View Full Version : When is the warp feed suppose to spin?

01-23-2002, 03:47 PM
Like every shot, or just when the balls need to be fed?

01-23-2002, 03:57 PM
Depending on your set-up, there is a sensor in the warp that detects the recoil of the marker and spins it. If you have a low to no recoil marker (like my impulse or timmy) or if you have the warp feed interface you can wire the warp into the marker. My Intimidator is wired to spin the warp with each pull of the trigger. Then you only need to worry about the length of the spin, which I think is only important when worrying about the life of the batteries.


01-23-2002, 03:59 PM
I just talked to someone at agd and it seems that they're now included the interlink for the emag/warp with all new emags now!!! I'm getting one for free at least...

01-23-2002, 03:59 PM
There are a few ways you make a Warpfeed spin.

1 - Vibration sensor: This is the way the warp comes from the factory. The sensitivity is adjustable via the little white pot inside. Turn it right and the sensitivity goes up.

2 - Ground (Switch): This will let you hook the warp to a normaly open switch and the warp will spin each time the switch is closed. This is how most mechanical intellifeed systems work.

3 - Positive Voltage: This would be used for your electronic guns that send a +V for Intellifeed.

To answer your question at a lower level. The warp should spin after every shot.

01-23-2002, 04:03 PM
The Warp feed should spin after each pull of the trigger. This is accomplished either by intellifeeding or using a vibration sensor.

Since the Warp was specifically design for the EMag you intellifeed the Warp by buying an optional intelli cable and pluging it into the Emag elctronics and the Warp. There is also a chnage in the jumpers of the Warp

For mechanical markers you can simply use the vibration sensor or intellifeed your trigger frame and Warp using standard Radioshack components. Search the forum and you'll find lots of threads n this subject. LOL