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View Full Version : Body rail diferances?

01-25-2002, 12:32 PM
What is the differance in the body rail's of automags,RT, RT pro, and emag. i want dinfrinces in function and compatability.

01-25-2002, 04:35 PM
I'd imagine the RT PRO and Emag body rails have little difference between the two, but the classic RT needs the classic body rail due to the fact the air enters through the rail and into the valve via the field strip screw. where as the RT PRO, and E-Mag basically has a ReTro Valve in them and the air port is in the side of the valve, leaving the possibility that the RT PRO and E-Mag body rails being interchangeable, but the Classic RT will only work on a classic RT valve, presuming of course you want to use the air ports in the rail, otherwise you -MIGHT- be able to run an ReTro/RT PRO/E-Mag valve on the classic RT rail, I personally havnt seen one in detail to know for sure.

01-25-2002, 04:57 PM
Try the classics, listed at the top of this forum...

Body Differences (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12914)

01-25-2002, 06:06 PM
thanks for the replys, i new about the banjo bolt set up. i was more wondering about interchangeble handles (this excludes the emag). i also now i may have to drill the hole out for the banjo bolt.