View Full Version : What happened?

08-27-2008, 09:34 PM
Haven't PBed in three or so years. Used to play with a blue xmag, which I sold, and played with a ule mech mag before that. What's happened to the mags? I don't see anyone at the fields using them and I see that airgun doesn't sell emags anymore.

08-27-2008, 10:11 PM
Your at the wrong field :p
Haven't PBed in three or so years. Used to play with a blue xmag, which I sold, and played with a ule mech mag before that. What's happened to the mags? I don't see anyone at the fields using them and I see that airgun doesn't sell emags anymore.

08-28-2008, 09:56 AM
Your at the wrong field :p


The local field I play at used to use classic mags as rentals.. I know they've got Ions and might still have the mag too now....

I see them occasionally, they're not as common as all the cheaper electro's that anyone and their brother can have..

08-28-2008, 10:08 AM
The field i play at theres at least 4 mags there on sundays, sometimes up to 10. More mags then anything else :) and id like to think that i had a big part in that :D

The local field I play at used to use classic mags as rentals.. I know they've got Ions and might still have the mag too now....

I see them occasionally, they're not as common as all the cheaper electro's that anyone and their brother can have..

08-30-2008, 11:52 AM
The players today have really gotten away from the mechanical markers, what with so many inexpensive electros to choose from, and considering the cost of your average E/X-mag's, they shy away from those too, though mostly because no "pro" teams are currently pimping them in the magazines. Your average AGGlet will gladly part with over $1000 to look like their favorite team/player, but won't bother spending half that on something he doesn't see 500 times in Facefull. And they also have no sense of history for the sport. Case in point - went to the local field for some rec-ball, and my main marker that day (a Toxic Toys Tribal BBT 2.2, another bit of history no one seems to recognize) crapped out on me, so out comes the backup Classic Automag. The referee at the desk when I go to chrono it asked me what it was. The ref! *sigh* No sense of history.

But welcome back to the fold. Don't despair, as there are plenty of 'mag toters out there, quietly or loudly singing the praises of AGD to the uncaring public ("Who? What team do they sponsor?" *feh*) and still slinging paint with their reliable 'mags.

08-30-2008, 05:26 PM
Like 4 years ago, someone asked if I had ramping in my mech mag. :shooting:

For some reason 13-14 bps was too fast.

08-30-2008, 11:28 PM
I was getting major props the other day for busting out my Park-52 'Mag and my 'Mag pistol at Decay of Nations at SC Village in Chino, even though I saw no other Automags.

08-31-2008, 12:12 AM
I was getting major props the other day for busting out my Park-52 'Mag and my 'Mag pistol at Decay of Nations at SC Village in Chino, even though I saw no other Automags.

Thoose people are still in the closet. :rofl:

09-06-2008, 11:41 PM
Yes it's sad the mag is kinda dying I don't see much of them anymore ether

09-07-2008, 08:39 AM
Mags are dead, no one shoots em. AGD is gone, no more anything, we should all die too...... ok thats enough for this month, waiting for next.

09-07-2008, 09:48 AM
Mags are dead, no one shoots em. AGD is gone, no more anything, we should all die too...... ok thats enough for this month, waiting for next.

We should have a separate sub forum that they can move all of the "AGD is DEAD" threads to.

09-07-2008, 09:49 AM
Yeah, one guy came out with a mag and has been playing with my friends and I at our little outlaw woods field. About 2 months later about 6/15 of us are now mag owners and the others are looking on with envy ha. All the hype about 98's being the best woods marker just keep getting shot to hell by my old minimag of doom! :shooting:

09-07-2008, 09:57 AM
People ask me about my shocker/mini/ion

I then pour water over it.

09-07-2008, 10:16 AM
Rabidduck, I know what you mean. I have turned about 5 or 6 people at my field with two of my buddies going to FLA to spread the word. It is amazing once peole shoot my mags how they fall in love with them and want nothing to do with a Tippy unless it is their backup marker. Great stuff! Outlaw5 :D

09-11-2008, 10:22 AM
People ask me about my shocker/mini/ion

I then pour water over it.

:rofl: Funny you say that, I was at the local field two weekends ago, and one of the refs there was like :confused: "man, why would you put a bigger battery pack on your mini like that?" (referring to the emag battery)

I looked at him all :tard: and proceeded to pull out the hopper, put my finger down into the breech and :shooting: and it chuffed away.

He then turned all :eek: and was like whoa what did you do to that mini to make it do that? :confused:

At that point I was so :rolleyes: and just sort of :rofl: and walked away.

09-11-2008, 10:42 AM
:rofl: Funny you say that, I was at the local field two weekends ago, and one of the refs there was like :confused: "man, why would you put a bigger battery pack on your mini like that?" (referring to the emag battery)

I looked at him all :tard: and proceeded to pull out the hopper, put my finger down into the breech and :shooting: and it chuffed away.

He then turned all :eek: and was like whoa what did you do to that mini to make it do that? :confused:

At that point I was so :rolleyes: and just sort of :rofl: and walked away.
Man, i'm pretty lucky, living right by where the mag was born most people have at least heard about mags, so i don't get stuff like that too often.

09-11-2008, 04:22 PM
Man, i'm pretty lucky, living right by where the mag was born most people have at least heard about mags, so i don't get stuff like that too often.

I'm from IL too, but the field still has a bunch of younger kids who dont know what the mag is/was, or agglets that get mommy and daddy to buy them the biggest, baddest, fastest marker out there..