View Full Version : Lying to the girlfriend about new marker.

10-14-2008, 01:45 PM
I'm kinda ashamed to say that i lied to the GF about buying a new mag. I'm hoping she won't notice as it will be camouflaged in other mags. :rofl:

Anyone else that does that or did that? How did it turn out for you? lol

10-14-2008, 01:59 PM
Been there & done that. I havent been caught. Wont do it any more.

What I used do is take it apart. Store the parts in boxes. Then gradually rebuild it over the course of a couple months as though I was collecting parts slowly. I would leave it laying around so she can see it at various stages.

I dont do that anymore. It really isnt fair to her or you and will not be good once she finds out you lied to her. She will. I wouldnt recomend doing it especially if your serious about her.

10-14-2008, 02:04 PM
Come on man shes your girl friend. Does she have that much control over what you do that you have to lie about something like that? That's just silly. :rolleyes:

10-14-2008, 02:30 PM
Come on man shes your girl friend. Does she have that much control over what you do that you have to lie about something like that? That's just silly. :rolleyes:
:clap: That's right, lay the pimp hand down :cool: and tell her you'll buy what you want when you want, then run....

10-14-2008, 02:35 PM
Just do what I did. Tell her the truth.

I told my wife that I traded my rare classic mag for a unrare mag. End of story.

rare mag:


unrare mag:


its like trading a classic car for a honda right? :cool:

10-14-2008, 02:36 PM
That's the big plus of having sooo much gear. Most anything new blends in with the old stuff. Occasionally she notices something she hasn't seen before. I give the vague, "I've had that for a while." And she usually let's it slide. I do have to sequester funds so I don't have to use the cc or checkbook.


10-14-2008, 02:37 PM
I just ask nicely, and if she asks why I need it, I just look sad until she tells me I can get it and I get what I want 100% of the time.

10-14-2008, 02:46 PM
Come on man shes your girl friend. Does she have that much control over what you do that you have to lie about something like that? That's just silly. :rolleyes:
I'm in school for many, many, many more years and she works. :D

10-14-2008, 02:50 PM
I'm in school for many, many, many more years and she works. :D

;) Once you give up your manhood there's no taking it back. She now owns you. :eek: :)

10-14-2008, 03:04 PM
give her your old one and get her try the game and when that fails its yours no issues :cool:

Hilltop Customs
10-14-2008, 03:14 PM
;) Once you give up your manhood there's no taking it back. She now owns you. :eek: :)

true story

10-14-2008, 03:49 PM
Just tell her you cheated on her with her sister/mom/best friend, whatever. I guarantee you that she wont care you bought another Mag.

10-14-2008, 03:54 PM
Just tell her you cheated on her with her sister/mom/best friend, whatever. I guarantee you that she wont care you bought another Mag.
LOL, I already told her that if she made me choose between her and the markers, she would loose.

10-14-2008, 04:04 PM
LOL, I already told her that if she made me choose between her and the markers, she would loose.

:nono: Not the best way to go.

10-14-2008, 04:22 PM
LOL, I already told her that if she made me choose between her and the markers, she would loose.

Grasshopper, rule #1 women NEVER forget anything you say, even if you're joking. That may come back and haunt you at your very worst moment...

10-14-2008, 04:44 PM
u might try the route of "It's worth more than i paid, honest"

Whee McGee
10-14-2008, 04:50 PM
u might try the route of "It's worth more than i paid, honest"
After all, $1201 is more than $1200, right? :rofl:

10-14-2008, 04:53 PM
;) Once you give up your manhood there's no taking it back. She now owns you. :eek: :)

Look at it how you want I suppose.... :rolleyes:

I don't know if outright lieing about it is the right thing, but a lie of omission is a whole different animal if it keeps the peace. Not saying it is right, just saying.

I rarely tell the wife about any of my paintball purchases. Now we have a rule that if I want something, I sell something. Most of the time I stick to that. On the occasion that I find something before I have the funds to cover it that way, I will just do it and leave well enough alone. My gear changes out often enough that she lost track of what I do and do not have long ago.

10-14-2008, 05:02 PM
Why not get a girl who understands the need to have over 4grand in pb stuff and want to have more.

10-14-2008, 05:27 PM
Why not get a girl who understands the need to have over 4grand in pb stuff and want to have more.

I make sure it's pretty clear to my girlfriend that I spend a lot of money on paintball (and guitars, video games, motorcycles, etc). She understands my unhealthy lust for toys. She still likes me. She's a keeper. :dance:

10-14-2008, 05:34 PM
I knew a guy that bought a newer truck and his wife didn't know, it was 6 months later.

He just bought the same color/interior color and she never noticed.

10-14-2008, 06:04 PM
With my mom I went through a piranha, to an ION, to a 'Mag and she never knew it.

She was just like: Is that a new gun?

And I said, No, it's an old one (the 'mag ;) )

I don't remember that grip on the front, that's different.

No it's not. (it really wasn't, I was using the bike-grip on a piranha)

Yes it is, I don't remember that.

Mom, I've had that grip on it since I've had the gun.

Are you sure?


(same thing with the sightrail and warp but the piranha had a rail and warp as well so...)

... I don't remember that silver bit on the front (the crownpoint).

I got a few things for it.

Don't be spending more money on upgrades.

I'll try not to.


I only have like 3 paintball guns I regularly have out anyway... I have an ION that I got cheap from a friend, and the 'Mag became the piranha in my mom's eyes.

Really the piranha traded for the ION and I bought the 'Mag. The ION was the pivot point for the piranha and 'Mag to rotate around...

What I try to do is have all my lies have at least some truth to them, that way they can't be blatantly discovered. If they can't have some truth, bend the truth:

Instead of saying "No, that's not a new gun" say "It is a new setup, I got a different body and barrel" or whatever...

10-14-2008, 06:18 PM
i used to do the smoothice thing, but i would also hide it for a while and see if she would notice and if she did i would tell her its an older one that ive had for a while.

looking back on it i shouldnt be as much of a whore to guns...

10-14-2008, 07:06 PM
I just ask nicely, and if she asks why I need it, I just look sad until she tells me I can get it and I get what I want 100% of the time.

you looking sad, oh gawd the pouting face! hahahaha http://www.smileyhut.com/laughing/rofl.gif http://www.smileyhut.com/laughing/rofl.gif

10-14-2008, 07:06 PM
Well I usually tell her the truth.. lying would not be a good idea.. and trust is important :)

Plus, I tell her that I spend a lot on paintball. its better than drugs or something like that :)

But She does not always know the price of what I have :)
I don't lie to her.. she just does not want to know how much I spend.. haha smart cookie ;) haha

Empyreal Rogue
10-14-2008, 07:06 PM
Just do what I did. Tell her the truth.

I told my wife that I traded my rare classic mag for a unrare mag. End of story.

rare mag:


unrare mag:


its like trading a classic car for a honda right? :cool:

I'd say it's like trading an original Acura Legend for an Acura NSX.

10-14-2008, 07:12 PM
Look at it how you want I suppose.... :rolleyes:

I don't know if outright lieing about it is the right thing, but a lie of omission is a whole different animal if it keeps the peace. Not saying it is right, just saying.

I rarely tell the wife about any of my paintball purchases. Now we have a rule that if I want something, I sell something. Most of the time I stick to that. On the occasion that I find something before I have the funds to cover it that way, I will just do it and leave well enough alone. My gear changes out often enough that she lost track of what I do and do not have long ago.

Being married and having a girl friend are two different entities; you can’t really compare the two when it comes to hobbies. Now, if we are talking about giving up your manhood and letting her call the shots, my statement stands. :D

But, putting your own interests (hobbies) before family obligations would be a different discussion all together, and would be something I personally would frown on. :) (I'm not saying you do, I doubt anyone goes hungry in your family due to paintball ;) )

10-14-2008, 07:14 PM
I'm straight up with my girl about my markers , she has even surprised me by asking " is there a gun you want to buy " at the time I was lusting over a 1k marker & she let me buy it , on my other large ( $ ) markers i've allways asked & allways recieved
Sound's like at this point she is your mealticket & your girlfriend , i've found that it is easier to be honest & take the beetin , then it's forgot about ( at least put in the background until she can use it against me )

10-14-2008, 07:39 PM
Now, if we are talking about giving up your manhood and letting her call the shots, my statement stands. :D

There is a saying that goes "if momma ain't happy, no one is happy". If it is giving up my manhood to keep the appearance that momma is getting her way, well....I can live with that.


10-14-2008, 07:59 PM
I rationalize like it's going out of style. I was originally told that "2 guns was the limit" and the acquisition of a third would end the relationship lol. The latter half was half joke half truth.

The Sniper II kind of broke the rule but I told her, "it's a pump honey! I traded it for some old thing I had laying around!" I traded it for a Classic valve plus cash lol. I should stop, she reads this forum sometimes to see what I'm up to. :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

10-14-2008, 08:37 PM
You have to analyze your situation. First of all, does the girl like paintball? does she hate it? The majority of women make the mistake of driving men out of their 'hobbies' and hence why divorce lawyers have a secure and stable living. You're not married to her, and so you are not obligated in any way to be at her beckoned call. Who is she to decide what you do privately with your finances? It seems to me she cares more about you spending money on her than she cares about you.

10-14-2008, 08:39 PM
It seems to me she cares more about you spending money on her than she cares about you.

Zang ziddam!

It's a little different with my GF since we have been dating for 5 years and she's waiting for the rock (I keep telling her, "don't you mean pebble?" lol).

But if you're not that kind of relationship and she is hounding you about your spending habits, there's something else on her mind than paintball. Girls who want you to spend all your money on them are trouble. That's not to say it's good to do nice things for them or buy them "stuff", but it shouldn't appear to be their goal in the relationship.

10-14-2008, 09:07 PM
Well, you guys are assumin she wants him to spend on her, she could just be tryin to keep his spending habits in check. I've had friends who spent money like there was no tomorrow, then they get a well rounded girl who somehow manages to fix that prob somewhat, till they break up...

10-14-2008, 09:14 PM
You have to analyze your situation. First of all, does the girl like paintball? does she hate it? The majority of women make the mistake of driving men out of their 'hobbies' and hence why divorce lawyers have a secure and stable living. You're not married to her, and so you are not obligated in any way to be at her beckoned call. Who is she to decide what you do privately with your finances? It seems to me she cares more about you spending money on her than she cares about you.

Originally Posted by michbich
I'm in school for many, many, many more years and she works.

10-14-2008, 10:04 PM
from a spouse standpoint, i tried to hide a couple of purchases, then i realized she also played and didnt think she would notice.

it came to a head when i started picking up an aka viking, and she had already bought me one from ebay and it was under the christmas tree, and she called me out on having too vikings.

it was bad juju, it caused her to monitor my paypal and ebay account, made me feel like an absoulte a^&hole.

we are just getting back to a level of trust 10 mos later.
Not that she didnt want me to buy it, but that i covered up the purchase.

be honest is all i can say.

10-14-2008, 11:54 PM
I usually just tell the GF I am buying them to resell. Works well when I actually do it. Also helps she actually has a bit of interest in the sport and comes out to the field. Currently I am in the dog house for deciding to display my markers on a peg board. When they were in bags she didn't notice them all. 10 minutes after hanging them up she goes, "I didn't know you had 11, I thought we were supposed to be saving money..." whoops :ninja: so I must slim down the collect :(

10-15-2008, 12:50 AM
smoothice hides his markers from his wife in the attic...i know this..lol, we have another buddy of ours who his his mini in his trunk for almost a year, then one day he accidently left it out, and his wife saw it, she didnt even bother to ask about it..

10-15-2008, 02:47 AM
I wouldnt lie to her, especialy since she is the one that is working. I personaly would never let anyone stop me from doing something that I love wether its buying more and more pb stuff or car stuff. If the person your with cant get past the fact that you love to play and spend money on paintball and will continue to do so, then dont expect that relationship to go anywhere because you will end up giving up things you love to do.

11 Bravo
10-15-2008, 11:49 AM
Grasshopper, rule #1 women NEVER forget anything you say, even if you're joking. That may come back and haunt you at your very worst moment...

Too true! When I was getting divorced my wife threw a comment at me that I had made years earlier while we were dating. It was a reply that I had made to her complaints about my driving.

turbo chicken
10-15-2008, 01:54 PM

what happened to "Honesty is the Best Policy" ... i'm sorry i just don't see a grey area.

10-15-2008, 02:58 PM
I keep my paintball guns stored in those huge rubber containers you find at Walmart. I'm amazed when I pull out a gun from storage. Of course, the Mag's get VIP treatment being stored in foam cases or in a dry cardboard box with extra packing peanuts. If all else fails, get a box, put some packing material in it, and seal 'er up. The only downside is that somewhere down the road you'll discover you will have an arsenal of paintball guns in your basement (as I sometimes forget they are even in storage!)

10-15-2008, 09:28 PM
She is your GF not your WIFE. I wouldn't worry about it at all. Well, unless you are thinking about making her your wife then I would rethink about ling to her. If you think she is a just for now woman then what you do and what you buy is up to you. Good Luck

10-18-2008, 01:49 AM
Ive always liked (and had luck with) going n2 the relationship stateing the fact that " this is me, and who i am" This is part of me, if your going to like me, your going to have to like it as well, or atleast deal with it. If you got a girl that cant be level headed enough to see it from that point of view, is she really worth having?

O and if the line "this is me, and who i am" doesnt work, and good back up is "this is the life i love, but its you i cant live without" works wonders my freinds

10-18-2008, 08:37 AM
I don't get it: if you're in a relationship, then the basis of that relationship should be love and trust. Lying or hiding things from your partner breaks that trust, and from then on it's a slippery slope. At some point a lie will be caught and then the trust is gone.

Another thing I don't get is the forced/blackmail approach, with one partner telling the other partner to chose between them and... playing a sport, ...buying something, ...seeing a certain friend etc..

What are they trying to achieve? If my partner tries to make me do something that I don't want to do, by forcing me to chose between her and a sport or a friend that means a lot to me, she will find me pointing at the door.

I simply won't tolerate that kind of extortion in a relationship. If she really loves me, respects me and accepts me for who I am, together with what I like and dislike, she won't do that. If she does try that, she is obviously not the right partner for me, no matter how much I love her!

10-18-2008, 08:52 AM
I don't get it: if you're in a relationship, then the basis of that relationship should be love and trust. Lying or hiding things from your partner breaks that trust, and from then on it's a slippery slope. At some point a lie will be caught and then the trust is gone.

Another thing I don't get is the forced/blackmail approach, with one partner telling the other partner to chose between them and... playing a sport, ...buying something, ...seeing a certain friend etc..

What are they trying to achieve? If my partner tries to make me do something that I don't want to do, by forcing me to chose between her and a sport or a friend that means a lot to me, she will find me pointing at the door.

I simply won't tolerate that kind of extortion in a relationship. If she really loves me, respects me and accepts me for who I am, together with what I like and dislike, she won't do that. If she does try that, she is obviously not the right partner for me, no matter how much I love her!

This is the best post sofar.

10-18-2008, 03:48 PM
LOL, I already told her that if she made me choose between her and the markers, she would loose.

I found out also that girls don't like it when you care more about objects then them. So right now all I have is my mags, my truck, and a lazy dog.

10-18-2008, 04:33 PM
I found out also that girls don't like it when you care more about objects then them. So right now all I have is my mags, my truck, and a lazy dog.

ill drink to that :cheers:

10-18-2008, 09:01 PM
I found out also that girls don't like it when you care more about objects then them. So right now all I have is my mags, my truck, and a lazy dog.
:nono: none of which will ever wake you up in the morning that special way....

10-18-2008, 09:50 PM
:nono: none of which will ever wake you up in the morning that special way....
Well... a dog can be... kind of... special... :spit_take

Hilltop Customs
10-18-2008, 09:53 PM
:nono: none of which will ever wake you up in the morning that special way....

you mean by yelling at you for something you did the night be4? :p

10-18-2008, 10:42 PM
Well... a dog can be... kind of... special... :spit_take

ya, but that means you gotta sleep covered in peanut butter, and it's just more of a mess than its worth.

10-18-2008, 11:04 PM
never been through that with a GF, but as a married guy i find it easy enough to bring new markers into the house...

1) if possible, meet the mailman on the street and go in through the garage- leaving the marker in a hidy spot;
2) have it delivered somewhere else, or request sig conf so that, if you aren't home to sign, you'll need to go to the PO by yourself and get your treasure;
3) use the old "i bought this so i could part it out and spend the money on you;"
4) if you've been together long enough, or married long enough, she obviously finds some sort of redeeming qualities about you- at that point you can just use the old "yeah, i bought a new marker... and?" hopefully she'll have enought going on in her life that arguing over a marker would be pointless.

11-13-2008, 11:54 PM
well for all those out there that didnt find the "right one" but married her anyway...

my girl is not only not into kids and marriage, she bought me an X for my bday...
any pb purchase i want she supports... too much.
sometimes i know i shouldnt buy it and she talks me into it.

she started playing last year with me and her first gun was a mag (ofcourse) now shes playing tourneys and winning with our team.

SOOOOOOO to all those out there (without kids) GIRLFRIENDS ARE NOT EXCUSES! buy it with your money and tell her if she has a problem with it she can return those retarded 800 dollar purses and pay the rent with that!!!!!!!!

kansas kaos
11-14-2008, 01:13 AM
I just tell my wife when I want to buy another marker..... and while I'm waiting for my marker to arrive thru the mail I take her shopping for shoes, clothes, or whatever. If I'm buying me something new I make sure she gets to buy new stuff as well. It's worked just find for us. I have over a dozen markers and we've never had an argument/issue about me buying any of them.
Keep your spouse (or g/f) happy and life is great.....

11-14-2008, 03:30 AM
it's just like the George Thorogood song, "no input whatsoever, until I get a wedding ring"

I think that's how the words go........................ :dance:

11-14-2008, 09:06 AM
Just make a budget. Gals in general like budgets because it makes them feel secure (even if they complain about it sometimes). Add in some fluff money for her each (week, month, year, ect) and some for you. Then you spend it on whatever you want, and she gets an equivalent amount as well. And both of you wont feel bad because you know that it is not going to jepodarize the rent, car payments, ect.

Old School 626
11-14-2008, 01:38 PM
My wife encourages me to buy/collect. The person I have to hide it from is myself :wow: :wow:

11-14-2008, 04:59 PM
Yep my girl loves that paintball makes me happy...

So she is buying me a Buzzard... And paying for my mag build...


11-14-2008, 05:06 PM
I don't ask about how much her new "shoes" cost nor do I hassle her about how many new "shoes" she has bought in the past month. I do offer compliments about how nice they look. ;0)

She generally does the same for me and my paintballing.

I tell her about my markers... I show her... she smiles and says nice things about the size of the barrel.

It has worked out fine for the last 24 years.


11-18-2008, 09:59 PM
just going to put it out there but the only reason a female should have a say in what you spend your money on is the following:
-you are married to her
-you share finances as if you were married
-you are spending money that should go to rent/food/bills/etc
-you are spending money on things that are bad choices (bad addictions, etc) even then its more so she should be telling you that she is worried what your doing not so much about the cash

if none of the above are met and she complains in a serious way not just joking on you tell her to shove it or say bye bye.
