View Full Version : How do get new bumper?

10-05-2008, 08:33 PM
You know, the little rubber thing the bolt hits against when it resets. Mine has a strange circular tear in it, though it is not completely separated. That being said, it still works fine, but it is something I am sure I will need eventually.

10-05-2008, 08:43 PM
For classic:

For RT:

10-05-2008, 08:57 PM
pm me I can help.

10-05-2008, 09:30 PM
I cannot believe looking through the store didn't cross my mind. My bad, thanks anyway though.

10-06-2008, 10:44 AM
Get the one for classic mags (the blue one) They last longer than the RT bumpers and work ok with both style valves.

10-06-2008, 11:32 AM
also gluing the bumper can help, the RT one seems to have alot of play in it

10-06-2008, 09:27 PM
Actually this saga continues. The website has an error when ordering. After all the ordering jazz, when you click to confirm it came up with an error message and a page of code. Same thing happened the second time on a different computer. I have ordered before with no problems, I don't know whats up. Just a heads up.