View Full Version : Gap between Luke's grips and gripframe

10-15-2008, 10:12 AM
Hey guys,

Just picked up a set of grips from Luke's Customs for my E-Mag. They're quite pretty, but also have a nasty little gap on the left hand side:


I talked to Luke, and he told me that this gap was to be expected. That said, it makes me nervous - any suggestions on what I could do to seal the space that wouldn't permanently mar the gun?

Thanks in advance :)

10-15-2008, 10:56 AM
is your frame modified? mine fit great on all my E/Xmags.

10-15-2008, 05:12 PM
Nope. Brand new lowers from Tunaman :(

10-15-2008, 11:14 PM
Same thing on one of my X's. I made a 'seal' out of trimmed black electric tape. I don't know if it was actually necessary but it gave me a bit of comfort. I also use set screws in the holes on EMag rails to close off openings to the innards of the markers. I guess I am just extra cautious.

10-17-2008, 09:21 AM
is your frame modified? mine fit great on all my E/Xmags.

Same thing on one of my X's. I made a 'seal' out of trimmed black electric tape. I don't know if it was actually necessary but it gave me a bit of comfort. I also use set screws in the holes on EMag rails to close off openings to the innards of the markers. I guess I am just extra cautious.

I wonder why they fit perfectly on some guns and not others :confused:

10-17-2008, 07:32 PM
I think the aluminum panels are cut different than the molded plastic ones , I know my molded set's fit perfect

10-17-2008, 09:33 PM
You got a bad batch.

Send them back.

From what I hear luke is a stand up guy. He SHOULD do the right thing and get you some that fit properly.

10-17-2008, 10:39 PM
Are these panels made of plastic or aluminium? If it's Al, it could be a bad batch. But with plastic injected molding, defects would be clearly visible and this one doesn't seem to be defective.

10-18-2008, 12:05 AM
i would try build a small gasket, go to auto store and by the cork type or use some of the liquid in the tube. you know the same stuff they would use for the head cover.

10-18-2008, 02:57 PM
You got a bad batch.

Send them back.

From what I hear luke is a stand up guy. He SHOULD do the right thing and get you some that fit properly.

He happily offered a refund, but said that that's the way they fit. So, I can get my money back, and as such have no issue with Luke. I'm just bummed because I really dig the grips, but I'm not willing to run with the gap.

Are these panels made of plastic or aluminium? If it's Al, it could be a bad batch. But with plastic injected molding, defects would be clearly visible and this one doesn't seem to be defective.

Aluminum. I figured a bad batch as well, especially as so many people run these grips without issue. :confused:

11-01-2008, 09:10 AM
I have removed these panels from my website.

Too bad for me I have 50 sets left, I won't be replacing them any time soon. This is a HUGE amount of work for a manual mill, so it a huge loss. :cuss: Oh-well it's the first batch of parts I've had to scrap since I started making parts, but it still sucks..

11-01-2008, 11:19 AM
I have removed these panels from my website.

Too bad for me I have 50 sets left, I won't be replacing them any time soon. This is a HUGE amount of work for a manual mill, so it a huge loss. :cuss: Oh-well it's the first batch of parts I've had to scrap since I started making parts, but it still sucks..

Instead of dumping them why dont you design a cover for that part and sell them at a discount ? Just saying.


11-01-2008, 11:26 AM
It would probably be just as easy to remake that half, which I'm not up to at the moment. I'm getting pretty down on doing production runs on my manual mill. :(

11-01-2008, 01:18 PM
It would probably be just as easy to remake that half, which I'm not up to at the moment. I'm getting pretty down on doing production runs on my manual mill. :(

Luke, Chris Nearchos may have hit upon the cause of the problem:

I have a ULE E-mag frame. When he took a look at it, he noticed that the tolerances in the milling is slightly different than the hump-frame, and me be the cause of the gap - which means, there's nothing wrong with the run if it was templated off a hump frame :)


My ULE frame, without grips:


A hump frame, as posted by Chris:


Note the different milling up at the top, where the gap on my frame appears.

11-02-2008, 08:39 AM
Does that mean you will sell them cheap? :D I need a few sets/dont care about the gap.

11-02-2008, 09:14 AM
I have a mech emag frame these could go on. Interested in a price.

11-02-2008, 11:51 AM
What would be a fair price for raw panels?

11-02-2008, 08:23 PM
sounds to me like full price :D now we just know they only fit humpbacks
To Luke , the manhours on those panels in a manual mill must be crazy

11-02-2008, 09:50 PM
I think there still may be a very small gap on the standard hump back frame.

11-02-2008, 09:55 PM
the manhours on those panels in a manual mill must be crazy

For sure, especially on a run as big as this one was. There was well over 100 parts made in this batch. I don't mind having to sell them at a discounted rate to you guys here. I'm hoping this will be my last production run of parts on a manual mill. ;)

11-02-2008, 10:56 PM
Luke, let me see if I can pass the set I have around to folks with different grip-styles, and seeing if there's a gap. Would that be helpful?

11-03-2008, 08:28 AM
Please do, thanks.

11-03-2008, 08:35 AM
For sure, especially on a run as big as this one was. There was well over 100 parts made in this batch. I don't mind having to sell them at a discounted rate to you guys here. I'm hoping this will be my last production run of parts on a manual mill. ;)

Are they all raw that are left? Or do you have some anno'ed ones?

11-03-2008, 11:58 AM
I have one black set and the rest are currently raw.

If you guys are still interested in these even with the gap at the switch, I will come up with a killer price on them, but they will be "priced" for raw only. I can't absorb the price of "finishing" into the sale with them being discounted, sorry. Of course I can work out a price to PC them for you, but it will have to be closer to my normal prices for powder coating.

11-03-2008, 12:02 PM
I'd be curious of a raw price. PM me if you'd like. I am working on a mech emag frame. So it would probably work out.

11-10-2008, 09:51 AM
I've changed the pricing on these BLIM panels. I have priced: 1 pair, 2-3 pairs and 4 + pairs. PM me for pricing. Thanks.