View Full Version : tac-one in europe

07-14-2008, 01:24 AM
hi guys im new to this forum and i write from italy..
i just wanted to know if someone knows somewhere in europe where they sell the tac-one..?
i pretty much look around on the net but dint find anything..
thanks for your time...

07-14-2008, 06:56 AM
I would suggest going to their website and sending them an e-mail and ask if they ship international.

Hope you get one

hi guys im new to this forum and i write from italy..
i just wanted to know if someone knows somewhere in europe where they sell the tac-one..?
i pretty much look around on the net but dint find anything..
thanks for your time...

07-14-2008, 07:13 AM
I would suggest going to their website and sending them an e-mail and ask if they ship international.

Hope you get one
yes i allready did that but no1 wrote back..
and there is a little problem..if i have shiped from the U.S.. first of all i would pay lots of money second in italy its not really legal :D i mean they play it everywhere germany france spain holland U.K..portugal ect ect ect but not here i mean we play it anyways but you know its not really the same... :tard:

07-14-2008, 07:29 AM
They were on vacation from July 4th and are back in their offices today. Hopefully someone will get back to you today and they don't have too many orders and e-mails from their time off.

Are you saying it is not legal to play paintball in Italy? If so that's a real bummer.


07-14-2008, 01:43 PM
Paintball supplies in holland sells tacs: http://www.paintballsupplies.nl/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=4_29
They did have the centerfeed tac, but they don't stock them anymore due to low sales (and their price) but they could order one for you.

I would go the cheaper route, find someone in europe that can get it legally from the states, and ship it out to you. I got my tac from the states and it saved me quite some cash. :)

07-14-2008, 02:44 PM

Reported :nono:

Goodluck finding a Tac dude!

07-14-2008, 02:49 PM
I think he is a she... Unless he has a boyfriend... :D

07-14-2008, 05:13 PM
I think he is a she... Unless he has a boyfriend... :D

Other people read profiles too ?? ;)

07-14-2008, 07:57 PM
where are you in italy?

07-15-2008, 07:36 AM
first of all im a SHE
second yes paintball is illegal here... :cry: i hate it.. but thank god we play anyways :p
i will look in the holland site but i think ill get it from the u.s i used to live there so i have friends that maybe will get it from me...but i hope nothing will happend having it shipped in italy or i'll write you form jail if i can :D i hope not tho...
what do you guys think about the tac-one? i mean i know its a goog marker but just want to ask..
thanks alot for the help.. :)

07-15-2008, 04:15 PM
I love it!! I've got mine last year, pretty soon pneu-ed it and after using the body for a etac i bought a used body later to re-make my pneu-tac. Of all the guns i own the tacs i have are my favorites. And i have currently 17 markers, Xmags, minimag, Tacs, cocker, micromags, etc.

They shoot acurately, the looks and feel are great, much shorter than a tippmann and quite silent with a L10 bolt installed. (i get complaints about this feature) Problems with it can be tricky solving, but usually there are none. Just some oil every now and then in the asa, and you should be good to go.

Standard they will not give you much bps, but if you play small rec woods games you don't really need it. The accuracy and low sound signature gives you enough edge if you need it. Pneu-magging it will give you a walkable trigger that is comparable to a electro, but it's still mech. This is a DIY mod, but very well worth it if you want to shoot fast.

A e-tac is basicly a tac one body, rail and emag lowers. This is a electronic marker that can also work in mech mode. The only downside is that emag lowers are much heavier, and are hard to come by these days (not made anymore by AGD)

Other people read profiles too ?? ;)

That other topic about paintball in europe said she, so i got interested. ;)

07-16-2008, 01:57 AM
I love it!! I've got mine last year, pretty soon pneu-ed it and after using the body for a etac i bought a used body later to re-make my pneu-tac. Of all the guns i own the tacs i have are my favorites. And i have currently 17 markers, Xmags, minimag, Tacs, cocker, micromags, etc.

They shoot acurately, the looks and feel are great, much shorter than a tippmann and quite silent with a L10 bolt installed. (i get complaints about this feature) Problems with it can be tricky solving, but usually there are none. Just some oil every now and then in the asa, and you should be good to go.

Standard they will not give you much bps, but if you play small rec woods games you don't really need it. The accuracy and low sound signature gives you enough edge if you need it. Pneu-magging it will give you a walkable trigger that is comparable to a electro, but it's still mech. This is a DIY mod, but very well worth it if you want to shoot fast.

A e-tac is basicly a tac one body, rail and emag lowers. This is a electronic marker that can also work in mech mode. The only downside is that emag lowers are much heavier, and are hard to come by these days (not made anymore by AGD)

That other topic about paintball in europe said she, so i got interested. ;)

well thanks for the info..i hope i can get one soon....
i like e tac too but its allways the same problem...dont know where to get it...
i have a tippman 98 c now with response trigger but she works fine and all but i just wanna change i love the tac..and all the automags in general so..i just want it real bad..
i like autocockers too so i think for now ill probably order one from france since they only have em there then like in september i'll probably (ihope) get the tac...since my dad probably is going to the u.s i'll hope he will find one...
well in some way i'll get it.. :rolleyes:
you guys play woodsball or speedball??
and what do you think is the right marker for woodsball???

Heiliger Bimbam
07-16-2008, 12:34 PM
I asked for international shipping, too and got answer immediately. AGD is shipping to Europe. For example shipping a X-Valve to Germany would cost $38 (insured with tracking). Payment by credit card or PayPal (cost +5$).

Eeek! These dutch guys having cut-throating prices...980$ for a Mag that cost 480€ at AGD is a bit fancy.

07-16-2008, 12:52 PM
the stock Tac-One is $480 usd which is about 305 euro's. add in international shipping from agd for lets say $40usd and you got a total of around 330 Euro's.

07-16-2008, 04:04 PM
The prices at pbsupplies are ridiculous, but the owner is resonable. The only thing is he sets prices too high sometimes, but you can reason with him. Been there a few times for parts, and at first the asking price was way high, but eventually we agreed on a price for his oldskool parts. :)


Compared to a 98C a tac is a dream to shoot. For the responsiveness like the RT trigger on a tippmann you will need a adjustable air system, but i doubt you'll need it. It's not just the performance, but also the quality. Look at it like driving a Fiat, or a Ferrari... The tac is the Ferrari without the 10,000Km maintenance check.

Last weekend i was playing with a Tippmann X7 with egrip due to the fact we did not have HPA. But compared to a tac, it performed poorly. And this is my tricked out X7 with squishy paddles, red dot, palmers stabilser and shooting at 550 psi on CO². Even tho it is a nice paintball marker, i can't hit the broad side of the barn with it, also due to the fact i am used to mags. But when it comes to quality? I'll take a mag anytime!

I play woodsball only. Tried speedball, but it's just not my kind of game.

Btw, this is my pneu-tac: http://s85.photobucket.com/albums/k65/FiXeL666/?action=view&current=DSCN3491.jpg

And this my e-tac: http://s85.photobucket.com/albums/k65/FiXeL666/?action=view&current=SovietmagMOTM02.jpg

Well, i hope you can get a tac one, it's a great marker and i'm sure you won't be dissapointed in it.

07-17-2008, 01:31 AM
The prices at pbsupplies are ridiculous, but the owner is resonable. The only thing is he sets prices too high sometimes, but you can reason with him. Been there a few times for parts, and at first the asking price was way high, but eventually we agreed on a price for his oldskool parts. :)


Compared to a 98C a tac is a dream to shoot. For the responsiveness like the RT trigger on a tippmann you will need a adjustable air system, but i doubt you'll need it. It's not just the performance, but also the quality. Look at it like driving a Fiat, or a Ferrari... The tac is the Ferrari without the 10,000Km maintenance check.

Last weekend i was playing with a Tippmann X7 with egrip due to the fact we did not have HPA. But compared to a tac, it performed poorly. And this is my tricked out X7 with squishy paddles, red dot, palmers stabilser and shooting at 550 psi on CO². Even tho it is a nice paintball marker, i can't hit the broad side of the barn with it, also due to the fact i am used to mags. But when it comes to quality? I'll take a mag anytime!

I play woodsball only. Tried speedball, but it's just not my kind of game.

Btw, this is my pneu-tac: http://s85.photobucket.com/albums/k65/FiXeL666/?action=view&current=DSCN3491.jpg

And this my e-tac: http://s85.photobucket.com/albums/k65/FiXeL666/?action=view&current=SovietmagMOTM02.jpg

Well, i hope you can get a tac one, it's a great marker and i'm sure you won't be dissapointed in it.

lol i know fiat are crappy coz i have a fiat 600 :D lol i hate them...well i know tacs are great (mags in general) i'm really exited about getting one..the tippman just dosnt do it for me anymore i mean here we dont use hpa yet well i have it tho only its hard to re-fill ...
where are you from fixel ? are all of you from the u.s???
we play woodsball too..i love it but the place where we play its not really big...150 meter lenght and wide 60..70 meter..its not real big but its cool...
how about you guys?
oh the last thing the shipping its not really bad of a deal..

07-17-2008, 06:12 AM

fat bobs will sort you out. Just email them with what you want and Im sure they will be able to help you out.

07-17-2008, 07:34 AM

fat bobs will sort you out. Just email them with what you want and Im sure they will be able to help you out.

ok thanks you guys are helping me alot i'll try everything you guys told me
thanks :D

07-17-2008, 12:25 PM
You will need HPA for the tac, it won't run on CO². Just so you know. I'm from the netherlands btw.

07-18-2008, 01:40 AM
You will need HPA for the tac, it won't run on CO². Just so you know. I'm from the netherlands btw.

wao netherlands( where do u live n the netherlands???)..cool i know she runs on hpa thanxs anyways..are there alot of mags where u live?how are the laws there for paintball?

07-19-2008, 05:05 AM
I live way up north, in Dokkum, Friesland (provence) At our local field in Leeuwarden there are about 5-6 players that have mags, and that is alot for a club that has roughly 40 members. The field we play on is a rental field we are allowed to use when there are no rental groups that day. Usually field have "open days" or walkon days where you pay a small fee and you can play with your own equipment. Our field owner does'nt care much for that, we help him out every now and then, and we can play on the field for free.

Gun laws are vague to say the least. Paintball markers can be bought legally here from the age of 18 yrs. and older. FPS restrictions like they have in germany were used here, but currently there is no restrictions on muzzle energy. Usage and carrying them is limited to designated areas, paintball fields. When transporting a marker, it must be stripped down and carried in a way that it's not ready for shooting. If you have a baseball bat on the backseat of your car, it's considered a weapon, if it's in your trunk its a sporting item. The law here does state that a category IV. weapon (airguns, bows, etc.) must not be suitable for threatening or defence, and it is forbidden to have anything that resembles a real firearm. What the criteria are that could make a paintball marker just that are nowhere to be found in the law. There is also a "list B" appendix in the law with a list of outlawed cat.IV weapons, but this is outdated to say the least. Some paintball markers on there are the PMI-III (VM-68) Tippmann SL68, Crossmann 3357.

What this means is that everybody interprits the law differently, and you cannot say for sure that marker model X is legal or not. For some it´s easy enough tho, a Tippmann X7 is clearly not legal, but i can still buy one here. And if this was not the case, they are very easy to obtain from germany or belgium.

07-19-2008, 02:07 PM
If paint ball is ileagal how do you avoid getting in trouble with the local constabulary :)

07-20-2008, 03:10 AM
If paint ball is ileagal how do you avoid getting in trouble with the local constabulary :)

well a friend of ours know the major of this place and he gave us the ok ...its like a piece of woods..so that how we play and like sometimes police officers come play too...thats weird uh? :rolleyes: coz that friend of our knows them too..so aorund here where we live we're safe..pretty much but around italy there is alot of ppl that play..even speedball..

07-21-2008, 08:00 AM
umm guys i just have one more question does the tac run on high pressure???
and what kind of thread does it have for the barrel???? thanks agai :D

07-21-2008, 10:36 AM
Yes, runs on high pressure. If you get the pressure to 950+ you can get 'trigger bounce' and it will shoot full auto with the RT on/off (does not work with the ULT on/off). You need an adjustable high pressure regulator to do this tho. Typical pressure on an HP tank is 800-850, which is why you need an adjustable reg to get the trigger bounce.

Tac one body is autococker threaded.


07-21-2008, 03:04 PM
The barrel is cocker threaded, feedneck and detents are angel threaded.

07-22-2008, 08:07 AM
Yes, runs on high pressure. If you get the pressure to 950+ you can get 'trigger bounce' and it will shoot full auto with the RT on/off (does not work with the ULT on/off). You need an adjustable high pressure regulator to do this tho. Typical pressure on an HP tank is 800-850, which is why you need an adjustable reg to get the trigger bounce.

Tac one body is autococker threaded.



07-22-2008, 12:36 PM

...my bad, I just had to. :D

"RT" refers to any of AGD's valves except the classic Automag/Minimag valves. These are valves like the Classic RT, RT Pro, ReTro, X-Valve, EMag valve, et cetera. The main difference is that AM/MM valves can run on CO2 or HPA and fire a little slower, while RT valves can only run on HPA and can fire extremely fast. Another characteristic of the RT valves is that they kick the trigger back with a bit of force - properly tuned it can help you pull faster is true semi-automatic or it can "bounce," where you apply constant pressure to the trigger to pull it faster than you could on your own. Guys like Zak Vetter have gotten upwards of 34 balls per second out of their RTs this way.

One thing that helps you bounce an RT trigger is an extremely high pressure input from your tank, higher than most preset regulators can provide. Most "high pressure" preset regs are about 850psi, but there are adjustable tank regulators that go all the way up to 1200psi (Air America's Apocalypse and AGD's Flatline come to mind). Zak Vetter accomplished his 34+bps trick using an unregulated SCBA tank - that is, 3000psi straight into the valve. The higher your input pressure, the more your RT trigger will bounce.

You can bounce the trigger on any RT valve, but it's mostly dependent on the on/off in your valve. Classic RT on/offs are typically the best for a bouncy trigger, while a ULT on/off can completely eliminate your trigger bounce. One thing to note about on/offs is that some older valves can't accept the ULT without extra milling. All new valves will, though.

Hope that helps.

07-23-2008, 02:14 AM
...my bad, I just had to. :D

"RT" refers to any of AGD's valves except the classic Automag/Minimag valves. These are valves like the Classic RT, RT Pro, ReTro, X-Valve, EMag valve, et cetera. The main difference is that AM/MM valves can run on CO2 or HPA and fire a little slower, while RT valves can only run on HPA and can fire extremely fast. Another characteristic of the RT valves is that they kick the trigger back with a bit of force - properly tuned it can help you pull faster is true semi-automatic or it can "bounce," where you apply constant pressure to the trigger to pull it faster than you could on your own. Guys like Zak Vetter have gotten upwards of 34 balls per second out of their RTs this way.

One thing that helps you bounce an RT trigger is an extremely high pressure input from your tank, higher than most preset regulators can provide. Most "high pressure" preset regs are about 850psi, but there are adjustable tank regulators that go all the way up to 1200psi (Air America's Apocalypse and AGD's Flatline come to mind). Zak Vetter accomplished his 34+bps trick using an unregulated SCBA tank - that is, 3000psi straight into the valve. The higher your input pressure, the more your RT trigger will bounce.

You can bounce the trigger on any RT valve, but it's mostly dependent on the on/off in your valve. Classic RT on/offs are typically the best for a bouncy trigger, while a ULT on/off can completely eliminate your trigger bounce. One thing to note about on/offs is that some older valves can't accept the ULT without extra milling. All new valves will, though.

Hope that helps.


07-23-2008, 11:35 AM

can you please stop with the caps lock? its rather annoying. we would rather answer a million dumb questions then try to read caps lock all day :p

and to answer your question, YES the Tac-one comes with an X-Valve, which is an aluminum RT-Valve.

07-23-2008, 12:19 PM
can you please stop with the caps lock? its rather annoying. we would rather answer a million dumb questions then try to read caps lock all day :p

and to answer your question, YES the Tac-one comes with an X-Valve, which is an aluminum RT-Valve.

oh and by the way ill do caps lock ad long as i want... :p

07-23-2008, 12:25 PM
oh and by the way ill do caps lock ad long as i want... :p

oh and just so u know i didnt even pay attencion that i had caps lock

07-23-2008, 07:53 PM
Yes, the Tac-One comes with an X-Valve, so it can do the RT thing (or not, depends on how you tune it and your input pressure). If you want a light trigger pull and no bounce, get a ULT on/off. If you want it to bounce, you can track down some older RT parts which are better suited for rapid fire.

If you want to know more about rapid fire, check out this guy's page:
He's pretty much the undisputed king of rapid fire.

07-24-2008, 07:41 AM
Yes, the Tac-One comes with an X-Valve, so it can do the RT thing (or not, depends on how you tune it and your input pressure). If you want a light trigger pull and no bounce, get a ULT on/off. If you want it to bounce, you can track down some older RT parts which are better suited for rapid fire.

If you want to know more about rapid fire, check out this guy's page:
He's pretty much the undisputed king of rapid fire.

thanks i'll go right away..

07-24-2008, 08:22 AM
i found this thing written on the net....but does this mean that the tac one dosnt have a place to screw on the hpa tank??

"Because we know most scenario players like to set up their own air systems, the Tac One is sold without hoses and air adapters."

it has to have it right?

well what does it mean??

07-24-2008, 10:57 AM
you are correct. unless you select that option to have those things included... it will not come with the mount to put the tank into and it will not come with the fittings or hoses to carry your air from the tank to the valve.

they are assuming that the person buying the gun would rather have those things set up according to their own preference, instead of a generic set up that would come from the factory.

07-25-2008, 01:17 AM
yea but if i order the marker from america i would need those things coz here i cant find them...how do i order them..?

07-25-2008, 12:05 PM
yea but if i order the marker from america i would need those things coz here i cant find them...how do i order them..?
One of the options from the drop-down menu when you order the Tac-One is to select a Hose/Air Adaptor Pack. You can get one with the Tac-One for an extra $30, and if you select the option it will come installed on the marker already. They just don't make you buy an air line and ASA with the marker if you don't want to because it's usually one of the first things people replace when they buy a marker.

07-26-2008, 09:41 AM
One of the options from the drop-down menu when you order the Tac-One is to select a Hose/Air Adaptor Pack. You can get one with the Tac-One for an extra $30, and if you select the option it will come installed on the marker already. They just don't make you buy an air line and ASA with the marker if you don't want to because it's usually one of the first things people replace when they buy a marker.

oh i see..

07-29-2008, 07:24 AM
hey guys its me again :D
i had couple of question more about the tac...
what kind of hpa tank do i need for it..?
and the hopper what is the best one for it?
and please if there is anything i need to know about it please just tell me ok..maybe someone that allready has it or anybody :p i just want to know everything before i'll get it..
i know you can help me alot and sorry if im annoing i dont mean to...i just need help...
i'm so exited ... :D :D :D
thank alot really

07-29-2008, 07:53 AM
Get something with atleast 850 psi output, 68ci/1.1L carbon fiber tank. (4500psi/300bar) Crossfire regs are one of the best out there. I use a 68ci Stako tank with Guerilla Air Ambush HP reg, also very nice. Don't get a LP or Myth reg, those won't have enough output for a mag. A full 68ci, 4500psi tank should give you enough air for about 1000-1200 shots.

Any hopper will do on a tac, aslong it's not the shake and rattle kind. Revvies should be fast enough for a mech, but personally i preffer the halo. Turn it on at the start of the day and forget about putting it on and off. Feeds fast enough even for a pneumag and is not consuming much battery power. The only downside is that you will have to file down the feedneck to fit it in the stock feedneck of the tac. If you get a revvy, you won't have to do this and maybe this is the better choice for you.

07-29-2008, 08:33 AM
Get something with atleast 850 psi output, 68ci/1.1L carbon fiber tank. (4500psi/300bar) Crossfire regs are one of the best out there. I use a 68ci Stako tank with Guerilla Air Ambush HP reg, also very nice. Don't get a LP or Myth reg, those won't have enough output for a mag. A full 68ci, 4500psi tank should give you enough air for about 1000-1200 shots.

Any hopper will do on a tac, aslong it's not the shake and rattle kind. Revvies should be fast enough for a mech, but personally i preffer the halo. Turn it on at the start of the day and forget about putting it on and off. Feeds fast enough even for a pneumag and is not consuming much battery power. The only downside is that you will have to file down the feedneck to fit it in the stock feedneck of the tac. If you get a revvy, you won't have to do this and maybe this is the better choice for you.

tanks for the help but what does this mean?

"you will have to file down the feedneck to fit it in the stock feedneck of the tac"

i dont know what file down is.. :rolleyes:

and what a revvy?

07-29-2008, 09:17 AM
tanks for the help but what does this mean?

"you will have to file down the feedneck to fit it in the stock feedneck of the tac"

i dont know what file down is.. :rolleyes:

and what a revvy?
To file something down is to shave a little bit of it off with sandpaper or a file. Some hoppers are just slightly too big to fit in some feednecks, so occasionally you need to remove a little bit of material to get them to fit.

A Revvy is a Viewloader Revolution hopper. There are several types of hoppers, the main three being gravity, agitated and force-feed. Gravity hoppers are just empty inside and the balls rattle around on their own until they fall down into the marker. Agitated hoppers are pretty much the same thing but with a little paddle in it that spins and knocks paint down into the marker. A Revvy is an agitated hopper. Force-feed hoppers apply constant pressure on the balls and push them continuously down into the marker. A Halo is an example of a force-feed hopper; force-feeds like the Halo are capable of extremely high feed rates. Rough estimates would be that gravity feed would get you about 8bps, agitated gets about 14bps, and force-feed gets about 20bps or more. Obviously getting a higher feed rate than what you actually shoot will be more reliable, but you should be fine with any agitated or force-feed hopper (unless you install some trigger assist system, like pneumatics, electronics or electro-pneumatics).


07-30-2008, 01:17 AM
To file something down is to shave a little bit of it off with sandpaper or a file. Some hoppers are just slightly too big to fit in some feednecks, so occasionally you need to remove a little bit of material to get them to fit.

A Revvy is a Viewloader Revolution hopper. There are several types of hoppers, the main three being gravity, agitated and force-feed. Gravity hoppers are just empty inside and the balls rattle around on their own until they fall down into the marker. Agitated hoppers are pretty much the same thing but with a little paddle in it that spins and knocks paint down into the marker. A Revvy is an agitated hopper. Force-feed hoppers apply constant pressure on the balls and push them continuously down into the marker. A Halo is an example of a force-feed hopper; force-feeds like the Halo are capable of extremely high feed rates. Rough estimates would be that gravity feed would get you about 8bps, agitated gets about 14bps, and force-feed gets about 20bps or more. Obviously getting a higher feed rate than what you actually shoot will be more reliable, but you should be fine with any agitated or force-feed hopper (unless you install some trigger assist system, like pneumatics, electronics or electro-pneumatics).


thnaks alot i understood perfectly.. :cool:

08-06-2008, 11:57 AM
hey i have one more question about the hpa tank,
for the tac i need a 850 output right? i have 2 tanks 1 that has 850 output
and the other that has 3000 psi.. is it atleast one right for it..and even if i dont get a regulator right away is it ok?
thanks ;)

08-07-2008, 05:43 AM
850 psi output is ok. 3000 psi is the maximum fill pressure of that tank. That means you can fill it up to 200 bar. If you want 300 bar you will need a 4500 psi tank.

Btw, howcome paintball is illegal in italy while Tomahawk paintballs are made by Pharmagel in italy? :confused: Just got 4 cases of that stuff delivered and i've noticed it was made in italy...

08-07-2008, 05:56 AM
850 psi output is ok. 3000 psi is the maximum fill pressure of that tank. That means you can fill it up to 200 bar. If you want 300 bar you will need a 4500 psi tank.

Btw, howcome paintball is illegal in italy while Tomahawk paintballs are made by Pharmagel in italy? :confused: Just got 4 cases of that stuff delivered and i've noticed it was made in italy...

yes im really sad to say that tomahawk are made in italy but they cant sell in italy i know potugal(estratego.com) orders alot of tomahawk they have the exclusive on them :(
yup here in italy really suxs..but the worst thing is that no one whats to do nothing about it coz they say that we could get in big trouble and probably wont be able to play anymore i think we should try do something..if we never try we'll never know

08-07-2008, 12:42 PM
yes im really sad to say that tomahawk are made in italy but they cant sell in italy i know potugal(estratego.com) orders alot of tomahawk they have the exclusive on them :(
yup here in italy really suxs..but the worst thing is that no one whats to do nothing about it coz they say that we could get in big trouble and probably wont be able to play anymore i think we should try do something..if we never try we'll never know

oops im sorry i wrote it wrong
i have a tank with 450 psi not 850
then another one with 3000 psi wich one can i use if i can use them?