View Full Version : Dye Rotor -- "50+ BPS"

10-21-2008, 06:52 PM

Definitely a cool idea, now I just want to see a video of it with paint in it, preferably in slow motion like the Kee videos:


And a video of it on a mag to see if it can keep up with the fastest, since it claims 50+BPS.

10-21-2008, 07:13 PM
Why Why why. Cant they make a 13.3 (or whatever) bps loader that is small and light? Why do we need 50+ bps? Still, as an engineering student, i do want to see how it works it looks really interesting.

10-21-2008, 07:17 PM
DYE is very good, I believe thier claim, but I too would love to see a video.

10-21-2008, 07:25 PM
Very good idea.

10-21-2008, 07:34 PM
It honestly doesn't matter if it can feed 500bps, 100bps, 50bps, or 25bps. If you play PSP you can't shoot over 13.3. If you don't, you're not going to be shooting over 18 pulling in semi, and that's a generous number which would only come on a peak burst. No field is going to let you set your marker to uncapped full auto or uncapped ramp and let you play.

In any event, it's a $150 hopper and looks like a nerf football. It's neat that it can be taken apart so easily, and it looks relatively durable. I suppose only time will tell. I'm sure Dye will sell lots of them, and I'm sure lots of kids will re-sell them at half price not too long from now just because they want something else.

10-21-2008, 07:40 PM
really cool design with the feed system, although it's hard to tell I wonder if ball breaks will be an issue at all with pinching or anything like that. But who seriously outshoots halos anyway?

10-21-2008, 07:57 PM
Rotor = Torque in a fancier (and heavier) shell for twice the price. That's it.

10-21-2008, 08:27 PM
I really love how easily it comes apart. I think the biggest PITA about loaders to date is how annoying they are to service.

10-21-2008, 08:42 PM
I love the color accents. I wonder if they're modular and interchangeable?

10-21-2008, 09:21 PM
I really love how easily it comes apart. I think the biggest PITA about loaders to date is how annoying they are to service.


10-21-2008, 09:42 PM

10-21-2008, 10:12 PM
although they make good products, why is everything that dye touches HIDEOUS!!

10-21-2008, 10:27 PM
although they make good products, why is everything that dye touches HIDEOUS!!

Amen to that brother. Their barrels are nice, but other than that blech :eek:

Hilltop Customs
10-21-2008, 10:37 PM
it comes apart easy, but really thats not too impressive seeing that I have taken apart my halo 1 time ever and that was to install a rip drive.

3AA and a battery life of 50,000+ shots? sounds good, wonder how true it is.

feed rate is useless, 50bps are you kidding....empty hopper in under 4 seconds....time to reload. Since your firing so fast, cant gauge how many shots are left, so keeping a few balls left in the hopper "just in case" while reloading is nearly impossible. IMHO ROF is a moot point, has been since we passed 15bps.

Looks like you have to disassemble the whole thing to change batteries.

like devildog and Pullman just mentioned.....why is it so ugly?


and finally, its another blimp :tard:

I have a few more, but this is getting too long as is

10-21-2008, 10:53 PM
having a loader that can feed faster than you can shoot is good for loading consistency but 50bps is just excesive. if you need to shoot that fast to get someone in there bunker you have problems. i do like the design of the rotor system though. but i also have to agree that the shell is ugly.

10-21-2008, 11:10 PM
If you are only shooting 13.3 bps and this thing is feeding 50 bps. There will ALWAYS be a ball for you there to shoot.

In my eyes thats the advantage to it feeding 50 bps.

Ofcourse a halo doing whatever it does, should do the trick but I guess they don't since there is a need for eyes...

10-21-2008, 11:37 PM
Atleast they are coming out with new ideas and designs. It will add a litle more diversity to the other force feeds. I don't see anything wrong with that. Feeding 50 + bps is just a marketing gimmic that only aggs care about. Let's not forget youtube drop test videos.

I for one won't complain on the aspects that don't appeal to me. People complain that there is not enough diversity or new ideas in the paintball business, but when one comes along, they complain about it.

10-22-2008, 12:19 AM
*insert rant about hopper feeding too fast here*

10-22-2008, 12:28 AM
it comes apart easy, but really thats not too impressive seeing that I have taken apart my halo 1 time ever and that was to install a rip drive.

3AA and a battery life of 50,000+ shots? sounds good, wonder how true it is.

feed rate is useless, 50bps are you kidding....empty hopper in under 4 seconds....time to reload. Since your firing so fast, cant gauge how many shots are left, so keeping a few balls left in the hopper "just in case" while reloading is nearly impossible. IMHO ROF is a moot point, has been since we passed 15bps.

Looks like you have to disassemble the whole thing to change batteries.

like devildog and Pullman just mentioned.....why is it so ugly?


and finally, its another blimp :tard:

I have a few more, but this is getting too long as is
You obviously are a man who has never broken a ball in your pod and didn't realize until half the pod was in your hopper already. Man, and it was a brand new shell too, that was nasty.

I like it, and how it works is intriguing, but i doubt i would ever buy one.

10-22-2008, 12:57 AM
found some pics of it over on pbnation: http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?t=2874391&page=16

10-22-2008, 02:35 AM
Atleast they are coming out with new ideas and designs. It will add a litle more diversity to the other force feeds. I don't see anything wrong with that. Feeding 50 + bps is just a marketing gimmic that only aggs care about. Let's not forget youtube drop test videos.

I for one won't complain on the aspects that don't appeal to me. People complain that there is not enough diversity or new ideas in the paintball business, but when one comes along, they complain about it.


What do you do when you can't actually made an intelligent comment?

Complain about how "ugly" it looks!

At any rate, I like this design, even if it still is another blimp. And I honestly can not say this about any other "normal" (Egg/Halo/etc.) hopper that I've seen so far. There are a lot of interesting mechanical and geometric things going here. If I understand correctly, the lower scoop counter-rotates against the upper sort paddles, and scoops paint inward toward the feed neck. If you think about it, it's kind of like the last bit of a q-loader, but it operates completely in an inverse fashion.

What I've never liked about other designs is that after your ball is sorted into ready-to-feed position, it continues to get flung in a mini-cyclone because that's how the impellers work. I believe this is just a holdover from the mental mindset that started with original Revvy's. It's unnecessary motion; it takes additional energy, and also causes all the other problems you see with the whole "freeway jamming" and paint flinging. Your sort speed and your force feed are too closely related, and if you start thinking about circles, tangents, and centrifugal force, you start understanding things.

With this loader, it would appear that once a ball gets sorted and drops to the lower level, it doesn't need to go anywhere else. It can just sit there waiting for the lower scoop to come by and finally scoop it into the feed neck. As balls disappear, I think there's a good chance that the next open slot should appear behind the scoop, which would give a ball the maximum amount of time to drop into that slot before it was it's turn to be scooped, which I think is the critical issue needed for speed. You want to give the ball as much time as possible to gravity feed into position, because in the end (or at the top), these things are still gravity fed. Since they're counter-rotating, that also means the same paddle slot gets 2 chances to fill behind the scoop every 1 full rotation. If you don't fill it, well, there's 3-4 other slots that get a chance before you get to try again.

Effectively, your "sort/agitation" and "force" functions are more decoupled. They're not completely decoupled (after all, you know you need to agitate/sort if you successfully force a ball out), so this at least seems like a good idea.

I wonder why there's a fin on the bottom of the thing? That might prevent someone like me from mounting a dovetail on the bottom of that and using it to clamp the hopper to the gun like I've talked about elsewhere.

Also, it'd be neat if this could truly force feed paint out, like a warp, but without having to use a warp. Again, a rail mount on the bottom might prove useful for something like that.

Unfortunately, the reliability is always the big question. You can find worthless drop tests of nearly every loader out there, yet you won't find any true analytical teardowns of a loader where people go, "Hrm, this was a bad design or implementation."

Instead, you get kiddies complaining about how ugly it is.

10-22-2008, 04:04 AM
all i care about is whether or not the shell will have the durability that has been lacking in the market since the harder plastics became standard.

10-22-2008, 06:18 AM
all i care about is whether or not the shell will have the durability that has been lacking in the market since the harder plastics became standard.

QFT :dance: , it looks a bit more sturdier

10-22-2008, 07:45 AM
although they make good products, why is everything that dye touches HIDEOUS!!

Alright... I've got to call it on this one. While it's no beauty, what hopper is really? I think they are all ugly as sin with the Magna being the nest of the bunch... but they are ALL still ugly as hell.

I'd be happy with just being able to clean a break more easily... then again I don't take the halo apart to clean it anyways... I just run HPA into it from my macro line and voila! Clean eyes.

with that said I'm more than willing to let the first few hundred try them... break them... and then maybe I'll think about the next version. just like with the Halo.

10-22-2008, 08:30 AM
Looking at those pictures i think i finally get how it works, and i have to say it makes a lot of sense, it's a really smart design.

Hilltop Customs
10-22-2008, 09:39 AM
Looking at those pictures i think i finally get how it works, and i have to say it makes a lot of sense, it's a really smart design.
Yea the sweeping action into a center hole is a pretty cool idea, that would take a lot less energy than rotating all the balls around(especially considering the weight of the ball stack on top). I'm not sure what the top thin wheel portion is doing though other than making sure balls are placed evenly in the bottom cup, but its gotto have a reason for being there.

BTW, I havent broke a ball in a pod then dumped it into my halo yet....done it in a revy a bunch times back in the day, but I've been lucky with the halo. Actually, I dont remember ever had broken paint in my halo....weird.

Enemy: AMEN. I've ended up epoxying all of the feednecks of mine and my friends Halos back together. Thats why I'll always keep the old school pre-BE revy with me.

michbich: only reason I complained.....how different is it really? feedrate wont even be noticeable because guns are limited by rules, and hoppers already can outfeed them. The only improvements(that I saw from the clip) are the sweeping action of the feed and tool-less disassembly, which is great, but I'd rather have a bigger improvement than that if its going to cost $150 for a bunch of molded plastic parts and a motor. I'm cheap and expect a lot for my money....I dont go throwing at the newest toys unless they are a big step up....this goes for paintball and anything else.

and finally, its an opinion thread, if someone thinks its ugly, why shouldnt they be allowed to say it? If you think its the hotness, say so, no ones stopping you. BTW I dont think it looked as ugly in the PBN pics.

*waits for size overlays comparing it other hoppers on the market*

10-22-2008, 10:15 AM
Loading rate should not be interchanged with ROF lmitaton.
A hopper that has a maximum dump rate of 15bps WILL NOT allow a gun to fire 15bps.
Even if it dumps 15bps 110% reliably.

The faster a hopper can feed, the better it can feed 13-20bps without a misfeed.

10-22-2008, 10:24 AM
that is pretty sweet lil dude but to me it looks kina small as far as capacity goes but it does looke like a lil better plastic was used in the making, and the one button take down is a fantastic idea


10-22-2008, 10:33 AM
the pull apart seems easy, idk i may put one on my warp set up

10-22-2008, 10:35 AM
I wasn't pointing at you Hilltop, you make an intelligent posts. I'm just reffering in general, mostly outside AO. It's in the human nature to resist change and the unknown.

Don't get me wrong, I can't afford one. I play about twice a year and I don't work. I to watch very carefully in witch hands my money goes.

Hilltop Customs
10-22-2008, 10:58 AM
Loading rate should not be interchanged with ROF lmitaton.
A hopper that has a maximum dump rate of 15bps WILL NOT allow a gun to fire 15bps.
Even if it dumps 15bps 110% reliably.

The faster a hopper can feed, the better it can feed 13-20bps without a misfeed.

true, but when halos/reloaders/magnas feed ~20bps+ and rules say 13.3 or whatever, whats the big gain of jumping up to 50+? Also consider what is the result of a ball being misfed.....with eyes you just have a missed shot and on to the next one.

BTW hopper companies shouldnt be allow to advertise dumping feedrate......someone could advertise an insane rate of "loading" for a piece of PVC pipe only using gravity to "load".

I play semi, so feedrate doesnt make a difference to me....probably why I'm pointing this out.

Now if this hopper has a reduced chance of jamming or something like that, then that is a step in the right direction. But the fact that they list an "unjamming trigger" kind of gives that one away. It will be interesting to see if there is any pinching issues with the 2 parts counter rotating.

I hope I'm not sounding horribly negative....lol its just kind of the way I think....I really like the feed idea of the sweeping to center action instead of shoving balls down an exterior hole. Its almost like an inverted halo if you think about it.....instead of moving the balls in the cup your moving the little wall that stops the rotation and forces them into the feed tube.

10-22-2008, 11:53 AM
Amen to that brother. Their barrels are nice, but other than that blech :eek:
the slg is a nice looking gun, but i guess that is proto

10-22-2008, 12:01 PM
true, but when halos/reloaders/magnas feed ~20bps+ and rules say 13.3 or whatever, whats the big gain of jumping up to 50+? Also consider what is the result of a ball being misfed.....with eyes you just have a missed shot and on to the next one.

BTW hopper companies shouldnt be allow to advertise dumping feedrate......someone could advertise an insane rate of "loading" for a piece of PVC pipe only using gravity to "load".

I play semi, so feedrate doesnt make a difference to me....probably why I'm pointing this out.

Now if this hopper has a reduced chance of jamming or something like that, then that is a step in the right direction. But the fact that they list an "unjamming trigger" kind of gives that one away. It will be interesting to see if there is any pinching issues with the 2 parts counter rotating.

I hope I'm not sounding horribly negative....lol its just kind of the way I think....I really like the feed idea of the sweeping to center action instead of shoving balls down an exterior hole. Its almost like an inverted halo if you think about it.....instead of moving the balls in the cup your moving the little wall that stops the rotation and forces them into the feed tube.
The thing is that with my halo on the 18 bps setting i have had a misfeed BEFORE i changed my classic RT to a pneumag, so pretty much i just had an intelliframe on it. If you can get a misfeed with that, i would think that 50+ bps wouldn't be such a horrible idea because there's not as much chance that there'll be a misfeed, but there is still a chance. And i have gotten more misfeeds since i switched it over, but that's mainly when i'm not playing and i'm trying to coordinate my fingers to fire fast, so it's probably due to short stroking, but when i'm playing it's oddly different, because i don't remember it happening once when i was playing.

But as for your last comment, it seems that the top thing spinning is an anti-jam feature, because as ingenious as the single paddle pushing the balls to the middle is, it would jam up a lot without something to help evenly distribute the balls.

10-22-2008, 12:40 PM
Interesting use of a planetary gear system. Will it really do 50bps? Most likely no and more to the point that it may have peaked at 50bps at one point and marketing decided not to show it's average rate. The only way to be sure is with empirical data gathered under proper conditions.

10-22-2008, 12:45 PM
Interesting use of a planetary gear system. Will it really do 50bps? Most likely no and more to the point that it may have peaked at 50bps at one point and marketing decided not to show it's average rate. The only way to be sure is with empirical data gathered under proper conditions.
Exactly, but it is a more efficient design, and i wouldn't be surprised to hear the average is in the 30s at least, although maybe i'm just being too hopeful for a new design.

10-22-2008, 01:02 PM
sweet, now all dye needs to make is a senario gun, a pistol, & paint, then they will have covered everything lol

10-22-2008, 01:14 PM
where are the videos that show the dump rates? the gears in action? how about rates on a gun set up for insane speeds?

looks like advertising at its best right now. however i dont mind the look so far, just wish you could have a different base color. and $150, for something that probably cost $75 at most for dye to make

10-22-2008, 02:07 PM
Someone just buy one try it out and let the rest of us poor people know if it's any good or not. :D I know there are alot of xmag owners out there, they surely have $150 in change laying arround.

10-22-2008, 05:32 PM
Someone just buy one try it out and let the rest of us poor people know if it's any good or not. :D I know there are alot of xmag owners out there, they surely have $150 in change laying arround.
No they don't, they spent it on their xmag.

Hilltop Customs
10-22-2008, 08:27 PM
No they don't, they spent it on their xmag.

not the guy who bought the xmag and cocker for ~$200....

10-22-2008, 08:53 PM
not the guy who bought the xmag and cocker for ~$200....
Now thats a more reasonable price. XMags are amazing feats of production and a great gun, but not $1700 used
(I saw one at that price). Of course, NO gun should be that high. Like the Egos at ~$1200!

10-22-2008, 09:00 PM
I think making a better and faster feeding system is in no way pointless.

10-22-2008, 09:50 PM
I think making a better and faster feeding system is in no way pointless.

Hilltop Customs
10-22-2008, 11:33 PM
better, yes. Faster, has a point only if you need it.

Does it keep pressure on the ballstack? Does it have the instantaneous feed rate that other hoppers have? I'm more interested in that kind of info than 50bps feed rate at a free fall. Like I said already, a pvc pipe with a ball stack in it can blow away any hopper at a free fall test....so whats the point of those number?(other than of course advertising)

I really like the design of the feed, but I wish they would have done more with it other than put it in the standard hopper......thats all I'm trying to say. I'm not happy with what we have now, and in no way is that a bad thing IMO.

WARPED1: nothing determines price quite like demand.....if people are willing to pay for it, that is what it will sell for. Limit quantities of something people want, xmag, and the price will skyrocket.....I dont even want to know what kind of price a SFL would bring around here given the right selling time. Have to agree though, I wouldnt buy them at current prices. But I'd rather have a turd than a polished turd, if they both do the same thing.

10-22-2008, 11:57 PM
It's like shining a laser pointer in front of a pet. That's why they put the claim of 50+ bps on there, regardless of whether or not it's true, because that's what you all pay attention to (that is, when you're not thinking deep thoughts about how attractive or not the shell is). The difference being that most pets will eventually realize that chasing the little dot is futile and will stop doing it, whereas you guys...

Let's imagine that they stated it had a more believable 30bps feed rate. Now what would you guys be arguing about? What if they said it was 25bps? What if they said it was 80bps?

Just TRY to imagine, for one second, that they never made a mention of feed rate. Now what do you have to say?

It's just a number, and the validation of that number remains to be seen. That's it.

As far as the black top paddle thingy's function... I think it serves two main functions. Try to imagine what would happen to the paint if you DIDN'T have it there. The scoop spins around and starts putting force on some paint... and then what?

There are also two other things I forgot to mention that I like about the design. I think the spring loaded bottom floor is a really good idea. I assume that when there's paint in there, it weighs the bottom door down so it lays as far down as possible so you can cram more paint in. However, when you start emptying paint out, it starts rising up so that your balls will naturally funnel into the drive area without the user having to tilt forward. This means you can relocate the mass of your paint BEHIND the feed neck toward the back of the gun, which is a good thing, without paying the penalty like, say, on an Evlution.

The other thing is that it runs on 3 AA batteries, which puts it in the voltage range to be run off a single lithium ion cell. I'm betting you could get away with a single 14500 size cell.

Whether or not this thing live up to potential remains to be seen, but looking at the design is interesting. I don't even like Dye, and Hell, I don't even like top-loaders, but the damn thing actually appears to be a pretty clever design.

Hilltop Customs
10-22-2008, 11:58 PM
At any rate, I like this design, even if it still is another blimp. And I honestly can not say this about any other "normal" (Egg/Halo/etc.) hopper that I've seen so far. There are a lot of interesting mechanical and geometric things going here. If I understand correctly, the lower scoop counter-rotates against the upper sort paddles, and scoops paint inward toward the feed neck. If you think about it, it's kind of like the last bit of a q-loader, but it operates completely in an inverse fashion.

What I've never liked about other designs is that after your ball is sorted into ready-to-feed position, it continues to get flung in a mini-cyclone because that's how the impellers work. I believe this is just a holdover from the mental mindset that started with original Revvy's. It's unnecessary motion; it takes additional energy, and also causes all the other problems you see with the whole "freeway jamming" and paint flinging. Your sort speed and your force feed are too closely related, and if you start thinking about circles, tangents, and centrifugal force, you start understanding things.

With this loader, it would appear that once a ball gets sorted and drops to the lower level, it doesn't need to go anywhere else. It can just sit there waiting for the lower scoop to come by and finally scoop it into the feed neck. As balls disappear, I think there's a good chance that the next open slot should appear behind the scoop, which would give a ball the maximum amount of time to drop into that slot before it was it's turn to be scooped, which I think is the critical issue needed for speed. You want to give the ball as much time as possible to gravity feed into position, because in the end (or at the top), these things are still gravity fed. Since they're counter-rotating, that also means the same paddle slot gets 2 chances to fill behind the scoop every 1 full rotation. If you don't fill it, well, there's 3-4 other slots that get a chance before you get to try again.

Effectively, your "sort/agitation" and "force" functions are more decoupled. They're not completely decoupled (after all, you know you need to agitate/sort if you successfully force a ball out), so this at least seems like a good idea.

I wonder why there's a fin on the bottom of the thing? That might prevent someone like me from mounting a dovetail on the bottom of that and using it to clamp the hopper to the gun like I've talked about elsewhere.

Also, it'd be neat if this could truly force feed paint out, like a warp, but without having to use a warp. Again, a rail mount on the bottom might prove useful for something like that.

Unfortunately, the reliability is always the big question. You can find worthless drop tests of nearly every loader out there, yet you won't find any true analytical teardowns of a loader where people go, "Hrm, this was a bad design or implementation."

had to quote this just to bring it back to the forefront.....I completely missed this post because of the comments about not liking people mentioning disliking the looks....so I selectively deleted those(hope you dont mind).....anyway great points all around :cheers: I didnt think about that little fin interfering with mounting, but with really low profile feednecks that could be an issue.(maybe that fin is the "jam release trigger" they mentioned?)

nice point about extending the time between a ball dropping in the "ready" position and actually being fed.

I also really like the idea of changing the hopper mounting. Ive always hated the idea of the feednecks.....adds all kinds of crazy stresses to both the hopper and the body, and for what? so the hopper can be rotated, but I cant remember the last time I rotated my hopper. If you have please say so, and maybe also include why? I cant think of a reason, honestly.

anyway thought I would just quote this and bring it back up, because I completely missed it.

10-23-2008, 12:03 AM
WARPED1: nothing determines price quite like demand.....if people are willing to pay for it, that is what it will sell for. Limit quantities of something people want, xmag, and the price will skyrocket.....I dont even want to know what kind of price a SFL would bring around here given the right selling time. Have to agree though, I wouldnt buy them at current prices. But I'd rather have a turd than a polished turd, if they both do the same thing.
Agreed, and by no means am I saying AGD guns are bad. My first "high end" gun that got me through many tournaments, was a Classic lvl 7 mag in 1992, not even an RT! I loved it. I then bought a PTP Jungle Nights annod Micromag, I loved that too. Years later, after many guns, I finally bought an EMag in 2001. It was a great marker, but I sold it promptly because I hated the battery! I'd try an XMag if I wouldn't need to sell my kidneys to maybe afford one. An SFL would be very pricy!

Hilltop Customs
10-23-2008, 12:12 AM
It's like shining a laser pointer in front of a pet. That's why they put the claim of 50+ bps on there, regardless of whether or not it's true, because that's what you all pay attention to (that is, when you're not thinking deep thoughts about how attractive or not the shell is). The difference being that most pets will eventually realize that chasing the little dot is futile and will stop doing it, whereas you guys...

Let's imagine that they stated it had a more believable 30bps feed rate. Now what would you guys be arguing about? What if they said it was 25bps? What if they said it was 80bps?

Just TRY to imagine, for one second, that they never made a mention of feed rate. Now what do you have to say?

It's just a number, and the validation of that number remains to be seen. That's it.

As far as the black top paddle thingy's function... I think it serves two main functions. Try to imagine what would happen to the paint if you DIDN'T have it there. The scoop spins around and starts putting force on some paint... and then what?

There are also two other things I forgot to mention that I like about the design. I think the spring loaded bottom floor is a really good idea. I assume that when there's paint in there, it weighs the bottom door down so it lays as far down as possible so you can cram more paint in. However, when you start emptying paint out, it starts rising up so that your balls will naturally funnel into the drive area without the user having to tilt forward.

The other thing is that it runs on 3 AA batteries, which puts it in the voltage range to be run off a single lithium ion cell. I'm betting you could get away with a single 14500 size cell.

Whether or not this thing live up to potential remains to be seen, but looking at the design is interesting. I don't even like Dye, and Hell, I don't even like top-loaders, but the damn thing actually appears to be a pretty clever design.

Heres my idea for the top spinning thing: lol
without the top portion spinning, all it would take is the right ball on top at the right angle/orientation to to cause a strong jamming....the counter rotating top portion keeps the stack "light" on the lower balls.

along with you idea of separation of dropin to actual feed time.....which I'm still impressed by btw :)

from the looks of it.....idk if this is true or not just kind of watching the video....it looks like that spring portion you mention is actually pressed down when you snap the top piece in place. I think it acts as the spring for the release, but once again I could be wrong about that....its hard to see in the video. In the assembly it looks like a good spread that needs pushed down(abt the height of that spring portion)

reduction in voltage to lithium ion range....damn I like how you think.....along with the reduction in weight, you could also find a different mounting point, and possibly expand capacity. I've always wondered if players would have anything against a "reserve". Shoot all the paint out of the hopper...tip it forward and 20 shots that used to be below the feed level are now in the catch cup area(catch cup or wahtever you want to call it.

BTW it was pretty ironic you post another reply as I bump your previous one :cheers:

I have to agree the sweep action....lol I've said it so many times I should copyright the name....is a very ingenious design.

10-23-2008, 01:00 AM
from the looks of it.....idk if this is true or not just kind of watching the video....it looks like that spring portion you mention is actually pressed down when you snap the top piece in place. I think it acts as the spring for the release, but once again I could be wrong about that....its hard to see in the video. In the assembly it looks like a good spread that needs pushed down(abt the height of that spring portion)

The quote appears to be "Spring loaded floor tray - constant feeding to the last ball." I am reasonably sure that means that the floor tray does what I think it does -- it drops down when loaded, and pops up when the paint starts getting spent and helps funnel the rest down toward the drive area. Then you put more paint in and it weighs it back down. It's kind of like... expandable luggage.

I still have no idea what that fin is -- it might indeed be the anti-jam thing, and that's a really unfortunate location for it.

reduction in voltage to lithium ion range....damn I like how you think.....along with the reduction in weight, you could also find a different mounting point, and possibly expand capacity. I've always wondered if players would have anything against a "reserve". Shoot all the paint out of the hopper...tip it forward and 20 shots that used to be below the feed level are now in the catch cup area(catch cup or wahtever you want to call it.

When I read this... I realized that a 14500 is a poor choice for a battery; I only thought of that because it's similar in size to a AA battery, but that's a waste of space. A better choice would actually be a flat lithium-polymer cell, because that would use the space better and probably allow that spring loaded floor tray to fold even lower so you could get the extra paint you were talking about. Slightly more risky though.

And... actually, reading it again, you gave me another idea. Maybe the idea of a "reserve" is not that practical or useful... But if it's that important... maybe you could rig up a sensor to that spring loaded floor tray such that once it pushed up, it would maybe turn on a light or make some sort of indicator to you, letting you know that you've probably got X number of rounds left in the hopper. I think that would effectively accomplish the same goal.

Or maybe it should just go ahead and release your lid for you. That'd actually save you the time of having to open it yourself.

10-23-2008, 01:28 AM
The quote appears to be "Spring loaded floor tray - constant feeding to the last ball." I am reasonably sure that means that the floor tray does what I think it does -- it drops down when loaded, and pops up when the paint starts getting spent and helps funnel the rest down toward the drive area. Then you put more paint in and it weighs it back down. It's kind of like... expandable luggage.

I still have no idea what that fin is -- it might indeed be the anti-jam thing, and that's a really unfortunate location for it.

When I read this... I realized that a 14500 is a poor choice for a battery; I only thought of that because it's similar in size to a AA battery, but that's a waste of space. A better choice would actually be a flat lithium-polymer cell, because that would use the space better and probably allow that spring loaded floor tray to fold even lower so you could get the extra paint you were talking about. Slightly more risky though.

And... actually, reading it again, you gave me another idea. Maybe the idea of a "reserve" is not that practical or useful... But if it's that important... maybe you could rig up a sensor to that spring loaded floor tray such that once it pushed up, it would maybe turn on a light or make some sort of indicator to you, letting you know that you've probably got X number of rounds left in the hopper. I think that would effectively accomplish the same goal.

Or maybe it should just go ahead and release your lid for you. That'd actually save you the time of having to open it yourself.

After opening the lid it screams "FEEED ME" + gozilla roar.

50 cal
10-23-2008, 06:42 AM
The ease of disassembly will probably be its main selling point to tournament players. The 50+pbs is just a marketing gimmick since most tourney play is capped.
The gee whiz kids will try their darndest to get it to really spit out the paint. Can you say "Paint sellers wet dream, kids?" "I knew you could." ;)

10-23-2008, 09:47 AM
I actually have one coming back from cup for me...just wanted to try it out..it intruigued me...as soon as i get it and get a chance to use it i will let you guys know how it actually works.

10-23-2008, 10:34 AM
About whether it's a true forcefeed loader or not i really don't think it is from the looks of it. I mean it forces it to the feed hole yeah, but after that it seems like gravity would take over since there's no curve to keep the previous balls in line putting pressure on the balls in the stack (well probably ball, i don't know how long the feed neck is). So it very well could reach 50 bps but that's irrelevant because it doesn't seem like it's an actual force feed loader, it seems like once it gets to the center gravity takes over for it, and it'll get pushed by the previous ball for a split second as it starts to fall down the feed neck, but that's it, unless they have it such a way so that in it's rest position a ball is only halfway down the feedneck so it still has pressure on it, which now that i think about it it probably would, but since i was talking mainly about mounting it elsewhere, i'll talk about that, and say that i don't think it would have enough force to mount it on the side without a warp.

10-23-2008, 12:46 PM
I've always wondered if players would have anything against a "reserve". Shoot all the paint out of the hopper...tip it forward and 20 shots that used to be below the feed level are now in the catch cup area(catch cup or wahtever you want to call it.

the magna has this. nice little feature. lets you know that you need to refill, but if you're in a pinch you can just tip the hopper back and you have 20 more shots. i <3 my magna :)

10-23-2008, 01:04 PM
Dye always impresses me with their products. I'm way bummed they stopped making the throttle.