View Full Version : What should I do/ E-mag questions????????

01-25-2002, 07:03 PM
What do you think I should do??

1. Stay with my gun and get an RT valve.

2. Sell my gun with a SS All american and Pre BE 9v, but keep the Revvy, Warp, Freak, drop and nitro. Then buy a used E-mag with pretty much all my money and put the stuff not sold onto the emag? (Would later get new Nitro)

Questions on E-mag?

1. How is the trigger pull like? I've shot only a Bushy, Imp, and Shocker. So if you can compare to those. I liked the shocker best but how does the Emag feel?

2. When in mechanical mode is it an RT?

3.Overall how does it feel?

4. Would this be better than getting a different electro.


01-25-2002, 07:15 PM
I would sell the stuff and get and emag. I don't know about the trigger feel (compared to the others as I have never shot them side by side), but yes it is an RT in manual. While I have never shot one on the field, I have dry fired MajorDamages and I really liked it. And yes it would be better than getting a different electro because 1) its a great gun and easily to maintain, and 2) its an electro and manual so there is no need to worry if the electronics go down. Get the emag; I promise you will love it.

01-25-2002, 07:28 PM
the emag trigger is ten times better than a shockers trigger, go for it. plus get a super bolt, they make the gun even sexier. :D

01-25-2002, 07:32 PM
Is the trigger more like the longer trigger pull of the Shocker or is it a Millimeter trigger pull like the Impy or Bushmaster? I really don't like those really super short trigger pulls.

01-25-2002, 08:03 PM
it is fully adjustable

01-25-2002, 08:06 PM
How does it adjust, what aspects of the feel can you adjust?

01-25-2002, 08:07 PM
The trigger pull on an emag is adjustable, from about a half millimeter to a stroke similar to a classic or RT.

The trigger resistance is also adjustable.

Buy an Emag and you'll never regret it and you'll never
go back!


01-25-2002, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by Cypres0099
How does it adjust, what aspects of the feel can you adjust?

it's a magnetic trigger and that's how it's adjusted by adding and taking away magnets...

01-26-2002, 12:52 AM
Besides taking magnets out, theres other stuff you can do to the trigger to make it much, much nicer. Its got a completely adjustable trigger length so if you don't like the short triggers you can make it longer. I've been wondering if its possible to take the magnet trigger or a setup like it and put it on other guns. I'm not sure about all the electronics but I was just wondering if anyone else has thought of this too. Its one of the best triggers around.