View Full Version : I just have no business....

08-03-2008, 01:11 PM
being on a rec ball field anymore...lol. I went out today for a "supposed" team practice for our Jr squad. No one bothered to show up so since I was there I decided to mix in with some rec ballers. First game I shot maybe 20 balls and had eliminated the side in less than that number of seconds. I even stood out in the middle of nowhere with no cover.

I dunno, I am sure I was the same but I just cannot remember ever being that bad.
It was a great time no less though and they had a good time too.

08-03-2008, 01:25 PM
I'm not saying I'm better than all the others, but I find when I play rec with a bunch of rentals I try to stay in the back and give direction and ask for info to try and get them used to talking and to move when they need to. I often don't shoot at the other side unless they are doing something blatant like getting way out from their bunker without noticing or scanning for other targets. Then I come out shoot them and go back in after I make it known to them that they messed up... :D

But yeah... it can be a bit hmmmm boring but just sit back and play like a renter... let them get up front, let them know to talk, let them have the fun. That way as they progress they will be better competition...


08-03-2008, 01:46 PM
No, no certainly didn't mean it to sound like I was "so good" or anything....more as a reflection of how it truly was back when I started. They were so excited that they just couldn't even pay attention to what was going on. The only thing they saw was the back of the bunker they were running for, completely unaware.

08-03-2008, 02:42 PM
I know what you mean Punk... didn't mean for it to sound that way. It's one of those things where they say GO and the first bunker the newb gets to is where the newb stays. Where when you get used to it you don't even look at your bunker you watch the other end of the field and move accordingly.

One of those things that by stayin in the back with them a few times and letting some of the "leaders" of the crew know what to do then start moving up a few games later the "leader" of the private group can then start calling names and telling them what to do as well. Whether it's the dad or just the head guy of the group or whatever. Then you will see the evolution of the player.

I find that quite entertaining. Almost as much as I find the entertainment in the guy who thinks he already knows everything about it and gets whacked each game and can't figure it out that he's focusing on one area or player and missing the other folks who slip by. :D


08-03-2008, 04:19 PM
Not that I'm any good, but I like to lead by example. I hate sitting in the back, so I usually try to move up pretty quick. If you can get a few new people to follow you, then they see what it's like to play that way. But if they all get lit up, then the plan sort of backfires.

08-03-2008, 04:53 PM
Not that I'm any good, but I like to lead by example. I hate sitting in the back, so I usually try to move up pretty quick. If you can get a few new people to follow you, then they see what it's like to play that way. But if they all get lit up, then the plan sort of backfires.

Which is why I start in the back a few games to try and find out who I can get to follow me. :D

And plus if you can get the "leader" talked into listening then when you tell him to tell the kiddo to move up he will. And when you tell him you are moving up and to send the kid in behind you he will. You have to make them feel comfy at first and not lead into the fire only to get burnt.


08-03-2008, 04:57 PM
I always feel like I'm ruining their day of play since its not like I am paying anything close to what they are. I coach more than play most times.

Hilltop Customs
08-03-2008, 05:17 PM
punk, that sounds like a perfect time to play with no marker and practice movement, strategy, and communication. IDK about the guys you play with, but helping someone else get kills is something we dont practiced enough....which is bad since it makes everyone better. :ninja:

On another note, I hadnt played in almost a year till this weekend....but I have been playing a lot of call of duty 4, and I swear this game made my communication like 1000% better. I was yelling out positions and movement with great descriptions(sometimes hard to do in the woods) without even thinking about it. After every game at least one person came up and thanked me for pointing someone out or saving their butt by yelling out the other teams movement. Best thing about it, by the end of the day everyone was communicating so much more, and people were forced to move more often because of much better flanking. I cant wait to see how much it helps playing speedball in 2 weeks.

08-03-2008, 05:42 PM
lol. You know im a huge fan of fps games, Battlefield2 mainly, and i have actually noticed it made me better too. Ive noticed i dont get "tunnel vision" like i used to.

08-03-2008, 05:51 PM
I remember when I was in Cali I played a few times at a rec field near Walnut Creek/Concord. I distinctly remember walking up to guys cowering in a bunker and telling them to move forward, all the while standing completely out in the open. I don't really blame them, it takes some time to recognize how far a ball will travel, and also to recognize the value of taking the initiative.

It does make me laugh, though, thinking about them sitting there taking cover, and me 5 feet away, standing straight up, not even looking at where the "enemy" was.

08-03-2008, 05:52 PM
Im actually kinda disappointed there punk, a bunch of rentals vs a tourney baller? You should have known better :nono:. Thats not to say we haven't all done it, but we need to make sure those people have a good first experience in PB, and want to come back, lighting them up won't do that.

This was a good opportunity for you to take out that old classic mag, or other marker of days past, and practiced teamwork as opposed to personal skill, which you obviously got no practice on anyways...

08-03-2008, 06:34 PM
Im actually kinda disappointed there punk, a bunch of rentals vs a tourney baller? You should have known better :nono:. Thats not to say we haven't all done it, but we need to make sure those people have a good first experience in PB, and want to come back, lighting them up won't do that.

This was a good opportunity for you to take out that old classic mag, or other marker of days past, and practiced teamwork as opposed to personal skill, which you obviously got no practice on anyways...

Oh no, didn't light anyone up at all. I was shooting maybe 6bps if that. Normally I don't even play with beginners or when I do will level the field as best I can.
Not knowing these folks, and I did ask them if I could play with...even taking it really easy was not enough. I went on to finish my day with a team that was running drills and scrimmage.

08-03-2008, 08:14 PM
Oh no, didn't light anyone up at all. I was shooting maybe 6bps if that. Normally I don't even play with beginners or when I do will level the field as best I can.
Not knowing these folks, and I did ask them if I could play with...even taking it really easy was not enough. I went on to finish my day with a team that was running drills and scrimmage.

Hey Punk, you stand in the middle of the field and I'll light you up! Everyone has to start somewhere. I'm just hoping you had fun, because that is what makes it worth it.

P.s. Maybe you should switch to pump? :shooting:

turbo chicken
08-04-2008, 08:48 AM
changing to pump won't make it any more difficult... carrying a pump with say only 15 balls will though.

08-04-2008, 09:27 AM
What is fun in rec ball is hunting the other veteran players among the horde. There are some players that play the local field so often that a lot of the newer player know their names. I like to find someone I know on the other side and play 'against' them. We pick at each others' support and somebody gets pinched in the end. That helps prevent tunnel vision too.

08-04-2008, 01:44 PM
What is fun in rec ball is hunting the other veteran players among the horde. There are some players that play the local field so often that a lot of the newer player know their names. I like to find someone I know on the other side and play 'against' them. We pick at each others' support and somebody gets pinched in the end. That helps prevent tunnel vision too.
Yeah, that's usually what I do. Me and a friend used to play on opposite teams at the local rec field and make each other priority targets. Lots of fun, and it lets the new kids shoot at each other a bit while the more experienced guys duke it out on another part of the field.

08-04-2008, 06:53 PM
being on a rec ball field anymore...lol. I went out today for a "supposed" team practice for our Jr squad. No one bothered to show up so since I was there I decided to mix in with some rec ballers. First game I shot maybe 20 balls and had eliminated the side in less than that number of seconds. I even stood out in the middle of nowhere with no cover.

I dunno, I am sure I was the same but I just cannot remember ever being that bad.
It was a great time no less though and they had a good time too.

It can still be fun for you playing rec ball.
But what you need to use is a stock class Phantom with 15 balls in it.
