View Full Version : I Wish That I Could Take Credit...

07-14-2008, 03:05 PM
Man, I wish that I could take credit for what I am about to show you, but I cant. You see, I am just the end user of this. All I did was find and buy the parts, contact the right people and have them do the things that they do best. And, now you can see what the end result is.

Today, you can see another Nu-Metal original. For those that dont want to read all the crap that I am about to type, here is the link to the pics Nu-Metal Karta (http://s196.photobucket.com/albums/aa175/kruger7734/Karta/).

I got this Karta body and rail about a year ago, and it was an obscene MtDew green and copper brush. Really offensive to the eyes. But, it was a Karta body. Larry, (Nu-Metal) and I had passed PM's in the past about various things, so I sorta had a "loose" relationship with him. When he posted up his Ano work earlier, I was impressed with the attention to detail. His lines were Laser on. But, you can see that for yourself. He needed a set of grips for his Phoenix mag, and I was obliged to try and make a deal. One of the parts of my side of the deal was to give an honest opinion of his work. That is what this thread is.

When I contacted him about getting my Karta done, I had a vision of what I wanted it to look like, just a basic dust black, with a few, tasteful red highlight at various places. Nothing special, but a little different from all the others that are around. I sorta like having something unique, not like the pack. Larry, was excited about being able to do a Karta, said that he had a design that he has been thinking about for a Karta. I really did not care what was done to the Karta, but I knew that the Green/copper had to go, so I figured that anything was better than what I had. I gave "creative discretion" to him. But, I told him that I wanted it in earth tone colors, and to be "family friendly", no offensive stuff, and that I wanted it to be woods ball friendly. That is all the guidelines that I gave him. Everything else is his vision.

When he sent me the pics, I was actually stunned at what he had done. I can honestly say that I would have never come up with the colors that he did. In fact, if he had suggested it, I probably would have rejected his choices. In my minds eye, the colors would have clashed, and looked garish. But, because of his attention to detail, it turned out in a way that is surprising, and totally acceptable.

The base color is an Acid wash green/black. In some places it looks like green tarnished copper. In others, it looks like aged brass. The effect gives the whole gun an antiqued look, if you know what I mean. Larry calls the design that he used a "Palmetto". He is from Florida, so I can see where he gets if from. I played the first Free Finale at Low Country Paintball, and the Palmetto plants there make for interesting play, think of the Wack'a'Mole game at Chucky Cheese, and you can get the idea of play in that enviroment. The lines flow from one piece of the marker to the other. Continuous planes of lines, even from the front grip up across the grip frame. Larry has a steady hand. You can tell that he is anal about getting the lines straight, which is a good thing for the customer. His work is nearly flawless, and I was hard pressed to find any flaws. You have to look very hard to see any in the outside finish.

Now, the bad. And, to be honest, it really depends on how much you understand the process of an Ano job of this type to even consider this a bad thing. I have had Ano jobs done where the lines flow from one part of the marker to another, (my old X Mag which Nu-Metal now owns), and I understand the trade offs that you have if you want something like this done. The outside (the part that you see when the marker is assembled) is near perfect. However, if you take the marker apart, you can see that there are areas that are not so perfect. The bottom of the body has areas that seems void of of ano color. I say seems because these areas stand out against the base color, almost a clear. But, I do know that they are not raw metal, but have been ano'd along with the rest of the marker, just doesnt have the colors. Also the very top of the rail on the inside and the part where the grip frame and front grip attach to the bottom of the rail. I understand that to do a line from one part to another, you have to basically put the gun together, then apply the dyes in the patterns that you want. When you do this, there are areas that will be affected, and not in the way that you want them to be. These areas are all hidden and not seen when the marker is assembled. I dont have a problem with this at all cuz I am not going to play with this marker unless it is completely put together.

I told Nu-Metal that if his work sucked, then I would say that it did. Sorry, but I cant say that at all. I am completely happy with the job that Nu-Metal has done on this marker. The attention to detail is refreshing, and there is a lot of detail on this gun. Again, this particular design is all his idea, I had no part in it, I just provided the canvas for him to create his work. I have seen three markers that Nu-Metal has done, including this one, and his style is different, and in the case of Automags, different is very, very good. His use of clashing colors is one of the things that make his work stand out. If you can get Nu-Metal to do a job for you, then you will be pleased.

Nu_Metal gets a Head bang, a bouncy, AND a Nanner!!!





In this pic, it appears that there is a flaw on the feedneck, at the screw. This not the case. It is just the way that the flash hit the feedneck. My camera skills still suck, even tho I bought a better camera. The whole body tends to be more towards the green side rather than the brown that is shown.

07-14-2008, 03:09 PM
great lookin marker!!!! :clap: It's good to see anodizers great creative!!!!! No more two tone!! lol

07-14-2008, 03:12 PM
DAMN, and after seeing Rogue's new frame on a marker, i might have to see about picking one up in about a year once i have the money.

07-14-2008, 03:44 PM
WOW. It looks like a painting!! Now you just need a brass or stainless barrel! ;)

07-14-2008, 04:01 PM
Stunning all around sir! :hail:

07-14-2008, 04:14 PM
absolutely stunning. I will regret shooting paint on it come November.

07-14-2008, 04:21 PM
I look forward to giving you the opportunity to do just that Mann. :cool:

07-14-2008, 04:25 PM
WOW. It looks like a painting!! Now you just need a brass or stainless barrel! ;)
I thought it was painted until I read the scoop. It's like New Mexico fashion camo (in a good way). :clap:

07-14-2008, 05:15 PM
well its not really my cup of tea. But it is a pretty cool idea. I do think it is perfect for woodsball.

I guess I like when an anno compliments the lines of the gun. I feel this one kinda takes away from the lines of a karta.

I wasn't a huge fan of big evils dalmation sfl either for the same reason. But it won MOTM. So what do I know?

07-14-2008, 05:26 PM
well its not really my cup of tea. But it is a pretty cool idea. I do think it is perfect for woodsball.

I guess I like when an anno compliments the lines of the gun. I feel this one kinda takes away from the lines of a karta.

I wasn't a huge fan of big evils dalmation sfl either for the same reason. But it won MOTM. So what do I know?

Geeze - CALIFORNIANS. :rolleyes: :D Dont worry Smooth, maybe you will like the next one better.

07-14-2008, 05:45 PM
One time...
while I was hunting, I had to do something really bad and I tried to cover it with leaves when I was done.

It looked just like that!!!! :rofl:

07-14-2008, 05:49 PM
One time...
while I was hunting, I had to do something really bad and I tried to cover it with leaves when I was done.

It looked just like that!!!! :rofl:

Now, thats funny, I dont care who you are :rofl:

07-14-2008, 05:52 PM
He does some really nice work. I look forward to seeing that in person as well.


mr doo doo
07-14-2008, 06:03 PM
wow, that's intense!! That anno is so unique and different that it's just sooo cool. Great job on the anno NU Metal.

oh kruger, i remember the old color on that Karta, and you're right, it was disgusting :eek:

07-14-2008, 06:07 PM
well its not really my cup of tea. But it is a pretty cool idea. I do think it is perfect for woodsball.

I guess I like when an anno compliments the lines of the gun. I feel this one kinda takes away from the lines of a karta.

I wasn't a huge fan of big evils dalmation sfl either for the same reason. But it won MOTM. So what do I know?

Smoothice, I tend to agree with you. The Karta has a flowing shape to it, sorta gives it the impression of speed. And, to be honest, I wanted to come up with something that would not clash with the lines of the Karta. I never could, other than some solid color with a few little highlights along the back tips of the body. Everybody does solid color Kartas'. I didnt want just another Karta. Honestly, it is not the pattern that I would have come up with myself, but, for me, as a woodsball player, I am quite happy with the way that it turned out. Granted, not everybody will like it. And, there was a reference made to it looking like human waste, because of the colors. I think that is funny, and I dont take offense to it at all. I like it, some will, others wont. It suits my playing style, and, its still a Mag. Its all good. :D

Here is the pattern before it was changed for the better


07-14-2008, 06:16 PM
That looks great. Didn't he do a crazy ano pattern for MOTM recently?

Anyway, I thought the same thing about this marker as I thought about his others. Looks great, but I would never think of combining those colors. Glad he did, though, because they sure look great. Awesome marker.

07-14-2008, 06:45 PM
Awesome job Nu_Metal

I am still contemplating what I want done to mine, and will contact you when I get a better vision on it.

07-14-2008, 07:10 PM
Geeze - CALIFORNIANS. :rolleyes: :D Dont worry Smooth, maybe you will like the next one better.

Now don't get me wrong. I would still trade my first born for that sfl. And my second born for this karta.

07-14-2008, 07:33 PM
Awesome job Nu_Metal

I am still contemplating what I want done to mine, and will contact you when I get a better vision on it.

Mostpeople, (Kruger not to hijack , but ) As I Found out when Nu_Metal did my marker
http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=232019 ( NEW BETTER PIC'S POSTED)
The vision I had of a tigerstripe was COMPLETLY different , see I wasn't thinking tiger at all , just stripe ; intermittant & jumbled with no pattern whatsoever
What I got was a tiger ; rings around the tail (barrel ) stripes around the body ( like a tiger ) not just a jumble of lines , if you study it a bit you can see a tigers head at the rear on the body & rail & I ended up with much more than I expected , unlike any " tigerstripe " pattern i've ever seen

When I saw the first pic's of Kruger's marker my jaw dropped & I said Nu you suc , I love it

The thing with Nu is , it seems is he sees things a little different

07-14-2008, 07:42 PM
I dont think that you are trying to Hijack my thread. This thread is about Nu-Metals work, not necessarily about my Karta. It just happens to be the latest marker that he did.

07-15-2008, 12:44 AM
this is simply stunning! if you ever decide to sell, ill trade what ever i can come up with, even the girlfriend! wow, i love this anno. i cant stop looking at it. i want it so bad :cry:

Temo Vryce
07-15-2008, 06:43 AM
Holy horse hockey!!!

Kruger, that is beautiful. It's not work that I would have requested myself, but I have to agree that when all the pieces are together it becomes something special.

07-15-2008, 03:34 PM
Possibly the best looking mag I've ever seen. LOVE IT MOTM! :bounce:

07-16-2008, 11:09 AM
Smoothice, I tend to agree with you. The Karta has a flowing shape to it, sorta gives it the impression of speed. And, to be honest, I wanted to come up with something that would not clash with the lines of the Karta. I never could, other than some solid color with a few little highlights along the back tips of the body. Everybody does solid color Kartas'. I didnt want just another Karta. Honestly, it is not the pattern that I would have come up with myself, but, for me, as a woodsball player, I am quite happy with the way that it turned out. Granted, not everybody will like it. And, there was a reference made to it looking like human waste, because of the colors. I think that is funny, and I dont take offense to it at all. I like it, some will, others wont. It suits my playing style, and, its still a Mag. Its all good. :D

Here is the pattern before it was changed for the better

I have to agree with you, that first design looks like you annoed an intelliframe blue-green and then smeared crap all over it. :rofl:

I love how the final result turned out though, it's beautiful.

07-16-2008, 01:17 PM
Snoopay, I want you to know, that I bought the Karta already MtDew green and copper. I would not have had that done to anything. I got a whole gun like that, including a barrel kit. The thing looked, just wrong. The only reason that I got it was that it was a Karta.

07-16-2008, 01:31 PM
Snoopay, I want you to know, that I bought the Karta already MtDew green and copper. I would not have had that done to anything. I got a whole gun like that, including a barrel kit. The thing looked, just wrong. The only reason that I got it was that it was a Karta.
Ok, yeah, cause that just looks awful lol. I would've hated to see the karta when it had that anno.

Empyreal Rogue
07-16-2008, 08:19 PM
Kruger, I really like that grip design you have on your Triton! Do you know how that looks on Chimera frames by chance? It's really smooth, really different looking. I like it!

07-16-2008, 10:22 PM
This design would not work on a Chimera. Triton has two holes, Chimera has three. Two at the top and one at the bottom. But, thanks I kinda like this one myself. And the wood has been stabilized so it really does finish out smooth.

07-16-2008, 11:17 PM
kruger you never got back to me, GF for the mag? i pay shipping? :spit_take

07-16-2008, 11:52 PM
Need pics and specs, pics and spec.. Actually, more pics than specs............

07-17-2008, 12:06 AM
Need pics and specs, pics and spec.. Actually, more pics than specs............
Yeah yeah, after he sends the pics you'll say why need the girl. :rofl:

07-17-2008, 12:10 AM
Good condition, slighly used. 1 owner, lubed and cleaned every time. pics up later :cheers:

/hopes she doesnt come across this thread hehe

07-17-2008, 12:12 AM
Good condition, slighly used. 1 owner, lubed and cleaned every time. pics up later :cheers:

/hopes she doesnt come across this thread hehe
:spit_take :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


07-17-2008, 09:42 PM
Good condition, slighly used. 1 owner, lubed and cleaned every time. pics up later :cheers:

/hopes she doesnt come across this thread hehe

i can duplicate this karta for ya ,hows the mileage ? can you transfer the title ? :rofl: :dance: :rofl: