View Full Version : Mostpeople does it again :(

07-26-2008, 02:27 PM
I managed to get myself ejected from the field within about 5-10 minutes after showing up... :(

Somehow, and I don't know how - I think I intimidated them so much that they called the field owner to tell me to leave :rofl: This was the first time I'd ever been asked to leave so it came as quite a shock, so I pose this question to you all:

Is it wrong to dry fire an open and disassembled marker which could not possibly shoot paint without a barrel sock on the unattached barrel? I would never dry fire an assembled marker without a barrel sock, but disassembled and open bolt mechanism I don't really see a problem with. Specifically re: X-mag breech and barrel removal.

So what is it? Is mostpeople a dumb mother, or is that a little overboard? Granted I'll probably never do it again at said field just wondering what others thought...

07-26-2008, 02:32 PM
Sorry bro...yeah that is a no no....

A store owner from my area actually lost an eye shooting/tech'n a cocker. Same deal, no hopper no barrel...

07-26-2008, 02:36 PM
Sorry bro...yeah that is a no no....

A store owner from my area actually lost an eye shooting/tech'n a cocker. Same deal, no hopper no barrel...

That is not the same, there was no breech on this marker either. The bolt was exposed it couldn't have been shot if someone tried thats where my confusion came from...

07-26-2008, 02:45 PM
It seems a little overboard to me. I would think a little warning or something would have been more practical.....unless there's more to the story ;)

07-26-2008, 02:49 PM
It seems a little overboard to me. I would think a little warning or something would have been more practical.....unless there's more to the story ;)

I had just arrived and was supposed to attend the safety brief in the next section, which was in 15 minutes and they told me to prep my gear?

Thats the only other applicable part, I had signed the waiver but not turned it in which had a copy of the rules on it.

First time I'd been to that field so..

well anyways I doubt I'll be going back there..

07-26-2008, 03:35 PM
Call them and tell the field owner about it. Don't just sign off on the field forever because of one person's stupid call.

07-26-2008, 03:42 PM
yeah dont take me wrong, I agree getting booted for that is overboard...the punishment did not fit the crime! :cheers:

07-26-2008, 04:01 PM
I am a field owner, and also an Mag guy. That would make me a little more understanding in this particular situation. I know what an Xmag is. However, most people do not. And, I understand what you were doing and that it was safe. But, a vast majority of the people dont know what they are doing on a paintball field, safety wise that is. People get lax in their treatment of paintball gear. Just to keep the noobs and the attitude kids from being unsafe in the players area, I would have asked you to put on a barrel and a sock, just to be consistant with safety issues. Monkey see, Monkey do. Would I have asked you to leave? Not a chance, not for this. But, it seems that somebody was intimidated by you being there.

Just be anal about safety at any new field and that should at least keep you on the field.

07-26-2008, 04:06 PM
I am a field owner, and also an Mag guy. That would make me a little more understanding in this particular situation. I know what an Xmag is. However, most people do not. And, I understand what you were doing and that it was safe. But, a vast majority of the people dont know what they are doing on a paintball field, safety wise that is. People get lax in their treatment of paintball gear. Just to keep the noobs and the attitude kids from being unsafe in the players area, I would have asked you to put on a barrel and a sock, just to be consistant with safety issues. Monkey see, Monkey do. Would I have asked you to leave? Not a chance, not for this. But, it seems that somebody was intimidated by you being there.

Just be anal about safety at any new field and that should at least keep you on the field.

Thats the wierd thing, I actually am pretty anal in general about safety, thus the 'It was a shock to me that I was booted' comment.

The real kicker?

It was the field owner who booted me..

07-26-2008, 04:16 PM
you get one warning for dry firing a marker period. next time pack you stuff up and see you next week. when i dry fire and tun i do it in my suv. i dont like people dryfiring markers around me point in all directions anyway.

07-26-2008, 04:38 PM
Most , tune it before you get there , but damn sure go back , :D then intimidate them on the field :shooting: :shooting:

07-26-2008, 04:43 PM
Most , tune it before you get there , but damn sure go back , :D then intimidate them on the field :shooting: :shooting:

The problem is maniac that I can't, no details and dont ask - just understand that this would be impossible.

Therefore I am kinda limited to doing it at the field :(

07-26-2008, 05:10 PM
most fields have rules about dry firing in staging.

07-26-2008, 05:12 PM
On the bright side I just figured out what my problem was - I bought a new guerrilla air 68/4500 that has a 650 psi output so that explains the bolt issues.

Its always got to be more complicated than it is..

and maniac, I miss Florida PB where everyone is cool as long as you're responsible!

07-26-2008, 05:14 PM
seems liek theres more to the story that we are not getting here..

we have someone fire openly in the courtyard nearly everyday we have play, usualy a poliete message to go test the gun at the chrono range with gogglses on does it, or let the ref know if you need to test your equipment.

sure the field may be strict but you need to realise all it takes is one accident to get a field shut down, we have had alot of close calls and are more strict because of it for better or worse.

07-26-2008, 06:07 PM
Monkey see, Monkey do

Kruger got it right. Being a huge Xmag fan I would know it wasn't a safety issue, but would have just verbally beaten ya up a little to make sure no else tried it. New players have no idea what makes a marker safe to dry fire thats why they gave you the boot. Overkill? yes, but the owners are trying not to get sued. Try Looking at it from the other side of the fence. I'd say give the field another shot....

07-26-2008, 10:39 PM
their field their rules, cry harder, harsh if it was a first offense IMO but when you start your own field then you'll realise why owners are so cautious about any person treating a marker out of the ordinary even if they consider it within reason.

07-26-2008, 10:56 PM
Sorry....dude...but when i am at a field, the last thing i want to worry about is some kid with a spyder or ion dry firing--- well dry or not who know...but when you hear noise, you can't tell the different...so it's better to be safe than sorry.

07-27-2008, 02:36 AM
I would say it also matters how many times you fired it. If you were sitting there walking the trigger and ripping off strings, then that's more likely to get you booted on first offense. Still, a warning would probably have been better.

07-27-2008, 11:12 AM
One of our local fields has a rule about dry firing, but it actually has more to do with air usage than anything else. He brings bulk tanks and for a while had a big problem with people just standing around and firing markers running the tanks down.
As a result he will warn one time, and then will charge you an additional air fee. In some cases has even asked people to leave.

07-27-2008, 12:14 PM
"No dry-firing in the parking lot or staging area" - I don't know how many times I've literally have had to scream at people to keep them from firing their markers in the staging areas.

Now, you may be a responsibly paintballer, but there are plenty of people out there who aren't. Regardless of the assembled state of the marker, it is 99.9% prohibited that you should fire a marker in an area where people do not have masks on (the other .1 % seriously discourage it).

If you need to tune your marker, do it at the chrono or behind the nets. Again, you may be a responsibly baller, but field owners can't take the chance.

07-27-2008, 12:58 PM
I was once asked to leave a field for dryfiring. Then I did a backflip and everyone was like "woah." Needless to say the owner offered to give me the field.

07-27-2008, 01:22 PM
I was once asked to leave a field for dryfiring. Then I did a backflip and everyone was like "woah." Needless to say the owner offered to give me the field.

Then you woke up and your boyfriend told you it was all a dream..


07-27-2008, 01:48 PM
Gonna have to throw in my two cents with the dissenters. Fields can't and shouldn't be responsible for which guns can be fired under which circumstances by whom... for safety and insurance purposes it's just a safer and better idea to have a blanket policy that applies to everyone; and, a 0 tolerance policy when it comes to safety is the way to go.

I think you should have been thrown out - next time follow the rules.

07-27-2008, 02:28 PM
Getting thrown out is a little over the top, IMO.

I've had refs approach me because I didn't have a sock on my barrel-less Minimag. Once I point out that it's just a shroud, they don't have a problem with it.

07-27-2008, 02:52 PM
Getting thrown out is a little over the top, IMO.

I've had refs approach me because I didn't have a sock on my barrel-less Minimag. Once I point out that it's just a shroud, they don't have a problem with it.

off topic , but , I once saw a youngster shoot himself in the cheekbone just below the eye with a barrelless spyder , barrel or not he still almost lost his eye

07-27-2008, 05:52 PM
To the person who said they know a person who lost an eye teching a cocker w/o a barrel. How the hell is that even possible? Ive shot tons of guns and i have yet to see one that could even remotly launch a ball fast enough w/o a barrel to do any damage at all. The balls literally just pop out the breech and thats it. Even if it were a fully loaded gun w/o a barrel its noth dangerous.

07-27-2008, 06:00 PM
To the person who said they know a person who lost an eye teching a cocker w/o a barrel. How the hell is that even possible? Ive shot tons of guns and i have yet to see one that could even remotly launch a ball fast enough w/o a barrel to do any damage at all. The balls literally just pop out the breech and thats it. Even if it were a fully loaded gun w/o a barrel its noth dangerous.

it does not take much to damage your eye. I am not sure the exact details of what happened. IIRC, he was teching a cocker in the shop and I believe it did not have a barrel. This happened in the late 90's. Guy was the head tech/manager of Georgia Paintball, under the big chicken( for you locals). He lost sight in the eye that he got hit in. I would go hang out in the shop and talk to the guy alot...this was 10 yrs ago...I wonder if he is still around...His name was John.

....sounds like we need to put cockerpunk and his paintbusting on this ;)

07-27-2008, 06:08 PM
....sounds like we need to put cockerpunk and his paintbusting on this ;)

Yeah, or you could always just use common sense and practice safe marker handling; whichever works.

07-27-2008, 06:23 PM
....sounds like we need to put cockerpunk and his paintbusting on this ;)

who wants to volunteer to stand still and hold their eye open?


07-27-2008, 06:26 PM
it does not take much to damage your eye. I am not sure the exact details of what happened. IIRC, he was teching a cocker in the shop and I believe it did not have a barrel. This happened in the late 90's. Guy was the head tech/manager of Georgia Paintball, under the big chicken( for you locals). He lost sight in the eye that he got hit in. I would go hang out in the shop and talk to the guy alot...this was 10 yrs ago...I wonder if he is still around...His name was John.

....sounds like we need to put cockerpunk and his paintbusting on this ;)

Ive been and seen people get hit in the eye with much more force then a paintball out of a paintball gun w/o a barrel produces. I realize the eye can can damaged somewhat easily but i just cant see someone loosing an eye or eye site from that scenario.

07-27-2008, 07:22 PM
Ive been and seen people get hit in the eye with much more force then a paintball out of a paintball gun w/o a barrel produces. I realize the eye can can damaged somewhat easily but i just cant see someone loosing an eye or eye site from that scenario.

Permanent eye damage and "losing and eye" are often used interchangeably. Loss of some or all sight is certainly possible - even from a low velocity projectile.

07-27-2008, 07:46 PM
i dont want to admit it, but one time an angel i owned tried to blind me ...

hell, with a nice soft cushy eye analogue we could always try it out ...

07-27-2008, 07:48 PM
Make Ballistic Gel Mold of Blue Chunk's head and get to it! :rofl:

07-27-2008, 07:49 PM
hmm, i just thought of this............. we're you pointing your gun down? :p

07-27-2008, 07:54 PM
hmm, i just thought of this............. we're you pointing your gun down? :p

its like the classic listening for a front block leak against you ear, accidentally pull the trigger, and the back block pinches your nipple kinda thing. yeah, that happened to someone i know.

no, i had the roto breach open becuase i was installing a new JAM bolt into it. turns out my bedsheet pulls the trigger, and the blast of air headed into the bolt, instead blasted my face.

broke my glasses in half, lens goes flying, my eye hurts like hell.

funny thing is tho, my eye was closed before the lens hit my eyelid, because the scratches from the lens hitting me, were on my eyelid and could only be seen when i closed my eye.

it wasn't terribly dangerous, but not my favorite why to risk my sight.

i sold that angel about 3 weeks later. i loved the innovation and simplicity of the roto-breach sysems, now not so much ...

07-27-2008, 08:07 PM
off topic , but , I once saw a youngster shoot himself in the cheekbone just below the eye with a barrelless spyder , barrel or not he still almost lost his eye
See, people keep saying that in this thread but I don't see how it's possible to actually cause any real harm like that (except a complete freak accident, as in so improbable it's not even worth taking steps to prevent). Ever tried firing a marker like that? I can throw paint way faster. Hell, I could probably spit paint at a higher velocity than that. I dunno about you guys, but me and my friends throw paintballs at each other all the time and we've yet to put an eye out. Honestly, I'd rather be hit in the eye with the low-velocity paintball than with the blast of air.

07-27-2008, 08:14 PM
its like the classic listening for a front block leak against you ear, accidentally pull the trigger, and the back block pinches your nipple kinda thing.

well there's your first problem..........listening through your nipples :eek:

just kidding bro :rofl:

07-27-2008, 08:18 PM
Rules are rules. Really its the owners field and if you don't like his rules just don't go back and play somewhere else. If you think you have been harshly judged, then call him in a few days and try to work it out. I would start with a apology, since you came into his house and didn't follow the rules. I know how safe it is to fire without the breach and think it was a little harsh of punishment but again its the owners decision not anyone elses.

07-27-2008, 08:20 PM
well there's your first problem..........listening through your nipples :eek:

just kidding bro :rofl:

i do find it odd, that for shorter guys like me, that the distance from your ear, to you nipple is exact the distance from the front of the front block, to the back block.

its like orr had some reason to make the gun that long ...

07-28-2008, 10:48 AM
mostpeople, think of it this way. If a kid see's you teching your gun in this way, and thinks therefore its ok to do this, and does it himself with a DM or an EGO or something, not realising the possible danger, then how are they going to allow you to carry on?

What Im saying is, you may be setting the wrong example, even if you are being totally safe.

07-28-2008, 12:14 PM
we were actually discussing throwing mostpeople off of our field but he stepped up and generaled at Jims benefit game so he got to stay :ninja:

07-28-2008, 06:34 PM
"Uhm, why are you wearing your mask in the staging area?"
"Because this place is full of idiots with airguns."

07-28-2008, 06:57 PM
Kind of surprised they through you out, I would have just told you not to do that, and that would be the end of it.

But if you gave me attitude and didn't do what I asked, then I would kick you out.

But that doesn't sound like what you did......

07-28-2008, 09:41 PM

It's not like you couldn't have cropped out the copyright. :rolleyes:
That's almost as sloppy as stealing a watermarked modeling photo and claiming it's you in the picture...


AO Moderation Team
07-28-2008, 10:21 PM


07-29-2008, 12:09 AM
all I have to say is impressive.

04-18-2009, 02:22 PM
I am gonna have to say, follow the rules !! I know it may have seen safe to you and it may have been, but the it is as simple as follow the rules. He may have been a little harsh with throwing you out, and not giving you a warning first but then again think of it like this. ALL IT TAKES IS FOR ONE KID TO SEE YOU DOING THAT, AND HIM TRYING IT HIMSELF FOR SOMEONE TO GET HURT !! IMO it just isn't worth it. Saftey should always be everyones first priority, but with most of us being the older players it is up to us to set the best example we can for the younger players to carry on the sport in a safe manner. Like it has already been said, all it takes is one accident to shut a field down for good, and a bad accident doesn't help anyone's insurance rates. We already pay enough for insurance as it is. I do think however that you should go back and try to talk to the owner and once again set an example , show everybody there that you are a better player, because we could definitely use some more better players on the field to help bring player integrity back to the game!!

04-18-2009, 03:40 PM
As a fieldowner I'm going to have to agree with virtually everyone else in the thread.

Having said that, I've never literaly thrown a player out for dry firing. It's always been soeone that doesn't know the policy (although most fields have the same policy) and written signs can be missed. I've never had anyone argue with me or continue to break the rule either after I've told them to stop and informed them about the policy, otherwise I probably would throw them out.

So what is the whole story? You said "they called the field owner to tell me to leave". I have a feeling a call was placed because you gave them a hard time about it. Did you perhaps argue with them that what you did, couldn't possibly cause any harm, as you have stated here? I have a feeling there is more to it, other than you dry fired and they immediately asked you to leave without having any sort of discussion with you.

Perhaps you got on their bad side already with something you did previous to the dry firing?

There are always two sides to every story.

04-19-2009, 02:17 PM
Wow. I remember this thread...

How bad is it when I come back to AO for the first time in months and the same threads are still on page one? :tard: :rofl:

04-19-2009, 04:21 PM

04-19-2009, 04:31 PM
The field I like has a rule about dry firing.

They say you can dry fire with no hopper and no barrel, but only a few times.
If you start to push strings, like dry firing as fast as you can, then they get angry.

Always check the field rules, if the orientation is the only place to hear them, wait to prep your gear after you go to orientation.

04-20-2009, 09:21 AM
Lol, sure are a lot of necro threads floating around lately.

04-20-2009, 09:38 AM
Lol, sure are a lot of necro threads floating around lately.

AO, forum of the undead threads, markers and some ancient undead members too. AGD is undead.

04-21-2009, 03:08 AM
you guys would laugh at the paintball field i grew up on, however to me it was paradise.i remember being 14 sitting on the back of a truck drinking from a bottle of whiskey getting ready to go into a night game.hell the field owner sold beers out of a cooler.it was on an old mine dump in South Africa. when nobody was there he used to let me run around the field shooting cans with a sawed off shotgun.the police would show up and go on 1 of the fields that were not in use and let off their real guns for target practice.it was really ghetto, you could take your beer with you onto the field before the game started+ no refs ever.

with that said its really hard adjusting to the safety here in Canada but i do understand it and respect it...just not used to it.One of my friends when we were kids took his mask off and got shot JUST under his eye...it swelled up really badly and was almost a blinding shot.

i would not trade my memories of that field for anything in the world though :headbang: and that's just how Africa is..... and on that note.........................

be safe and have fun!

04-21-2009, 04:55 AM
..i would not trade my memories of that field for anything in the world though :headbang: and that's just how Africa is...

Never seen a "field" like that here in South-Africa my whole life. This must have been one seriously illegal/hooligan field. In future, please don't "promote" South-Africa as having an irresponsible paintball community. Rather keep it to yourself.

04-21-2009, 02:57 PM
Which field was this? I live in florida and whichever field it was could explain a lot of this.

It is also not a safety issue. Dry firing markers creates a louder noise - usually more rapid. It is an inconsiderate thing for a field owner to allow his customers to constantly dry fire and piss off the neighbors.

04-21-2009, 03:00 PM
just telling it how it is. and paintball being unsafe is the last of south africas problems.
i was just sharing my experience in paintball in SA.i was not *promoting* anything.so keep your attitude to yourself please. if you dont like what i had to say, ignore it.

04-21-2009, 03:00 PM
Never seen a "field" like that here in South-Africa my whole life. This must have been one seriously illegal/hooligan field. In future, please don't "promote" South-Africa as having an irresponsible paintball community. Rather keep it to yourself.
Don't be such a worry wart. There was an outlaw field close by me a long time ago. It was awesome, we would go out there, get sloshed and play. And I have very fond memories of that field - which existed in miami. Hell, even the murderers and rapists enjoyed it (I think... we ALWAYS found torn womens clothing out there... very creepy.)

Then they bulldozed it and put up fences around it. Great job government, you took away a park.

04-23-2009, 03:57 AM
just telling it how it is. and paintball being unsafe is the last of south africas problems.

No kidding, I still live here, so should know. Paintball being played unsafe is a great worry to the paintball community in South-Africa though, since its still not an official sport and even without a regulating body. The last thing we need is people propagating an outdated and on top of that, bad image of paintball in South-Africa.

Did you know there was a woodsball tournament with international teams attending held at a historic fort in South-Africa recently?

i was just sharing my experience in paintball in SA.i was not *promoting* anything.so keep your attitude to yourself please. if you dont like what i had to say, ignore it.

If I don't like what you have to say, especially if its outdated and detrimental to the future of paintball in South-Africa, please excuse me if I happen to stand up and defend it. It is after all my favorite pass time and I would hate if marker ownership is going to be licensed. You know what that would do to paintball in South-Africa?

04-23-2009, 04:05 PM
well..... the paintball field wasn't a illegal/hooligan field. it was run by Donald Jesson one of the only South African professional players at the time. he played for the Animals and they came 10th in the world cup. this was 15 years ago though. i did notice Paintball City in Germiston was run more professionally at the time though and had stricter rules.

i wouldn't want to tarnish paintball in South Africa either, needing a license to own a marker is ridiculous.... but i do enjoy telling people how paintball was for me growing up regardless of what you or anybody else thinks about it. it is my experience and why i love the sport..and why I have come back 10 years later.

04-24-2009, 02:23 AM
well..... the paintball field wasn't a illegal/hooligan field. it was run by Donald Jesson one of the only South African professional players at the time. he played for the Animals and they came 10th in the world cup. this was 15 years ago though. i did notice Paintball City in Germiston was run more professionally at the time though and had stricter rules.

i wouldn't want to tarnish paintball in South Africa either, needing a license to own a marker is ridiculous.... but i do enjoy telling people how paintball was for me growing up regardless of what you or anybody else thinks about it. it is my experience and why i love the sport..and why I have come back 10 years later.

No problem. Paintball City is a fine establishment and it seems paintball in South-Africa has come a looong way since 15 years ago. Like I said, I haven't ever seen a field like that, so that just goes to show. No hard feelings and I'm glad we got this cleared up.

Sorry about the hi-jack mostpeople.