View Full Version : What do you think of Intimadators

01-25-2002, 08:48 PM
I just wondered what everybodys though on intimadators is I am considering trading my cocker for one but havent decided completely and I just wanted to know what everybody thinks about them. I really want to know the pros and cons but any info is helpfull.

01-25-2002, 08:56 PM
I would go to www.pbreview.com if I wanted vast quantities of user feedback. I think they are ugly, but I have heard several people say that their timmys had treated them well. For the $600, I would probably get a I-framed RT or a GenX3 cocker.

01-25-2002, 09:19 PM
i think they are incredibly ugly, and when i was at my PB field everybody was getting timmys and everybody was having some reg problems and other problems (i know nothin about 'em) and i heard that they get really crappy range... they do shoot fast though. they got nice features, and are pretty solid. my micromag was waaaayyyyy better. i sometimes get macroline leaks but thats my faullt from screwin around with it.

mags are tooooooo reliable. if there is such a thing.

01-25-2002, 09:30 PM
i love the looks of the timmy. i am "stil' thinking about getting one, its a decent price for what you get. i heard even the stock barrel is good too! theyre also bad on c02.. i dont know this for a fact but..

01-25-2002, 10:01 PM
Everybody and their sister has a timmy at my field...

I've shot a few, and they're really nice.

They do look a little wierd, but other then that, I think that they are a really well rounded marker.

ACE, nice trigger, I've seen a few with warps, and super high ROF.

Ask someone to let you shoot theirs, and see if you like the way it feels.:D

01-25-2002, 11:16 PM
the only problem i've ever had with my timmies is the solenoid blowing and that's because the air fill station i was using was not filtered at all. The field had a crappy system and air got into my tank and then went into the solenoid. I called up Bob Long (Delta Machining) and they had a new solenoid at my house in 3 days for free.

I've had nothing but the best customer service from Bob Long (delta). He's always available to talk to about any questions or concerns you may have.

As for the range, all guns at the same FPS (velocity) get the same range (except for flatline barrel systems). So the timmy gets the same range as a mag and cocker, etc. It's also as fast as an angel.

01-25-2002, 11:39 PM
I wouldn't be buying one I would be trading my 2k2 cocker with shocktech swing trigger strait up. What do you guys think about the deal now and here is a link for the gun. We would both be keeping our barrels and drops and tanks.

http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=51980&highlig ht=timmy

01-26-2002, 11:36 PM
trust me on this one. THIS WAS MY OLD INTIMIDATOR. DO NOT BUY IT/ trade for it. There is nothing wrong with it, just it is not as described. The gun may have a "special ano job" but it's just the lighting of the picture. It is a stock ano job. The gun is definitely sweet, i sold it so i could buy another intimidator in a different color. But this kid has also ripped a few people off in the past, so i don't think you should trust him. I trusted him enough to sell the gun to him when i saw the cash, other than that, i wouldn't do any business with him. Do 3rd party if you decide to do business. Feel free to email me [email protected]