View Full Version : Am I charging my Emag correctly?

01-22-2002, 06:18 PM
Could somebody just help me double check that I'm doing this correctly? I simply take battery pack off, pop on the little charger on top, and plug it into my car, then when the light is green its done? Thing is I never get the green light except for when I initially pop it in, it gives a quick flash of green, then goes red.

Can I use an adapter to plug it into a wall? I've been hesitant to do this cause I know that doing it with an angel will fry the thing. Happened to a friend of mine, he plugged his angel into a wall, and fried it good :)
The store he bought it from griped at him about not doing that. Im just curious if the Emag is the same way.

Im just sorta kinda worried/curious cause I've never been given the green light when charging it.

01-22-2002, 06:25 PM
you can buy an adapter for the wall and have zero problems, one thing the battery is off the marker so it wouldn't hurt the electronics. Plug the charger in and let it charge over night, you will be safe just don't leave it in for a week. if you do a search there is even more info on this topic, you can get the numbers for the wall charger and everything.

Later and enjoy Hills

01-22-2002, 07:27 PM
You need to make sure you're putting the field strip screw through the hole in the battery pack and charger. This holds the battery pack tightly against the contact pins in the charger. After a couple hours it should give you a green light. Make sure the wire is plugged in all the way at the charger and the accessory jack plug in.

01-22-2002, 08:49 PM
here is even a few pictures of how to properly charge your battery, and its even show my wall charger.

Later Hills

01-22-2002, 09:48 PM

thats the exact same wall charger i bought this weekend from radio shack...glad to know it works for you!


01-23-2002, 09:17 AM
How much is that charger?

01-23-2002, 09:17 AM
I don't have an eMag so I'm not sure about the charging process but...Many cars don't provide accessory power when the car is off. Could be that the red light is coming on from the little bit of juice left in the battery. I had the same problem with my cell phone. It was charging just a little and I could figure out why. Turns out it was only charging as I drove to work in the morning.