View Full Version : ok so ao really is the best....

08-09-2008, 03:34 AM
so I was in the market for a new gun i decided that i liked my dm 5 so much that i wanted to recreate it in a smaller version, unfortunately evolve has gone the way of most paintball aftermarket manufacturers and well stopped producing thier products.

So my solution was to get a dm 6 seeing as the 5 and the 6 have bolts that can swapped out, in my search i came accross a dm 7 that was at a good price and noticed that the 6s were increasingly hard to find. So unsure of if my plan would work on the 7 i posted up threads on pbn and dyematrix.com. So 111 views on dyematrix.com, keep in mind that actual dye techs post on there and not one response, and our beloved pbn only came up to one person responding and he said it wouldnt work.

well fed up with waiting for replies i bought the dm 7 and after a few shipping problems that were promptly resolved, it came this morning. So first thing I do is test fire it, and no leaks at all, the next step is to take out the bolt and compare it to the dm5s and guess what they are almost identical, come to find out that the only difference between 5s, 6s, and 7s, is that the tail of the bolt is thicker maybe to allow for lower pressure or something.

Moral of the story is I know i should have posted my questions here where they would have been answered sooner, and the other part is that atleast here if someone has a question about an automag its promptly answered even sometimes the ex owner of agd himself.

I am never posting on another forum again!!!!

08-09-2008, 07:09 AM
I'm glad that everything worked out for you. Enjoy the DM7.

08-09-2008, 07:33 AM
I cannot remember for sure, but it was either the 6 or 7 that had issues with its eyes. Dye made a replacement set for them that corrected that particular problem, and think that they sent them out for free...much like the old issue with the membrane pads.

GL with it.

08-09-2008, 09:39 AM
and the other part is that atleast here if someone has a question about an automag its promptly answered even sometimes the ex owner of agd himself.

Tom still ownes AGD. ;)

08-09-2008, 09:58 AM
We can also give advise on money, relationships and cookery. But only those 3 :p

Enjoy the DM7!