View Full Version : A good deal?

09-05-2008, 01:53 AM
Ok, I have a question for you guys.

I have the opportunity to get ahold of a RTmag, an expired air-tank, and an aftermarket barrel for like $150-200 or so.

I'm going to go for it, but I had a question first:

This RT has a double-trigger frame. I thought the original RTs only had the single trigger frame...
Is this a rare part for the RTmags?

Also, this has the gas-thru rail. Can I still switch to like a ULE body down the line or is what I get what I get?


09-05-2008, 02:23 AM
With a classic RT you cannot switch to an ULE body later, the valve is different, the body is different, the rail is different. You would essentially be purchasing a new gun. Classic RT's are an excellent choice though and I highly recommend making this purchase.

09-05-2008, 02:25 AM
Gas-thru rails would imply a classic RT, which comes stock with a single trigger frame, the double frame is likely an upgrade. Few frames are made to accept the banjo bolt that RT classics use, so depending on the frame and if it was modded, could be rare, or not.

As for switchin to ULE, not doable without putting in some work, i believe someone made a sheath that would go around the valve, allowing one to use a different body, tho it's still in the works. Have yet to see anyone have a complete classic RT without the stock body.

09-05-2008, 02:31 AM
Here is a pic of it.


First mag ftw? I'll always want an e-mag but I'm on a classic-mag budget :rolleyes:

Hopefully this one will quench my thirst :shooting:

09-05-2008, 02:39 AM
I always liked the all black rt classics:)
that looks like a benchmark frame, likely designed for the classic RT, doubt theyre easy to find anymore.
The barrel's a smart parts all american, the older style, accurate and quiet, but cleaning's no fun:)

I think once u get shootin n testin out the gun's capabilities, you won't be disappointed with not gettin an e-mag, least for a while:)

09-05-2008, 02:57 AM
Great then! I'll soon be on my way to being a mag owner.

AGD = :hail:

09-05-2008, 03:19 PM
Ok another question:

How does the rail work? Are there just plugs in the 6 (5 with the airline) ports? So, you just remove the plug and put in the accessory, that how it works?

Or is it somehow much more complex than that?

I'm just asking because I might want to remove the hardline, bypass the air-thru grip and macro into the right side like the other mags are...

Or just reverse the side of the hardline...

09-05-2008, 08:45 PM
all of those ports can be used for an airline, or an accessory.

09-07-2008, 11:16 PM
Got it :shooting:

295 for an RTmag, benchmark frame, SP AllAmerican, and a out-of-hydro NitroDuck 68/3000.

Good deal? Bad deal?

I can't wait 'till I get it!

BTW, where can I send a tank to get it tested? Any idea on the cost?

09-07-2008, 11:47 PM
Nice grab Watcher, after my emag and your rt arrives we have to hit up a field. :headbang:

09-09-2008, 05:28 PM
For hydro, send here:

or talk to your local dive shop and find out if there is someone local who will do it
I found a place local that does hydro for $11.50 with about a 2-3 day turn around, and their specialty is fire extinguishers