View Full Version : 18" Freak Kit?

10-14-2008, 05:56 PM
I'm really interested in purchasing the 18" freak kit with all american front... few questions:

Does the length really matter? I have a 12" scepter kit, so I don't want a 12 inch... I don't want shorter than that, and I have a 14 inch Hammerhead kit... so I want to go longer... I could go 16, but why not just spring for the devilishly intimidating 18 inch freak kit which I can then put not only on my Emag and automag.. but my PUMP mag for a good time.

Correct me if I'm wrong... with a 12 inch scepter kit and an 18 inch freak kit, I'd be able to play pretty much anything I want and be able to span the entire horizon of field positions/gameplay styles, right?

With that said,

Does the 18 inch barrel kill:
ball velocity?
air efficiency?
ball spread?

Difference between aluminum vs. stainless steel inserts?

Whats the deal with the barrel length? I've heard many things.


10-14-2008, 06:00 PM
theres a 100 people on here saying barrel length over 14 is garbage i know most the poeple on my field see my longbow and run LOL i love my 18 and im getting a 28 LOL dont ask special project but you do what u can .....

10-14-2008, 06:02 PM
Well, are we saying that 18" is going to kill accuracy or that it just doesn't improve past 14"?

Cuz I kinda want an 18" barrel just to frighten little kids when I rifle shots from the backfield with my pump-mag

10-14-2008, 06:12 PM
i can use my 18 better than most can use their 14 if that helps 15 years of playing helps and being accurate helps but its all preferance

10-14-2008, 06:28 PM
i had a 18in, banged it into every bunker not expecting the gun to be that long. then sold it

10-14-2008, 08:01 PM
28 inches?!?

What project are you working on :rofl:

And who makes a 28 in. barrel? Custom job?

10-14-2008, 08:03 PM
big bux custom job and my secret :P

10-14-2008, 08:07 PM
Will you have it bored to accept 3 freak inserts as well? :p

10-14-2008, 08:07 PM
nope it will take all of em :P

10-15-2008, 08:36 AM
The thing that happens after 12 inches are two things. Reduced distance (negligible) I'd say after 18" though it would be seen more. And then the more pronounced factor which is efficiency. The longer the barrel the more air it takes to expel the paintball from it. 9-12" is the optimal size for straight flight and efficiency with paint to barrel match.
And after 15 years of testing the facts have been proven that accuracy depends on paint to barrel matching. An 18" 21" 30" barrel will be no more or less accurate than an 8" barrel.

Bottom line is that anything over 12" is for looks and personal pleasure plain and simple.

10-23-2008, 07:23 PM
im glad someone brought that fine point of 12 in barrel BS to light again.... effectively such tests are done by people and there for can be and usually are flawed.... i have no issues shooting more than 120 rounds out of my mag using 800 psi with my 13 3000 which leaks mind you :rolleyes: so yea, i have 2 years using same setup...... the 28incher is so i can mount my "RAIN shroud" which is 10 in long more for look than anything else and i dont mind loosing a few shots for it ////// but any time youd like to stand downrange of my 18in longbow at max distance of your 12 and ill back up 10 feet and you can prove what u think is correct than i take said challange at ion skirmish pa 09, or stalingrad pa 09 and prove my point .....your 12 in barrel will fire to the point of ROLLING up to my feet firing 285 like 99% of my field and still be able to shoot your mask at 265 fps which is what i shoot call it skill, call it luck, but dont think its the barrel (really if thats what u think)that marks you out if you desire im up for that challange any day of the week

10-23-2008, 07:43 PM
I'm really interested in purchasing the 18" freak kit with all american front... few questions:

A few answers...

Barrel length does not matter in accuracy. NONE. NADA. A 12" barrel shoots the same as a 18" (note I am sure that if you go to extreames it will, but I am not accounting for the odd times)

A longer Barrel length lessens the sound of your marker.

The items that determine accuracy is coeficient of friction and geometry. IE you want a smooth straight barrel with minimum obstructions.

10-23-2008, 08:02 PM
A few answers...

Barrel length does not matter in accuracy. NONE. NADA. A 12" barrel shoots the same as a 18" (note I am sure that if you go to extreames it will, but I am not accounting for the odd times)

A longer Barrel length lessens the sound of your marker.

The items that determine accuracy is coeficient of friction and geometry. IE you want a smooth straight barrel with minimum obstructions.

i agree arc + ball to barrel match(freak set)= distance and a tight grouping of shots.finally i agree with someone! btw the sound thing hopefully will work in my favor with the longer barrel and the rainshroud but hey its more for the look than anything LOL i can hope i still get 100 shots out of my bottle :rofl: just real tired of people calling my longbow the double barreled sniper rifle or a shotgun LOL :tard:

10-25-2008, 07:56 PM
Any 18" barrel I've used seem to drop a little shorter down field. I've never liked them.
They were old school, straight bore. The ball touches the barrel all the way.
That being said, an 18" freak doesn't even touch the ball after it leaves the insert.
So, your ball is just happily traveling through the remaining 12" of the barrel loosing all that "bad" turbulance behind it.

In my personal opinion, an 18" barrel is only good for moving bunkers/branches out of the way. :)

10-26-2008, 11:29 AM
Most realistic tests show that barrel length only changes the efficiency or how much air you need to go the same distance.
The only thing that really affects accuracy is the bore to paint match and of course the friction and such. Friction shouldn't really be an issue with 99% of the barrels on the market though. Most are as good as any other as far as that goes.
Porting affects things only by releasing the air behind the ball sooner. Nothing else except sound levels and cleaning issues :D

For most people their paintball gun is as much about really liking it personally as it is quality. There's absolutely nothing wrong with an 18" barrel if you like it and you don't mind losing a few shots over a 14" or 12".

I say go for whatever length you find appealing and just up the velocity to compensate with extra length :)