View Full Version : stupid paintball talk

07-23-2008, 09:25 AM
im fighting with this guy on the italian paintball forum...he sayd that a bob long is way better than a tac one..well offcourse they're 2 different kind of markers...but the thing is this they allways tell me that any gun from 2007 2008 is way better then an agd especially the tac..i dont think it like them i think that even if a marker is a little bit old can still be as good as a new one...or work good for you ..or you can just be happy with it or you can be just attached to it..i dont think that just because its new is better..
what do you think?? and what is the best agd marker for you??
i think and emag can be as good as a boob long or am i wrong.. :mad:

07-23-2008, 09:39 AM
I suppose it has a lot to do with what you consider makes it better. That is always a personal opinion kind of thing.

Mags are and have always been of a build quality that few have ever even tried for. If you look at it on that aspect alone there is not much that will compare...maybe some Palmer and AKA stuff???
Now if you look at it as modern and feature packed, that is where the mags will fall short. Sadly there are things that could and should have been improved upon assuming the Emag in particular had continued production. It is easy for someone to say that by modern standard the Emag does not compare.

This is a mag forum so I am sure you will see the other end of the spectrum as well..... :argh:

07-23-2008, 10:08 AM
Just ask him if he can take a shower with his BL, DM, PM, Mini, etc... And then use it ten minutes later...

And that my friend... is why AGD is BETTER!!!!


07-23-2008, 10:09 AM
As good? I have both, both have their ups and downs. This is another matter of personal preference.

07-23-2008, 10:18 AM
Well, compared to quality and durability there are few markers that can stand up to a mag. But let's be honest here, the design is outdated and less efficient than todays markers. Even the E-Xmags are outdated compared to todays standards. Huge solenoid, huge battery, primitive board, etc. But it could have been so much more if AGD didnt stop production/development. The only thing that keeps these markers out of the paintball museum is Xmod, IMHO.

But when it comes to mech... There is no equal to a mag. But who wants to shoot a mech these days? :rolleyes:

But in the end it's personal prefference. I like the mag for what it is, rock solid, durable and accurate. Could i get something better? I guess i could, but i feel the current markers on the market today lack the quality that comes with a mag. What i personally want in a marker is qualtity, durability and accuracy. Good luck finding a marker that combines all of these 3 features. Sure you can get the ultralight paintslingers with all the electronics, but my guess is the'll wear out long before my mags are.

07-23-2008, 10:27 AM
The only thing that I really cant stand about the Emag is the actual grip frame where you hold it.

07-23-2008, 10:28 AM
you guys are great...i love this forum...
i think it like you guys do..
thanks for the support :D
mags are the best..

07-23-2008, 10:31 AM
Mags are not the best. They're just well made guns that many of us decide to shoot based on personal preference. I hate band wagoners either way.

07-23-2008, 10:37 AM
Mags are not the best. They're just well made guns that many of us decide to shoot based on personal preference. I hate band wagoners either way.
well they're just my favorite thats all....and what are band wagoners??

07-23-2008, 10:43 AM
I hate band wagoners either way.

Yet you posted anyway. :rolleyes: Take your hate some where else.

07-23-2008, 10:47 AM
Yet you posted anyway. :rolleyes: Take your hate some where else.
ummm what is a band wagoner pleeeease

07-23-2008, 10:52 AM
ummm what is a band wagoner pleeeease

someone who only likes a certain thing because its "popular" or you are on a MAG forum so you must like Mags

07-23-2008, 10:59 AM
Yet you posted anyway. :rolleyes: Take your hate some where else.

I call it like it is. Sorry for not being a fanboi.

07-23-2008, 11:04 AM
I call it like it is. Sorry for not being a fanboi.

but did u say band wagoner at me????
oh well anyone can think what he whants i dont want to argue..
but u use word i dont know :rolleyes: whats fanboy now???? :confused:

07-23-2008, 11:15 AM
but did u say band wagoner at me????
oh well anyone can think what he whants i dont want to argue..
but u use word i dont know :rolleyes: whats fanboy now???? :confused:

Sorry, I wasn't talking about you specifically. Fanboi and band wagoner are terms for people who get caught up by hype about a product. We complain about Smart Parts fanbois on this forum a ton. So I find it funny when Beemer doesn't like that I complain about AGD fanbois.

The basic fact is that there is no "best gun ever". It all comes down to personal preference. Anyone who tells you their gun is better than yours is a moron. But don't you go telling someone your mag is better than their timmy either. Because you'd be just as wrong.

07-23-2008, 11:27 AM
Sorry, I wasn't talking about you specifically. Fanboi and band wagoner are terms for people who get caught up by hype about a product. We complain about Smart Parts fanbois on this forum a ton. So I find it funny when Beemer doesn't like that I complain about AGD fanbois.

The basic fact is that there is no "best gun ever". It all comes down to personal preference. Anyone who tells you their gun is better than yours is a moron. But don't you go telling someone your mag is better than their timmy either. Because you'd be just as wrong.

yea i guess you're right..i dint say at the guy the my gun was better then his tho i just sayd my opinion...thats all...

07-23-2008, 12:57 PM
The best way for you to settle your argument, is to have a 1 on 1 :)


07-23-2008, 01:40 PM

Seriously, its all the same there is no best. I had an Emag and hated it, my Bob Long however will be pried from my cold dead hands. I'd take my Spyder Rodeo(well, it started life as a Rodeo) over a mech Mag. Others feel differently. If you like it and it shoots paint the who cares what other people think?

07-23-2008, 01:42 PM
The best way for you to settle your argument, is to have a 1 on 1 with Brass Eagle Talons and 10 balls..



07-23-2008, 01:55 PM
I keep a 2k5 timmy in my box just for the air efficiency. If the field has poor air placement or fills, I pull it out to save a few trips to the air station. I find timmies very delicate to work on, but I figure there's not too many failure modes that you don't find in a home grown EP mag (hoses, switches, wires, etc., except maybe eyes).

In the circles I play in, the 2k5 timmies have a good reputation, while the newer ones are still up in the air. If those guys love the latest and greatest, wait for them to get tired of a good one and they need the money for a new marker. Then you can shame them into selling it to you cheap. Then if you don't like it, you can sell it on ebay.

I'd take my Spyder Rodeo(well, it started life as a Rodeo) over a mech Mag.My son started with a piranha R6 that now runs around 280 psi and can keep up with its eforce frame (~17 bps). It has an apex barrel and a loud sound profile. We get it out for fun sometimes.

07-23-2008, 07:38 PM
The best marker is the one that puts paint exactly where you want it every time you squeeze the trigger. Obviously this varies with body type, playing style, mentality and a ton of other factors, so the "best" marker varies from person to person.

The best marker for me is my Minimag, because it does exactly that and does it better than any other marker I've tried. Is it the "best" marker when considered objectively, comparing features and the like to all the other markers out there? Probably not, but that's not what concerns me.

07-23-2008, 08:02 PM
The best way for you to settle your argument, is to have a 1 on 1 with Brass Eagle Talons and 10 balls..

Let's go Beems, you and me...

07-23-2008, 08:28 PM
I think that post from Bolter was to the OP. Read the first line in the first post. :ninja:

07-24-2008, 07:24 AM
hey the one on one thing with the talon is cool :p we should do that lol
but the fighting stopped on the italian forun i just sayd that we have different ideas..thats all what pixel sayd i think is pretty much what i think too....so...

07-24-2008, 08:17 AM
I think that post from Bolter was to the OP. Read the first line in the first post. :ninja:

I'm still taking you on lol.

:shooting: :shooting: :shooting: