View Full Version : My Pnuemag ripped!

10-06-2008, 12:16 AM
Well yesterday i got to play with my pneumag and i has to say i've never wasted so much paint before in my life. I could only get about 4-600 shots on a fill because of it, but i have to say that was nice, one of the refs i work with told me today that my gun was awesome and thought i had ramping on it, and i outshot my hopper when i had it on the 13 bps setting. Around thanksgiving i'll find this again and post a vid up, but i'm at college again and didn't have time to take one, so you're SOL for the time being, but yeah, i love that thing, and also hate it cause it's gonna eat me out of house and home as far as paint goes.

10-06-2008, 09:50 AM


I've had to limit myself to a certain amount of paint lately because of that. Depending on $$$ I will either allow myself 500 rounds or 1000 rounds. Once those are used up out comes the pump.

Last time I played I only got in 2 games with my XMAG. :wow:

Hell if you have the firepower you may as well use it ;)

10-06-2008, 10:10 AM
Waste paint with a pneumag, never. LOL

I kinda do wat smoothice does, limit the paint for the pneus and electros then comes out the mech mag (no pump yet).

Glad it went well.

10-06-2008, 10:42 AM
Welcome to the club!

Usually i limit the amount of paint during games... Instead of 4 pods the first game, i only take 2. Most of the times i use way too much paint during the first few games, and then i settle down a bit.

10-06-2008, 01:04 PM
Welcome to the club!

Usually i limit the amount of paint during games... Instead of 4 pods the first game, i only take 2. Most of the times i use way too much paint during the first few games, and then i settle down a bit.
I tried to do that but it was too tempting, and then a ball broke in my pod so i was just providing cover fire so others could move cause my balls went everywhere but straight after that, and i didn't realize until i was halfway through dumping my pod in my hopper. But yeah, i still successfully limited myself to 700 rounds before switching to pump, and found an extra pod of rounds that someone dropped and i didn't see them again that day so i kept it. Still, it was a lot of fun, and there were people who didn't believe it was mechanical.

10-06-2008, 02:55 PM
how many people showed up on sunday?

10-06-2008, 04:09 PM
how many people showed up on sunday?
60 at the beginning, and i think we barely broke 100, if we even did. It was a sad sight to see.

10-06-2008, 04:19 PM
Glad you like it! I have been running one for over a year and I haven't saved a penny by using a mech.

10-06-2008, 09:51 PM
After the new wears off a bit, you will slow down your paint consumption a bit. Right at first it is hard. You almost get meniacal (sp?) about it just ripping at people.

Glad you enjoy your new toy.

10-06-2008, 09:52 PM
After the new wears off a bit, you will slow down your paint consumption a bit. Right at first it is hard. You almost get meniacal (sp?) about it just ripping at people.

Glad you enjoy your new toy.
Yeah, i unloaded into this one guy, it was cool, didn't hear him say out though, thought the bush was chopping em up.

Hilltop Customs
10-06-2008, 10:22 PM
:clap: its a great feeling isnt it? :D ....lighting people up is too ;) "hey, I'm sorry man, I didnt know you were out." :p

10-06-2008, 10:23 PM
My Pnuemag ripped! I usually blame the dog not my mag :spit_take

10-06-2008, 10:35 PM
I usually blame the dog not my mag :spit_take
Well that one didn't happen to be a claimer. ;)

10-07-2008, 01:03 AM
Man, you're getting me too amped with all of this pneumag talk! I just pneud my MicroMag (classic valve), but have yet to put any paint through it. I just got done about 30 minutes ago cutting out the "ledge" in the middle of my intelliframe so I can mount a plate and use the msv-2 with the full lever and not have to cut it down. I can't wait to get out there and show my buds with electros that I can shoot as fast as they can. :ninja: Pneu FTW!

10-23-2008, 03:17 PM
I tend to try and limit myself to a case a day (2k rounds) no matter what I am shooting. I just like to snap shoot until I get surrounded or rushed... then everyone finds out just how fast a pneumag actually is :shooting: There were some crazy stupid charges last weekend at the fox 4 scenario and I really got to open her up for the second time this year :headbang:

on a side note. How many here run a QEV with their pneumag? I've hung one below my 3way temporarily and I've notice a bit of an improvement in the crispness of the cycle rate... but I'm trying to figure out where to best place it?!?!?! :tard:

10-23-2008, 04:23 PM
I tend to try and limit myself to a case a day (2k rounds) no matter what I am shooting. I just like to snap shoot until I get surrounded or rushed... then everyone finds out just how fast a pneumag actually is :shooting: There were some crazy stupid charges last weekend at the fox 4 scenario and I really got to open her up for the second time this year :headbang:

on a side note. How many here run a QEV with their pneumag? I've hung one below my 3way temporarily and I've notice a bit of an improvement in the crispness of the cycle rate... but I'm trying to figure out where to best place it?!?!?! :tard:
I have a QEV on my classic pneu. It's just inline, not mounted on the MPA-3 (same as yours I think), but you have to figure it is better than venting through that little hole in the MSV and every little bit on a classic valve helps. I kind of like the sound it makes. I bought it when I started the project as a 'maybe' item and added it well after I had the marker up and running. I think it gives me a little more slack before my fingers trip into the 'chuff zone'. If it were an RT or x-valve I don't think I would bother. I have a level 10 in it, so I just wail away sometimes. :D

10-23-2008, 06:26 PM
I have a QEV on my classic pneu. It's just inline, not mounted on the MPA-3 (same as yours I think), but you have to figure it is better than venting through that little hole in the MSV and every little bit on a classic valve helps. I kind of like the sound it makes. I bought it when I started the project as a 'maybe' item and added it well after I had the marker up and running. I think it gives me a little more slack before my fingers trip into the 'chuff zone'. If it were an RT or x-valve I don't think I would bother. I have a level 10 in it, so I just wail away sometimes. :D
Gah, my RT's bad enough on air as it is, i couldn't imagine putting a QEV on it haha.

10-23-2008, 08:14 PM
Gah, my RT's bad enough on air as it is, i couldn't imagine putting a QEV on it haha.
It's lost air anyway, the QEV just offers a bigger hole for it to leave. The only way you can judge if it makes a difference is subjective though. By the time you've finished testing it, you chuff less anyway. :rolleyes:

I've been tinkering with a plain ULT mag, and compared to my pneu, it doesn't feel much lighter than my stock x-valved mag, at least far from walkable.

Wait a minute...where's the pictars? :mad: :p

10-23-2008, 08:58 PM
It's lost air anyway, the QEV just offers a bigger hole for it to leave. The only way you can judge if it makes a difference is subjective though. By the time you've finished testing it, you chuff less anyway. :rolleyes:

I've been tinkering with a plain ULT mag, and compared to my pneu, it doesn't feel much lighter than my stock x-valved mag, at least far from walkable.

Wait a minute...where's the pictars? :mad: :p
Well either way i don't have any place to mount it, i just always assumed that since there was a bigger hole it would allow even more gas to escape.

And yeah, about the pictars...i forgot cause i fell asleep that day cause i was running off of 8 hours of sleep for 2 days, and yeah, and the next day i was too busy then came back to school. I'll get pictures up eventually.

10-24-2008, 07:26 AM
What reminded me was the questions.

Which valve and bolt are you using?

10-24-2008, 02:56 PM
It's not about letting more air out... it's about letting the same amount of air out faster... hence theoretically making the marker faster by allowing the 3way to dispense exausted air more quickly and get on to the next trigger pull. This should also help prevent chuffing.

As for the comment about ULT not being any lighter than the standard mechanical... check your shims! The ULT can make the trigger pull much much lighter... maybe not walkable, but you can get some pretty impressive bursts... There should be a pretty darned obvious drop in pressure needed on the trigger... not pneu levels, but much lighter than stock.

10-24-2008, 05:10 PM
It's not about letting more air out... it's about letting the same amount of air out faster... hence theoretically making the marker faster by allowing the 3way to dispense exausted air more quickly and get on to the next trigger pull. This should also help prevent chuffing.

As for the comment about ULT not being any lighter than the standard mechanical... check your shims! The ULT can make the trigger pull much much lighter... maybe not walkable, but you can get some pretty impressive bursts... There should be a pretty darned obvious drop in pressure needed on the trigger... not pneu levels, but much lighter than stock.
The ULT works fine. It is lighter than the RT and is still reactive (it will ride as long as I let it). It's just that I've played either RT or pneu for the last few years, and the ULT is just...eh...in between. I'll definitely keep it just for that reason though.

10-25-2008, 02:24 PM
What reminded me was the questions.

Which valve and bolt are you using?
Lvl 10 and a classic RT valve.

and chafner, i realize that now and it makes sense that it wouldn't exhaust more air, but for some reason i always thought it might make it less efficient, especially if the valve is only opened partway because then it vents like crazy but still shoots, and when walking there's probably a lot of that going on.

10-25-2008, 04:52 PM
Lvl 10 and a classic RT valve.

and chafner, i realize that now and it makes sense that it wouldn't exhaust more air, but for some reason i always thought it might make it less efficient, especially if the valve is only opened partway because then it vents like crazy but still shoots, and when walking there's probably a lot of that going on.

Sweet. Something that will cause a lot of venting and chuffing is setting a trigger stop right at the edge of opening the MSV-2. Even though it may shoot slowly, leave enough overtravel to pop the MSV-2 open fully and get closer to sealing the actuator side. Hold the trigger down after adjusting the trigger stop to see if it makes any difference. At some point it may still leak a little and you don't want to mash the seat in anyway.

10-25-2008, 09:32 PM
Sweet. Something that will cause a lot of venting and chuffing is setting a trigger stop right at the edge of opening the MSV-2. Even though it may shoot slowly, leave enough overtravel to pop the MSV-2 open fully and get closer to sealing the actuator side. Hold the trigger down after adjusting the trigger stop to see if it makes any difference. At some point it may still leak a little and you don't want to mash the seat in anyway.
Eh, i'm fine with it how it is, i have the msv2 set up so that there's a slight bit of travel before it's tripped i think, but it may be on the edge, but i set it up with a ghetto magnet mod anyway, which makes the trigger really nice. :cheers:

10-26-2008, 05:58 PM
Eh, i'm fine with it how it is, i have the msv2 set up so that there's a slight bit of travel before it's tripped i think, but it may be on the edge, but i set it up with a ghetto magnet mod anyway, which makes the trigger really nice. :cheers:
ghetto or not, I'm always wondering if there aren't more ways to use magnets on markers.

10-26-2008, 07:07 PM
ghetto or not, I'm always wondering if there aren't more ways to use magnets on markers.
Eh, i've thought of a few, haven't been able to test them yet though.

10-27-2008, 07:17 AM
Eh, i've thought of a few, haven't been able to test them yet though.

Now... if we had a semi metallic paint or shell on a paintball we could start the AGD rail gun (railmag RT)... we'll see who's the first to patent this time! :shooting:

10-27-2008, 06:19 PM
Now... if we had a semi metallic paint or shell on a paintball we could start the AGD rail gun (railmag RT)... we'll see who's the first to patent this time! :shooting:
Yeah, cause that wouldn't be dangerous, or destroy the shell. :rolleyes:

Nah, the only way magnets will come in is how they trigger the gun and such.