View Full Version : College Paintball on TV this Sat and Mon

07-17-2008, 03:09 PM
Ladies and gentlemen of AO,

I hope you will indulge me this mildly spammy post. It's for a good cause. NCPA is non-profit. And I am a proud owner of an E-Mag. With a warp feed.

The College Paintball Championship will air on Fox College Sports this Saturday July 19 at 8PM. FCS is a digital subscription cable channel, so you'll need to pick up your sports package to get it, and unfortunately FCS is not carried on satellite. But, the show will also re-air on Monday July 21 at 3 PM on Fox Sports Net, which is in 80 million homes on cable and satellite.

We've put together what I think is the best game coverage in the history of paintball, although I may be a bit biased. ;) There are some clips of the Semi-Finals on YouTube here so you don't just have to trust me:


FSN is a rated network, so it would be great to get as many people watching the show on Monday as possible. While it is tournament coverage and I know tournaments are not everyone's cup of tea, NCPA tournaments do not have a lot of the, uh, sillyness, you might encounter at 'normal' tournament events. Just good play, good commentary, and in general a great presentation of paintball.

If you know anyone who might enjoy the program, or anyone you've been looking to show paintball to on television in a format that's approachable to an average user, please feel free to let your friends and family know.

You can also catch the semi-final episodes on FCS on Tuesday at 10 PM, with more reairs over the summer - just check out www.ncpapaintball.com for more info.

We appreciate everyone's support!


07-17-2008, 03:36 PM
My TIVO is set. Thanks for the heads up. BTW, the announcers and coverage shown in those clips are WAY better than the online feed I saw for the last pro event (can't remember which series it was).

Aye Ziggy Zoomba! Go Falcons!

07-17-2008, 03:48 PM
NCPA FTW!!!!!!

The semi finals were very well put together and I watched them on FCS. Support the NCPA, it's great for our sport!

07-17-2008, 03:58 PM
Thanks! I'm looking forward to that.

I wonder if they will ever try video enhancement of the flying paintballs, like they tried with hockey pucks. It would be nice to be able to see all the lanes being shot at once.

07-17-2008, 04:09 PM
I hope you will indulge me this mildly spammy post. It's for a good cause. NCPA is non-profit. And I am a proud owner of an E-Mag. With a warp feed.

An E-mag you say? With warp? Spam all you want man! :headbang:
:p :rolleyes:

NCPA is awesome, I wish the college I go to (If I go to one) has a team.

07-17-2008, 04:15 PM
I wonder if they will ever try video enhancement of the flying paintballs, like they tried with hockey pucks. It would be nice to be able to see all the lanes being shot at once.
Oh man...an overhead camera looking straight down on the whole field would be an awesome shot!

mr doo doo
07-17-2008, 04:18 PM
is this "Fox" channel the local channel that everyone gets? or am i just an idiot and its a different one?

07-17-2008, 04:24 PM
NCPA is awesome, I wish the college I go to (If I go to one) has a team.
MAKE ONE! :cheers:

07-17-2008, 04:32 PM
3pm?!? WTF. Is their primary audience 3rd shift employees or homeless people? Either way that is a horrible time to try to attract viewers. I will not get to see it. I will be at work. :(

07-17-2008, 04:45 PM
3pm?!? WTF. Is their primary audience 3rd shift employees or homeless people? Either way that is a horrible time to try to attract viewers. I will not get to see it. I will be at work. :(
The NCPA isn't THAT big. I would say that getting on FSN at all is a pretty big deal. Maybe we'll get prime time next year :cool:
Televising stuff is expensive :(
For now, invest in a VCR :cheers:

07-17-2008, 05:38 PM
3pm?!? WTF. Is their primary audience 3rd shift employees or homeless people? Either way that is a horrible time to try to attract viewers. I will not get to see it. I will be at work. :(

Getting an hour of paintball on television without running it as an infomercial is an achievement in and of itself. We'll tackle the time slot next year. ;)

You can also catch it at 8 PM on Sat on Fox College Sports, and all three episodes reair Tuesday starting at 10 PM Eastern on FCS.

DVDs later this summer.

- Chris

07-17-2008, 05:46 PM
Thanks! I'm looking forward to that.

I wonder if they will ever try video enhancement of the flying paintballs, like they tried with hockey pucks. It would be nice to be able to see all the lanes being shot at once.

It's more challenging for paintball than it is for hockey. Obstacles:

- A hockey puck is about 20 times as large as a paintball (cross-sectional area)
- A hockey puck is black on a white background, while paintballs would travel across several background colors
- Paintballs are twice as fast
- There are up to 50 paintballs in the air at any given time
- Paintballs travel in many different directions at the same time

Take it from the guy who works for the company that came up with all those sports graphics (SGI)

Regardless, it'd be expensive - money we don't have at the moment.

07-17-2008, 06:17 PM
Here is a facebook event, please invite all of your friends!

No, I don't work for the NCPA... I just think it is an awesome organization, and paintball of ANY sort on TV is awesome!

07-17-2008, 08:15 PM
arg these channels are not available in my area :(

07-17-2008, 08:31 PM
It's more challenging for paintball than it is for hockey. Obstacles:

- A hockey puck is about 20 times as large as a paintball (cross-sectional area)
- A hockey puck is black on a white background, while paintballs would travel across several background colors
- Paintballs are twice as fast
- There are up to 50 paintballs in the air at any given time
- Paintballs travel in many different directions at the same time
Add to that the fact that hockey pucks are reusable and paintballs are disposable and it gets expensive fast.

Anyway, I have Direct TV (satellite). Guess I'm out of luck.

07-17-2008, 09:52 PM
so, umm.

If you have IO, then how would you check to see if you get this channel?

07-17-2008, 11:59 PM
Add to that the fact that hockey pucks are reusable and paintballs are disposable and it gets expensive fast.

Anyway, I have Direct TV (satellite). Guess I'm out of luck.

You should get all of the Fox Sports Nets though, and can see the finals on Monday.

- Chris

07-21-2008, 08:07 AM
This is today :)

07-21-2008, 01:33 PM
the DVR has been set! though it was weird the first airing of the NCPA got covered by a college baseball game.