View Full Version : Everyone should own a warp

01-26-2002, 10:27 AM
After spending almost $1000 on a new gun (going from RT Pro w/intelliframe to SFL EMAG), I didn't get any better at paintball. All I did was increase the shininess and wow factor of my product. After getting a warp feed I became probably 3x better. No $170 shocktech dye boomie or $200 freak barrel could make me better but the warp sure as hell did. I played better with animal's tippmann 98 and a warp and halo, then I did when I played with my SFL Emag....ALL I GOTTA SAY IS IF YOU DONT HAVE A WARP GET ONE IT WILL MAKE YOU A BETTER PLAYER!

01-26-2002, 10:32 AM
But if everyone had a warp feed then they would be to hard to hit and the games would last forever........;)

I agree warps are awesome:D

01-26-2002, 01:24 PM
off the subject

where do you play,

I am getting a team togheter for the cpsa we might need some more players.

01-26-2002, 02:39 PM
Everyone should own a warp


It is definately the truth...

see ded's reverse accuracy corrolary:

...3 If and when you reach the conclusion that your marker can reach 4 no higher accuracy, 5 test your opponent's accuracy by making yourself a smaller target

From the book of ded, chapter 6 verses 3-5

01-26-2002, 03:43 PM
was this at dave's last night man? Once again I failed to make my appearance... however my emag is shipping monday so Friday I'll be there no doubt!!!!!!! I usually have a blue raven jersey with blue old school jt pants....

01-26-2002, 08:48 PM
yes it was at daves last night...

01-26-2002, 09:08 PM
Warp might make some players better, but not all.

Ever try manuvering the snake with a warp? Very hard to do........Warp feed isnt for everyone nor will it imrpove anyone. When I upgraded from my Mag to my Angel it made me a 3x better player :p

01-26-2002, 09:22 PM
It improved me so if you don't think it will improve anyone you are just bland (nicest word I could think of) and obviously haven't used a warp for a prolonged period of time.....

01-27-2002, 12:15 AM
w00t!!! just got my warp today and can't wait till I play with it next saturday.......... except that it's missing the diverter plate..... So I've just been watching the balls go around and around :) btw, is there a chance that agd will give me one for free? the guy at the store I bought it from said all their warps are new

the JoKeR
01-28-2002, 10:37 AM
Actually it wasn't the warp that gave you game Friday. It was my J&J barrel you had on Animal's 98 that did it!

01-28-2002, 11:55 AM
Actually alot of it probably comes from the fact that the owner of the 98 has game and therefore the user of the gun has inherited game by default :)

I play at dave's and sam's.

01-28-2002, 12:31 PM
I know who you are, I borrowed one of your hoppers awhile ago, I am usually at sams with some kids who all have yellow jt jersys, me and three of my friends go to sams alot, we all have emags. I think i am going to ref at sams.

see you in march at sams

01-28-2002, 12:37 PM
Ok, I thought I recognized the name from somewhere. Reffing is cool, but I bet I'd find I wished I was playin while reffing. That is why I plan to only play :) So you guys are lookin for players? Isnt that a college only type thing? (read the web page).

01-28-2002, 01:26 PM
not for the cpsa, that is a am A, am B tourny leage, in chicago:D

the JoKeR
01-28-2002, 03:42 PM
Didn't the game from your gun and the game from my barrel cancell each other out or did they double his normal amount of game? He might have been just oozing game that day. Maybe that's what I slipped in when I racked up my leg...

01-28-2002, 04:14 PM
No, that was the toilet water leaking from the ceiling :)

01-28-2002, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by Hysperion

not true, it made me a worse player. Some people just can't play with a hopper on the side. I sold it BTW.

03-01-2002, 08:25 AM
My warp made me learn a whole new way to lay the spray. Of paint that is... er...yeah...
No! Really, I now rip through my entire pack fast enough that noone has <B> TIME </B> to shoot me out. Not that I'm an easy target, on the contrary, I'm so freaking tight in you have a better chance of shooting my shoe (it's happened, annoying too because it was under the tongue where I couldn't see or feel it) then hitting me or the gun.

Granted, it didn't make me a better player, but I'm so used to having my hopper on the left instead of in the GoodYear position (on top and WAY sticking up) that when my tank died and a shot out buddy tossed me his gun I couldn't shoot off the left side. I had to swap hands and my left hand no longer has the respectable 5 balls a second ROF that I was stitched up my side before I had a chance to shoot more then 10 balls.

It's the little things that help you tuck in tighter and annoy the crap out of the opposition.

oneshot: Email me, I've probably reffed you out in Whitewater.
Hysperion: Email me too! I wanna go play some ball with some locals!


03-01-2002, 08:43 AM
Rusty_Jones were do you play?

03-01-2002, 09:02 AM
Rusty, we'll be down at paintball daves in downtown milwaukee tonight. You should stop by, it starts at 7. If you need directions, go to their website: www.paintballdaves.com.

Top Secret
03-01-2002, 11:07 AM
Be quiet! We those of use with Warps want to enjoy our large gravity-fed targets running about as long as possible. :D

03-01-2002, 11:12 AM

03-01-2002, 11:17 AM
animal, i think he means that we should keep the warp on the dl so people don't buy it and we have easier targets :)

03-01-2002, 12:02 PM
Oneshot: I play mostly at Sam's, which is funny because I ref for Dave's (or at least did until it was Fall and I guess I wasn't needed anymore).

Dave's is fun, good for PGP. Indoor Semi is kinda...well...
Imagine hyperball in a hallway in your highschool. Now add floor dry, a 1/8th inch layer of paint on some of the walls next to the good cover...

Out at Whitewater is pretty cool. The one thing I don't get, and maybe it's because I ref... Why the heck do people love a 90 foot hill that's on like a 45+ degree angle? For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, it's a field called "Hamburger Hill" If you've seen the movie, you get the idea. I haven't played on it, but that's because I'm fat and lazy, but I have yet to hear anyone who's played it say a bad word that wasn't at least somewhat justified.

I just wanna go and try out some different fields. I wanna go to new and exotic places with players of a different mindset.... I wanna be the first kid on my block to bunker some poor slob who never seen it coming...

03-01-2002, 01:46 PM
"I wanna be the first kid on my block to bunker some poor slob who never seen it coming..."

its fun. I bunkered a kid that didnt realize it and hi was called out. well he said he wasnt. so i peeked over the bunker and nippled him. when i got back doun i said now your out:D . Im not sure how i didnt get shot thow:rolleyes: . its fun but i kinda felt sorry for the kid i nippled.

03-01-2002, 07:15 PM
I know what it's like to bunker people. My comment was stolen from Full Metal Jacket and modified a lil. Try bunkering someone with no ammo. Hearing a painful scream of "I'm out" when there is NO way you could have hit them with a paintball is MUCHO satisfying.

03-01-2002, 07:22 PM
hey if u want everyone to have a warp. can u buy me one?????? :D :D :D :D :D :D

03-01-2002, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by RogueFactor
when this thread loads an mp3 plays

"Dont argue with me"

Is anyone else getting this?

Yes, and it's beginning to really get on my nerves.

Nitroduck, do us all a favor, drop the sound. Every time I read a thread you've posted a reply to I hear that. It wasn't ammusing the first time. Aside from that, it chews dial-up user's bandwidth up for no good reason. Obviously You don't have to honor my request, but it would be appreciated.

03-01-2002, 07:29 PM
I thought it was just me with that sound it really sounds messed up. MP3 PLayer doesnt load, it just plays it.

03-01-2002, 07:59 PM
Seeing how quite a few are talking about Dave's is anyone going to be there this weekend for his in-door tournie??