View Full Version : I tried, anyone know mag79?????

07-31-2008, 03:22 PM
Well I've tried to finish up this deal with him for over a month now with very little in the way of resolution. I've had to file a claim with paypal regarding the trade as they ony give 45 days from the date of transaction to file with them. After that, your outta luck.

I've tried contacting mag79 thru the forum a few times with no response to any of my inquiries. I finally decided to email him direct and still nothing. I don't want to resort to paypal getting my cash back as all I really want is the item I paid for.

I do know that mag79 posted that things weren't good in his life at the moment. But does that mean I just toss away my cash? I caught my wife cheating and still managed to meet a few people to finish off deals because I felt that they were relying on me. My wife let me down, does that mean I let others down? I try not to.

Dr Greenthumb
08-01-2008, 03:32 AM
Bought him a micromag on 11/06, told me he will re-send it on 13/07 still nothing comin' yet... :nono:

08-01-2008, 08:50 AM
I will shoot Alex another call and see if I can help out.
With the overseas shipping customs can hold that stuff for some time. I don't know that is really the issue, just saying.

Eatem Alive
08-01-2008, 09:09 AM
I'm still waiting for a snatch grip myself. Sent him an email per his request in this thread...
...still no response.

08-01-2008, 09:40 AM
Yeah, I sent him an email directly as well and still have not heard from him. I know that he has time to hop on the forums as his profile tells me that much at least.

I don't think its the overseas/international shipping that is the hold up.

Punkncat - Please do try and get in contact with him as I'd preffer to get the freak back that I paid for instead of dealing with paypal for a refund. As for the shipping thing you posted. Its not that as he listed a bunch of stuff that he has put aside to ship on the 27th and that included

"This is whats in my trunk: the frame I built for pk, a freak back, 2 snatch grips, an emag rail and a barrel. If any of this belongs to anyone, email me at [email protected]. If you want a refund let me know and you will get it back today."

I am going to assume that my freak back is the one that he is talking about, which means that it has yet to see the inside of a post office and at that point, its already been 5 weeks.

08-01-2008, 09:25 PM
Yeah, I sent him an email directly as well and still have not heard from him. I know that he has time to hop on the forums as his profile tells me that much at least.

I don't think its the overseas/international shipping that is the hold up.

Actually, it might be. Not saying that it is but don't rule it out. I've dealt with a few AO members an most orders come withing a week or two. One didn't and like you, I thought that I got you know what. It eventually did arrive and for some reason had sat in customs for all that time. Try and deal withing country if it's at all possible.

08-01-2008, 09:40 PM
No its not that it might have been held up in customs. Its the fact that he still has it in his trunk and hasn't even shipped it yet.

08-02-2008, 09:10 AM
wow. I got my snatch grip shortly after I paid for it. I hope everything is alright. :confused:

08-02-2008, 09:43 AM
Thanks MANN. I would really like this resolved as I hate having to do the paypal claim thing, that and making others look bad.