View Full Version : riochet

01-24-2002, 04:48 PM
is this a good loader? speed wise adn whatnot?

01-24-2002, 04:55 PM
It is very fast. It works well on my cocker. It lets you rip longs string of paint without worrying about dry firing. LOL the first game I played with it I got hit right on top of the hopper. The stealth engineering works well though I have had at least two bounces.

I did have to sand the neck quit a bit to fit in my vertical feed. If you mess up you can send the shells back to Ricochet and they will replace them.

01-25-2002, 05:17 PM
will it keep up with a retro valve?

01-25-2002, 05:22 PM
w/ a warp?

01-25-2002, 06:43 PM
I have a Richochet and a Warp feed. I've used just the Richochet on my RT Pro without any problems and I've used them in combination wityhout any problems. The Richochet will spin for 2 secs everytime a ball is fed. I have no problems with this setup and you shouldn't either. LOL

01-26-2002, 02:52 AM
Heres my view on the Ricochet,

-can feed my Hyperframe at 13bps for short bursts or strings (I still keep it at 10bps to make sure)
-gives you an intellifeed like effect. It will feed on every ball dropped and shot
-does give bounces on long ball shots and some med distance shots
-game timer and shot counter
-looks kewl


Overall, I like it alot and will not trade it for anything else, not even that Blimp like HALO that just came out. Its a very unique hopper, some like the new look, some think thats its something that will go into warp drive speed off the gun. But I think it gives a great distinction from the millions of Revys out there.

The noise can be a problem for some. When Im really crawling it in the woods, it really sucks for the paint to shift in the stck and trigger the motor, its loud!

Give it a try and you be the judge.
