View Full Version : Create Your Own Scenarios!

01-24-2002, 04:58 PM
Has paintball stagnated?

Are you bored with playing the same capture-the-flag or elimination games time and time again? Are you tired of center-flag speedball and concept fields? Are you looking for the suspense, fear and wonder of your first day on the field? Then look no further… because it’s time to shake things up by exploring new ways to play the game!

First, let’s get psychoanalytical. Paintball is unique among sports as the equipment, the rules and the playing area are fluid. What does that mean exactly? By fluid, I mean that you can easily change many of the fundamental perimeters of the sport and still claim you are playing paintball. Furthermore, spectators will know you are playing paintball whether you are in the woods or on a hyperball field. Few mainstream sports offer this level of flexibility, and this is one of paintball’s greatest strengths. For example, can you remove the end zone from a game of football, or add extra bases to baseball? Not without making the sport unrecognizable to the general public. In many ways, I find paintball similar to playing poker. You can try your luck at Black Jack, 5-Card Draw or 7-Card Stud, and though each game is radically different you are still gambling with a deck of cards.

So where is the psychological element here? There is a definite trend within paintball, stemming not only from manufacturers, retails and field owners, but from players as well, to create a unified format and rules system for the game. Therefore, paintball would fall in line with other mainstream, competitive sports and have a single, authorized playing style. Of course, we all know what format the sport is leaning toward, but this thread is not a polemic debate about speedball versus woods play. I’m looking at something much deeper – the human need for universal rules and regulations. What do you think? Do people need a sense of uniformity? Are players craving for a set of common rules and playing style so everyone who plays paintball can identify with each other? What will happen to the game if indeed a hard-and-fast set of rules are put in place and largely recognized as the standard for playing paintball? Do you think this would be good for the sport?

When I asked if paintball had stagnated, I didn’t mean technology-wise or if the sport had stopped growing in membership. We all know paintball is still pushing the equipment envelope and attracting more players than the year before. I am wondering if paintball is becoming less flexible in the various ways people play the game – the scenarios – and I’m curious to hear what you think of the ideas I’ve briefly touched upon here.

But that’s not all! I’d like to offer a challenge to the members on AO, and I’m hoping my challenge will prove more fun than dining at an 80’s style all-you-can-eat salad bar. Plus, this thread might be a welcome change to the standard fare we see on AO everyday. So, without further delay, here goes...

Come up with as many paintball game formats as possible, complete with how many players are needed, any special rules of the scenario and the general size and type of the field. I’ve already got a few up my sleeve but I would like to see what the AO think-tank can develop before I write too much! Who knows, this thread might turn into a full-blown resource for reinventing the way you currently play paintball. Don’t forget to mention if you and your group of friends have tried these scenarios out and how well they worked. Have fun!



01-24-2002, 05:02 PM
Ok... People, yipe is onto something! Get crackin! We need scenario ideas for the AO MEGAMEET!!!!

Oh yeah,

My idea: Paintball World War
# of players: 1000+ per team
# of teams: more than 5. Randomly located without awareness of the other team locations.
field: LARGE deserted place. Maybe a desert or a large forest.
special players: Presidents, politcal figures, super soldiers, technitians, blah blah blah, so forth and so on...
Idea: First to get to the "nuke base" and activate the "nuke" or last team standing wins the world war. Expect twists in the plot of the game.
Rules: All guns set to 300 fps. Long range artilery set at max of 400 fps. Supply zones located 20 or so miles apart. 1 mile radius safe zone at supply zones. No supply zone camping. Any paintball related vehicle is usable.
Supplies: Starts out with 5 200 ball guppies for every player. Supersoldiers get any type special equipment from sponsor. Only the technitians can take any part from any site, supply zone, or vehicle. President gets fully enclosed tank. Political figures get lightly armored vehicles. Everyone gets walky talkies. Starts out with 1 weeks supply of water for 1000 people.

crazy idea huh?

01-24-2002, 05:09 PM
Stagnate?! thats not what i call a pure adrenaline rush

01-24-2002, 05:56 PM
FooTemps - I like your idea of a mega-scenario. We're talkin' big! The best part would be the 5 teams playing against each other, as certain teams might form and break alliances, and who doesn't love politics?

LawFox32 - Thanks for your input. I agree that paintball is a pure adrenaline rush, at least most of the time. Maybe I've played too long, but sometimes I do get bored playing the same scenarios (centerflag speedball, capture the flag, elimination, etc) over and over again. I was looking for ways to spice things up on the field by taking advantage of paintball's inherent flexibility, and the best way I could think of was to change the format. In addition, my question about stagnation wasn't entirely about heart-pounding action. I was more interested to see if players out there feel paintball is gravitating toward a more concrete format, much like football, baseball or soccer. In that way, the game would stop to progress. Or would it?

Here's one of my scenario ideas inspired by the WWF or any of the multitudes of professional wrestling shows on quality networks like FOX or UPN. It's on a much smaller scale than FooTemp's suggestion and can be played just about anywhere on a roughly rectangular-shaped field. Let's call it "Paintball Tag".

Players: 10
Teams: 2
Split: 5 defenders versus 5 attackers
Time Limit: 15 minutes

Description: Both the defending and attacking teams consist of 3 players who act as the scouts, and 2 players who act as the marines. The scouts have infiltrated behind enemy lines via parachutes, gliders or other type of covert insertion and are awaiting reinforcements. The marines have been ordered to join up with allied scouts as they advance, and to look out for enemy scouts lurking nearby.

Deployment: The scouts from each team set up in hiding on the field. The scouts must position themselves within 25 feet of the opposing team’s short boundary edge, at least 10 feet apart from each other and out of sight from their teammates. Each set of marines enters the field from their respective short boundary edge at the beginning of the game.

Special Rules: The scouts cannot move, speak or otherwise take part in the game until tagged by a marine from their team. The marine must touch a scout in order to tag them into the game. In addition, scouts cannot be eliminated from the game prior to being tagged, though enemy marines can guard their position. Once a scout has been tagged they immediately join their team, may speak, move, fire and otherwise act as a marine in all respects.

Objective: The team with the most active players left at the end of the game wins. The game is a draw if both teams have the same number of active players on the field when the time expires.

What do you think?



01-24-2002, 06:03 PM
If i get bored with standard woods fare (i've never played speedball, but want to), i just think of playing in my friends house. He is demolishing it and building a new one. Before they demolish it, all my friends and I are going to turn our velocities to about 100, and play in his house. I';m thinking a few SWAT scenarios, rescue the hostage, clear the house, etc. Also, he has a lot of land, so we can use it as a good base. Also, you can go to the attic and go "scorpio" (the sniper killer guy from Dirty Harry IIRC) on anyone outside. 99 posts! almost there...