View Full Version : Big Games/Paintball Sam's

09-14-2008, 01:05 PM
Well the field that i've played at most and have loved for a while, a mainly woodsball field, seems to be hurting as they're having their last big game this fall. I'm talking about Paintball Sam's, the field, or at least one of them (don't know if Tom went elsewhere) that the Mag and it's predecessors like the Panther were tested at by Tom Kaye.

Well the first Big Game i'd ever been to was in the fall of 2004, and there were about 700 people present that day, and it was the second day! I don't know about other Big Games, but at Sam's usually the second day was slower. Well sadly on the first day of the Big games recently we've had far less than we did the first time i played, so they're making this Big Game on the 4th and 5th of October their last one.

Well the main reason i made this thread was to alert people that would want to know (thought Tom would probably be interested) as well as to see if this is going on other places, because on the site they said this is due to the rec baller becoming a dying breed and being replaced by tournament driven players or hardcore scenario players, so is the Big Game a dying era in the world of paintball?

Just a note, i mean normal big games, not Scenario big games, as there is a difference because scenarios draw people who are into scenarios, where as big games usually draw everyone and rec ballers.

09-14-2008, 01:12 PM
Well the field that i've played at most and have loved for a while, a mainly woodsball field, seems to be hurting as they're having their last big game this fall. I'm talking about Paintball Sam's, the field, or at least one of them (don't know if Tom went elsewhere) that the Mag and it's predecessors like the Panther were tested at by Tom Kaye.

Well the first Big Game i'd ever been to was in the fall of 2004, and there were about 700 people present that day, and it was the second day! I don't know about other Big Games, but at Sam's usually the second day was slower. Well sadly on the first day of the Big games recently we've had far less than we did the first time i played, so they're making this Big Game on the 4th and 5th of October their last one.

Well the main reason i made this thread was to alert people that would want to know (thought Tom would probably be interested) as well as to see if this is going on other places, because on the site they said this is due to the rec baller becoming a dying breed and being replaced by tournament driven players or hardcore scenario players, so is the Big Game a dying era in the world of paintball?

I want EVERYONE to come to this big game!!! Snoopay700 (Paul) and I are planning some great things for Sam's final big game. This is a sad day for the both of us, we grew up as part of our frienship playing Sam's Big Game, that was the very first Game Paul and I played, and I still have the crazy memories (I.e. me getting caught between paul and the enemy...) I am seriously sad that this is ending, but I guess all things come to an end.

All that being said, lets make this a good end, the big game to me is like the Father of paintball. Sure the small games are fun, but the big game is awesome and a special day for all of us to get together and shoot each other. This was the woodstock of paintball as far as I am concerned. That being said, don't be the guy who says he wants to come and doesn't show up, cause this is the last one, and not only does Sam need you there, but all of us paintballers need you there to honor something near to our hearts, and to show our gratitude for the sport of paintball itself.

09-14-2008, 01:21 PM
I want EVERYONE to come to this big game!!! Snoopay700 (Paul) and I are planning some great things for Sam's final big game. This is a sad day for the both of us, we grew up as part of our frienship playing Sam's Big Game, that was the very first Game Paul and I played, and I still have the crazy memories (I.e. me getting caught between paul and the enemy...) I am seriously sad that this is ending, but I guess all things come to an end.

All that being said, lets make this a good end, the big game to me is like the Father of paintball. Sure the small games are fun, but the big game is awesome and a special day for all of us to get together and shoot each other. This was the woodstock of paintball as far as I am concerned. That being said, don't be the guy who says he wants to come and doesn't show up, cause this is the last one, and not only does Sam need you there, but all of us paintballers need you there to honor something near to our hearts, and to show our gratitude for the sport of paintball itself.
Yeah, lot's of good memories at those things, i remember that time you're talking about, i shot you right between your pods as you were walking off because i opened fire upon the other team that came into our little ambush. Ah, my first firefight in paintball, and the first person i shot out, and the first group of guys that had us outmatched that i got away from (barely, had some bounce off my mask) and then we waited for and held off from the fort. Good times man, good times. :) :(

Ah, but you're making me get this thread off topic you jerk. :p Anyway, back to the main point of the thread, is this the only place that this has been happening to or have other fields had to do away with big games?

09-14-2008, 01:32 PM
I really wish I could make it, especially for the last one, but my commute is a royal PITA. I am in Boston for school as of now :(

09-14-2008, 01:37 PM
I really wish I could make it, especially for the last one, but my commute is a royal PITA. I am in Boston for school as of now :(
Man, that sucks, i remember you let me hold your z-mag as you were walking onto the field. It was weird, but i actually liked the tank over my shoulder, it was different and seemed like it would be fun to play with.

You know, i can see this turning into a huge memory thread mixed in with the original intent of the thread. :rofl:

09-14-2008, 11:05 PM
The first time I played outdoor paintball was Sam's fall big game way back in 1992. It was always a must play twice a year both days for many years. Saturdays were always the biggest day and sunday a little smaller but still 300 to 400. I played in the 2007 fall game and the 2008 spring game and it is very sad to see it just a shell of what it once was. The labor day BYOP event a couple of weeks at Sam's had way more players than the big games lately. Unfortunately its not unique it seems all fields are haveing problems.

09-14-2008, 11:21 PM
The first time I played outdoor paintball was Sam's fall big game way back in 1992. It was always a must play twice a year both days for many years. Saturdays were always the biggest day and sunday a little smaller but still 300 to 400. I played in the 2007 fall game and the 2008 spring game and it is very sad to see it just a shell of what it once was. The labor day BYOP event a couple of weeks at Sam's had way more players than the big games lately. Unfortunately its not unique it seems all fields are haveing problems.
Ah, that's really unfortunate, although i guess it's good that Sam's isn't along in that respect.

09-14-2008, 11:41 PM
"Well the main reason i made this thread was to alert people that would want to know (thought Tom would probably be interested) as well as to see if this is going on other places, because on the site they said this is due to the rec baller becoming a dying breed and being replaced by tournament driven players or hardcore scenario players, so is the Big Game a dying era in the world of paintball?"

I already commented on this subject on another thread here on AO, and the thread mysteriously disappeared after I posted my opinion on this matter. So I'm not going to type it again only for this thread to vanish like the last one did.

09-15-2008, 02:07 AM
Wow I am really sorry to hear that the Big Game is ending. I LOVED those weekends and tried never to miss one (unless it was raining :)).

All of paintball is hurting right now. Give my best to Nicky.


09-15-2008, 09:25 AM
I am a bit confuddled as it were about the "big game".

What makes it a "big game" rather than a scenario?

Many of the woodsball venues around will have what down here we call a "24 hour game" that really lacks the full planning and setup that a true scenario does. I would assume that would be the same thing?

I can understand their getting away from that type of game. If you don't have a very large number of attendees it would be really hard to make money off such a thing. One entry fee for two days worth of play, all the refs you have to pay for the two days, etc.
One of the bigger players in the tourney circuit around this area is calling it quits for anything aside from rec ball after this year. Our local field will become the "host" field for several of their tourney teams. Apparently open play and private parties are the better money makers around here. Talking with the owner of a field who hosted the last series tourney this past weekend...After everyone was paid and all was said and done, he made less money for the whole ordeal than he would have hosting one modest private party.
Tourney ball and large scenarios may be what the players are going for in certain areas, but it sure does make it hard on the venues.

09-15-2008, 09:41 AM
I am a bit confuddled as it were about the "big game".

What makes it a "big game" rather than a scenario?


two big teams. Two forts. two flags. no reinsertion. Shoot everyone, get their flag, bring it back to your fort, game over. Then start all over again. Which has why it has always been ideal for rec ballers.
No missions, no down pilots, none of that... pretty simple. Big giant game of capture the flag.
It has never been toted as a scenario game, or 24 hour game.

09-15-2008, 09:46 AM
I am a bit confuddled as it were about the "big game".

What makes it a "big game" rather than a scenario?

Many of the woodsball venues around will have what down here we call a "24 hour game" that really lacks the full planning and setup that a true scenario does. I would assume that would be the same thing?

I can understand their getting away from that type of game. If you don't have a very large number of attendees it would be really hard to make money off such a thing. One entry fee for two days worth of play, all the refs you have to pay for the two days, etc.
One of the bigger players in the tourney circuit around this area is calling it quits for anything aside from rec ball after this year. Our local field will become the "host" field for several of their tourney teams. Apparently open play and private parties are the better money makers around here. Talking with the owner of a field who hosted the last series tourney this past weekend...After everyone was paid and all was said and done, he made less money for the whole ordeal than he would have hosting one modest private party.
Tourney ball and large scenarios may be what the players are going for in certain areas, but it sure does make it hard on the venues.
The "Big Game" is just a large game. Where the usual rec-ball game would be 20-20 or 40-40 or whatever, this game is 200-200 or whatever. It is just a huge rec-ball game.

I can tell you how tough it is for fields. I used to work at Paintball Blitz in Gurnee, IL. While it did not "go under" so to speak, business was not what it once was. I was really sad to see it go. I played my first game there way back in the day. Parties did seem to make way more money than did rec play, by leaps and bounds.

09-15-2008, 09:48 AM
Wow I am really sorry to hear that the Big Game is ending. I LOVED those weekends and tried never to miss one (unless it was raining :)).

All of paintball is hurting right now. Give my best to Nicky.

Yeah, it's sort of sad to see the state that paintball is sort of in right now. I'm planning on donating something for their raffle so that something that hasn't happened in many a year can happen again (you should know what i mean, you were one of the people handing them out ;) Saw a video of you there when my friend's dad was awarded one) so i'm hoping Nicky (is it spelled that way? I always figured it was Nikki, and i forget how she signed the email she sent me...) gets a kick out of that. I'll be sure to give her your best.

Punkncat, wimag is right, it's just a huge game of capture the flag, lasts an hour a game, and it was mainly the main times that people that barely played went. That's generally the difference, same format just bigger scale.

rifleman wi
09-15-2008, 09:49 AM
two big teams. Two forts. two flags. no reinsertion. Shoot everyone, get their flag, bring it back to your fort, game over. Then start all over again. Which has why it has always been ideal for rec ballers.
No missions, no down pilots, none of that... pretty simple. Big giant game of capture the flag.
It has never been toted as a scenario game, or 24 hour game.
yea, i remember the first year i went they had tanks and artillery too. that was a blast. too bad i cant make this last one, ill be deployed by then. :shooting:

09-15-2008, 10:47 AM
Wow I am really sorry to hear that the Big Game is ending. I LOVED those weekends and tried never to miss one (unless it was raining :)).

All of paintball is hurting right now. Give my best to Nicky.


Lots of great memories of this event. Many include Mr. K.

Pushing the spools. I was shooting Nitro Nellie, Tom and a few others were along in the push. I was trading shots w/ some semi totting guy behind a spool. I yelled at him that his shots weren't coming close and he should move up. Obviously he didn't. So I yelled over that I would move closer. I stepped out and started walking closer. He popped out, and I guess was so stunned he hesitated for a second. Tom tagged him out. A bit later I was walkign off the field after getting hit storming the fort. The guy was siting talking to a couple of other guys. I heard him say, "...and then he just started walking towards me!"

I could go on w/ a very long list of memories. Maybe that should be a different thread.


09-15-2008, 11:00 AM
yea, i remember the first year i went they had tanks and artillery too. that was a blast. too bad i cant make this last one, ill be deployed by then. :shooting:
stay safe man :cheers:

09-15-2008, 11:18 AM
yea, i remember the first year i went they had tanks and artillery too. that was a blast. too bad i cant make this last one, ill be deployed by then. :shooting:
That sucks, but good luck over there.

But yeah, i have a lot of great memories, one of my favorite was when we were going through the marsh part up the side and there was bush that i could just barely peek over and all i saw were his bright green/yellow medic ribbons so i yelled, without revealing i was on the blue team, "Hey medic, you out?" because we had numerous people that were out walking by us and i couldn't see his gun, so he said he was still in and as he walked around the bush me and like 2-4 of my buddies just trained our guns on him and he just looked at us and then said "Oh, im out..." and started to walk off the field and put his barrel plug in. Ah, good times, good times.

But yeah, due to the stress it is on fields i'll most likely be a voluntary ref rather than a paid ref on the second day. That means if i catch you wiping, watch out, cause i don't have a threat of no pay to discourage me. ;) :shooting:

09-15-2008, 12:06 PM
I'm not sure if I'll be able to play the last big game at Sam's, but I was very sad to hear it is the last one. It really was a great event many years ago.
Also my $.02 on the money making of a field. A field only makes money in the long term on private games and rec ball, it always has. I'm never sure why people think a field based on the tournament crowd is sustainable.
Anyway, good luck to Nikki and Sam's in the future. I fear it may be the next field to close in Wisconsin.

09-15-2008, 12:29 PM
Action Packed Paintball, just up the road in Lake Mills use to host the exact same "big game" every year since their inception, and on the same weekends as Paintball Sams. I does not appear according to their schedule they are doing that this year.
they have not been around for an extremely long time as a field, but I am pretty sure the field owner is Nikki's ex husband.
Who knows the concept of the big game may not be all lost in Wisconsin...just moved perhaps.

09-15-2008, 01:01 PM
But yeah, i have a lot of great memories
Definitely. It was my girlfriends first game of paintball at a PB Sam's Big Game. She really got a kick out of it. She got so excited when she shot one of you! "Nick! Nick! I think I shot one of your friends! He had the same type of gun!" (A mag) :spit_take :rofl:

09-15-2008, 01:37 PM
I'm not sure if I'll be able to play the last big game at Sam's, but I was very sad to hear it is the last one. It really was a great event many years ago.
Also my $.02 on the money making of a field. A field only makes money in the long term on private games and rec ball, it always has. I'm never sure why people think a field based on the tournament crowd is sustainable.
Anyway, good luck to Nikki and Sam's in the future. I fear it may be the next field to close in Wisconsin.
That's what i'm fearing, but supposedly they are going to start doing scenario stuff according to rumors, yet i never heard anything about it and i ref there so i don't know if that's true. If it is i wouldn't be surprised since those seem to be doing better and the big games haven't made them enough money to be profitable most likely, due to the bad turnout recently. This being the first field i've played at i would hate to see it close.

And Greenaliens, that's awesome, unless it was me, then i'll have to get her back. :shooting: :D

09-15-2008, 03:21 PM
In this thread, we name the AO member who said the quote at PB Sams.

Before: You don't quit playing because you get old; you get old because you quit playing :ninja:
After: I'm getting too old for thishttp://img68.imageshack.us/img68/9566/oldfogeyha9.gif (http://imageshack.us)

09-15-2008, 04:02 PM
In this thread, we name the AO member who said the quote at PB Sams.
Haha, that's great. Dunno who actually said that though.

09-15-2008, 11:22 PM
driveway still junk?

and i want to play, but i fear i wont have money for this event :(

09-15-2008, 11:27 PM
driveway still junk?

and i want to play, but i fear i wont have money for this event :(
Most likely, and that sucks, i don't think i've ever actually met you at one of those things, i just saw you in your pink skeleton costume. I dunno why they don't complain to the landlord and get the driveway fixed, that is pretty bad. Hope they filled in teh bridge to twofort too, otherwise it could get bad.

09-16-2008, 09:05 AM
Haha, that's great. Dunno who actually said that though.
If I am not mistaken, it was Beemer

09-16-2008, 12:16 PM
If I am not mistaken, it was Beemer
Haha, well i saw Beemer at the last big game, he is rather old. ;)

Pretty sure i saw him using his mag as a cane... :rolleyes:

09-17-2008, 11:29 PM
It surely is the end of an era. 22 years of Big Games coming to a close in just a few weeks now. The numbers sure have dropped off the last couple years. If I scrounge up some cash before then I'll be there. Ya know what no scratch that, I'll be there. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

09-17-2008, 11:48 PM
You know, i'm just going to put a shameless plug in here and say that i have a WTB thread in the marker section that has to do with this up coming big game, and i would really apppreciate it if someone were able to help me.

09-18-2008, 11:39 PM
Hey all, do you think it's ok to give away a mag that says rental on the valve in a raffle, because so far that's the only one that we've found that we can afford to give to Sam's for the big game, but me and sam are both iffy about it. Also, stay hush hush about this because we still want to surprise nikki.

10-04-2008, 07:25 PM
Hey Tom, Nikki told me to tell you she said hi again, and she asked what you were up to and when we said you were in Arizona she said "digging up bones, right?" Anyway she was glad to hear about you and she told us to give you her best.

Anyway i was really happy that we were able to have them give away a mag again for their last, and i was happy to see the guy using it after that, today was a good day of paintball.

10-04-2008, 08:12 PM
Well its the end of an era for all of us Sam's die hards. Say high back to Nicky and I'm glad a gun got given away on the last game. Thanks for making it happen Snoop.


10-05-2008, 03:29 PM
Well its the end of an era for all of us Sam's die hards. Say high back to Nicky and I'm glad a gun got given away on the last game. Thanks for making it happen Snoop.

Well Automagsam went in with me on the gun, and it's only because of the great people here at AO that it was able to happen, without them we wouldn't have been able to afford it, so we definitely don't deserve all the credit.

Anyway i'll tell her you said hi again, i'm just scared that the end of Sam's is right around the corner too.

10-05-2008, 04:00 PM
Well Automagsam went in with me on the gun, and it's only because of the great people here at AO that it was able to happen, without them we wouldn't have been able to afford it, so we definitely don't deserve all the credit.

Anyway i'll tell her you said hi again, i'm just scared that the end of Sam's is right around the corner too.

I have to say, that would be unfortunate. I haven't played the big game in years and besides the big game and leagues I've never played at Sams. I was a PB Daves employee so I frequented splat camp for most of my playing. I have to say I had a blast at the big game on Saturday. Won a jersey for being the first one at check in and had a great day of playing as rusty as I may have been. (First time at an outdoor event in about ten years and running on an ankle just getting over rehab from a bad break). I know I'll be back down at Sams very soon. I have the bug again big time and since splat camp is only open for special events now I'm hoping to make Sams my new home field!
Great job on the give away too guys! The mag was sweet!

10-05-2008, 04:58 PM
I have to say, that would be unfortunate. I haven't played the big game in years and besides the big game and leagues I've never played at Sams. I was a PB Daves employee so I frequented splat camp for most of my playing. I have to say I had a blast at the big game on Saturday. Won a jersey for being the first one at check in and had a great day of playing as rusty as I may have been. (First time at an outdoor event in about ten years and running on an ankle just getting over rehab from a bad break). I know I'll be back down at Sams very soon. I have the bug again big time and since splat camp is only open for special events now I'm hoping to make Sams my new home field!
Great job on the give away too guys! The mag was sweet!

Daves "Fall Free for All" the 25th. !!
Man i thought my PB Daves shirt was old and worn, yours looked like you dragged it behind your car on the way there :)

10-05-2008, 11:19 PM
I have to say, that would be unfortunate. I haven't played the big game in years and besides the big game and leagues I've never played at Sams. I was a PB Daves employee so I frequented splat camp for most of my playing. I have to say I had a blast at the big game on Saturday. Won a jersey for being the first one at check in and had a great day of playing as rusty as I may have been. (First time at an outdoor event in about ten years and running on an ankle just getting over rehab from a bad break). I know I'll be back down at Sams very soon. I have the bug again big time and since splat camp is only open for special events now I'm hoping to make Sams my new home field!
Great job on the give away too guys! The mag was sweet!
Oh, that was you? Yeah, i thought i had seen you before but i couldn't remember where from.

Anyway, yeah, i'm glad that we got the mag done in time, i owe big thanks to sffudapparel (sp?) because he got us everything but the barrel and the frame, and i was reluctant to give up my old progressive barrel that came with my first mag due to sentimental value and the fact that some people really seem to like them, but it was the only barrel i never use and my friend couldn't find his so i really couldn't justify keeping it and giving away a barrel-less mag. Actually we just wanted them to give away a mag again, we didn't know they did it for big games, thought they might've, but automagsam's (sam's) dad won his mag at a tourney at PBSam's in 92 and that's how we knew they gave them away. We were planning on a gun cause of their financial situation, but when we heard it was the last we had to make it a mag. Anyway i was really happy to see the guy who got it seemed pretty happy with it, hope it gets him playing more and gets him playing at Sam's more and to bring his friends, mainly because i don't want to see that place go under, i love that field despite its rough spots.

And heck yeah blue team did, both yesterday and today, although today since i was a ref i was rooting for white because of some of the people that were on blue, plus Harry was on white and tried to use me as a human shield.

10-06-2008, 06:55 AM
Daves "Fall Free for All" the 25th. !!
Man i thought my PB Daves shirt was old and worn, yours looked like you dragged it behind your car on the way there :)
I didn't see you there! I was pretty out of it most of the day tho! Was looking for folks I might know but didn't really see anybody but Tyger.
That's actually my better paintball daves tee! The other one has turned a nice shade of gray and has some holes as well. Yeah blue team did rock! I got myself shot a lot because my group of friends were all new players. Trying to make some moves with a group of slightly timid players backing you up usually gets you tagged!

i was reluctant to give up my old progressive barrel that came with my first mag due to sentimental value

Aww man! If I would've known I could have contributed a classic RT barrel!! :(
I had it in the car and will never use it as I'm pretty partial to the Dye I've got on it now.

I'll try and get myself out for the Fall free for all. That will be a fun one! Hopefully I can figure out what's up with the RT by that time so I can take it out for a few games. I think I need a level 10 and a parts kit for it. It was chopping every 4th ball.

10-06-2008, 09:40 AM
I didn't see you there! I was pretty out of it most of the day tho! Was looking for folks I might know but didn't really see anybody but Tyger.
That's actually my better paintball daves tee! The other one has turned a nice shade of gray and has some holes as well. Yeah blue team did rock! I got myself shot a lot because my group of friends were all new players. Trying to make some moves with a group of slightly timid players backing you up usually gets you tagged!

Aww man! If I would've known I could have contributed a classic RT barrel!! :(
I had it in the car and will never use it as I'm pretty partial to the Dye I've got on it now.

I'll try and get myself out for the Fall free for all. That will be a fun one! Hopefully I can figure out what's up with the RT by that time so I can take it out for a few games. I think I need a level 10 and a parts kit for it. It was chopping every 4th ball.
Don't worry about it, like i said, i never use it, mainly because i don't use either of my sp barrels plus i love my 11 inch crown point, so i don't think i'm going to switch any time soon. It's just one of those stupid sentimental things, but if it really mattered to me i wouldn't have done it, i was more concerned with getting someone a mag that day, and hopefully he'll get good use out of the barrel.

10-06-2008, 10:43 AM
Don't worry about it, like i said, i never use it, mainly because i don't use either of my sp barrels plus i love my 11 inch crown point, so i don't think i'm going to switch any time soon. It's just one of those stupid sentimental things, but if it really mattered to me i wouldn't have done it, i was more concerned with getting someone a mag that day, and hopefully he'll get good use out of the barrel.

So, who was the fella with the pink EMag out there? I talked with him for a bit. Found out he was from the forum but never got his name. Real nice gun. I was jealous.

10-06-2008, 11:17 AM
So, who was the fella with the pink EMag out there? I talked with him for a bit. Found out he was from the forum but never got his name. Real nice gun. I was jealous.

by pink e-mag do you mean the one with the pink ule body and battery pack?

if so that Geoff. he plays and works at Planet Extreme in Lake Geneva. and the only forum i have seen him post on is PBN

10-06-2008, 12:14 PM
by pink e-mag do you mean the one with the pink ule body and battery pack?

if so that Geoff. he plays and works at Planet Extreme in Lake Geneva. and the only forum i have seen him post on is PBN

Nope it was a pink euro mag looking gun with a silver breech section and pink battery pack. He was playing with us on the Blue team.
Trevor, were you the guy shooting the clear dust mini?

10-06-2008, 12:24 PM
I think hes talking about my Xmag that I was using. Its purple and the center feed breach I was using is still raw aluminum. I also have a tuna blade on it, DS grips, and a differen't selector switch. I havent taken different pictures with all the new stuff yet.

10-06-2008, 12:43 PM
I think hes talking about my Xmag that I was using. Its purple and the center feed breach I was using is still raw aluminum. I also have a tuna blade on it, DS grips, and a differen't selector switch. I havent taken different pictures with all the new stuff yet.

That looks to be the one. Maybe it was the yellow lens in my gogs but I would have sworn it was pink :D
No matter sweet gun! :)

10-06-2008, 12:55 PM
So, who was the fella with the pink EMag out there? I talked with him for a bit. Found out he was from the forum but never got his name. Real nice gun. I was jealous.
You mean the x-mag with the raw breech? I have no clue, but i freaked out a bit when i saw him chronoing next to me. I was pretty damn happy.

Edit: That was you Storminorman? Nice xmag, i saw you a few times on the field too, you were on blue right?

10-06-2008, 01:49 PM
Yes I was on Blue and followed Trevor all day. I also got a million Flea bites from somewhere at Sam's, boy do they itch. Thanks for all the nice marker comments.

10-06-2008, 01:57 PM
Yes I was on Blue and followed Trevor all day. I also got a million Flea bites from somewhere at Sam's, boy do they itch. Thanks for all the nice marker comments.

I got through the day relatively unscathed. I did have a really sore ankle by the end of things but it was worth it! Need to get back on it more strengthen it up a bit! NEVER dive off your deck trying to catch items getting ready to fall in your pool. "stuff" is easy to fix or replace, rehabbing broken body parts is much too time consuming!

10-06-2008, 02:58 PM
yeah i was shooting the dust silver and red Mini. if you were lucky you either saw me eat it hard a few times. or my poppit stick the first game i played :p

10-07-2008, 07:04 AM
yeah i was shooting the dust silver and red Mini. if you were lucky you either saw me eat it hard a few times. or my poppit stick the first game i played :p
my group seemed to always take the right tape. I don't think I got to roll with you guys during the day. I was shooting the olive mini with the beat up pulse loader.
It performed flawlessly all day long :)