View Full Version : Mag Accessories

08-11-2008, 02:39 PM
I recently purchased a minimag off ebay. I have seen a few of my fellow woodsballers rock these awesome markers. Durable, accurate just can't beat it. It has a stock trigger frame and trigger. I am looking for a frame that I can put a double trigger on. The double trigger I have seen that I like actually leans forward so the bottom is farther forward than the back at about a 45 angle or so. Finally I am looking to get some nice grips I saw on this other guy's mag. They are a rosewood colored wooden grip. I can't remember the company that made them. Something america. They came out around when the splash kits were popular. If anyone could direct me to anything that would help me find these I would be most appreciative as a new mag owner;p Thank you much :clap:

08-11-2008, 03:27 PM
I beleive those grips were Smart Parts grips. The frame you speak of is either a "Y" frame or a "Z" frame. Both of which are pretty awesome. Check out an AGD Intelliframe also, if your looking for something more "traditional".


I hope your wallet is ready for what you are about to get into...modding mags is addicting. ;)

Check out the "mag of teh month" picture thread and look at all the crazy things you can do.

08-11-2008, 03:59 PM
Thanks for the help. I want a standard 45 frame but the trigger I have seen actually leans a little forward not the grip/frame. Thanks for the manufacturer of the grips. Maybe I can find some. Yeah the more and more I mod other guns and then i look at a mag...I see way more potential.

08-11-2008, 08:02 PM
the Y frame is pretty nice actually. it fits real well and is pretty comfortable once you get used to the different angle.

08-11-2008, 08:35 PM
are you talking about the Viper trigger?

08-11-2008, 08:56 PM
Thanks for the help. I want a standard 45 frame but the trigger I have seen actually leans a little forward not the grip/frame. Thanks for the manufacturer of the grips. Maybe I can find some. Yeah the more and more I mod other guns and then i look at a mag...I see way more potential.

Hey man, anything to help! Hang around here for a bit, and certainly check out the buy/sell/trade section of teh forums. Not only can you find killer deals, but you'll see alot of cool parts you probably didnt know existed.

::edit:: actually, there is asomeone in teh "dealer" section selling those wooden SP grips. go check it out!

08-11-2008, 09:55 PM
Team Jackal, let me try to find a pic of the one I have seen. Its nothing really special i don't think. I believe its just a regular chrome double trigger that has been tweaked to sit a little forward. It just made for a really nice pull.

I like the look and feel of a y grip but I don't really care to run a tank on the asa. I tend to run remote.

Awesome thanks Ninjeff
::edit:: Looks like he is out of Rosewood :cry: Maybe the camo wood...hmmm

08-12-2008, 11:24 AM
Still looking for rosewood grips if anyone else has anymore leads. Guess I will just try and get an ebay intelliframe though.

08-12-2008, 11:36 AM
Still looking for rosewood grips if anyone else has anymore leads. Guess I will just try and get an ebay intelliframe though.

Intelliframes are usually easy to come by in the B/S/T threads. It might be easier and faster than trying to find/win an auction.

08-12-2008, 01:22 PM
I have rose wood grips that I dont want
45 hole pattern. came with my mag seperate.... never used ( as far as I know )
look nice.... I will take a pic tonight if I get a chance and send em to you this week.

Ive also got a black frame ( cant remember make ) that has the trigger guard cut off
( sloppyish but no sharp edges ) to accomidate a double trigger.... no trigger for it.
45 grip pattern

pm me if interested.

08-12-2008, 03:00 PM
Yeah I have been milling around in the B/S/T forums. Haven't seen very many current threads with them in there. But will keep an eye out.