View Full Version : Boo-Yaah ELCD Help

10-05-2008, 12:49 PM
Another recent acquisition was an old Boo-Yaah ELCD mag frame. From what I can find out, the frame should have come with a new on/off and some other components.

The trouble is that I don't have this supposed special on/off or any additional parts. Also, the frame came with a 9v battery hookup. I'm told that standard alkaline 9v won't put out enough juice and that the original battery (now long gone) was designed to put out about 12v.

I know there has to be someone out there with an ELCD that knows more than I do about it and can help troubleshoot my situation!

Thanks in advance!

10-05-2008, 01:07 PM
if using an x/rt/e/etc valve use a ult for your on/off. If using a classic valve use a rt on/off. You just need a on/off that requires less force than the std one.

Try to find a rechargable battery as it has a higher amperage.

A std battery will work, but wont last long.

IMO you are not going to like the boohyaah frame. They are very finakey.

10-05-2008, 02:42 PM
Thanks for your advice, MANN. I've got an RT Pro so I'll try swapping out the on/off and put in a fresh battery.

What do you think about an Eblade piston in place of the stock one? The thought that I have is that it might trip at a lower voltage.

10-05-2008, 06:06 PM
I will be real honest with you I hate boohyaah frames. I have owned a few in the past, and thyey are always trouble. The board connector is horrible, and usually has to be removed. The noid/cap combination I do not think is the best for the setup. I am not sure if an eblade will do better or not.

If it were me I would put it on the bay, and try to get a set of emag lowers. If not you will more than likely need to get a ult.


10-08-2008, 08:36 PM
They were also designed to use a 9.6v battery.....I have never had any luck with a standard 9v.