002, 06:08 AM
Originally posted by AGD
Angry Owner,

At this point we don't know who you are or what gun you sent in. No one here remembers talking to someone with a conversation like the one you describe. We certainly would like to get to the bottom of it so please email us your name and RA#. Obviously we can't hide from stuff like this so we would like to know what's going on.


Like I said, I doubt this kid is telling the truth.

Shartley- Yes I did "jump" to protect AGD I suppose. I asked for more details before I came to aside. His first post was one sided and left out the details of the "little things" he did. When people come on the boards to make their complient, its more slander/a flame. There was no reason he needed to post on AO, and when someone does, I usually think he is crying wolf. Sorry for the horrible structure of the above paragraph, this is my first post since waking up.

01-23-2002, 07:56 AM
Angry owner,

I am about to get the impression that this is partly a hoax. And if so it is sort of slanderous to Jon. You have so far rebuked any attempts by AGD to remedy this. So I cannot allow a post of slanderous content to remain much longer. It's not fair to Jon. I have emailed you on this as well. If you do not make any attempts to contact AGD by the end of the day I will be forced to make this one go away. Everyone wants to help you. But you have to make the next move by contacting AGD. They will resolve this problem for you. Trust me on that.

No cover up here. Just cannot allow "flaming" of a member (in this case Jon). It's against the rules. If it had merrit and could be proven it would not be Flaming. Without assistance and effort from you it must be assumed to be Flaming. That's my call on it. I can be over ruled though!

You have until 4:30 PM EST before I am forced to take action about this thread. Please contact Marcia as she asked yesterday. [email protected]. She will let me know if you have. It will then be a private matter between you and AGD.

You must provide the RA# and/or the EMAG's serial number for them to find out what happened and to help you!



01-23-2002, 08:28 AM
Very well done Phil. :)

01-23-2002, 09:16 AM
When my gun would break I would get angry. Of course my gun broke because I tinkered with it so much, lol. But AGD will help you out totally. But it was wrong for everyone else to flame you about you flaming AGD. A $1k gun not working sucks, but EVERYONE needs to calm down.

Bad Dave
01-23-2002, 09:59 AM



01-23-2002, 11:12 AM
To Mystery Man,

This guy is a fraud he doesn't give any details and is brand new to the forums. Probably someone craving attention, I wouldn't worry about this post considering he didn't give any specific details as to what wrong other than velocity and everyone at AGD doesn't seem to remember anything about this. He or she is a fake, if you would like to prove me wrong why don't you post the serial numbers off your E-mag and AGD can find out who you are and correct this problem. You have to be willing to let AGD help you in order help yourself.

01-23-2002, 11:35 AM
He obviously did not want to be helped, or he would have provided more information... simple as that.. People like Angry need to understand that with out the right information, and without letting AGD know the problem by sending the gun in to prevent any possible problems in the future it wont get better.

I have no sympathy for somone who says they're done dealing with a company or product especially if they make no effort that is visible by the peers on this board to fix the problem :o :o :o

01-23-2002, 12:35 PM
This is the email Marcia sent and what he wrote back. At this point he has not given us a chance to do anything.


i, fortunently, am in the process of selling my gun and finalizing the deal.

i have no ambition to deal with AGD again
and although i mean no offense to you personnally i am very unsatisfied with
the company as a whole and the image that i was presented with by your
representatives. i am sure that Tom Kaye did not, and doesnt, want his
company portrayed in the manner that it was. this whole thing is an
unfortunant circumstance which i have had to deal with. i no longer want to
be associated with AGD in any way and the only reason i posted that post was
to try and bring to light what was going on in the inner workings of AGD
thank you for your effort and again i mean no disrespect to you personnaly,
just towards your company.

>From: "AGD-OfficeGal" <[email protected]>
>To: >angry owner's email<
>Subject: Your post on AO Forum
>Date: 22 Jan 2002 19:57:39 -0000
>This is the message:
>Please email me your RA number from when we worked on your gun and the
>serial number of your Emag so we can investigate this situation. If you
>don't have the RA number, send the serial number. Also send your full name
>and phone number.
>Marcia Purse
>Administrative Assistant
>Airgun Designs

01-23-2002, 12:46 PM
The only thing i can say now, is i hope your freind is going to send it in to agd or come here and ask for help nicley. Its not that hard... just answer a few simple questions..

01-23-2002, 12:49 PM
to tom or any mod. I think that in all fairness tom's post should be edited not to reveal this guy's email address. I don't think that something like that should be made public for anyone, that way if he really want to end contact he can remove his email address from his profile and turn of PMs.

01-23-2002, 12:52 PM
Yes, I have edited out the email address, even before I saw your post! :)


01-23-2002, 12:54 PM

Please, before you make another comment on this thread, think before you post. We don't need anymore flames than we've already seen. While this person has all but proved that he doesn't even own an E-Mag by failing to answer one of Marcia's questions, we don't need snide remarks towards him. We can all but say that this is a hoax, so let's just let this go away. AGD has done everything in their power to rectify the situation, but since this person is unwilling to cooperate, we have no evidence ANYTHING he said was true.

01-23-2002, 12:55 PM
Well...its perfectly ok to leave it realy. When he registered he made his email available to all. I checked his profile. That was his choice to do so. Its a hotmail one though so its one I usualy give little credence to. They are a dime a dozen. All you need to do is click on the email button and you are emailing him.

So....since he himself let it be known then it stands to reason he doesn't care if it's used.

You cannot help those that chose to not be helped. His motives for this are all suspicious to me anyway. As predicted there seems to be more here than meets the eye.

01-23-2002, 12:57 PM
Here is another idea, we should ask politley if we can contact the buyer of this emag, so that he can get help instead of get "angry"(pun intended)..Angry, mentioned that his friend knew what he was doing.. so he cut him a good price for the emag..

Also a note for angry, there cant be a major problem with AGD because you could search for every emag question on here and it will be most likeley resolved, answerd by agd fixing it or answered by another emag owner...

exactly, if AGD's email is open, and can recieve flames than his email should be open.. but use your judgment and be mature not to flame because its his problem!(ah well since his email is gone, disregard trying to email him a flame ;))

01-23-2002, 01:06 PM
But in the preferences you can go back and disable that, as he could right now. Also you can ignore all PMs. For example this is how the AGD account is set up. If say angry customer went and turned that off he could still be emailed by someone clicking on that link.

It's just an observation I made, and obviously someone (Marcia) agrees with me.

Phil- I do see your point about hotmail addresses, but for example with all this @home business going on, my email address is going to be chaning. Right now it's not 100% clear what it will be changing to so I am primarily using my backup hotmail account. I really wouldn't be appreciative if I got even more junk mail in it ;)

Dubstar- Tom's personal email address isn't truely public knowledge, just the front desk, which I would assume goes to a couple of peoples inboxes at AGD. It would be silly to compare a informational email at a company to a person's personal email address.

01-23-2002, 01:11 PM
Potato, I understand, I was just trying to justify somthin that doesnt need to be, because all in all, the maturity level should be enough in 99 percent of the people to say"Its childish to flame".. ;)

01-23-2002, 01:13 PM
Yes! you sure can change it. No one is stopping him. His choice. But I didn't ever say I disagreed with the two of you. I just wanted you all to know it was not like Tom had posted anything contrary to this members wishes. He didn't as you can see. I had looked into it earlier today. But removing it is fine too.

Sure I know some of them are legit. I said "I usually gave little credence too" them didn't I? Not always... but usually! ;)

01-23-2002, 01:22 PM
Alright then, it's settled, see the three of us just resolved a dispute withough getting "angry." :D

01-23-2002, 01:28 PM
No!!!! lets have a food fight!!!!!:D Just kidding...lets lighten up the mood here a bit shall we? http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/hippy.gif

01-23-2002, 01:53 PM
The only thing i can say now, is i hope your freind is going to send it in to agd or come here and ask for help nicley. Its not that hard... just answer a few simple questions..

actually he probably wont have any probrlems with the gun. from what i have read there has been no evidence of a gun being sent in or any evidence of a problem. for all we know he doesnt even own a mag. i think that Webby should check the logs of Vbulliten and see when the name was registered and what ip / domain registered it. then contact the service provider of this person and report that malicious actions on AGD webserver have been loggeed from that account. In my experience, when we have done this at work, the ISP shuts off the service to that customer.

01-23-2002, 02:48 PM
Hey it was nice of him to consider other people by posting this. He jsut wanted people to understand what he had to go throgh so that they could take it into account when they decide on their gun. HE was simply trying ot help other people and let agd know that they had lost a customer. If u dont agree with him then dont bother posting cus everyoone else already friggen has posted saying that.

01-23-2002, 03:15 PM
Moderator hat on...

Time to lock this for flaming of Jon. No evidence offered hear say. Not substantiated.

Moderator hat off for a moment...

There is at this point nothing to even show this guy even owns a Emag. In fact there is some curcumstantial evidence that he does not. He will not respond. So it seems to me that he only came on here to complain about a problem we cannot find evidence even existed. And he doesn't want to fix. So... I am personaly concluding its a hoax. Each of you can decide for yourself.

Moderator hat back on...

So for flaming Jon and after fair warning to reply I am locking this thread. I will not ban him for this and he is welcome to explain and redeem himself whenever he likes. And if he is legitimate then he can contact AGD and work this out. So other than Marcia making a comment later on this I am done with mine. She will be along shortly.

01-23-2002, 03:40 PM
Bottom line - without any way to investigate or verify the allegations, and given that everything we know about Jon indicates that this is not the way he behaves, no action can be or should be taken on this matter. End of story.