View Full Version : Painting my Classic Mag

10-01-2008, 03:30 PM
Hi everyone,

I have seen quite a few classic mags around here that are painted. What type of paint is used? Does it chip/peel easily? And what did you do to the body and rail to prep it for paint? Thanks

10-01-2008, 03:43 PM
i didnt prep mine so its comming off in chips when i hit things although it lasted 2 years... i used the camo paint from walmart reg spraybomb in camo cans. i would suggest scratching the metal if its to be a perm job if not perm then just clean it with vinegar (white) dry it and paint use real leaves and ferns for prints gl ! or scratch then vinegar then paint

10-01-2008, 04:22 PM
If you clean a bead blasted (flat finish) stainless body with solvent before hand, it holds paint pretty well.

The camo spray cans do tend to chip whenever I have used them also. Model enamel never chipped, but it didn't like to have paintball fill sitting on it for hours or a lot of wet paintball fill rubbed on it.

For camo, chips aren't too bad anyway. Movement and outline breakup are most important, once you've gotten down to local environment colors.

I haven't tried it, but some of the RC plane guys use exterior latex on planes because it is flexible and resists the fuel after the paint has cured. They also like it because you can take a sample to the hardware store and get any color you want. Sounds like it would hold up to marker paint. :confused:

10-01-2008, 05:07 PM
best paint to use on a SS mag body is powder coat.

takes ALOT to get it to chip.

10-01-2008, 05:15 PM
powder coat really is your best bet for the mainbody. Lukes does a great job and i think it was only $25 to have mine done. yes it might be cheaper to just paint it, but you're looking at frequent touch ups, if not a full strip and repaint every so often to keep it looking nice. eventually the frustration and cost will add up and you'll wish you'd just powder coated it to begin with.

as far as the rail, just get in touch with someone that can do a fresh anodizing for it. again, more expensive, but that would hold up far better than paint.

10-01-2008, 05:37 PM
www.putfile.com/sumthinwicked look for my longbow paint is your friend yea the powdercoat will last but isnt camo just a differant color

10-01-2008, 07:10 PM
I appreciate all of the advice. I should have mentioned that this is my backup mag that is really old. I don't want to dump anything into it, as I will not get it back. I think Sumthinwicked's method might be the most cost effective, and unique. Thank you everyone

10-01-2008, 07:12 PM
you could pay me to do it LOL

10-01-2008, 09:55 PM
I have a double wide deer blind painted with spray cans and leaves. If you're not worried about touch-ups, it's very practical. Nice part is, when you get tired of it, you wipe it down with paint thinner and paper towels and you have your old mag back. :D