View Full Version : He he. Comparason of Kingman vs. AGD (forums)

01-22-2002, 09:15 PM
Im not sure if anyone noticed this.....But Kingmanusa.com made thier own forum similar to AGD.....They even used the same forum style.

Heres a lil comparason.....


Main Forum - General PB stuff

Tech Forum - Help w/ Guns

Deep blue - Academorgodok (or something close to)

Classified - sell stuff.

Notice no real AGD mass marketing?


Newbie help - self explanitory

Veteran Forum - talk about tricked spyders and every 10th post is about another gun (which is bashed)

News - New products (AMG)

Off-Topic stuff

Help forums

Spyder 2n1 Forum

Spyder Sonix Forum

Spyder Shutter Forum

Spyder TL Plus Forum

Spyder Xtra Forum

Spyder Flash Forum

Spyder AMG forum

Spyder EM1 Forum

Hammer Forum

Custom Spyders

Action Photos

Spyder gallery.

You can really tell what forum is a lil more 'sold out'

01-22-2002, 09:20 PM
I dont see what the big deal is... and its not like ADG is the only one to use this type of forum, there are many many sites that use this type of forum.
There are many sypder users out there but there are not many places for all of them to go to. I think it is good for the sport (for the most part).

01-22-2002, 10:43 PM
ADG?? AGD ;)

01-23-2002, 08:49 AM
Sounds like all it is is marketing to me. Let us be thankful for the forum we have

01-23-2002, 08:56 AM
many many sites use this type of forum. vbulletin is very popular and alot of people use it. lay off them....

01-23-2002, 09:08 AM
Yeah - vbulletin is very powerful and pretty cheap. Its a common forum. Even if we change all the custom settings, it will still look similar to the other forums.

Anyone else notice pbnation is not black instead of blue... sort of a darker version of AO ;o)

01-23-2002, 03:40 PM
I started w/ the Spyder forum just like I started w/ a Spyder. When I was ready to move up I learned about AO from the Spyder forum. Good info to be found on there if you are using a Spyder.