View Full Version : Emag software

10-12-2008, 02:06 PM
I understand that the latest Emag software, version 3.2, only has semi-auto. No other modes like full auto, 3shot burst, etc.

If my Emag has 3.2 and I wanted to get all those different shooting modes, where do I get that software and what is needed to program it in the Emag circuit board?

10-12-2008, 03:18 PM
hmm. I thought that 3.2 did have 3 shot burst, but maybe not I have not used it in forever.

Your choices are
1 buy a xmod programmer
2 donate money to the person that made xmod, and get someone to flash the software for you.

If you decide the later pm me, and I will try to help. Xmod 1.8 is the only software I run (that and AGD 4.01)

10-12-2008, 03:24 PM
AGD 1.37 has 3 round burst.

Here is where you buy xmod:

like I said earlier I will flash your marker if you just want to send him money. IIRC he wants 50 bucks to do so.

If you want 1.37 I will do it for free.

10-12-2008, 04:39 PM
The chart on that site really helps. You said you use Xmod 1.8. That chart listed Xmod 1.7. Is there a difference? I noticed that the Xmod 1.7 was the only software that didnt have a shot counter, not a big issue, but thought that feature would be pretty cool. Does the 1.8 have it? I am still waiting for Tunaman to build and send me my Emag, should be here this week... its coming with a ULE warp left body and a warp feed so I am also gonna have to hookup the wire that activates the warp feed when you pull the trigger and so the wrap runs on the Emag battery.

I am well experienced with computers and I am pretty sure I could upgrade the software myself, I just need to know the right equipment I will need to hookup the Emag to a computer to install the software.. if that is how it is done.

10-12-2008, 04:49 PM
xmod 1.8 is an upgrade from 1.7 it works a little diffferent, but bascicly the same. you have to load the bps that you want it to start ramping in psp mode. It does not have a counter.

To download xmod 1.8 it is free on his site. He makes his money by selling programmers. the board required to download xmod on your board. It is ~ 120ish.

10-12-2008, 07:33 PM
if I buy the programer from him and later want to go back to AGD software for some reason, can I use the same programer to go back to the AGD software or put back Xmod software?

10-12-2008, 10:03 PM
You can save the software to your computer

10-12-2008, 10:04 PM
and reload your old software if you want to go back :D

10-12-2008, 11:27 PM
or i could download 3.2 or any other AGD software on his site again right?