View Full Version : Warpfeed constantly spins when intellifeed is hooked up

01-26-2002, 10:45 AM
Like the title says. Any comments? I tried a search but after fifteen minutes and my witch...er...girlfriend screaming at me that we had to leave I posted this instead.

My dwell time jumpers are all set to off and the other jumper is set to negative.

Emag is powered on and in electronic mode. I put the intellifeed plug in the warp feed and it just spins.

Any ideas?


01-26-2002, 01:21 PM
First of all, don't be plugging in anything when the gun is turned on. Secondly, the E-Mag sends a +5V signal to the Warp so you want your jumper set as positive. The jumpers in the right block of three should look like this:


The top jumper should be empty. Connect everything and then turn on the gun.

01-30-2002, 01:26 PM
okay. great thanks. uh, can't find the delete thread option here so if any mods see this you can trash this thread.