View Full Version : A new low for Smart Parts?! Or should I say DLX Technologies...

07-16-2008, 12:55 AM
Ok so every once in a while I'll browse the terrible forums that are PBNation. A couple months ago I stumbled upon the newest section that was previewing a new type of gun...the DLX Luxe. I'm not going to go into too much depth and some of you already know the back story, but basically DLX is supposed to a sub division of Smart parts that was formed to be a high end gun maker and rid smart parts of it's poor quality control and low end guns.

Upon entering the forum (Located here (http://www.pbnation.com/forumdisplay.php?f=560)) I noticed a thread that was started by DLXs very own representative to PBNation introducing themselves to the community, etc. The new representative went by the name 'DLX Audrey'. Now, I'm not sexist but it was very odd to me that they chose a female to be an entire company's rep for a male dominated sport. It's like Katie Couric announcing for Monday Night Football.

Okay, so anyways, the DLX Luxe was interesting to me just like any new product and curiosity drove me to check it's progress every so often. While browsing the forum, you can't help but notice the posts made by Audrey because they're all sporting user icons and hers just happens to be a picture of what looks to be....Her. She also happens to be attractive...apparently. As I started reading all of her posts, I just wasn't getting a feeling like 'she' was really a 'she'. She was just way too knowledgeable about paintball the industry, past and present, and she came out of no where.

Let me say right now that this is ALL speculation and I have no real life proof at all that Audrey is in fact not female. The more I started thinking, the more it made sense that someone from Smart Parts might have actually created this account to boost sales among other things as well. If any of you have been over to PBNation you've noticed that there is about 15% good information and about 85% junk and flames. I am convinced that Smart Parts/DLX created this female account to help counter flames towards themselves. If you think about it, who is going to flame a female who is HOT, who also happens to play paintball! It's just not going to happen.

So, this is why I am coming to you all right now. I'm going to show you my evidence and I want you to investigate as well and tell me whether or not I'm just crazy or somehow I got lucky and busted right through Smart Parts little plan to manipulate their customers.
First of all, I went directly to the Myspace page of 'DLX Audrey' to see what that was all about. Wasn't hard to find because it's in her signature on pbnation.

Second, I browsed through the pictures, noticing no different pictures than her user icon and also looked at the 'About me' section and to me it looks like total made up garbage that is almost setup like a personal ad on a dating website that is trying to attract paintballers! Go figure. But upon closer inspection there was a watermark on her main profile picture after it let me enlarge it. It read 'Sirimo.co.uk'

Sure enough, after typing in that address and browsing through a few pages I found what I was looking for. http://sirimo.co.uk/?blog=2&paged=4 Soooo, apparently Audrey is some model that has done work in the UK...or something of that sort. But, do I buy any of this garbage of her being a Smart parts rep who just loves paintball but only enjoys the business aspect who just loves conversing with paintballers in a web forum? I sure as hell don't. I think Smart Parts is manipulating the hell out of these people who are looking into buying their products. I'm willing to take the scrutiny that goes along with being wrong for this one, but I am convinced that someone high up in DLX is posing as a female to help boost their image.

Am I crazy? Is my theory plausible in the least? Help me out here!

07-16-2008, 01:02 AM
I'm sold. DLXAudry, will you marry me (just dont tell my wife)?

07-16-2008, 01:16 AM
is it really surprising though, Im almost impressed that they got that smart about it . . . almost :rolleyes:

07-16-2008, 01:34 AM
No one is posing as her. She doesn't exist. Nice catch with the watermark. I don't ever go on PBN, but please make a thread about this over there, it'll help expose SP's evil. Also, someone email the techpb dude, he has a wide audience of agglets that do whatever he says. If we can get them all to hate SP just a little more, it's a step towards SP feelin' some karma.

EDIT: Let me be clear, it is EXTREMELY plausible. You're definitely 100% right. They got some random photo of a chick and invented "Audrey". Or maybe they really hired someone named audrey for cover purposes or something. But the people that log onto the "Audrey" account on PBN are actual paintball people, probably male, and real employees of DLX.

07-16-2008, 01:38 AM

/end sarcasm

07-16-2008, 03:11 AM

I must admit that your evidence does pose some questions towards the authenticity of the sales rep.

BUT.... it's not totally uncommon that hot chicks get involved with paintball... models even. all you have to do is look at a few of the femme fatales... some are models....remember Lisa Harvey?


there is also a female voice that talks to you FROM the DLX

....which also happens to have a british accent

as for knowledge of the sport.... for all you know she could be a long time girlfriend of a pro... and just simply being around that environment THAT much would give her a lot of knowledge...add that with a little training and there ya go...

and...really... if a person is going to drop THAT kind of cash on a marker... they aren't so concerned about what the sales rep looks like.

i'm not saying that you're wrong.
you just should look at all of the angles.

07-16-2008, 04:12 AM
Normally, I would say that that is a pretty far-fetched plan, which needs a little less conjecture, and a lot more proof. BUT...I seriously wouldn't put it past SP to pull some doo-doo like this. I think it is quite possible that you have indeed figured them out. If it turns out that your theory is correct, we should do whatever it takes to let as many people know what is going on.

07-16-2008, 05:20 AM
Careful now, every beer company ever might sue them for stealing their ideas.

07-16-2008, 07:11 AM
Not only is that marker the ugliest looking turd I have ever seen in paintball, I now can honestly say that I despise Smart Parts even more than I did before I read this thread.

If Jesus Christ himself came down from heaven and endorsed Smart Parts, I would convert to Islam.

07-16-2008, 07:18 AM
Watermarked modeling photos? And who do they think they're fooling with that?

Oh, PBN. Right.

07-16-2008, 07:21 AM
Not only is that marker the ugliest looking turd I have ever seen in paintball, I now can honestly say that I despise Smart Parts even more than I did before I read this thread.

If Jesus Christ himself came down from heaven and endorsed Smart Parts, I would convert to Islam.

Oh but didnt you hear? Audrey IS the second coming of christ :P

07-16-2008, 07:38 AM
Oh but didnt you hear? Audrey IS the second coming of christ :P

I bet more people would go to church if Christ had a rack :p

07-16-2008, 07:45 AM
I bet more people would go to church if Christ had a rack :p

And here I thought that making a comment in that euro paintball thread about french players guns only popping out a little white flag was wrong.....oh this just walked away with the whole cake.

07-16-2008, 08:11 AM
Why doesn't someone just report Smart parts to the Better Business Bureau and hope for the best.

07-16-2008, 08:31 AM
Why doesn't someone just report Smart parts to the Better Business Bureau and hope for the best.
As long as "Audrey" doesn't mislead you on the product, I expect she is not much different than Ronald McDonald.

Maybe they will put on a televised NPPL halftime show of bikini speedball.

07-16-2008, 08:36 AM
show of bikini speedball.

MMMM Bikini Speedball /drool

It wouldn't even matter who was hit, who wins games, just make them run around for hours.... :dance:

07-16-2008, 08:42 AM
As long as "Audrey" doesn't mislead you on the product, I expect she is not much different than Ronald McDonald.

Maybe they will put on a televised NPPL halftime show of bikini speedball.

That i WOULDNT mind seeing.

SP or Not.

07-16-2008, 09:06 AM
You know what...

If they had licensed the photo from the modeling company it wouldn't have the watermark. I'll bet you good cash money they just swipped the of the website.

Perhaps somone should notify the owner of that property so he can sue. :wow:

07-16-2008, 09:34 AM
You may be completely correct but I find it interesting that you feel that a woman could in no way shape or form have paintball knowledge equivolent to that of a man. I know for a fact that there are many women out there that know more about the sport than I do. One of them used to hang around her quiet a bit (Clare). With attitudes like yours pervading the sport it's not surprosing that the number of women playing still only equals a small percentage.

07-16-2008, 09:34 AM
You know what...

If they had licensed the photo from the modeling company it wouldn't have the watermark. I'll bet you good cash money they just swipped the of the website.

Perhaps somone should notify the owner of that property so he can sue. :wow:

You know, I was thinking about that. I suppose it's really not that far fetched for someone to have photos taken of themselves by a professional photographer. I just find it odd that they would use a photo that is over 3.5 years old (based on the date those are posted on the site). Now, I'm not saying that having a female rep is enough to make people go out and just drop $1600 on a gun like it's no big deal. I do however believe that they have their reasons in doing this, some of which are a good idea due to the crowd they have to deal with on pbnation.

07-16-2008, 10:29 AM
I hope the person behind the AudryDLX screen name is not a guy, because the person is claiming that the voice from the marker is Audry's own. If it is a dude....that would be LOW!!

07-16-2008, 10:49 AM
No one is posing as her. She doesn't exist. Nice catch with the watermark. I don't ever go on PBN, but please make a thread about this over there, it'll help expose SP's evil. Also, someone email the techpb dude, he has a wide audience of agglets that do whatever he says. If we can get them all to hate SP just a little more, it's a step towards SP feelin' some karma.

EDIT: Let me be clear, it is EXTREMELY plausible. You're definitely 100% right. They got some random photo of a chick and invented "Audrey". Or maybe they really hired someone named audrey for cover purposes or something. But the people that log onto the "Audrey" account on PBN are actual paintball people, probably male, and real employees of DLX.
Done and done, i quoted him and posted it on the DLX forum, i'm going to laugh if they ban me for that as it's all speculation.

I bet more people would go to church if Christ had a rack :p
Man, my mom thinks i'm going to hell because i don't think he was the son of god, you're going to go there so much faster. :rofl:

I have to admit though, if jesus had a rack, no beard, a womanly face, and was in a bikini, that would definitely get more people to go to church. :rofl:

07-16-2008, 11:10 AM
You may be completely correct but I find it interesting that you feel that a woman could in no way shape or form have paintball knowledge equivolent to that of a man. I know for a fact that there are many women out there that know more about the sport than I do. One of them used to hang around her quiet a bit (Clare). With attitudes like yours pervading the sport it's not surprosing that the number of women playing still only equals a small percentage.
Here's the problem,

Women playing = small percentage (given)
Number of players with excellent knowledge of both paintball and SP < All players (observation, I'm one less)
Number of women models < number of women (definition)
women models that don't mind being bruised = oxymoron

If there was one of these, it makes sense that they would be instantly hired as a rep. It just seems unlikely.

07-16-2008, 11:27 AM

It's turned into a flamefest over there sort of, just everyone telling me i'm wrong or that it doesn't matter, seems they can't see that it's also low of smart parts to do this.

07-16-2008, 12:04 PM
I see "She" responded, and of course did not deny or confirm anything yet.

07-16-2008, 12:13 PM
I see "She" responded, and of course did not deny or confirm anything yet.
Yeah, and now there's a guy in there trying to attack me personally because whatever they say has to be true. Apparently i'm jealous because i wish i could be as pretty as her. :rolleyes: Sometimes i weep for my generation.

07-16-2008, 12:18 PM
Here's the problem,

Women playing = small percentage (given)
Number of players with excellent knowledge of both paintball and SP < All players (observation, I'm one less)
Number of women models < number of women (definition)
women models that don't mind being bruised = oxymoron

If there was one of these, it makes sense that they would be instantly hired as a rep. It just seems unlikely.

I understand your point of view but mine was more that the OP basicly states that it would not be plausable for a woman to have that kind of knowledge.

Also the counter to your post is Calre, Keely Watson, Lisa Harvey etc. There are attractive women who "model" that play and I would bet a lot of them have more knowledge than a lot of the internet heros kicking around paintball forums.

07-16-2008, 12:18 PM
snoopay, I'm on your side. I too think it's smells funny. But I'm curious to see what comes out of the whole mess.

07-16-2008, 12:22 PM
snoopay, I'm on your side. I too think it's smells funny. But I'm curious to see what comes out of the whole mess.
Yeah, at least there's someone else raising points in that thread besides me, thanks for the help.

Also, apparently that guy that made a personal attack on me thought it hurt my feelings rather than me not liking that it was off topic and he apologized in a pm, and i basically told him i laughed my *** off at him when he posted that but it takes away from the conversation and leads to a flame war. Again, i weep for my generation sometimes, some of them are so stupid. :(

07-16-2008, 12:23 PM
Just jealous that there is no Victoria Secret halftime paintball contest co-sponsored by AGD.

I knew that halftime show would come back to me, I just needed lunch.

I understand your point of view but mine was more that the OP basicly states that it would not be plausable for a woman to have that kind of knowledge.

Also the counter to your post is Calre, Keely Watson, Lisa Harvey etc. There are attractive women who "model" that play and I would bet a lot of them have more knowledge than a lot of the internet heros kicking around paintball forums.

That and models, money and publicity go together, so those types definitely float to the top. We'll see if any of us can name Audrey next year.

07-16-2008, 12:25 PM
I agree with the request for a recent pic holding a Luxe. It should help clarify things. Also, no one is challenging her on her p-ball knowledge. Maybe it's posted somewhere else, but how long has she played? During what years? On what teams? With what markers? Who does she personally know in the industry outside of smart parts? She what I'm saying...

07-16-2008, 12:27 PM
I'll go get the tinfoil...

Seriously, AO is a hell-hole.


07-16-2008, 12:34 PM
Yeah, when i saw that i had a good laugh. I was sort of expecting this, yet there was a part of me that hoped that there would be common sense and people would at least start questioning. Sigh, dreams.

And skippdogg i agree, the whole thing is fishy and it makes me hate sp more, but apparently people think that sp and DLX aren't the same company, when i was always told that they were.

07-16-2008, 12:46 PM
Looks like Nick is disgruntled and on his way out of paintball anyway. He probably never learned to use a colander instead of foil. :p

Or did he receive the don miguel treatment? Maybe he is don miguel...

07-16-2008, 12:51 PM
Interesting thread, but who really cares? I will say that it's indeed funny how people are so quick to demonize someone who actually displays an individual thought not only on PBN, but anywhere on the internet.

As a side note, I knew there was a reason that I'd yet to really read PBN; by the end of that thread I found myself weeping at the blatant disregard for the English language and overall stupidity displayed by a majority of the posters. If that forum is any indication of the undeniable failure that lies ahead of a majority of America's youth, then I truly weep for the future. If it wasn't for porn and e-commerce, I'd try to stop the internet.

07-16-2008, 12:59 PM
Interesting thread, but who really cares? I will say that it's indeed funny how people are so quick to demonize someone who actually displays an individual thought not only on PBN, but anywhere on the internet.

As a side note, I knew there was a reason that I'd yet to really read PBN; by the end of that thread I found myself weeping at the blatant disregard for the English language and overall stupidity displayed by a majority of the posters. If that forum is any indication of the undeniable failure that lies ahead of a majority of America's youth, then I truly weep for the future. If it wasn't for porn and e-commerce, I'd try to stop the internet.
Like i've said in that thread and has been said a million times over in this one, it's just a whole new low for smart parts that they would do something like this, that's the only reason it's getting attention.

And yeah, each time i venture out of the Mag and custom markers forums on PBN i'm pretty sure my IQ drops a little. He thinks AO is a hellhole when PBN is so much worse.

07-16-2008, 01:06 PM
Hahaha, it finally got closed, , right after Roxcim made a very valid point, which just makes the moderators look bad.

Here's what he said in case non of you caught it:
"Valid questions and valid theroy, the assumptions made are well within bounds of reality the "conspiracy theroy" is well in the range of believeable.

I wouldn't really call this trolling, it was a valid question about marketing tatics and easily disproven if SP really wanted to and audrey really exists. This became a flame war when the sp/dlx loyalists decided that questioning who is in charge (or public faces) is an offence against the population here. Read your history kids, this society was built on questioning what we are being told and holding people accountable for answers.

"Audrey" has the right to not answer the web community who asked said question but failure to answer with a mesure of provable fact is quite harmful. Just walk down the hall and ask Sean from SP west how much heat he has recieved for some posts when he did not get back to users who asked specifics about SP's lawsuits, or the claim that the shoebox shocker shot farther than any other marker...there was a reason he abandoned those threads.

The ball is firmly in your court, and to prove the theroy wrong will take 2 minutes of your day.

And if any of you are going to flame me for "being mean to a girl" this is the internet, a gender nutral zone. Do you take it easy on girls in multiplayer online games...no because I have no idea who is and who is not a girl."

Ah well, i was going to point out how much sense he made, oh well.

EDIT: Just found YDNA is online, and not the other mod, so i guess it only makes him look bad.

07-16-2008, 01:06 PM
well they just locked the thread on PBN
at least it was ended with a really nice post

one more log to throw on the DLX Audrey isn't real pire.
PBN age 28
Myspace age 26
now both sites include an actual birthday input and it keeps track of the age itself. So who really puts in their b-day incorrectly, or inconsitently?

07-16-2008, 01:11 PM
well they just locked the thread on PBN
at least it was ended with a really nice post

one more log to throw on the DLX Audrey isn't real pire.
PBN age 28
Myspace age 26
now both sites include an actual birthday input and it keeps track of the age itself. So who really puts in their b-day incorrectly, or inconsitently?
Yeah, i'm half expecting YDNA to delete his post so that it looks like he was justified in closing the thread, i haven't had much experience with him in the past though so i don't know. I just find it hilarious that it was closed right after that nice post.

07-16-2008, 01:12 PM
I bet more people would go to church if Christ had a rack :p
Well then, your savior has arrived:

Topic's closed on PBN now, go figure. Seriously, though, if that topic is so off base all it takes is a cell phone camera and two minutes to prove.

07-16-2008, 01:16 PM
YDNA is actually a really decent and overall good guy. I don't expect him to participate in a cover up. But who knows what will happen when SP puts some pressure on PBN to clear it up.
I dont' think they could say anyone was trolling and for the record it was DLX supporters doing the flaming that caused the closure.

07-16-2008, 01:24 PM
YDNA is actually a really decent and overall good guy. I don't expect him to participate in a cover up. But who knows what will happen when SP puts some pressure on PBN to clear it up.
I dont' think they could say anyone was trolling and for the record it was DLX supporters doing the flaming that caused the closure.
But by the end the trolling had pretty much died down. All i know is YDNA was the one who closed it, don't know the reason why exactly, but i've heard he was a good guy and so i don't expect him to try to cover it up, but like you said, who knows.

And The Pixel Guru, that is just scary.

07-16-2008, 01:29 PM
Well I've continued the questioning in the Luxe market thread, we'll see how well it goes.
I really feel that it is a valid question about the business practices of the company. I'm a bit peaved about the whole thing. I personally own one and I'd really like to know how underhanded of a company I'm supporting.

07-16-2008, 01:33 PM
Well I've continued the questioning in the Luxe market thread, we'll see how well it goes.
I really feel that it is a valid question about the business practices of the company. I'm a bit peaved about the whole thing. I personally own one and I'd really like to know how underhanded of a company I'm supporting.
Yeah the whole thing pretty much sucks, i'll join you in the marketing thread and back you up, because i just want to see if this theory is correct or no, and it's simple to prove.

07-16-2008, 01:43 PM
I will say that it's indeed funny how people are so quick to demonize someone who actually displays an individual thought not only on PBN, but anywhere on the internet.

That is because the internet exists for rash generalizations and e-peen fights.

The birthday thing is really funny and would have made good leverage to try to force a confession or at least make more people question those with "power" in this case the public faces of companies.

Oh yea, I am roxcim over on that forum...I forgot the password to b-pow long ago so I used my other web handle. The last word I got in before the lock really makes that look....well....bad.

07-16-2008, 01:49 PM
Well this seems pretty unfair, after the fact FallNAngel posted:
"Audrey is correct in that this really has nothing to do with the Luxe or DLX Technology. I know it may otherwise seem like it as Audrey is in this forum and a DLX Rep, so the DLX forum seems like a likely place... however, it isn't. In fact, this discussion is at the very least borderline trolling. If you don't think Audrey is, in fact a female ex-model that is now the DLX Technology company rep, that's fine; However, it is not fine to try to rile people up to believe DLX has made up a personality to sell more markers."

and i've been alerted that i received a warning for trolling, just now, well after the thread had been closed. Man, PBN does suck.

07-16-2008, 01:54 PM
lame, why do I ever go to PbN...it just makes me leave with a bad taste in my mouth.

07-16-2008, 02:00 PM
lame, why do I ever go to PbN...it just makes me leave with a bad taste in my mouth.
That's why i tend to stay in the mag or custom forums. I was fine with it being closed, but then a half hour after it was closed i received a warning for the thread for "Reason: ------- Trolling, Instigating No trolling. Do not make posts that are inflammatory, or designed to get people riled up. Substance, post placement as well as how you word posts are the keys to not being labeled a troll. If you disagree with someone or something, simply say why. If you want to say something doesn't work well, don't say "it sucks."

Do not go into a forum or thread and post something inflammatory without facts to back it up. How you phrase something can also make a huge difference. Be polite, explain your side of a situation well and post in the proper thread or forum to avoid being labeled a troll. -------

Warnings simply serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow. Please take more care when posting in the future. More information about the infraction system can be found in the Infraction FAQ

All the best, PbNation"

The funny thing is that doesn't seem to apply to that thread, as there were facts to back up the theory, and the theory could easily be dispelled if it was wrong, and i never once took an unpolite tone. Man, PBN cracks me up.

07-16-2008, 02:14 PM
I can't seem to drag myself to read through that thread again. Did an Internet White Knight show his face? There's always one when an axe-wound bearer is in e-peril.

07-16-2008, 02:14 PM
I can't seem to drag myself to read through that thread again. Did an Internet White Knight show his face? There's always one when an axe-wound bearer is in e-peril.
FallNAngel showed his face after the thread was closed. Also he said at first i was trying to rile people up, but now he's saying i was warned because it was in the wrong forum and no other reason. He's not the brightest bulb it would seem.

07-16-2008, 02:16 PM
Mountain out of a molehill?

07-16-2008, 02:34 PM
Sean from SP over on MCB has said that she's a real person - she's just chosen not to use photos of herself.

07-16-2008, 02:43 PM
Sean from SP over on MCB has said that she's a real person - she's just chosen not to use photos of herself.

So in one of the threads where she confirmed that it was indeed her picture....she was lying to her readers??....GASP :wow:

07-16-2008, 02:48 PM
So in one of the threads where she confirmed that it was indeed her picture....she was lying to her readers??....GASP :wow:
Yup, and there has to be a reason that she decided to do that, i still think it's a marketing ploy, it's done to get more people to show interest.

07-16-2008, 02:59 PM
Wow who would have thought...dishonesty from a dishonest company? Euro Models tech and rep all there products, just like LP makes you gun shoot further!

07-16-2008, 03:01 PM
Wow who would have thought...dishonesty from a dishonest company? Euro Models tech and rep all there products, just like LP makes you gun shoot further!
*whap* of course, i've been so blind! :)

This just in!:
"I'm not going to take any pictures of myself just to prove it to you. If I do any modeling for DLX Technology in the future, I will let you know. A great idea just occured to me, I'll see if I can't make it happen.

The future awaits,

Hilltop Customs
07-16-2008, 03:08 PM
couldnt someone just contact Sirimo.co.uk and tell them a smart farts is using their images without compensation? seems easier than trying to talk to pbn or smart tards directly :ninja:

(I'm assuming that images that are paid for would not contain the watermark)

07-16-2008, 03:18 PM
couldnt someone just contact Sirimo.co.uk and tell them a smart farts is using their images without compensation? seems easier than trying to talk to pbn or smart tards directly :ninja:

(I'm assuming that images that are paid for would not contain the watermark)
I was actually thinking of doing that earlier, but after going to the site once I realized it's not the best place to view at work.

07-16-2008, 03:18 PM
couldnt someone just contact Sirimo.co.uk and tell them a smart farts is using their images without compensation? seems easier than trying to talk to pbn or smart tards directly :ninja:

(I'm assuming that images that are paid for would not contain the watermark)

cant you see she is thinking about an ion in all of the pictures and therefore makes the images copywrite of sp.

07-16-2008, 03:27 PM
Sean from SP over on MCB has said that she's a real person - she's just chosen not to use photos of herself.

I wonder is she has a "Magic Box" ? ;)

07-16-2008, 03:27 PM
couldnt someone just contact Sirimo.co.uk and tell them a smart farts is using their images without compensation? seems easier than trying to talk to pbn or smart tards directly :ninja:

(I'm assuming that images that are paid for would not contain the watermark)
Done and done. I doubt it's illegal for the myspace image as you can see where they got it from, but they don't say where they got it from on pbnation and that could be a problem.

07-16-2008, 03:37 PM
I also contacted the photographer. Technically any use of the images is copyright violation. I doubt there is any legal remedy that's worth anything other than a standard DMCA takedown notice.

07-16-2008, 03:51 PM
There is clearly enough evidence now. God, I'm so angry even though I didn't even go on PBN. :cuss:

Anyway, there is clearly enough evidence now to convince the agglets, right? I mean, they can't be that stupid, can they? . . .They can't right?! :cry:

07-16-2008, 04:02 PM
Anyway, there is clearly enough evidence now to convince the agglets, right? I mean, they can't be that stupid, can they? . . .They can't right?! :cry:

Never underestimate the sheer power or volume of human stupidity.

07-16-2008, 04:08 PM
I also contacted the photographer. Technically any use of the images is copyright violation. I doubt there is any legal remedy that's worth anything other than a standard DMCA takedown notice.

It's entirely possible that DLX/SP paid that photographer for use of the image. If they stole it, why not steal all of the ones of "Audrey" to lend more creedence to her MySpace. As all e-creeps know, 1 picture = debatable, multiple pictures = more likely to be real, multiple pictures from multiple sources = best likelihood.

Paying for the use of "canned" photos doesn't necessarily mean the watermark gets removed, it's basically how the photographer advertises.

Regardless, it's fairly clear that "Audrey" is not the woman in the picture based on her unwillingness to provide alternate pictures, SP Sean's comments, and how quickly posts are getting shut down. Isn't the main DLX dude (wayne? dwayne? dwight?) supposedly from CA, which is where she is supposedly from as well? It's probably his SO, who is "involved" in the industry via him.

07-16-2008, 04:10 PM
that's okay I've had a back and forth with fallNangel that I kept sending to snoopay where I keep proding him on where the thread does belong then....

He tried to distract me with the idea of a marker that made waffles....


07-16-2008, 04:13 PM
that's okay I've had a back and forth with fallNangel that I kept sending to snoopay where I keep proding him on where the thread does belong then....

He tried to distract me with the idea of a marker that made waffles....

Haha, yeah, and now he's saying that there's no place for that thread to be, when before he said that just the DLX forum was no place for that. As i said before, he's not the brightest, he's very inconsistent.

Also, hexis, it's sad but you're right. :(

07-16-2008, 04:24 PM
Man, if the techPB guy even briefly mentioned any of these claims, everyone would consider them fact in a heartbeat.

I feel like Robespiere. Maybe the masses are just too stupid. Maybe dictatorial control is what's best for them, maybe chopping heads is the way!

07-16-2008, 04:28 PM
It's entirely possible that DLX/SP paid that photographer for use of the image. If they stole it, why not steal all of the ones of "Audrey" to lend more creedence to her MySpace. As all e-creeps know, 1 picture = debatable, multiple pictures = more likely to be real, multiple pictures from multiple sources = best likelihood.

Paying for the use of "canned" photos doesn't necessarily mean the watermark gets removed, it's basically how the photographer advertises.

Paying for imagery on iStockPhoto (where that image is offered) gives the licensee the right to use with image, and I have never seen any maintain a watermark after the image is licensed. That's kind of the point of buying the imagery. The purchased imagery is the product, not the advertisement. The watermark is the protection against inappropriate usage. That said, anything is possible.

07-16-2008, 05:09 PM
I find myself sickened to no end that some poor girl's picture is being exploited to reap profits for a paintball company!!!! For shame!!!

Okay, not really. Honestly, who cares? I really can't see how this is still an issue. People are going to buy whatever they want regardless of how much muck you rake, or attempt to in this case; you can't change people's minds for them.

07-16-2008, 05:18 PM
Haha, yeah, and now he's saying that there's no place for that thread to be, when before he said that just the DLX forum was no place for that. As i said before, he's not the brightest, he's very inconsistent.

Also, hexis, it's sad but you're right. :(

How about in one of the Small Talk forums? Aside from pr0n, I thought pretty much anything goes?

07-16-2008, 05:27 PM
At least if you're worried about what AO has become ("such a hell-hole"), you can be happy with what it hasn't become. :clap:

07-16-2008, 05:39 PM
There is no excuse for a company to LIE and MISLEAD its custormers on any level products or personel.

SmartParts is now the, 45 yr old man living in his parents basement pretending to be a chick and chatting up with all those available guys, of the paintball industry.

07-16-2008, 05:41 PM
How about in one of the Small Talk forums? Aside from pr0n, I thought pretty much anything goes?
According to FallN it doesn't belong anywhere on there and it will warrant a ban if i remember, after i'm done with this i'll post what he said to B-Pow.

Oh, and J_Kizzy, i feel so stupid now, i can't change people's minds? Well i'm not trying to change their minds, i'm just trying to show people what kind of company they are, and if that changes their minds, then so be it, but that's not my main concern. I honestly don't care if they buy it, i think it's overpriced, and it's almost as long as a tippy so it's their loss. The thing i care about is how they mislead their customers, but you know, it's not that big a deal i suppose.

Anywho, here's exactly what he said:

Yes I made a ludricus leap, but jumps down are easier on a slippery slope. However my initial question is still unanswered, where is it approprate to question a company and their marketing, claims, ethics...etc.

The thread in question I do not really see as trolling or inflamitory. It was a basic statement of fact about the validity of an internet persona, it was not slanderious or lacking any evidence.

The reason it's unanswered is because there's really no good answer for where it *can* go. Normally, I'd say Paintball Talk, but again, all you're going to do is rile people up again. I don't see how you can think that going into a forum and suggesting to people that a company made a fake account to lie to customers *wouldn't* get people riled up.

You also said the thread was a statement of fact about the validity of an internet persona, yet in the text you posted, it says
Let me say right now that this is ALL speculation and I have no real life proof at all that Audrey is in fact not female. Really, there is no proof and it's also fairly obvious that talking about it right now just riles people up. So really, you're asking where a good place to post a conspiracy thread and the answer is, we don't have one.


07-16-2008, 05:43 PM
I wonder is she has a "Magic Box" ? ;)

I think it is more like a "Magic Barrel" :ninja:

07-16-2008, 06:20 PM
Cocker punk even got in on the action, but they deleted the thread, here's the link but i doubt you'll be able to go to it, i can view it thanks to the magic of the back button:

he said:
the ultimate proof
been reading this audrey crap.

i dont believe per se, but its very easy to prove something on the interwebz.

pics or shens?

yeah, audrey, to prove all the doubters wrong, take a picture.

now, when we had an epic battle with sean, billy gardner, jack wood, doc nickel, and simon, i decided to go the pics or shens route. i simply took a video of me proving them all wrong. it wasn't much trouble, and in your case it would be even easier.

please take a picture of yourself with -

7 fingers up
the letters WGH written on your hand in black ink
and a pen on/behind your ear

post it.

easiest proof ever.

one thing i have learned audrey, which, if you have been in the paintball world long enough, is that the life blood of paintball flows through PBN. and while most PBNers are flock seeking 14 year old boys, some are not. and sometimes its hard to tell the difference, and sometimes, you need to show the 14 year olds who is boss by stooping to there level and proving them all wrong.

it would take less than 10 minutes, and incontrovertibly prove your existence.

hell, it took me 4 hours and 30 bucks worth of crap and someone elses shocker to prove sean wrong, with your very existence questioned, and the reputation of the gun and company you support, it should be easy as pie.

I find it odd that they deleted it so quickly rather than closing it.

07-16-2008, 07:00 PM
Oh, and J_Kizzy, i feel so stupid now, i can't change people's minds? Well i'm not trying to change their minds, i'm just trying to show people what kind of company they are, and if that changes their minds, then so be it, but that's not my main concern. I honestly don't care if they buy it, i think it's overpriced, and it's almost as long as a tippy so it's their loss. The thing i care about is how they mislead their customers, but you know, it's not that big a deal i suppose.

Anyone with any sense at all already knows what type of company Smart Parts is; a group of sheisty (insert a creative plural expletive here). I don't see how exposing another of their shady business tactics is going to prove anything to people who, quite frankly, don't give a ____. Either people realize things are how they are or they go through life without a clue as to what's going on around them.

Will you be the light in the dark? The undeniable savior who will lead them away from their pagan ways?

The Enlightenment begins now.

07-16-2008, 07:06 PM
Anyone with any sense at all already knows what type of company Smart Parts is; a group of sheisty (insert a creative plural expletive here). I don't see how exposing another of their shady business tactics is going to prove anything to people who, quite frankly, don't give a ____. Either people realize things are how they are or they go through life without a clue as to what's going on around them.

Will you be the light in the dark? The undeniable savior who will lead them away from their pagan ways?

The Enlightenment begins now.


you lost me at the end there...

07-16-2008, 07:27 PM
Anyone with any sense at all already knows what type of company Smart Parts is; a group of sheisty (insert a creative plural expletive here). I don't see how exposing another of their shady business tactics is going to prove anything to people who, quite frankly, don't give a ____. Either people realize things are how they are or they go through life without a clue as to what's going on around them.

Will you be the light in the dark? The undeniable savior who will lead them away from their pagan ways?

The Enlightenment begins now.
You got it, i see myself as the messiah, i'm here to save you all from the sin that is smart parts. I'm also here to tell you all to live by my example. :rolleyes:

There are a lot of people who don't know that DLX is the same company as Smart Parts, and i'd rather them know that they're talking to a fake rep.

07-16-2008, 08:05 PM
Honestly, who cares? I really can't see how this is still an issue.

Deceiving customers in an attempt to make more money off of them (indirectly, but that is the point of Audrey)? You don't mind that? Fine. Some people care what kind of people they support, and think that encouraging certain business practices will have an effect on the industry. If you're not one of those people, I'm sorry.

07-16-2008, 08:10 PM
Deceiving customers in an attempt to make more money off of them (indirectly, but that is the point of Audrey)? You don't mind that? Fine. Some people care what kind of people they support, and think that encouraging certain business practices will have an effect on the industry. If you're not one of those people, I'm sorry.

07-16-2008, 08:21 PM
MMMM Bikini Speedball /drool

It wouldn't even matter who was hit, who wins games, just make them run around for hours.... :dance:

If there was Bikini Speedball, we would all win. :hail:

07-16-2008, 08:38 PM
Well I'm trying to get my hands on a picture and doing a little PI work, so hopefully we can get an actual pictureof audrey playing... SP:" quick they are catching on get that model out on a field now and take some pics..." :rofl:

The audrey contro. is spreading:


07-16-2008, 08:46 PM
Yeah, on mcarterbrown.com Sean even said it's not her real picture, yet he never said that on PBN and she is still acting like it's her real picture, which shows that she picked the picture for some reason, and it's so that people would think that they're talking to a hot woman, because honestly who would you rather get help from when considering a marker, a hot chick who knows a lot about the sport or some chick that's not too great looking who knows a lot about the sport. Well at least we finally know the truth, not like we didn't know it before though.

07-16-2008, 08:57 PM
Yeah, on mcarterbrown.com Sean even said it's not her real picture, yet he never said that on PBN and she is still acting like it's her real picture, which shows that she picked the picture for some reason, and it's so that people would think that they're talking to a hot woman, because honestly who would you rather get help from when considering a marker, a hot chick who knows a lot about the sport or some chick that's not too great looking who knows a lot about the sport. Well at least we finally know the truth, not like we didn't know it before though.
I personally don't find that model hot, just want to go on record saying I think she looks kinda mannish...

07-16-2008, 09:00 PM
Deceiving customers in an attempt to make more money off of them (indirectly, but that is the point of Audrey)? You don't mind that? Fine. Some people care what kind of people they support, and think that encouraging certain business practices will have an effect on the industry. If you're not one of those people, I'm sorry.

I find the assertion that I have some sort of disregard for the manner in which Smart Parts carries themselves as a business offensive. My point is that it's what we should expect from them; no more, no less. It should be no surprise that they would make every attempt to make money, afterall they are a business right? Albeit they operate in a manner that is grossly unacceptable and disgusting, their behavior should come as no surprise.

07-16-2008, 09:09 PM
Okay. Well, I disagree that we shouldn't make a fuss about it. First of all we're AO. More importantly, I like to try to do a little something about things I'm not happy with, not just sit around and let them continue to happen. As tagroland from MCB said in his video:


"You shouldn't be part of the darkness, you should be exposing the darkness."

07-16-2008, 09:25 PM
I find myself sickened to no end that some poor girl's picture is being exploited to reap profits for a paintball company!!!! For shame!!!

Okay, not really. Honestly, who cares? I really can't see how this is still an issue. People are going to buy whatever they want regardless of how much muck you rake, or attempt to in this case; you can't change people's minds for them.

I'll tell you the problem I have with fake identities on a web forum:
DLX is promising the BEST customer support in the history for their new marker. They are promising YEARS of service for the $1600 investment. They are not distributing the markers online to try to help the local shops with business and keep the customers coming back for certified service, etc. All this sounds great and I think it's a really neat idea for a company to take these strides.

Now, if they can hold their end of the deal $1600 might not be a lot for good service over several years. However, when all of these promises are coming from a company who has a poor quality control background plus added onto that, misleading representatives of the company, things start getting a little hairy.

Let me clarify that I have absolutely NO problem with the fact that a company has a female representative, I actually think it's great. But, if the company is deceiving it's customer base with false representation, you have to question everything else they've said. I am willing to take the scrutiny that goes along with being wrong on this matter, but if I am correct, I would definitely think twice before dealing with a deceptive company like this.

07-16-2008, 09:46 PM
You should think twice about dealing with Smart Parts anyway, their track record speaks volumes. I was quoted at $1650 for a Luxe down here and I'd almost consider it because, let's face it, that marker is pretty hot. Who's to blame SP for attempting to get away from their rat____ reputation? Just as Ford has attempted to re-invent themselves over and over again, only to fail miserably. Now I will say that their viral marketing attempt is sheisty, but it is what it is; an effort to turn their back on their utter incompetence thus far.

07-16-2008, 09:46 PM
Hey, you all remember how i told you cockerpunk made a thread about it and it got deleted right away, well apparently he put a quote in his signature that one of the reps from PBN said to him today, and i happen to have that quote here:
Originally posted by HP_Lovecraft: (about PBN)
But in short order, it was explained that the job of the mods is to PROTECT the sponsors, not the users. They don't give a crap about the spam, trolls, and flames. Nor the constant waste of bandwidth with absurd sigs, porn, and vulgar talk.... again, as long as no harm was done to sponsors. The whole forum was setup as a massive marketing scheme.

At least i assume it was said today, either way it was still said about PBN, which i find both hilarious and sad at the same time.

07-16-2008, 10:10 PM
The sad thing is, this whole debacle is really just caused by Audrey, who is an actual female paintballer legitimately employed by DLX, not wanting to post her real picture for all the 14 year olds on PBN to fap over. There's probably no big nefarious scheme going on. The problem is the illusion of impropriety that's been caused by her sketchy behavior, Sean the SP Fanboys rushing to her defense, sicking the PBN Gestapo on people, etc. I mean do they honestly think that is a rational, appropriate way to respond? Had she posted a thread and just said "oh, hahah, you caught me, that's not my real pic I decided not to post my real one because I am shy/not photogenic/don't want you fapping to it/etc" I'm sure this all would have blown over.

Or, on the other hand...


07-16-2008, 10:13 PM
I think I just pooped I laughed so hard. :clap:

07-16-2008, 10:23 PM
haha, I love it.

I do have to agree Mayvik. It's really all their fault that it isn't really blowing over. PBNation will try their tactics to help it blow over, but deleting posts, closing threads, and banning people will only drag it out farther.

07-16-2008, 10:23 PM
Funny thing is Sean is the one who made that picture, it's pretty damn funny.

Oh, and that quote from HP_Lovecraft is from mcb a while ago according to cockerpunk.

07-16-2008, 10:44 PM
Sean from SP over on MCB has said that she's a real person - she's just chosen not to use photos of herself.
Got a link?

Hilltop Customs
07-16-2008, 10:47 PM
maybe people should stop asking for her picture, and just ask her to take down the fake one. Nothing says you have to post a legitimate picture of yourself joining the forum....but if you post a fake picture and get caught, you should have the decency to stop claiming to be someone your not.

I wonder if she choose her own picture or if it was given to her.......whoever made the choice must be real smart picking a picture with a watermark :tard:

As for the whole PBN being a big advertisement......fanboys of anykind=free advertisement....AO is an advertisement for mags. Advertisements are everywhere, because consumers are everywhere.....simple fact of life.

07-16-2008, 10:50 PM
Got a link?
Sam posted it earlier in here, but here it is again:http://www.mcarterbrown.com/forums/dead-zone/45570-sp-s-newest-shenanigans.html

5th post.

And Hilltop, i pmed her saying sean sold her out and to stop, she ignored it, she'll keep pretending she's someone else, or he, i'm still not sure on that one.

07-16-2008, 11:34 PM
Cockerpunk just dropped a new video on youtube about his thoughts of the whole Audrey thing... Link to Cockerpunks new video (http://youtube.com/user/gerglmuff)

Hope you all like his new video as much as I did...

07-16-2008, 11:57 PM
Cockerpunk just dropped a new video on youtube about his thoughts of the whole Audrey thing... Link to Cockerpunks new video (http://youtube.com/user/gerglmuff)

Hope you all like his new video as much as I did...
That was a pretty awesome video, and he's right, it is ridiculous.

07-16-2008, 11:58 PM
I'm just waiting on my email from DLX attorneys telling me that they are willing to prosecute me to the fullest extent of the law for exposing their plan to take over the paintball world with female avatars.

07-17-2008, 12:42 AM
I'm just waiting on my email from DLX attorneys telling me that they are willing to prosecute me to the fullest extent of the law for exposing their plan to take over the paintball world with female avatars.

It's on the way I'm sure, word is bond.

07-17-2008, 12:47 AM
Not to long ago I helped your cause and posted this on PBN: http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?t=2766154

Your voices are not going unheard I'm trying to stay on the good side of all the forums, so I can report the situation and let everyone voice everything out, so if you have any good links for me to add post them and I will add them to the post. Thanks


07-17-2008, 01:26 AM
So did anyone let the photography company know? Or istockphoto was it? I hope someone got a bunch of screenshots.

07-17-2008, 02:44 AM
good lord.

You know, the depths of the detective work used to sniff out SP is facinating to me. I love watching it. Hell, its better than most of whats on TV.

07-17-2008, 05:27 AM
cough cough DLX gets BOPPED for stealing photos by the Owner (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?t=2766369)


so does this mean Sean @ smart parts was lying. ROFL or is it a chic like he said, just not that one? I am going with the lying...as it is SP; but who knows, maybe "audrey" isn't a pimple faced teen, rather a 350 lb mother of 7 like the old Aerosmith "Sweet Emotion" video

07-17-2008, 05:35 AM
cough cough DLX gets BOPPED for stealing photos by the Owner (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?t=2766369)


so does this mean Sean @ smart parts was lying. ROFL or is it a chic like he said, just not that one? I am going with the lying...as it is SP; but who knows, maybe "audrey" isn't a pimple faced teen, rather a 350 lb mother of 7 like the old Aerosmith "Sweet Emotion" video

Yeh, cause noone can make a fake account on PBN just to "prove" a point. While you may be right that the photo is simply a model ( I couldn't care less) the chances of the account that made this post being authentic is slim to none I expect, and slim is walking away.

07-17-2008, 06:38 AM
cough cough DLX gets BOPPED for stealing photos by the Owner (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?t=2766369)


so does this mean Sean @ smart parts was lying.

AWESOME, even if it was posted under a fake account on PBN.

What is also pretty interesting, is that both the threads regarding this on PBN and MCB have been either locked or deleted.

:clap: AO

07-17-2008, 07:14 AM
nicely done boys.
I just hope it actually was the photographer that posted that thread and not somebody pretending to be him.

07-17-2008, 08:22 AM
I sent the photog email, and he responded to me pointing to that thread. It's him.

07-17-2008, 08:28 AM

Now if that photo company instead just str8 sued them it would have been even better. :headbang:

07-17-2008, 08:38 AM
looks like the pictures have been changed, PBN and myspace. now lets see what type of bull they can come up with to explain why it happened. I still haven't been able to find the post where she said it was her in the picture.

Next conspiracy, is it really her voice on the board? After this I bet she's not even brittish.

07-17-2008, 08:49 AM
looks like the pictures have been changed, PBN and myspace. now lets see what type of bull they can come up with to explain why it happened. I still haven't been able to find the post where she said it was her in the picture.

Next conspiracy, is it really her voice on the board? After this I bet she's not even brittish.

Heres the Link to her post saying that it was her in the pic... (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?t=2635835&page=2) it is post number 32...

07-17-2008, 09:00 AM
Heres the Link to her post saying that it was her in the pic... (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?t=2635835&page=2) it is post number 32...

And of course, I give the SP Conglomerate the benefit of the doubt, and look what happens!

:hail: to the "hell-hole" of AO for giving them the righteous smiting they deserve.

07-17-2008, 09:14 AM
cough cough DLX gets BOPPED for stealing photos by the Owner (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?t=2766369)


so does this mean Sean @ smart parts was lying. ROFL or is it a chic like he said, just not that one? I am going with the lying...as it is SP; but who knows, maybe "audrey" isn't a pimple faced teen, rather a 350 lb mother of 7 like the old Aerosmith "Sweet Emotion" video

okay that is irony, the king of (questionably obtained) IP lawsuits in paintball getting a threat of litigation for stealing.

Karma...it will eventually start to catch up with you.

07-17-2008, 09:20 AM
What was the deal on PBN a while back where a vendor did something bad enough to be added to the bad words filter? Anyone remember?

07-17-2008, 09:25 AM
What was the deal on PBN a while back where a vendor did something bad enough to be added to the bad words filter? Anyone remember?

Wasn't that Orderpaintball.com?

07-17-2008, 09:25 AM
If I put my Bill Clinton glasses on for a sec, lets look at that post #32

Here is the question. Please forgive the blatant butchering of the English language.


if thats you on the avy, then you're wayyy to hott to be on the nation.

Audrey's reply

Me indeed

I see some wiggle room in there if someone is looking to split hairs.

07-17-2008, 09:27 AM
Anybody know where to dig up record of who specifically owns a company. I think it's time to put the "DLX is a seperate company" to the test. It may truely be it's own company but if it is owned by the same people, there is no seperation.

07-17-2008, 09:31 AM
Anybody know where to dig up record of who specifically owns a company. I think it's time to put the "DLX is a seperate company" to the test. It may truely be it's own company but if it is owned by the same people, there is no seperation.

Not to change the subject, but is the DLX gun even the SLIGHTEST bit appealing to anyone? It looks like a total POS, and even worse aesthetically.

07-17-2008, 09:40 AM
Anybody know where to dig up record of who specifically owns a company. I think it's time to put the "DLX is a seperate company" to the test. It may truely be it's own company but if it is owned by the same people, there is no seperation.

Not so much. Even with the same ownership a different corporation is a different entity. You can just expect similar things from it. The only situation where it would be literally the same company is if they filed a DBA (Doing Business As).

Doing a little searching:

There is no corporation listing in PA for DLX Technology Group. There is for Smart Parts.

Domain contact info:

Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
Trent, Darryl [email protected]
Luxe Paintball
DLX Technology Group
100 Station Street
Loyalhanna, PA 15661

Administrative Contact:
Mowry, Valetta [email protected]
Smart Parts Inc
PO Box 3200
Latrobe, PA 15650
724-539-2660 fax: 724-539-5555

Technical Contact:
Buyan, Steve [email protected]
Smart Parts
100 Station Street
Loyalhanna, PA 15661

Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
Trent, Darryl [email protected]
Luxe Paintball
DLX Technology Group
100 Station Street
Loyalhanna, PA 15661

The only real address listed for all three is the same. If there is a separation between the companies, it is quite minimal.

07-17-2008, 09:43 AM
I see some wiggle room in there if someone is looking to split hairs.

We all know what she meant :rolleyes:

BTW....I don't like the look of the Luxe...reminds me of a banana.

07-17-2008, 09:44 AM
What was the deal on PBN a while back where a vendor did something bad enough to be added to the bad words filter? Anyone remember?

Virtue was in the swear filter for a while the rumor was that they were sending sales reps into PbN to talk down the other aftermarket board companies, make up horror stories, talk up their company...they have since been removed from the swear filter.

Not to change the subject, but is the DLX gun even the SLIGHTEST bit appealing to anyone? It looks like a total POS, and even worse aesthetically.

no, it looks like anus...and all of their "remarkable technology breakthroughs" have been done already...several times...by better companies.

07-17-2008, 09:53 AM
Well she has deleted any trace of that photo now lol. The guy who busted her must have changed her mind who she really is, cause the pic isnt her avatar or on her myspace anymore lol. Way to go guys!!!

07-17-2008, 09:55 AM
Not so much. Even with the same ownership a different corporation is a different entity. You can just expect similar things from it. The only situation where it would be literally the same company is if they filed a DBA (Doing Business As).
actually in the business world if two companies (entities) are completely controlled by another company, you generally have to file taxes and SEC filings as if they are one. I have a little knowledge since it's what I do to pay the bills.
This isn't to say they couldn't operate seperately, but they are technically part of one larger company. I'm guessing it's all partnership ownership with the Gardeners owning all the interests in the end.

Hilltop Customs
07-17-2008, 10:36 AM
haha wow this is too funny

"AO, disproving smart parts 1 employee at a time!"

I'd be almost willing to bet that "she" disapears and another DLX rep just happens to come around in the next few weeks. Either that or since "her" pic changed everyone will forget.

Either way its nice to know smart parts and its affiliates have no problems with directly lying to their customers.....even in something as trivial as a picture of an employee. Stupidity at its finest.

07-17-2008, 10:59 AM
I sent the photog email, and he responded to me pointing to that thread. It's him.
Yeah, he sent me the same link, seems a few people clued him in to it, and i'm damn glad that he handled it how he did, sort of glad he didn't sue them because he might've gone broke, this hurts their reputation though.

And Big E, i think the gun looks horrible and also i hate how it's as long as a tippmann, i mean sure some people like longer barrels to wrap, but this one doesn't even have the feedneck NEAR the trigger, so it's needlessly long and it's a high performance gun. :rolleyes: Plus, when i first saw it and it's "revolutionary designs" i thought the same thing as B-Pow, it's already been done by much better companies.

07-17-2008, 11:15 AM
muhahaha. I love it! Changing the world we are! props to boy_wonder!

07-17-2008, 11:19 AM
muhahaha. I love it! Changing the world we are! props to boy_wonder!
Yeah man, congrats Boy_Wonder for starting all this, seeing as you pretty much caused their fall, and you were completely right. I'm betting and hoping their credibility takes a huge blow from this.

07-17-2008, 11:29 AM
Either way its nice to know smart parts and its affiliates have no problems with directly lying to their customers.....even in something as trivial as a picture of an employee. Stupidity at its finest.

Thats a major thing. They could have easily come out and said they used a different picture of a professional model and been ok... or they could have used one of the professional models that (at least in the past) worked the major events for them.

To lie over something so trivial is the height of the idiocy and arrogance that they have shown. This lie had no possible good outcome for them in a business sense, when called on it owning up would have prevented any possibility of a PR disastor.

07-17-2008, 11:41 AM
In no way am I defending what has been done, but there is a possibility that the fault may be on Audrey alone. She may have made the decision to post the photo without input from others in the company. Anyhow, I do believe that the company is reponsible for the actions of the employees, since they do often represent and speak on the company's behalf. Just a thought.

07-17-2008, 11:46 AM
In no way am I defending what has been done, but there is a possibility that the fault may be on Audrey alone. She may have made the decision to post the photo without input from others in the company. Anyhow, I do believe that the company is reponsible for the actions of the employees, since they do often represent and speak on the company's behalf. Just a thought.
Lohman is right though (and that won't come from me often, we've had our differences :rofl: ) the company as a whole didn't provide any information when it was shown that they could have. This whole thing lies on the company as a whole now, even if it was her decision.

07-17-2008, 11:54 AM
I don't know that I'd say this is as nefarious as some people are trying to make this out to be, although it was definitely a clumsy effort.

Fake avatar picture:

Everybody on PbN has fake avatar pictures. IF we all looked like our avatar pics, I look like a check mark.

Fake personality:

It's actually quite common for companies to have CSR personalities for communicating with customers on the internet. They don't represent a real person - they might represent one person for a time until someone else gets the CSR job, or might even represent multiple people. That lets the company have a consistent presence despite staffing changes.

Fake myspace page:

Lots of companies have 'fake' myspace pages. Seems every nightclub on myspace for example is a 25 year old hot female.

But, using a photo without permission was clearly an error, and it was clumsy to not be more clear about the nature of Audrey from the beginning. But there's a big difference between clumsy and nefarious.

DLX was trying to create an online CSR personality. There's really nothing odd, uncommon, or inherently dishonest about that. They just did a poor job of it.

It's not like they claimed their gun shoots further than other guns or something. ;)

- Chris

07-17-2008, 11:58 AM
Creating a "personality" is one thing. Using a fake photo is not even that bad (if you use it with permission). Outright lying about it is something else all together. The issue is not with the cheezy initial actions, it is with the way it was handled by both PBN and DLX.

07-17-2008, 12:01 PM
It's not like they claimed their gun shoots further than other guns or something. ;)

- Chris
No no, those claims will come once the gun has been out for a bit longer. :rofl:

However, Hexis is right, it's how it was handled and the outright lying that's the problem.

07-17-2008, 12:26 PM
No no, those claims will come once the gun has been out for a bit longer. :rofl:

However, Hexis is right, it's how it was handled and the outright lying that's the problem.

However I see it as a chance to show the rest of the population of PbN that we need to question athroity, hold people accountable, and that in an industry where the companies have been telling us what we want the little guy (the players) can still win one every now and again.

Not really a great victory, but with the way things have been going...it's better than nothing. Stubbing the giant's toe is better than nothing...it it shows the giant that we are not totally complacient.

07-17-2008, 12:28 PM
In no way am I defending what has been done, but there is a possibility that the fault may be on Audrey alone. She may have made the decision to post the photo without input from others in the company. Anyhow, I do believe that the company is reponsible for the actions of the employees, since they do often represent and speak on the company's behalf. Just a thought.
let me just say this real quick, there is no Audrey. How do I know this, I don't, but all the facts post to it being a fictional person. Inconsitent birthdays, fake pictures, hell even her profile on Myspace says she's from California. If she a cali girl, how did she get the brittish accent to record onto the board?

Now I can see this happening. They blaim Audrey, claim they've fired her and move on. Funny thing is nothing would have changed as it would still be the same people who posted as Audrey that would continue to post as customer reps, just not Audrey.

07-17-2008, 12:35 PM
Creating a "personality" is one thing. Using a fake photo is not even that bad (if you use it with permission). Outright lying about it is something else all together. The issue is not with the cheezy initial actions, it is with the way it was handled by both PBN and DLX.

Maybe I'm missing something - was there outright lying other than saying the photo was accurate?

I put that in the clumsy category - you want your CSR personality to be 'real', but with a wink and a nod so everyone knows they're not REALLY real. I just think SP did a poor job of maintaining the illusion while still allowing people to understand it is an illusion.

The online CSR rep is a fictional personality. The fictional personality is kinda SUPPOSED to make you 'believe' they're not fictional.

- Chris

07-17-2008, 12:37 PM
Chris, the online rep claimed the photo and the voice of the gun to be hers.

07-17-2008, 12:40 PM
let me just say this real quick, there is no Audrey. How do I know this, I don't, but all the facts post to it being a fictional person. Inconsitent birthdays, fake pictures, hell even her profile on Myspace says she's from California. If she a cali girl, how did she get the brittish accent to record onto the board?

Now I can see this happening. They blaim Audrey, claim they've fired her and move on. Funny thing is nothing would have changed as it would still be the same people who posted as Audrey that would continue to post as customer reps, just not Audrey.

Guess we may never really know. Imagine if you were one of the members that flirted with her on the threads...and she turns out to be a dude!

I remember in one of the threads, a guy asked if she would be at the Luxe booth at PSP. She said that she can't attend events because she has to man the office....I guess the pieces are starting to come together.

07-17-2008, 12:41 PM
Chris, the online rep claimed the photo and the voice of the gun to be hers.

"Chris" huh? :rofl:

07-17-2008, 12:48 PM
You misread that, lmao :rofl: , I was replying to Chris (Raehl). :rofl:

07-17-2008, 12:55 PM
You misread that, lmao :rofl: , I was replying to Chris (Raehl). :rofl:


07-17-2008, 12:59 PM
Maybe I'm missing something - was there outright lying other than saying the photo was accurate?

So, is that question really "How is the company rep unethical other than being unethical?"

07-17-2008, 01:01 PM
So, is that question really "How is the company rep unethical other than being unethical?"
was there outright lying other than outright lying?

07-17-2008, 01:05 PM
I don't know that I'd say this is as nefarious as some people are trying to make this out to be, although it was definitely a clumsy effort.

Fake avatar picture:

Everybody on PbN has fake avatar pictures. IF we all looked like our avatar pics, I look like a check mark.

Fake personality:

It's actually quite common for companies to have CSR personalities for communicating with customers on the internet. They don't represent a real person - they might represent one person for a time until someone else gets the CSR job, or might even represent multiple people. That lets the company have a consistent presence despite staffing changes.

Fake myspace page:

Lots of companies have 'fake' myspace pages. Seems every nightclub on myspace for example is a 25 year old hot female.

But, using a photo without permission was clearly an error, and it was clumsy to not be more clear about the nature of Audrey from the beginning. But there's a big difference between clumsy and nefarious.

DLX was trying to create an online CSR personality. There's really nothing odd, uncommon, or inherently dishonest about that. They just did a poor job of it.

It's not like they claimed their gun shoots further than other guns or something. ;)

- Chris

I actually agree with the it wasn't that big of a deal. On the list of "marketing" done in paintball this may be slightly new (to paintball, obviously it has existed outside) but it surely isn't very low. It was just horribly handled and let spin out of control but I doubt anyone (well, almost anyone) would have really cared.

Should have stuck to the "does too shoot further" in the face of undeniable physical evidence against it. That seemed to work better.

07-17-2008, 01:10 PM
So, is that question really "How is the company rep unethical other than being unethical?"

I don't think there's anything unethical about having an online CSR persona that doesn't correspond to a real person. It's a pretty common business practice. For example, I frequent a frequent-flyer forum for Northwest Airlines, and Northwest has a 'person' named NW_Scoop who is the presence on that site. NW_Scoop doesn't correspond to a real person.

Hell, some companies go so far as to use talking amphibians!

Anyway, I don't think there's anything wrong with the fictional persona pretending they're not fictional. If I ask a magician if they really just cut their assistant in half, they're going to say yes. We're paying the magician to act like they're really doing magic and not just being tricky. And it doesn't seem odd to me that you have this high-end gun with 'the voice' that talks to you and you make an online persona to go with it. Now not only will your gun talk to you on the field, it'll talk to you online too! It's just standard promotional stuff. We should all know our gun isn't really talking to us, but part of the product is the illusion that the gun talks.

The problem is DLX didn't do a good job of establishing Audrey as a fictional persona. I think in most environments most people would understand that Audrey was a personality ('the voice on the gun') and not a real person, but some people didn't get it, and I do think DLX did a poor job of establishing who exactly Audrey was (or more importantly, was not).

And they should have used a photo they had rights to. Nobody expects the pictures of the customer service reps on customer contact pages of websites to be actual customer service reps, but ya at least pay someone for the rights to the photos you're using.

- Chris

07-17-2008, 01:19 PM
Thats what throws me... is it seems SP would have the rights to plenty of photos of good looking woman to use for this that could not have "blown up" in there face.

The concept was not faulty, the execution and subsequent explanation could have been handled better by my 8 year old child.

07-17-2008, 01:21 PM
They could have easily used a cartoon picture of a woman (think Erin Esurance) had that screen name pretend to be Audrey and no body would have cared. They could even have said that the voice was her, since they probably did pay for that.
But no, they had to be stupid about it and got caught. Own up, say sorry, move on. It's funny how many supporters say they don't care about being lied to. It may be a little lie, but it's still a lie. Once you're caught, own up to it or no one will ever believe anything you say without undeniable proof.

07-17-2008, 01:30 PM

In there people claim to know who she is, but that she isn't huge in the industry, anti SP people. Pretty much i guess she exists, just isn't that woman and isn't as important as she claimed.

07-17-2008, 01:37 PM
I think you may have linked the wrong thread. I too have heard there is a girl at SP, that may have at one point used the username to post replies. But her name is not Audrey, and she is not the only one using the DLX Audrey account.
If anyone is interested, the Audrey username has been on PBN, just has not posted anything since this all blew up this morning.

07-17-2008, 01:41 PM
I think you may have linked the wrong thread. I too have heard there is a girl at SP, that may have at one point used the username to post replies. But her name is not Audrey, and she is not the only one using the DLX Audrey account.
If anyone is interested, the Audrey username has been on PBN, just has not posted anything since this all blew up this morning.
Ack, that i did, i must not have hit c when i was copying it.

Here's the right thread:

And i find it interesting that they haven't posted anything yet. Curious, very curious.

07-17-2008, 02:10 PM
and finally the answer

07-17-2008, 02:37 PM
Pretty much what folks suspected. Just plain foolishness.

07-17-2008, 02:39 PM
and finally the answer
Well it's not that big of a surprise, they need to cover their asses. I still don't buy "oh there was nothing behind me choosing that picture" though. Whatever, at least they were smart enough to admit they were wrong.

07-17-2008, 02:47 PM
Careful how you continue this before you look insincere in the "you should have just apologized and moved on camp".

At this point it appears someone has put forth an apology, as well as an apology for how it was handled. Was the entire point simply seeking the truth or was it a vendetta against SP? Remember I'm of the camp that this was not that big of a deal, at least originally.

07-17-2008, 02:53 PM
muhahahahhaha I got a reply. this gal is a serious CSR to be on the forums that much.

BTW does anyone know if she has a direct linke phone #?

07-17-2008, 02:54 PM
Careful how you continue this before you look insincere in the "you should have just apologized and moved on camp".

At this point it appears someone has put forth an apology, as well as an apology for how it was handled. Was the entire point simply seeking the truth or was it a vendetta against SP? Remember I'm of the camp that this was not that big of a deal, at least originally.
I accepted her apology, i just also voiced my opinion about how i don't buy that the picture was picked for no reason in particular.

07-17-2008, 02:58 PM
I accepted her apology, i just also voiced my opinion about how i don't buy that the picture was picked for no reason in particular.

If the reason was it was a good looking female sure.... why not? I mean if you were creating a persona would it not be one that was aesthetically pleasing? I do not really see that as being an evil reason.

Though, a cartoon or anime, or something not real (or any image that one actually owned the rights to) would have been better for commercial use, as others have pointed out. I'm sure they would agree in hindsight.

07-17-2008, 03:00 PM
I accepted her apology, i just also voiced my opinion about how i don't buy that the picture was picked for no reason in particular.


She wanted a picture.

- Chris

07-17-2008, 03:00 PM
Though, a cartoon or anime, or something not real (or any image that one actually owned the rights to) would have been better for commercial use, as others have pointed out. I'm sure they would agree in hindsight.

Or at least something properly licensed.

- Chris

07-17-2008, 03:01 PM
If the reason was it was a good looking female sure.... why not? I mean if you were creating a persona would it not be one that was aesthetically pleasing? I do not really see that as being an evil reason.

Though, a cartoon or anime, or something not real (or any image that one actually owned the rights to) would have been better for commercial use, as others have pointed out. I'm sure they would agree in hindsight.
I'm not saying it's evil, i'm just saying i don't buy that she just picked it because it looked like an Audrey, of course they wanted a good looking female, they wanted someone that guys would have a very easy time talking to, and as much as she says it wasn't, it was still about marketing, that's my point.

07-17-2008, 03:05 PM
I'm not saying it's evil, i'm just saying i don't buy that she just picked it because it looked like an Audrey, of course they wanted a good looking female, they wanted someone that guys would have a very easy time talking to, and as much as she says it wasn't, it was still about marketing, that's my point.

For example, her being "single" and flirty in the PBN posts is also something fabricated to enhance "Audrey's" usefulness as a marketing tool. They could have made "Audrey" a fat, 45 year old train-wreck who ran a lathe for 30 years...but instead the personality in question is a mid-20s, flirty, single, hot chick. I'm sure if it was not THAT particular picture, they would have picked another of it's like; a hot chick but believable that it's someone's actual picture and not something from a photoshoot (aside from the watermark. :rolleyes: ).

07-17-2008, 03:10 PM
For example, her being "single" and flirty in the PBN posts is also something fabricated to enhance "Audrey's" usefulness as a marketing tool. They could have made "Audrey" a fat, 45 year old train-wreck who ran a lathe for 30 years...but instead the personality in question is a mid-20s, flirty, single, hot chick. I'm sure if it was not THAT particular picture, they would have picked another of it's like; a hot chick but believable that it's someone's actual picture and not something from a photoshoot (aside from the watermark. :rolleyes: ).
Exactly, and that's the point i was making, she's saying it's got nothing to do with marketing when it obviously does.

07-17-2008, 03:12 PM
Exactly, and that's the point i was making, she's saying it's got nothing to do with marketing when it obviously does.

I'm also waiting for her to answer my questions about which payroll she's on, SP, DLX or both...should be interesting insight into how truly separate the two companies are.

07-17-2008, 03:18 PM
Of course... look at any billboard.

For most men look at the waitresses that get the best tips - they come off as "available", flirty, and easy on the eyes. Even if they are married

07-17-2008, 03:56 PM
Wow. AO is awesome. Can someone quote their reply? I know if I go on PBN I'll just get furious.


You know what... **** you all. I am out.

I still ove you Harb. But I spend so much ****ing time with this **** that I lose a hit load of money from sale... hence comission. And many people are still ****ing morons and ****.. I am done posting on forums.


From MCB

07-17-2008, 04:18 PM

Now some one get some evidence that DLX is Smartparts and lets throw another stone at Golith. :cheers:

I love you AO...each and eveyone of you!!!! :clap:

07-17-2008, 04:25 PM

Maybe it's a little old, but I thought it was funny. :rolleyes:

07-17-2008, 04:39 PM

Now some one get some evidence that DLX is Smartparts and lets throw another stone at Golith. :cheers:

I love you AO...each and eveyone of you!!!! :clap:

Well Rebecca flat out stated that she's a SP employee "doing a favor" for Darryl.

Also, the underlying point of why I'm questioning her on who she works for, etc is that since DLX is supposed to be providing a "luxury" service with unheard of support...how is it they can't even hire a full-time dedicated CSR?

07-17-2008, 04:40 PM
Now some one get some evidence that DLX is Smartparts and lets throw another stone at Golith. :cheers:

As requested:

07-17-2008, 05:07 PM
Thought I'd share...


07-17-2008, 05:38 PM

That pic is priceless. Perfect on so many levels.

As for me here was my reply:

Just for the record, Audrey....er...Rebecca, i accept your apology. Really. No big deal to me, as i see what you were going for with creating a "luxery" persona around the new marker. Trying to capture the "james bond cool" for us guy type folks. Its cool, i get it.

Still, let this situation be a lesson, to you, to DLX, to whomever may come across it:
Paintballers are NOT stupid. There are some that may ACT that way, but at the core of this sport is a very critical and analytical bunch of folks who will NOT let things go un-investigated. The very sport we play, in fact, was built by people creating new things out of nothing. Building the technology of paintball doenst come without reading into things. So, next time a customer service decision is made just remember, above all things, paintball players love LOVE to call shenanigans. They love it. They live for it. Everything gets investigated, and picked apart. Thats part of the joy and its the one thing we (the player crowd) still has at out disposal.

That being said, honesty (for me) goes a long way, and though there was some deception at first, im willing to admit that i cannot cats the first stone, as i myself have made some poor calls in the past.

Still, i wont be buying a Luxe. But i wasnt a potential customer anyhow as i am an AGD fanboy and supporter, and do not like Smart Parts. But thats for another time.

For now, just weather this storm, it'll blow over, but dont (for your own sanity) underestimate the player crowd again. Just be honest. After all, if you have a cool british accent, AND play paintball....well...thats enough in most guys books. ;)

07-17-2008, 06:35 PM
I have a question: In one of those threads on PBN, "Audrey" states that the Gardners knew absolutely nothing about all her shens. Could there be any truth to that? I mean, with all the shens that the Gardner Bros. have pulled in the past, is it possible that EVERYONE at SP/DLX is shady? Or did this "scheme" come from the "puppet masters" Gardners? I am just saying that I find it hard to believe that the Gardners had nothing to do with it, or had no knowledge of what "Audrey" was doing. (Am I making sense?)

07-17-2008, 06:46 PM
I have a question: In one of those threads on PBN, "Audrey" states that the Gardners knew absolutely nothing about all her shens. Could there be any truth to that? I mean, with all the shens that the Gardner Bros. have pulled in the past, is it possible that EVERYONE at SP/DLX is shady? Or did this "scheme" come from the "puppet masters" Gardners? I am just saying that I find it hard to believe that the Gardners had nothing to do with it, or had no knowledge of what "Audrey" was doing. (Am I making sense?)

It would seem logical that someone at SP had to approve DLX's marketing plan, being as they are somehow intertwined and I would imagine that SP has a good chunk of $ riding on the success of DLX. Also, since DLX appears to be "borrowing" Rebecca as a temp CSR, it seems likely that someone at SP knew she was going to be doing the job. It may have been suggested that she use an alter-ego to avoid connection between the companies, or the DLXies might have cooked it up as she says and told SP about it to assuage their fears of a connection. Was it one of the Super Gardner Bros? Maybe, maybe not...not sure how internal politics works there and how involved they are in day-to-day business affairs.

In truth, unless someone currently working there with some authoritay decides to quit or gets fired and then writes a tell-all, we'll never know for sure.

07-18-2008, 10:30 AM
Careful how you continue this before you look insincere in the "you should have just apologized and moved on camp".

At this point it appears someone has put forth an apology, as well as an apology for how it was handled. Was the entire point simply seeking the truth or was it a vendetta against SP? Remember I'm of the camp that this was not that big of a deal, at least originally.

And I'd agree about it not being that big of a deal when it all started..but it grew with poor handling and such. I'll also admit that a lot of the users helping it grow have a vendetta against SP, myself included. However I believe my actions were more about attempting to show SP that we disaprove of what they do and how they do it...kinda like drawing a line and saying this far, no farther...even though they are already past the line.

This was no great victory but it was a small consolation for the underdogs...and I'm more than willing to take that.

07-18-2008, 11:12 AM
And I'd agree about it not being that big of a deal when it all started..but it grew with poor handling and such. I'll also admit that a lot of the users helping it grow have a vendetta against SP, myself included. However I believe my actions were more about attempting to show SP that we disaprove of what they do and how they do it...kinda like drawing a line and saying this far, no farther...even though they are already past the line.

This was no great victory but it was a small consolation for the underdogs...and I'm more than willing to take that.

Yeah, i'm not too thrilled with how it turned out, but i'm glad that SP was shown once again people will not swallow the bile they offer them, no matter how much they dress it up. To some their integrity was hurt because of this whole thing, for others it was just something stupid that people made a big stink about. I think the latter are the main people who just don't care about the industry or the company, but again, i could be wrong.

07-18-2008, 01:45 PM

Yeah, i'm not too thrilled with how it turned out, but i'm glad that SP was shown once again people will not swallow the bile they offer them, no matter how much they dress it up. To some their integrity was hurt because of this whole thing, for others it was just something stupid that people made a big stink about. I think the latter are the main people who just don't care about the industry or the company, but again, i could be wrong.

Did it cost them any sales?


The fact of the matter is you are dealing with a polarized audience. I doubt it influenced anyone.

07-18-2008, 03:47 PM
I guess SP's stock value is uber low if they are resorting to models to sell guns. Maybe it's Bill Gardners latest strip..er 'call girl'

07-18-2008, 09:10 PM
Did it cost them any sales?


The fact of the matter is you are dealing with a polarized audience. I doubt it influenced anyone.
Maybe that's the case here on AO, but it didn't seem to be the case on PBN.

Besides, even if it doesn't cost them in terms of sales, at least we're keeping them honest.

07-19-2008, 12:03 AM
Did it cost them any sales?


The fact of the matter is you are dealing with a polarized audience. I doubt it influenced anyone.
Did i say it cost them sales?

Yes, people that would have supported them before are now doubting them.

I said it hurt their integrity, and only to some people and to others it did pretty much nothing. I really don't see the point of your post.

07-19-2008, 04:49 AM
Why would you buy a $1200-$1600 gun in this day and age? Especially a sp one??? :rofl:

07-19-2008, 05:35 PM
Why would you buy a $1200-$1600 gun in this day and age? Especially a sp one??? :rofl:
I know a kid at my field who wants a proto matrix or something like that, but anyway he said he's saving up like 1200 for a new gun, hopper, and tank, which after the hopper and tank it's still like 900-1000, which i find ridiculous when you can get markers that are just as good for a fraction of the price.

07-20-2008, 04:58 PM
Did i say it cost them sales?

Yes, people that would have supported them before are now doubting them.

I said it hurt their integrity, and only to some people and to others it did pretty much nothing. I really don't see the point of your post.

Blood from a turnip. Gotta have integrity to hurt it, and I doubt anyone has bought anything from SP lately based on integrity.

07-29-2008, 09:50 AM
i thought I was the only one around here allowed to be a martyr...


07-29-2008, 12:20 PM
Blood from a turnip. Gotta have integrity to hurt it, and I doubt anyone has bought anything from SP lately based on integrity.

just because the "fight" is hard dosn't mean people should just quit. I can be okay with knowing that I probably didn't teach anyone anything or that no one noticed the problems. I tried my best and at least I tried.

If we don't even try we will never accomplish anything.

07-29-2008, 02:10 PM
just because the "fight" is hard dosn't mean people should just quit. I can be okay with knowing that I probably didn't teach anyone anything or that no one noticed the problems. I tried my best and at least I tried.

If we don't even try we will never accomplish anything.

Its not about hard... its about pointless.

SP markets to the tournament paintball crowd (at least mostly).

When is the last time integrity has been a commanding influence on what this crowd does, from promoters to players?

Of the few exceptions how many of them are not already educated and how many of them would have bought SP prior to this "fight".

07-29-2008, 03:04 PM
i thought I was the only one around here allowed to be a martyr...



07-30-2008, 11:13 AM
Not sure if anyone brought this up...but it might also help explain the tie between the two/one companies (or muddy it up further):

Is DLX paying royalties to SP for the use of an electronic switch?

I supposed technically SP can elect who it charges royalties to and who it allows to use it's patented technology for free...however it is my understanding that there are no companies with SP's purview on this subject that are not paying royalties. So if DLX were not being charged royalties, it might demonstrate again that it's just a DBA and not a separate company per se.

07-30-2008, 11:42 AM

at least someone got the joke.. :dance:


07-30-2008, 12:24 PM
Not sure if this was posted:

Let me begin by apologizing for this situation. Audrey was never intended to try to fool any of the members of PBnation.com. She was merely created to offer a luxury service to any existing or future customers of DLX Technology and the LUXE marker.

My name is Rebecca Gamble and I also work as the customer service representative for Smart Parts, Inc. “With Rebecca’s track history and experience, I knew what Rebecca was capable of doing, and I wanted only the best person to fulfill the job of Audrey” –Darryl Trent of DLX Technology. Darryl and I have worked together for nearly 4 years. Darryl actually was the one who hired me when I first started for Smart Parts, Inc. back in 2005. My job titles have added up over the last 4 years and Darryl has come to use me as his right hand man (but, yes, I am a woman.) Darryl trusted me with assisting him with daily activities which mostly included customer service support. When Darryl moved to DLX Technology at the beginning of 2008, he asked me to do him a favor and become his customer service representative for DLX Technology. The fact that I love working with the public and enjoy the paintball community, I vowed help him in anyway that I could. So, thus, Darryl and I created the persona of Audrey. Audrey was to answer the members of PBnation.com and serve as an initial contact. Audrey will still continue her duty as the customer service representative and I will still being playing the role of Audrey. We value everyone’s opinion and have even taken into consideration player’s ideas about colors and features. This is exactly what I am here for; to answer PM’s, discuss possible color options, update members on the features, answer technical questions and offer any additional support.

Why did we choose to separate the two characters, you ask? It was just a way to make the separation between Rebecca of Smart Parts, Inc. and Audrey of DLX Technology. We also needed to create the account for when the position of Audrey is replaced with another female in the future. This makes it easier for me to differentiate the logistics of my job duties. Trust me; I answer about 200 e-mails daily, having one account would only make it more difficult for me. Plus, when Darryl does find someone that is as capable of being the face of Audrey for DLX Technology, the name will stay the same. To be honest, no one really uses their real name on on-line forums, and this situation is no different.

Like others on pbnation.com, I went on-line to find a picture for my avatar on google images. How many users have a good looking woman with big boobs, coming close to being considered porn? Is that really them, no. I came across a beautiful young lady that looked like an Audrey to me and used her picture, much like other members that use alternate pictures of others for their avatar. It only made sense to continue the persona of Audrey to separate me (Rebecca, from Smart Parts, Inc.) and Audrey (of DLX Technology). Though people know who I am personally, to post my own picture on one of the largest on-line communities would be stupid.

I regret that I was put in these awkward positions. When a member asked if I was the person in the picture, I had two options; yes or no. If I said no, people would question, “why.” If I said yes, members would get the feel for the persona of Audrey. This was a mistake on my part, and I apologize for this. I did say that I was the girl in the avatar and that I was the voice. I again, apologize for saying this. Like I said before, this was in no way meant to sell more markers or dupe anyone; it was just a simple way to personify a customer service representative for a totally different company.

So, I am Audrey and I am also Rebecca. This will stay the same.

As far as credentials go for anyone that said that a woman could not possibly know this much about paintball, here it is:

I’ve been a CSR for Smart Parts, Inc. for nearly 4 years.
I have played paintball.
I organize dealer tech classes.
I am the manager of the SP trailer at all of the PSP Events.
I assist new and existing dealers of SP with any concerns or questions.
I have been on PBnation.com for approximately 3 ½ years.
I am a female (I find myself good looking too, LOL!)
I am the administrative assistant to senior management in both companies.
I enjoy the paintball community and helping in anyway that I can.
I value your opinions and views.
I answer technical questions with extreme time efficiency.

Basically, I wanted to create this thread to stop all the fuss and set the story straight. This became a mountain out of a mole hill, honestly. Let me also say that the Gardner brothers had nothing to do with this. Hell, I don’t even think they knew who Audrey was in the beginning, nor did the other employees of Smart Parts. Darryl and I came up with the idea and thought it would benefit the new, existing and future customers of DLX Technology. It would also allow Darryl the ability to focus on manufacturing and running the DLX Technology Company. Darryl would also like to apologize for this confusion. He in no way intended for this to go so far out of hand.

I must give it to all of the conspiracy theorist! You guys are tough and diligent. I would venture to say that you also probably play some pretty tough opponents out on the field having that much ambition. I am truly amazed. Good work and I congratulate you.

If you have any questions about this, feel free to ask.

07-30-2008, 12:32 PM
Not sure if this was posted:

and thats why AGD > SP

our spokes model was REAL!

07-30-2008, 12:42 PM
and thats why AGD > SP

our spokes model was REAL!
The really ridiculous thing about the whole situation is that it's not like there aren't models on SP's payroll. DLX just had to steal a picture instead...

07-30-2008, 12:57 PM
Its not about hard... its about pointless.

SP markets to the tournament paintball crowd (at least mostly).

When is the last time integrity has been a commanding influence on what this crowd does, from promoters to players?

Of the few exceptions how many of them are not already educated and how many of them would have bought SP prior to this "fight".

And if no one tries how can you or I expect to see any changes for the better?

Is DLX paying royalties to SP for the use of an electronic switch?

I think that would be like my right hand paying my left...it all goes into the same wallet anyway.

07-30-2008, 01:02 PM
Man, that's one thing about WDP; they hire actual women.

I'll wager that Rebecca looks like a troll, the kind of girl whose face looks like it was once on fire and someone put it out with a rake.

07-30-2008, 02:06 PM
Man, that's one thing about WDP; they hire actual women.

I'll wager that Rebecca looks like a troll, the kind of girl whose face looks like it was once on fire and someone put it out with a rake.

you made me lol

07-30-2008, 03:12 PM
I'll wager that Rebecca looks like a troll, the kind of girl whose face looks like it was once on fire and someone put it out with a rake.

If that's what dead bodies look like, then some people are kinda into that stuff.


07-30-2008, 08:00 PM
and thats why AGD > SP

our spokes model was REAL!
And ours was much much sexier. ;) :rofl:

07-30-2008, 11:12 PM
I think that would be like my right hand paying my left...it all goes into the same wallet anyway.

Its common in business for different divisions/business lines to pay each other for various things. It helps with accounting and such. It sounds stupid at first but it makes sense when you think about it a little more.