View Full Version : SpeedBall Movie------------

01-24-2002, 09:03 AM
hey you guys hear about this new speedball movie? I just wanted to bring this up but when i saw the trailer it was just horrible and if people watch it they will be anything but attracted to the sport, first of all, in the trailer the guys dont wear masks when they play! they only wear the ski goggles so they're faces could be recognized! I think thats horrible! second off its bad acting and 3rd this movie is low budget and the players dont really move like that in real life :( tell me what u think after u see the trailer, should this movie ever come out?


01-24-2002, 09:25 AM
It's not exactly new. It's been in the works for like two years, and they don't seem to have gotten far with it. The trailer you saw is just a sample one they did up, though. I don't think it's supposed to represent the actual movie. They have been in negotiations for products for the players in the movie to wear, and at one time claimed that they would be using an all-new transparent mask that wouldn't make it to market until after the movie. Dunno, I just wouldn't take that trailer to heart. If they ever get going, they may actually have something good.

01-24-2002, 09:42 AM
I heard they used ski gogs just for the trailer, but the in the movie they will be wearing full goggles. This movie has been a long time in the making and the issue has already come up a few times. I can't remember exactly where I read about it, but that's what I've heard.

I think it should be interesting. I've been waiting for movies on our sport. They make movies about people involved in just about EVERY other sport in the country... Why not the greatest sport on earth, paintball.

01-24-2002, 12:40 PM
yeah they even make movies about make-up sports like that rollerball crap :(

01-24-2002, 12:49 PM
just saw this note on PBC

The Los Angeles based Company, Speedball Productions, launched the project of the FIRST full feature-length film about the sport of Paintball in March 2000. Many events have lead to delays in production of this project, none of which had a greater effect then a pending Screen Writers and or Screen Actors Union strike. Though narrowly averted these potentially “Project Killing” strikes forced Hollywood into a state of paranoia about starting any new film projects. All production of new projects had been put on hold for some time throughout the industry. Once the threat of strikes had been called off the industry began to return to normal the events on September 11, 2001 brought us to a halt once more.

However, we at Speedball Productions are proud to announce that the project SPEEDBALL, The Movie, is back on track. We recently acquired the services of Steve Helgoth (Peak Performance, Close Call, & To Protect and Serve) as Casting Director for the film. Steve has been in the industry for many years and has already brought many well known actors to Speedball Productions. Keep your eyes on the website for news as to who has joined the team.

This feature-length project begins with an eclectic multi-ethnic group of young Paintball players who enters the arena of the World Cup of speedball for the first time attempting to overtake the greatest team in the world and overcoming their own personal troubles and fears with the help of a “Zen” philosopher/trainer who also, has to come to terms with his own tragic past.

Being the first feature length film about Paintball Sport, Speedball, The Movie ’s originality and style will have a great impact on the audience worldwide and create a new type of Action films associated with Paintball. Speedball, The Movie has a
tremendous potential market for distribution since Paintball is a popular sport in more than 60 countries, and is being played by millions of players in the United States alone. With characters being in their early-twenties, this project also capitalizes on
the immense popularity of the current crop of actors who are hot with today’s audiences. Speedball, The Movie represents an unprecedented opportunity for the Paintball Industry. This feature film will enhance Paintball Sport image and recognition to the audience worldwide.

looks like they are geting back on track

01-24-2002, 01:01 PM
wow... that was lame

01-24-2002, 01:22 PM
It's standard fare for a story, but the catch will be many scenes of speedball games like never before seen, even on the PIG! (sorry Bill!)

All the actors play Pball to some extent, the "Home Improvement" kid plays regularly at SC Village, as does some of the teams that will be featured extras. The star never played before, but is now a dedicated player. Don't put this movie down until it comes out, the trailer does show some "hokey-ness", but it was only a test trailer and not meant to represent the actual production. All actors and extras will be in full gear, just like we are.

Heck, the producer is a player too, and wants to get it right, or not at all!

01-24-2002, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by MINIMAGMAN
I just wanted to bring this up but when i saw the trailer it was just horrible

That's just a MOCK trailer, thats not teh real thing. The real movie will take place in the WC where there will be hyperball and supairball bunkers.

They are still trying to get enough money to make this.

01-24-2002, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by datapimp69
just saw this note on PBC

The Los Angeles based Company, Speedball Productions, launched the project of the FIRST full feature-length film about the sport of Paintball in March 2000.

They are incorrect. There was a feature length movie about paintball MANY years ago. I am not positive that it was released, but I am fairly sure. I can't remember her name, but the "star" was a well know hollywood actress.

01-24-2002, 03:16 PM
A paintball movie done right could be a very good thing for the sport. A paintball movie done WRONG could be a very BAD thing for the sport.

At this point, I've been fairly disappointed and thus concerned with everything that has come out of this production group. Their press releases contain some rather glaring grammatical errors, the kind of things that a quick run through MSWord grammar checking would catch (or a quick proof reading for that matter). Their website is apparently rarely updated and also full of typos, spelling errors, etc. Maintaining a fairly expansive website myself, I can understand SOME errors or out of date material, but it's also not my full-time job. The site definitely has an unprofessional amount of errors.

Why does this matter? Because it's obvious that whoever is doing this is looking for investors to get the money they need to make the film. They seem to have done ok with landing some mid-range talent, but if I had, say, a million dollars that I wanted to invest somewhere, even if I had already decided I wanted to invest it in a movie, and even if I had decided that as a paintball player, I wanted to invest it in a paintball movie, I would most certainly *NOT* invest it in "Speedball: The Movie". Why? Because a potential investor is not going to believe people who can not take the time to produce a good quality website and good quality press releases are capable of producing a good quality movie. If they can't produce a good quality movie, no one is going to see it, and I'm never going to see my money again. As long as investors are thinking that, this movie is never going to get enough money for their budget and is never going to get made, actor's strike or no actor's strike.

On the creative side, the concept reads like someone went to block buster and wrote down a few sentences from various videocassette-back movie plot summaries and rolled them all together. Cheesy movie plots. There is a lot of overly-dramatic language applied to not-so-dramatic concepts. Long sentences for short concepts. Big adjectives that describe nothing but are there for the sake of having description.

So would it be cool if there was a paintball movie? Absolutely. Would it help the sport? If it was done right, yes. Is "Speedball: The Movie" ever going to make it to production? Not without a significant creative overhaul.

Snyopsis: "This feature-length project begins with an eclectic multi-ethnic group of young Paintball players who enters the arena of the World Cup of speedball for the first time attempting to overtake the greatest team in the world and overcoming their own personal troubles and fears with the help of a philosopher/trainer who also, has to came to terms with his own tragic past."

And that's apparently just how the movie BEGINS.

- Chris

01-24-2002, 09:16 PM
yeah i totally agree 100% with you, even if that "MOCK TRAILER" isnt going to be like a movie, it still shows how sloppy the directors are when they made it.!