View Full Version : What's the problem with international shipping?

09-14-2008, 04:37 PM
This is the third or fourth time someone says he won't be selling something to me because he doesn't want to ship internationally. Can anyone, please, explain the logic behind this?

I always say I will pay whatever the seller tells me it will cost for shipping. I have a verified paypal account and dozens of positive feedback (100% positive in fact). I have dealt with very known people on this forum, with them sending stuff several times to me and, still, there are people who doesn't want to sell things to me?

Can anyone explain it?

I know there are people who never did it before but, common... It's just one form you have to fill when shipping it. No big deal at all. And that excuse of "I never did it before" is absurd. What would happen with your driving experience? A different type of food? Or even sex? LOL

Sorry for the blabling but that realy annoys me...

09-14-2008, 04:41 PM
i get this as i'm from the uk.

it also seems people ant stupid amounts for shipping to the uk.

09-14-2008, 04:41 PM
It's a pain in the butt. I never actually go to the PO when I ship things; I print labels and then send them from work. I'd have to go to the PO for int'l shipping. Further, many countries have an import fee/tax -- which puts the seller in a position of either lying (mark it as a gift to avoid the excise) or having a pissed off buyer who may have not known about it and is now unhappy for paying more for a part.

Add that in with the delays that seem to happen a lot with tracking issues to some countries and it makes it not worth it.

09-14-2008, 04:41 PM
Buy my eclipse cocker and I'd be happy to ship it to you

Maybe some people just don't like money all that much. Me? I'm a fiend for it

09-14-2008, 04:51 PM
It's a pain in the butt. I never actually go to the PO when I ship things; I print labels and then send them from work. I'd have to go to the PO for int'l shipping. Further, many countries have an import fee/tax -- which puts the seller in a position of either lying (mark it as a gift to avoid the excise) or having a pissed off buyer who may have not known about it and is now unhappy for paying more for a part.

Add that in with the delays that seem to happen a lot with tracking issues to some countries and it makes it not worth it.

OK. Now you got a point. Here in Brazil they do charge you 60% over the merchant's value. It is a pain and I did ask some people to mark it as a GIFT. It's true. Even so, I'm absolutelly aware of the risk of paying this tax and I did have to pay several times. Still, that's on me, the buyer, not the seller.

If it gets caught by the government (I had four packages that were held by the army and one by the FDA here), still, that's my problem. In my case, I received everything I bought as, obviously, paintball isn't prohibited in Brazil but still they wanted to verify it. Took three months to get it but it's here. The frustration (and possible loss) is all mine.

Now, as I said, I do ask people to mark it as a gift. If the seller doesn't want to do so (I don't see why but still, it's on him/her) all he has to do is tell me so. Then I decide if I'm still buying it or not.

09-14-2008, 04:51 PM
Because people are scared of going international...this can mean a few things

1) International mail fraud
2) They think they might have to do something extra

09-14-2008, 04:55 PM
I can and will ship out of the states, doesnt matter much to me, ive never had customs probs n the paper work is about the same either way, i seriously might add one or two more words for international:P

As for cost, if the buyer pays for it, why not, if they dont then they don't get the package, thats all.

09-14-2008, 05:06 PM
I " think " the reason most folks won't ship to Canada or overseas is just because they are Lazy , mabey they "just don't have the time " , if they can sell it here ( USA ) , just hit a button on thier computor , print a label & throw it in thier mailbox , why should they do any extra work
Personally I think it's kind of cool knowing we have a worldwide Mag thing going on , I know if I ever go to Brazil , I got 1 guy I can call that I have something in common with :)

09-14-2008, 05:27 PM
I " think " the reason most folks won't ship to Canada or overseas is just because they are Lazy , mabey they "just don't have the time " , if they can sell it here ( USA ) , just hit a button on thier computor , print a label & throw it in thier mailbox , why should they do any extra work
Personally I think it's kind of cool knowing we have a worldwide Mag thing going on , I know if I ever go to Brazil , I got 1 guy I can call that I have something in common with :)

That you can be sure! LOL Lots of them actually. Last count it was 12 Mags in the house! :headbang:

09-14-2008, 06:00 PM
I ship internationally but only on things I need to sell badly or making a good amount on.

Because here, I can go anytime to an automated postal center spend 20 seconds to ship something domestic. Intetnational requires printing the label online and waiting on average over 30 minutes in line just to hand it to a postal employee. Blame USPS.

09-14-2008, 06:08 PM
Wow, i had no idea it was all that difficult to ship something internationally...

...oh wait, that's right, I ship hazardous materials internationally all the time. You wanna talk about paperwork? :D

If I ever decide to sell anything I own I will gladly ship to you.

09-14-2008, 06:24 PM
I always ask to get it shipped by USPS and to scan a copy of their receipt. I have never received a border tax with USPS. I did however receive a big ones from UPS and FedEX.

But it is difficult to find sellers that don't mind shipping outside of the country. The main reason i have been given is for mail fraud.

09-14-2008, 08:19 PM
I've shipped to brazil!!!!! Lol took me a few extra minutes but that's abt it, I think the recent threads revolving around complaints and lost packages being shipped to canada is really to blame, and lets not forget the guy from the UK who took abt a month to ship 2k worth or merch to KCsrtule? So I know its minor, but it seems significant just because of the recent threads of and attention they got, I for one don't mind shipping internationally

09-14-2008, 08:24 PM
Thanks for your support guys! You rock!

09-14-2008, 08:40 PM
i get this as i'm from the uk.

it also seems people ant stupid amounts for shipping to the uk.

www.usps.com check the shipping rates there.

Intetnational requires printing the label online and waiting on average over 30 minutes in line just to hand it to a postal employee. Blame USPS.

VERY TRUE. And sometimes have to argue that what you are shipping is just a "valve"

I will ship anywhere in the world, and have (Germany, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, France, Great Britain, Australia, Netherlands, Switzerland, and once to Slovenia). Here is the problem with shipping anywhere.

Someone pays you via paypal. You have to show that the package arrives; otherwise the buyer can go back through paypal and try to get a refund. This will basicly make your paypal account frozen untill you settle it with paypal. This takes ~ 45 days to do even if you have tracking info.

I have been burnt from others where you ship them a 20 dollar part without tracking/insurance (due to shipping overseas costing more than the part). Just to have them turn around and say "It never came" Sure USPS looses packages, but why is it always the ones you cant prove. IMO I would rather give an item away as to deal with the BS sometimes.

MPSD none of this really applies to you as you have always been a steller buyer as far as I am concerned....however I can understand when that it is sometimes a pain in the :cuss:

If you ever need something I would be more than happy to accept a shipment from someone, and send it down to you. :cheers:

09-14-2008, 09:32 PM
Now, as I said, I do ask people to mark it as a gift. If the seller doesn't want to do so (I don't see why but still, it's on him/her) all he has to do is tell me so. Then I decide if I'm still buying it or not.

The why not involves the term fraud, the US postal service, and the federal government. Marking something as a gift that is not is blatantly fraudulent. I simply have ignored this request from buyers in the past.

09-14-2008, 10:55 PM
I don't mind shipping parts internationally, it's when it comes to complete markers I tend to avoid it. Shipping to Brazil is very easy though, you usually don't even have to fill out any paperwork.

Hilltop Customs
09-14-2008, 11:04 PM
I have no problem shipping internationally as long as the same amount of cash ends up in my pocket. (other than paypal fees on the added shipping transaction, which I can handle)

09-14-2008, 11:34 PM
You dont need to label it as Gift, label it as "old marker parts" and lower the value of it.

09-14-2008, 11:47 PM
Only thing I won't accept are people that ask 30$-35$ for shipping international(I dont know for oversea rate but im talking to canada). Wich is alots of money in their pockets as I do know it never costed that much.

09-15-2008, 12:17 AM
I've lived overseas as well and may in the future and don't really look forward to the hassle again.

One thing shipping in state is also USPS... That's United States!!! They have no authority outside of the US. So even if you insure it and track it and all there is no way to legally push to find something that gets "lost".

Meaning... It left our shores on this run and poof!!! Out of our jurisdiction....

I think that's one of the issues. Which comes down to the Fraud stuff. Someone says send me something... you box it and send it and they say they don't get it and kick PayPal in the shins and get their money back. So now the seller is out the part and out the fundage. Even if the part is lost somewhere it's still money lost for them.

At least within borders there are ways to get back at the person if they try to steal it. The USPS frowns upon mail fraud heavily. And if it's across state lines it becomes a Federal issue. So there are ways of kickin the poo to make a stink that can't be done when the poo is on foreign soil.

Hope it helps and hope you get what you need...


09-15-2008, 01:23 AM
Are you saying that USPS will do nothing if a package get lost if it ship international?

I do know that Canada Post will do something because I had issue twice and canada post worked on it, provided a phone number of the buyer and they called me when it got delivered.

I agree to not get thing shipped by UPS or fedex, once was doing a trade but needed to cancel it because UPS was charging me 215$. The only thing UPS is good for is the tracking number as it is really detailled but get burned down most of the time with hidden fee.

You know the ''guy'' that need to check in a big book to see what apply to the items AND them needing to go to custom and grabs your package that cost 35$ AND the tax. Depending it what it can cost you as much as the item.

Good thing about usps is that if you get charged it the tax + 5-8$ handling fee depending on package size.

I never really had trouble with usps shipping and most of the time it pass without being charged but yea all cost that is generated after it pass the border is the responsability of the buyer to pay.

But beware of something, be aware of who the seller is because I did had a guy and I had issue with no receip and tracking showed nada on update and he didn't even do a THING to get it resolved because his personnal rule was ''It not my responsability once it leave my hand'' and just keeped telling me to do all the job myself for insurance(when it was shipped by usps) and was clearly told that it need to be the seller to ask for it!(keeped replying that) That gave me a bad feedback on a forum(with me having around 90 positive feedback all over places) just never stopped someone from buying/selling to me.

09-15-2008, 04:19 AM
Let me give you my story. Had a fellow order a twistlock barrel from me. I shipped UPS insured. I marked on the paperwork "paintball barrel". It made it to the processing station in my state. They held on to it for a few days trying to decide if it was a firearm part. Even opened the package to look at it. Decided it was a firearm part and that it wouldn't make it thru customs and returned it to me. The package showed on my doorstep (mailing tube). I pick it up to find they didn't reseal it and it was missing the endcap ... and the barrel.

I then had to refund the fellow his money, come up with a receipt (for a barrel I had had for more than 10 years) and wait for a refund that may or may not be paid.

You say it isn't much of a hassle? I disagree.

I know that it is a pain getting parts when you don't live in the US but it isn't so easy dealing with trying to ship them out of the country either.

09-15-2008, 12:30 PM
Well my main beef is the people that are LAZY and the ones that pad their pocket by overcharging on shipping.

Ex #1: I offer trader 'X' some cash for an item. I tell them that I am in Canada and that my offer includes shipping. They either say yes, or no. No biggie. The ones that bother me are the ones that don't bother to check to see what the actual shipping costs are and whine because they ended up paying more then expected for shipping. Don't whine to me cause if you would have checked it out yourself, we could have avoided the whole mess to begin with.

Ex#2: I purchased an complete autococker valve with IVG, spring, and some other small stuff. The jerk charges me $15.00 for shipping. Which I paid because I didn't know any better. I get the package and I can clearly see on the package that he paid $1.75 for shipping and MAYBE $.50 for the padded envelope. His excuse for charging so much shipping was that I bought the parts for dirt cheap. (This was on E-Bay). My thoughts are, he shoulda put a reserve on em if he wanted 'X' amount of dollars for the stuff and not started at a $1.00

I make offers which include shipping all the time. If something is worth 'X' dollars to me shipped thats what I'm willing to pay. Its up to the buyers to say yes or no. Its also up to me if the package gets here and there are customs fees due.

Don't tell me that shipping is going to run $40 minimum as I can clearly see on the USPS site that international flat rate boxes start at $23.00

09-15-2008, 03:20 PM
Well my main beef is the people that are LAZY and the ones that pad their pocket by overcharging on shipping.

Ex #1: I offer trader 'X' some cash for an item. I tell them that I am in Canada and that my offer includes shipping. They either say yes, or no. No biggie. The ones that bother me are the ones that don't bother to check to see what the actual shipping costs are and whine because they ended up paying more then expected for shipping. Don't whine to me cause if you would have checked it out yourself, we could have avoided the whole mess to begin with.

Ex#2: I purchased an complete autococker valve with IVG, spring, and some other small stuff. The jerk charges me $15.00 for shipping. Which I paid because I didn't know any better. I get the package and I can clearly see on the package that he paid $1.75 for shipping and MAYBE $.50 for the padded envelope. His excuse for charging so much shipping was that I bought the parts for dirt cheap. (This was on E-Bay). My thoughts are, he shoulda put a reserve on em if he wanted 'X' amount of dollars for the stuff and not started at a $1.00

I make offers which include shipping all the time. If something is worth 'X' dollars to me shipped thats what I'm willing to pay. Its up to the buyers to say yes or no. Its also up to me if the package gets here and there are customs fees due.

Don't tell me that shipping is going to run $40 minimum as I can clearly see on the USPS site that international flat rate boxes start at $23.00

Flat rate boxes are only to certain areas. Also some guns do not sit well in said boxes in-order to secure that they will get there a OK.

09-15-2008, 05:40 PM
Flat rate box from anywhere in the states to Canada = $23 bucks unless I'm missing something. Maybe if its in one of those out of the way, services 1000 people postal outlets, but every time I've checked shipping ymself, thats what I see.

09-15-2008, 05:43 PM
The down side to flat rate boxes is that they are not always availible. I know that 3 of the closest post offices near me do not offer flat rate international boxes (one of the ones is the Knoxville Post office IE main store). You have to order them. Ordering boxes takes ~ 3 weeks to complete.

09-15-2008, 06:00 PM
I remember when you could order box for free by usps ... what happened with it?

09-15-2008, 06:00 PM
I remember when you could order box for free by usps ... what happened with it?

They are free. They are SLOW.

09-15-2008, 07:44 PM
Flat rate box from anywhere in the states to Canada = $23 bucks unless I'm missing something. Maybe if its in one of those out of the way, services 1000 people postal outlets, but every time I've checked shipping ymself, thats what I see.

I meant to all locations internationally. this thread is international shipping not canada.

09-15-2008, 10:33 PM
Well my main beef is the people that are LAZY and the ones that pad their pocket by overcharging on shipping.

Ex #1: I offer trader 'X' some cash for an item. I tell them that I am in Canada and that my offer includes shipping. They either say yes, or no. No biggie. The ones that bother me are the ones that don't bother to check to see what the actual shipping costs are and whine because they ended up paying more then expected for shipping. Don't whine to me cause if you would have checked it out yourself, we could have avoided the whole mess to begin with.

Ex#2: I purchased an complete autococker valve with IVG, spring, and some other small stuff. The jerk charges me $15.00 for shipping. Which I paid because I didn't know any better. I get the package and I can clearly see on the package that he paid $1.75 for shipping and MAYBE $.50 for the padded envelope. His excuse for charging so much shipping was that I bought the parts for dirt cheap. (This was on E-Bay). My thoughts are, he shoulda put a reserve on em if he wanted 'X' amount of dollars for the stuff and not started at a $1.00

I make offers which include shipping all the time. If something is worth 'X' dollars to me shipped thats what I'm willing to pay. Its up to the buyers to say yes or no. Its also up to me if the package gets here and there are customs fees due.

Don't tell me that shipping is going to run $40 minimum as I can clearly see on the USPS site that international flat rate boxes start at $23.00

First, you assume secondly that people's time is free and that they incur no expenses to get to the PO and deal with the added complexity of shipping internationally. For example, if I have to go to the post office during lunch [when it is the busiest] and spend half an hour to ship your thing when it would have taken me no time to ship it domestically, I expect compensation. My time is worth something [a lot, if you talk to the partners at my firm], so you will pay for my additional time and hassle.

Second, on the eBay thing, shipping is very clearly demarcated. You agreed to the charge when you hit bid/buy. You lambaste sellers for not checking shipping costs before shipping but you don't do the same? Due diligence, friend.

No such thing as a free lunch; you're coming online to find a deal, sorry if you don't get what you want. Hold out on finding that part... or shop one of the Canadian stores!

09-15-2008, 10:51 PM
First, you assume secondly that people's time is free and that they incur no expenses to get to the PO and deal with the added complexity of shipping internationally. For example, if I have to go to the post office during lunch [when it is the busiest] and spend half an hour to ship your thing when it would have taken me no time to ship it domestically, I expect compensation. My time is worth something [a lot, if you talk to the partners at my firm], so you will pay for my additional time and hassle.

Second, on the eBay thing, shipping is very clearly demarcated. You agreed to the charge when you hit bid/buy. You lambaste sellers for not checking shipping costs before shipping but you don't do the same? Due diligence, friend.

No such thing as a free lunch; you're coming online to find a deal, sorry if you don't get what you want. Hold out on finding that part... or shop one of the Canadian stores!

Firstly, I have no idea how or why shipping is sooooooo difficult down in the States. I can ship something internationally in less then 10 minutes.

Secondly, how do I know how someone is going to ship something and for that matter, I don't exactly have the items specs to input to get an accurate shipping quote. When I sell something myself, I actually go into the PO with the item(s) and find out exactly what shipping is going to run and get quotes, then give the seller a choice of how to ship with the respective prices. I feel that if someone is doing me the favour and buying my gear, the least I can do is give them the benefit of accurate shipping quotes and if that means I take some time from my schedule to get those quotes, so be it. Its the price of selling items online. I'm not going to be overly worried like some about a little time.

Lastly, I never expect a free lunch, but when I tell someone that I'm in Canada and make an offer which would include shipping and they say yes, I don't expect or need an email afterwards telling me that the price that they agreed to wasn't enough. I have been known to shoot people extra moeny to cover the excess shipping costs if they are reasonable and the seller has treated me the way I treat others when I deal with them.

Redbeard the Pirate
09-16-2008, 12:30 PM
I ship out of the US all the time, I have a regular in Sweden who I am usually shipping to 2 to 3 times a month. I can understand people being weary of scammers, but I make it a point to validate everything before I ship :)

09-19-2008, 07:26 PM
Firstly, I have no idea how or why shipping is sooooooo difficult down in the States. I can ship something internationally in less then 10 minutes.

Secondly, how do I know how someone is going to ship something and for that matter, I don't exactly have the items specs to input to get an accurate shipping quote. When I sell something myself, I actually go into the PO with the item(s) and find out exactly what shipping is going to run and get quotes, then give the seller a choice of how to ship with the respective prices. I feel that if someone is doing me the favour and buying my gear, the least I can do is give them the benefit of accurate shipping quotes and if that means I take some time from my schedule to get those quotes, so be it. Its the price of selling items online. I'm not going to be overly worried like some about a little time.

Lastly, I never expect a free lunch, but when I tell someone that I'm in Canada and make an offer which would include shipping and they say yes, I don't expect or need an email afterwards telling me that the price that they agreed to wasn't enough. I have been known to shoot people extra money to cover the excess shipping costs if they are reasonable and the seller has treated me the way I treat others when I deal with them.

Your not the only one who has had issues with what would appear to be a standard go the post office give your package and be done with it deal. My understanding of it after talking to one of them is that they can ship from home by printing a lable but to do international they have to go to the post office and deal with a human. Since that requires movement, hence the added cost :D Of course you will realize that I am having fun with this but some will take offence.... what do you need, maybe I have....

09-19-2008, 10:24 PM
the post is very long lines and takes much of my time to send out packages overseas. it just is easy to ship only local. want me to work harder you can pay me more monies for this shipping.

09-20-2008, 05:58 AM
Well i can't talk for every international buyer, but i'm always willing to compensate for the extra hassle that comes with international shipping. I've dealt with numerous people here and on MCB, and usually there's no problem whatsoever.

I've also shipped internationally, also to brazil, and for me it's the same as domestic shipping because i still have to go to the PO to ship something.

As for people that do not want to ship internationally - State this in your sale post and i won't be bothering/begging you to ship it to me. :D

09-20-2008, 07:04 AM
Well i can't talk for every international buyer, but i'm always willing to compensate for the extra hassle that comes with international shipping. I've dealt with numerous people here and on MCB, and usually there's no problem whatsoever.

I've also shipped internationally, also to brazil, and for me it's the same as domestic shipping because i still have to go to the PO to ship something.

As for people that do not want to ship internationally - State this in your sale post and i won't be bothering/begging you to ship it to me. :D

That is the difference though. I've shipped to Canada, for me its not that big of a deal. However, I can leave work as needed and stand at the post office. Many people price shipping with the ability to print postage from home and simply hand it off with regular mail. I have no idea how much international shipping is... as long as the buyer is reasonable on paying whatever it is I have no problem with it, though I can see where it creates problems / delays for others. As others have stated the possibility for fraud is higher, so one has to be more careful about feedback, etc.

09-20-2008, 02:22 PM
I don't ship internationally as a rule because it's just too much hassle. However, I do make exceptions to that rule if someone asks and seems reasonable about it - I'll pretty much always make an exception for the upstanding international folks that have been around for a while.

As far as compensating people for their time at the post office, I don't agree. If you're too busy to ship stuff, maybe you shouldn't be selling it online. Radical theory, I know. :rolleyes: I consider all prices including shipping, though, so if that also includes some ridiculous "handling" fee I'll probably just buy elsewhere for cheaper.

09-20-2008, 02:47 PM
I still don't understand how shipping internationally is such a huge hassle. Sure, it costs a bit more and you have to fill out the form, and it might take a little bit longer to arrive, but with the economy the way it is, you're killing a fair portion of the market by saying you won't ship out of the US.

09-20-2008, 07:56 PM
I have no beef with intl shipping but I do not like to mark things as a gift b/c I don't like that sinking feeling when it comes to lying on Federal forms. I don't know what penalty would come about from getting caught doing so but I just don't like to take a risk like that.

I'm sorry to hear that people turn you down on shipping because of where you are. If someone wants to buy something from me then I will do what I have to so that they get the item. If it takes a little extra effort I'm willing to give it, but thats just me. Expecting compensation for standing in line... get over yourself. We're all busy but we should respect that if someone is willing to pay extra for the shipping... they're doing us a service by buying our unwanted crap so we can take 30mins to stand in line and deal with a human and get the thing shipped. If you gotta wait a few days til you got the free time thats better than nothing and given the patience required for recieving intl shipments a few extra days couldn't hurt anything.

I wish I could ship myself internationally sometimes... I'd love to catch the Brazilian GP sometime in the coming years. Is that a good time of year to travel down there? You ever been mpsd?

09-20-2008, 08:11 PM
Bunch of reasons why I prefer strongly not to ship internationally:

1. It is very expensive. Since with most deals that I do, shipping is somehow included in the price, I end up eating some of that cost and invariably it cuts into the profit. I cannot really jack up the price by the full cost of international shipping because it is so expensive.

2. It requires more work. I have to fill out customs forms and go to the post office, I cannot do it entirely online and give the package to my mail carrier, which I do with most other shipments.

3. Paypal and USPS do not allow online payment and printing of the label for the type of international shipping that is most economical for most paintball items (International first class). There is additional cost for delivery confirmation, etc. as well.

4. Seller protections via Paypal only apply to the higher levels of international shipping, not International first class, so I have no protections when I deal internationally.

5. International customs can be a hassle, they can open up the package, potentially damaging it or losing something inside of it, or their regulations might be stricter than the US Postal regulations (I had a package returned once because I only had my return address on it, but not my name, which is fine with US postal).

6. It just takes a lot longer to finalize the deal, and would incur much greater expense to correct a problem with it.

THAT SAID, it never hurts to ask, I can always weigh the hassle against how badly I want to sell the item.

09-20-2008, 08:14 PM
Thanks guys for the great support you're showing here. I'm glad to see several people who have previously done businesses with me and some that haven't.

About coming during the GP, yes, that's a great time to come for sure. I'm saying that because the city has a lot of "specials" during that week, all over the GP thing. Unfortunatelly, I've never been there myself but I ALWAYS watch it over the TV. The problem of being there is that it costs over $1,000.00 to get a good spot to see the GP while it's free on the TV and, with a 40" LCD and a 1500W sund system, it can't get any better really. LOL.

Also, this is a time in the year that's preaty close to the Brazilian National Paintball Cup (which I've played in 2006) and so all the fields are crowded with lot's of people working hard to get there in good shape. My dream would be having a full AGD team playing that Cup but I guess it'll take some time untill I can get 4 other friends playing regularly with me, sporting Mags. Maybe if some of you guys come some day, we could arrange something. I assure you wouldn't be disapointed and I'd get you all around town during this time. Now the invitaton is done. Who's comming? :D


09-21-2008, 06:55 PM
If someone wants to buy something from me then I will do what I have to so that they get the item. If it takes a little extra effort I'm willing to give it, but thats just me. Expecting compensation for standing in line... get over yourself. We're all busy but we should respect that if someone is willing to pay extra for the shipping... they're doing us a service by buying our unwanted crap so we can take 30mins to stand in line and deal with a human and get the thing shipped.

My understanding of it after talking to one of them is that they can ship from home by printing a lable but to do international they have to go to the post office and deal with a human. Since that requires movement, hence the added cost Of course you will realize that I am having fun with this but some will take offence.... what do you need, maybe I have....

As far as compensating people for their time at the post office, I don't agree. If you're too busy to ship stuff, maybe you shouldn't be selling it online. Radical theory, I know. I consider all prices including shipping, though, so if that also includes some ridiculous "handling" fee I'll probably just buy elsewhere for cheaper.

Thanks for the support guys. I'm not saying that someone HAS to ship internationally if they don't want to. Post that condition in your sale and I'll gladly skip it completely.

Seriously though, I just bought a BUTTLOAD of stuff from the MCB forum and shipping is costing $58.00 That is it, $58 That lot also includes 9-10 markers, 5 air tanks and alot of other stuff. So when someone wants to try and charge me $15 for shipping a set of grips or something small because its "SOOOOOOOO Expensive". Well they need to get a life, period.

09-21-2008, 07:30 PM
Just ask mag79 why shipping to Canada without tracking to destination is a bad idea.
Funny how Canadians will tell you standard USPS tracking doesnt stop at the border,
but the United States Postal Service says it does.
Global Express Guaranteed is the only way to get tracking to the international destination thru USPS and its starts at 39.99 US and goes up quickly with weight increases. I dont have a problem with international shipping as long as the buyer is willing to pay for Global Express Guaranteed, and as long as they know the full insured value will be declared. Inevitably buyers will attempt to get you to lie on the customs form about the items value (or can you please just call it a "gift"), or try to get you to ship it standard mail, which leaves you the seller open to getting the "mag79" treatment.

/end rant

09-21-2008, 08:09 PM
Funny how Canadians will tell you standard USPS tracking doesnt stop at the border,
but the United States Postal Service says it does.

Hah the tracking will stop at the border from points to points BUT it will updated when it will be DELIVERED.

If that was not the case, tell me why a canada post tracking number work on both canada post and united state postal service and vice versa?

09-22-2008, 02:46 PM
Funny how Canadians will tell you standard USPS tracking doesnt stop at the border,
but the United States Postal Service says it does.

Inevitably buyers will attempt to get you to lie on the customs form about the items value (or can you please just call it a "gift"), or try to get you to ship it standard mail, which leaves you the seller open to getting the "mag79" treatment.

/end rant

Its funny that YES, the tracking numbers work across the boarder. As stated in a pervious post, I was able to track a package sent from Ontario, all the way down to Texas. When it hit the border, all I had to do was change websites and put in the SAME tracking number into the USPS system for the info. I was also able to do that with a package sent from Michigan and delivered to me. Maybe your info sources are wrong Going_Home, maybe your just ignorant to the fact that not everything is the way you 'think it is'. Either way, please don't try to sour the opinions of others about cross border shipping with your 'FACTS'.

And for the record, the back has yet to show. I did however post that I received a refund and did cancel the claim as soon as paypal would let me. If I was just out to give someone the 'mag79 treatment', I wouldn't have bothered and left the claim open because the refund came from a different account entirely. You can verify all this with mag79 if you choose to via PM.

I'd also like to point out a feedback post from my thread.

Great Buyer. Even sent item first, no problems. No worries people, hes Legit ;)

This seller, being with very little feedback sold me his marker, and due to the lack of feedback, sent the marker first. I received it with no tracking on it at all, what did I do? I sent him his money because thats what we had agreed on. Maybe, if I was out to rip people off, I shoulda started with him???? I keep communications open when I deal, I am very forward with my info because I feel I need to be to make the transaction go smooth.

And I will point out that it was this very marker that later made its way down to Texas, WITH TRACKING.

09-22-2008, 03:08 PM
Its funny that YES, the tracking numbers work across the boarder. As stated in a pervious post, I was able to track a package sent from Ontario, all the way down to Texas. When it hit the border, all I had to do was change websites and put in the SAME tracking number into the USPS system for the info. I was also able to do that with a package sent from Michigan and delivered to me. Maybe your info sources are wrong Going_Home, maybe your just ignorant to the fact that not everything is the way you 'think it is'. Either way, please don't try to sour the opinions of others about cross border shipping with your 'FACTS'.

And for the record, the back has yet to show. I did however post that I received a refund and did cancel the claim as soon as paypal would let me. If I was just out to give someone the 'mag79 treatment', I wouldn't have bothered and left the claim open because the refund came from a different account entirely. You can verify all this with mag79 if you choose to via PM.

I'd also like to point out a feedback post from my thread.

This seller, being with very little feedback sold me his marker, and due to the lack of feedback, sent the marker first. I received it with no tracking on it at all, what did I do? I sent him his money because thats what we had agreed on. Maybe, if I was out to rip people off, I shoulda started with him???? I keep communications open when I deal, I am very forward with my info because I feel I need to be to make the transaction go smooth.

And I will point out that it was this very marker that later made its way down to Texas, WITH TRACKING.

Wicked, depending on your location in Canada tracking is and isn't available from USPS.

Chris Nearchos
09-22-2008, 04:31 PM
well i have to step in with my two cents.

as most of the AO'ers outside of the US know (that have delt with me), I am more then willing to ship outside the US and that is without making the buyer pay an arm and leg for shipping.

I honestly dont find any problem with shipping outside the US least if the buyer is willing to send payment via paypal. paypal takes care of the hassel of the paper work. all you do is fill in 2 or 3 sentences extra (then you would do when shipping in the US). even if payment isnt sent by paypal, i am more then willing to ship out of the US. just give me a extra day or two to process the order and get it shipped out.

but the paper work shouldn't be a problem if you use www.usps.com to ship...or paypal. only takes 2 more minuets to fill out the forum online.

as for the tracking I agree with everyone's statements about shipping across the boarder. yes the detail tracking stops at the boarder......but does give info on delievery. so tracking does work a "bit" outside the US....least for the real detial that is needed. whether it has been delivered or not. thats pretty much all I or a buyer needs to know.

now for the price of shipping outside the US.....I know what they are complaining about and understand (the people outside the US). but if you have delt with me ( shipping out of the US), you know i give all the hard cold facts on the price. heck i even give you the pricing for a few different methods.

and one thing i make clear is liability though. i make sure to let the buyer know that if he/she doesnt buy parcel insurance, that once i put the parcel in the mail, i do not hold any responcability. and if they try to cause a problem with paypal, the tracking number is right there to show that it has been processed and did leave the boarder.

the onlything i can say that would be against the people buying from outside the US is the whole time thing.

If you don't pay the price for fast shipping you wont get it as fast as you want! you cant pay for econamy rates and exspect it to arrive in less then a business week. If you want cheap shipping, exspect a bit of a wait (usually less then two buisness weeks though).

but other then that, as long as the buyer and I can agree on shipping terms..... All is good.

and i will state it openly incase some of you other outside US buyers havent delt with me yet. I offer any person outside the US to use me as a middle man for shipping. free of charge.

I know how many people wont ship outside the US.....and that is a big killer for people buying outside the US. So I will be glad to have items shipped to me and then right out to you if your dealing in such a situation. Heck, i offer that service free of charge! Just pay for the shipping charge to you and the paypal fees. I have already been doing that for many of the outside US AO'ers for three years now. and thats all around the world too.


09-22-2008, 05:09 PM
Your a good man Chris! I might have to take you up on this when the next stubborn person comes along :p

and i will state it openly incase some of you other outside US buyers havent delt with me yet. I offer any person outside the US to use me as a middle man for shipping. free of charge.

know how many people wont ship outside the US.....and that is a big killer for people buying outside the US. So I will be glad to have items shipped to me and then right out to you if your dealing in such a situation. Heck, i offer that service free of charge! Just pay for the shipping charge to you and the paypal fees. I have already been doing that for many of the outside US AO'ers for three years now. and thats all around the world too.


Chris Nearchos
09-22-2008, 06:31 PM
Your a good man Chris! I might have to take you up on this when the next stubborn person comes along :p

thanks for the kind words. and do take me up on my offer whenever. I would be more then glad to help you guys out.

one of the big reasons I offer such service is because i have people doing it for me in other countries. (exspecially for saab parts that i need). So i do know how great it is to have somebody helping me out in such a situation.


09-22-2008, 07:07 PM
well i have to step in with my two cents.

as most of the AO'ers outside of the US (that have delt with me), I am more then willing to ship outside the US and that is without making the buyer pay an arm and leg for shipping.

I honestly dont find any problem with shipping outside the US least if the buyer is willing to send payment via paypal. paypal takes care of the hassel of the paper work. all you do is fill in 2 or 3 sentences extra (then you would do when shipping in the US). even if payment isnt sent by paypal, i am more then willing to ship out of the US. just give me a extra day or two to process the order and get it shipped out.

but the paper work shouldn't be a problem if you use www.usps.com to ship...or paypal. only takes 2 more minuets to fill out the forum online.

as for the tracking I agree with everyone's statements about shipping across the boarder. yes the detail tracking stops at the boarder......but does give info on delievery. so tracking does work a "bit" outside the US....least for the real detial that is needed. whether it has been delivered or not. thats pretty much all I or a buyer needs to know.

now for the price of shipping outside the US.....I know what they are complaining about and understand (the people outside the US). but if you have delt with me ( shipping out of the US), you know i give all the hard cold facts on the price. heck i even give you the pricing for a few different methods.

and one thing i make clear is liability though. i make sure to let the buyer know that if he/she doesnt buy parcel insurance, that once i put the parcel in the mail, i do not hold any responcability. and if they try to cause a problem with paypal, the tracking number is right there to show that it has been processed and did leave the boarder.

the onlything i can say that would be against the people buying from outside the US is the whole time thing.

If you don't pay the price for fast shipping you wont get it as fast as you want! you cant pay for econamy rates and exspect it to arrive in less then a business week. If you want cheap shipping, exspect a bit of a wait (usually less then two buisness weeks though).

but other then that, as long as the buyer and I can agree on shipping terms..... All is good.

and i will state it openly incase some of you other outside US buyers havent delt with me yet. I offer any person outside the US to use me as a middle man for shipping. free of charge.

I know how many people wont ship outside the US.....and that is a big killer for people buying outside the US. So I will be glad to have items shipped to me and then right out to you if your dealing in such a situation. Heck, i offer that service free of charge! Just pay for the shipping charge to you and the paypal fees. I have already been doing that for many of the outside US AO'ers for three years now. and thats all around the world too.


For those US sellers that have just fell in line with the hype of "Shipping International is bad and not worth it'", pay attention to what Chris says. Its true.

09-22-2008, 07:11 PM
My one and only experience on shipping an entire marker and tank (TC stamped) was not enjoyable.
I planed on shipping it USPS, boxed it up filled out the customs forms and went to the Post Office. They said sorry it is a firearm and will not ship it.
Figured it was just that particular person. So I tried it at two other post offices, same story.
Called several persons in Ottawa and the US from CBP, TC and CBSA and they said it is classified as a firearm (most likely just to get me off their back).
Drove up to the port of entry and showed it to CBSA agents (they said it’s a firearm).
(I'm only 3 miles from Canada)
Put it in a back in the box threw it in the back of my truck and drove across the border and mailed it from Canada. all ended well.

It was a hassle but I felt obligated to get it mailed off. Every one I spoke with considered it a firearm, but i think that was an easy answer for them. Last time I checked there are a few people in Canada that play and who travel to events in the States with their gear.

Somewhere I read a few excerpts from Canadian law and it says if it resembles in part or whole a firearm it is a firearm, or something like that, and that sounds very subjective to me.

09-22-2008, 07:12 PM
I have to say I am totally with you on this one! Being in Canada I have the same issues. I have bought hundreds of paintball supplies online from this forum, other paintball forums and ebay. I have had only one issue where a PGP was confiscated because it was labelled gun parts. You get a letter in the mail and as long as you can confirm what it is the package will be sent. I have also had things being held up in customs and more often then not the packages are opened by customs officials but they always arrive.

Also in response to AJoe because of our crazy firearms law you have to state it being a paintball marker.

Chris Nearchos
09-22-2008, 07:23 PM
hmm, now see...thats wrong. I have talkd this up with a few customs officials and other official people about the whole subject of it being a "firearm".

the thing that makes it not a "firearm" is the fact that it does not use "exploses" to make the projectile fly.

the only thing that any shipping service has a right to deny is the tanks. they have the right to not ship them if the reg is on the tank.

but i highly suggest when shipping complete markers to take it in parts. as long as you take the trigger frame off.....it is officially considered "parts" then.

how do i know this? again, i ship all over the world and have to double check all the customs regulations. if yoru affriad of something not going through customs....just look it up. you might actually learn something useful.

btw, the hardest country to ship to is germany. and if I can get paintball markers into there...they can be shipped anywhere. you just have to know how.

but again let me restate a very useful fact. IF SHIPPING A COMPLETE MARKER.....just take the trigger frame off the marker. and best part is....its only two screws....

sorry if iam coming off a bit rude or hostile, but i am also getting tired of seeing people say that they wont ship outside the US because its bad or very problematic. Its not, just got to know how to do it right.


09-22-2008, 08:04 PM
Wicked, depending on your location in Canada tracking is and isn't available from USPS.

Dont bother.
United States Postal Service doesnt know what they are talking about according to the all knowing wicked silence ?
I dont have a problem shipping to the great white north at all, but it will go by USPS Global Express Guaranteed or it wont get shipped.



Chris Nearchos
09-22-2008, 08:15 PM
Dont bother.
United States Postal Service doesnt know what they are talking about according to the all knowing wicked silence ?
I dont have a problem shipping to the great white north at all, but it will go by USPS Global Express Guaranteed or it wont get shipped.



i agree with you on that %100. it is true that they (USPS) only really track it to the boarder. past that, they only get notification from the continuing shipper of whether it arrived yet or not. nothing between the boarder and delivery.

so i see and fully understand why you go for the extra protection on the shipping. and i guess if the buyer really wants the item....then they will have to pay for the shipping.

but atleast you leave the door open to shipping elsewhere. cant argue with that.


09-23-2008, 08:48 PM
Hey, going home. You started this stuff in the last post and are now trying to pick it up again here? That link you posted, do me a favour and go and re-read it. You've got people all over this forum telling you that they have shipped with tracking and your completely ignoring them. I'm not the only one telling you this, but you seem to have made this a personal grudge or something with me. What did I ever do other then state what I know to be true and others have confirmed it. So BACK OFF!

09-23-2008, 10:02 PM
What did I ever do other then state what I know to be true and others have confirmed it.

Exactly. Same here. I stated that the USPS standard tracking stops at the border, and others confirmed it.

Here you go, taken from USPS.com :

Can I track Priority Mail International?

Priority Mail International has delivery information limited only to major destinations. The only international mail service that offers full tracking is Express Mail service (including Global Express Guaranteed® and Express Mail International®). Tracking information includes various scans as the item is enroute to the destination.

So let it be written, so let it be done.

09-25-2008, 06:04 PM
but other then that, as long as the buyer and I can agree on shipping terms..... All is good.

and i will state it openly incase some of you other outside US buyers havent delt with me yet. I offer any person outside the US to use me as a middle man for shipping. free of charge.

I know how many people wont ship outside the US.....and that is a big killer for people buying outside the US. So I will be glad to have items shipped to me and then right out to you if your dealing in such a situation. Heck, i offer that service free of charge! Just pay for the shipping charge to you and the paypal fees. I have already been doing that for many of the outside US AO'ers for three years now. and thats all around the world too.

Wow, that a great service you're offering there, Chris.

I have witnessed first hand the problems international customers can bump into. I spent the better part of the last two weeks getting my first paintball kit together, with a tac-one, shoulder stock, q-loader stuff, regulator, remote line, bottle, vest, multicam outfit, etc. all being ordered or bought in the U.S..

Being Dutch, I ran into many PB related sites that either didn't offer international shipping (or didn't mention that on their site), or that gave shipping quotes of equal value to what I wanted to order. For example, getting a q-loader 500 package shipped to the Netherlands for 250 US$ makes me feel ripped off, plain and simple.

I understand that it can be extra hassle and feel like more risk for the seller, and I totally understand someone unwilling to ship internationally. However, I have managed to convince a few people to depart with their goods by willing to pay them a little extra for their trouble and perceived extra risk.

The fact is that some of the stuff that seems relatively easily available here, is very rare when I live. So yes, when ordering in the U.S., I count on having to pay roughly in euro what things cost in dollars over there. With shipping and customs added, that's about 25 to 30% on top of the normal price. Still, so far, I consider it to be worth it. :-)

Of the people willing to deal with me, thank you for accepting my business and money! :-)
Those who would prefer not to, so be it. I'll just keep looking for someone who is willing, and so far I've been able to find what I needed, new or second hand.
Personally, I'd sell to whoever wanted to pay enough to take goods off my hands, as long as they seemed legit. If they are crazy enough to pay an arm and a leg for something that doesn't cost that much over here, it's their choice.

09-28-2008, 10:18 PM
Exactly. Same here. I stated that the USPS standard tracking stops at the border, and others confirmed it.

Here you go, taken from USPS.com :

Can I track Priority Mail International?

Priority Mail International has delivery information limited only to major destinations. The only international mail service that offers full tracking is Express Mail service (including Global Express Guaranteed® and Express Mail International®). Tracking information includes various scans as the item is enroute to the destination.

So let it be written, so let it be done.

Global Express Guaranteed is the only way to get tracking to the international destination thru USPS and its starts at 39.99 US and goes up quickly with weight increases.

Well first you say that tracking with priority is not available, and then you say its available to only major destinations. I wish you'd make up your mind, either it is, or is not available. I never said it was or was not available to all Canadian destinations, but I guess I just happen to live in a major destination and thats why I'm able to get it. As for that, you no longer exist going_home. I'm thru responding to any more of your posts. And as for the freak back in question, it still hasn't arrived and its been over 3 months since I paid for it.

09-28-2008, 10:41 PM
Also NO-1 has stated anything on the languages barrier.

I had to cancel a sale to an international due to the fact the person doesnt understand the difference between paypal verified and confirmed address.

09-29-2008, 11:36 AM
Well my main beef is the people that are LAZY and the ones that pad their pocket by overcharging on shipping.

Ex #1: I offer trader 'X' some cash for an item. I tell them that I am in Canada and that my offer includes shipping. They either say yes, or no. No biggie. The ones that bother me are the ones that don't bother to check to see what the actual shipping costs are and whine because they ended up paying more then expected for shipping. Don't whine to me cause if you would have checked it out yourself, we could have avoided the whole mess to begin with.

Ex#2: I purchased an complete autococker valve with IVG, spring, and some other small stuff. The jerk charges me $15.00 for shipping. Which I paid because I didn't know any better. I get the package and I can clearly see on the package that he paid $1.75 for shipping and MAYBE $.50 for the padded envelope. His excuse for charging so much shipping was that I bought the parts for dirt cheap. (This was on E-Bay). My thoughts are, he shoulda put a reserve on em if he wanted 'X' amount of dollars for the stuff and not started at a $1.00

I make offers which include shipping all the time. If something is worth 'X' dollars to me shipped thats what I'm willing to pay. Its up to the buyers to say yes or no. Its also up to me if the package gets here and there are customs fees due.

Don't tell me that shipping is going to run $40 minimum as I can clearly see on the USPS site that international flat rate boxes start at $23.00

I can agree with most of what you are saying, however, if you buy it on ebay the shipping is there for you to see, if it is too high then dont buy it. If he tries to jack it up for international dont buy it. It is usually costomary to work that out before bidding anyway. I usually try to charge within a few bucks of acual shipping, but there are people who try to crank it up to insure their profit and recover ebay fees. As for the whole international thing, I will most ly ship anywhere, but it depends on the item and where to. There are some counties that make it difficult to ship and recieve paintball and especially airsoft guns. The buyers dont help when so many of them want you to lie about what it is. Trust me, good friend got caught shipping something that isnt what he said it was and now they search every box he ships out internationaly.

Dr Greenthumb
09-30-2008, 04:10 AM
Trust me, good friend got caught shipping something that isnt what he said it was and now they search every box he ships out internationaly.

That seems normal as it appears as an illegal importation (like if you send drugs or fireguns)
but most country are paintball allowed...

I can guarantee you that 99% of the persons in charge with customs can't make a difference between a 50$ marker and another one that cost 1000$ ;) (except if they are paintballer too but in this case, they also shop internationally so.... :D )

09-30-2008, 06:45 AM
Thats one of the major issues I have with international shipping

"Mark it as a gift"

"Mark it as only costing XXX"

There is an obvious money trail and record of what that item sold for. There is not a chance I am risking fraud charges on an international shipment just to make the buyer pay less taxes. Your tax laws suck, you live in a democratic (mostly) society, live with it or change it, but I am not participating in fraud, especially when it is so easily verified :) .

09-30-2008, 02:40 PM
I can agree with most of what you are saying, however, if you buy it on ebay the shipping is there for you to see, if it is too high then dont buy it. If he tries to jack it up for international dont buy it. It is usually costomary to work that out before bidding anyway. I usually try to charge within a few bucks of acual shipping, but there are people who try to crank it up to insure their profit and recover ebay fees. As for the whole international thing, I will most ly ship anywhere, but it depends on the item and where to. There are some counties that make it difficult to ship and recieve paintball and especially airsoft guns. The buyers dont help when so many of them want you to lie about what it is. Trust me, good friend got caught shipping something that isnt what he said it was and now they search every box he ships out internationaly.

Yeah, I did that awhile ago, before I really got into knowing what something was going to cost to ship. These days I don't know if I should laugh or cry when I hear some of these shipping 'quotes'.

As for lying on the customs forum. I ask that someone mark it as a gift to speed up things coming across the border, you can put the value that I paid for it and not what its 'actually' worth, and I ask that most people mark the package as used paintball parts. Most of the time that fits the bill anyway, and even if its a complete marker, just remove the frame from the body and now, its parts.