View Full Version : on/off problems

09-26-2008, 10:00 AM
I recently purchased an emag valve hoping to get the rt effect. howevever this was an unsuccesful attempt. i purchased the emag valve because i was told that the on/off pin was shorter and therefore produced a faster trigger bounce. but when i gassed it up to 1200 psi with my armageddon there was no trigger bounce, only a stronger trigger return and every now and then it would shoot several rapid fire shots without the trigger being reset after each shot. sometimes the on/off seemed to stick and vent alot of air out the barrel. any ideas as to why my mag wont rt?? someone told me after i bought the valve that the emag on/off was not designed to rt and that i may need to buy an RT on/off... is this true??? or is there anyway i could get the emag to rt without buying more parts??

Pleas Help me get my first mag project up and running.

09-26-2008, 10:04 AM
The RT on/off will give you more bounce than the emag on/off. Also every valve is a bit different, so some just don't RT as much as others. I assume you've tried oiling it and making sure all orings are in good condition?

09-26-2008, 10:07 AM
The differance on the emag on/off and the RT on/off is the length of the pin. Most RTs use a .750 pin while the emag use the shorter .712 pin

09-26-2008, 10:29 AM
I'll hop in here because I am looking at an e-valve up in the B/S/T right now. Is the only difference between the e-mag valves and RT valves the on/off pin length? Are all of the other internals exactly the same? i.e. If you just put a .750 pin in an e-mag valve could you then just call it an "RT Valve"?