View Full Version : Just returned from long break

08-19-2008, 06:45 PM
So I just went paintballing with one of my buddies who is also in AFROTC here at the University of Arizona, and I'm ready to get back into the game.

After about 8 years of letting my equipment sit, I've pulled out my old Automag 68 Custom...
and it def. looks like its been sitting.

I was in love with AGD and this gun...
I've got a foregrip that is not air through,
its got a 12 inch boomstick,
and I used to have the lvl 10 bolt but i lost most of the parts and will have to purchase a new one.

Other than that, thats all I can remember about it.

My questions for the those who know much more than me:
1) I used to play with c02 but am ready for an upgrade with that, i'm sure it will help a lot.. what should i get?
2) lvl 10 vs the X-valve? or both?
3) can I get a body upgrade or what? what specifically will work,
4) what trigger-frame should I be looking at,
5) How do I make this thing just totally rip?!?!?!

All my friends have Ions and they don't know two things about playing real men's paintball haha.
I remember back when Mech guns were dominant on the field and I feel much better playing with my automag..

Please tell me everything I need to do to get this puppy barkin' again.


oh... and will mechanics who work on today's guns still be able to help me with this one?

08-19-2008, 07:36 PM
Same boat myself, so if you don't mind, I'm going to tack on a few more questions to your thread.

I've got a bug to start playing again, and I'd hate to give up the 'mag but wouldn't mind trying to upgrade it to keep up a little better.

I used to have one of those Boo-Yaa frames. It worked great when it worked (which was about half the time). Is there anything like that now? What benefits do you get from a pnuemag?


Edit: I'm searching for some of these answers here as we speak, but if anyone wants to point in the right direction...

08-19-2008, 07:46 PM
If anyone feels it would be easier to explain in any other medium... i.e. email or hell just on the phone, I'm really interested in getting these upgrades underway asap.

My goal is to learn what I need to be doing to get my gun in playing shape.. and then to learn enough to customize it the way I feel is unique and awesome.

Thanks a lot.

dark blade
08-19-2008, 08:03 PM
ill answer all your questions guys. ill start with jt's questions

1) as far as upgrading from CO2 your only option is to use HPA (high pressure air) which there are many advancements in between tank weights and regulator abilities. i will explain these things a bit later in this post

2) lvl 10 vs the X-valve? or both? This one is the easiest to answer of all. BOTH you can use either one without the other but not to your mags full potential. The level 10 will prevent chops but wont allow you to truly rip away with your mag and the x-valve will let you rip... the balls in half. If you want speed you need both.

3) you can upgrade your body to anything you want. there are many options out there so just take a look around. Some options are the ULE series, the RPG series, the proteam series, and the Deadly wind series. And the best news is that all you need to make them work is absolutly nothing. Just put it on the rail and bolt it in.

4) there are many trigger frames some of which are meant for different things. There are chimera frames, logic frames, RPG frames, intelliframes, carbon frames, single trigger and double trigger frames, booyah frames, hyberframes, spyder frames, and Emag lowers... its really all about what you plan to do. If you want to keep it mech take a look at any but the last 3 listed. If you want electro go with the last three, and if you want a pneumag you can choose any but the last three (but the chimera is very nice to pneu)

5.) as far as making it totally rip that would depend on how you want to do so. you could get emag lowers and walk it like a pro, you could get a hyperframe and do the same, you could pneumag it and get a walkable mech, or you could use the x-valve and use its true RT abilities. But like i said it completely depends on what you want to do with it. i will break it all down after i answer the next guys quick questions.
Jay's question... the main benefit to pneumagging your frame is to make your mech fully walkable. It can lower the trigger pull weight to that of an electro without actually needing to have any electronics inside to break or die on you. other than that the only real benefit to pneumagging is for resale value and because its just that darn cool.

and now to explain everything talked about before.

When it comes to the x-valve its true purpose is to allow high rates of fire with no shootdown or any massive weights to carry around (such as the steel RT pro valve), it allows you to use sweet spot the trigger like the RT valves and here is where the advancements in the tanks and regs comes in.

With the increasing need for high rates of fire and the love and thirst for high pressure for RT mags, the adjustable regulators were introduced. The most common one is either the smart parts maxflo or the AGD flatline, both of these allow you to increase the input pressure to around 1000psi and sometimes even 1200psi. This makes the reactivity of the trigger just outright rediculous and allows you to achieve huge rates of fire easily but sadly you cant reach as "deep" into the tank for shots and when you hit 1000psi in the tank your reactivity goes down.

now... as far as making it rip the cheapest way would be to buy an RT pro valve, an intelliframe, a level 10 bolt, and an adjustable regulator tank. this will get you reaching high rates of fire around 20bps with ease and no chops.

the most common way is to use an x-valve and RT it.

the best way (in my opinion_) is to get a set of emag lowers an x-valve and a level 10. This is because you get the ability to use the electro mode, or to use the RT mode. Or if you are really adventurous you could combine the two and use hybrid mode (my personal favorite).

But any ways listed are great ways to allow you to make your friends with ions squeel and cry haha

08-26-2008, 02:21 PM
Thanks for the help!

One question relating to this forum...

Is there some sort of secret to getting people to respond to PM's? I've been trolling the classifieds looking for stuff, but no sellers are responding to my PM's...

08-26-2008, 05:15 PM
Thanks for the help!

One question relating to this forum...

Is there some sort of secret to getting people to respond to PM's? I've been trolling the classifieds looking for stuff, but no sellers are responding to my PM's...
You can try email too, but if they don't respond to a post and a pm I wouldn't wait on them. There are plenty of people that will answer you within a day and ship just as fast. The trouble is that their sales come and go pretty quickly, just like they ought to.

Don't let the search tool take you too far back if you want a fast reply either. There's new stuff every day and if someone hasn't bumped their thread in a week or two, I wouldn't expect a quick reply. On the other hand, sometimes the one thing you want is buried under all the other junk, just like a real parts box. :D

Don't forget to check out the stickies in Paintball Talk, Tech, and Classifieds. There's good stuff in there (sticky stuff).