View Full Version : J&J Edge kit and Ti Longbow kit

10-24-2008, 06:17 PM
Any thoughts on either one of these? I understand the preference part, but is one more hype than performance?
Not trying to compare the two btw, just my own curiosity.


10-24-2008, 06:35 PM
The JJ work as well as any other paintball barrel out there, unless you are a sniper who try to do the 1 shot 1 kill i don't think an accurate dead on barrel make any difference (except rental barrel that make your shot curve more than an apex).

The TI kit due to their process of honing and according to MANN test perform the best. But they are also expensive for a barrel kit.

The JJ are priced more reasonably and you can get a whole kit for the cost of a single TI barrel.....so in the end it's up to your budget and how much you can afford.

The only kit i am hunting for is the scepter 2000 - cocker thread, mainly out of it rarity instead of anything else.

10-24-2008, 06:49 PM
I have a Ti Longbow and love it. I seriously doubt it shoots any better than any of the other quality kits out there. But it's Ti and hardened. How cool is that? And it does do one thing way way way better than any other barrel kit (other than the Ti Boomsticks). It shoots sparks. No joke. It's not often, but under just the right conditions the thing shoots sparks. It's so fun when it happens.

10-24-2008, 07:34 PM
I have a Ti Longbow Kit and wouldn't use anything else. (and I've tried most everything else...)

10-24-2008, 09:44 PM
A barrel is a barrel as long as it's smooth as a baby's butt on the inside and the correct length before porting. Other than that most of it is preference. Kits are good just for the paint to barrel matching.
I do think the JJ ceramic barrels actually clean themselves out with a few shots compared to some others.

10-24-2008, 09:49 PM
Get a TI Longbow Kit, Alum. series. They are much less $ than the actual TI series, and perform just as good. The TI is obviously stronger though, and will last longer.

I was not impressed with the J&J Edge kit when I used to own one.

The only other barrel worth suggesting, is the 00' Scepter kit, but they are very difficult to find these days, and finding a new kit is just about impossible.


10-24-2008, 11:45 PM
Smoke- I did hear that too about barrel breaks and shooting through them.

Psycho- Understood about buying the aluminum vs. Ti. Found a used kit though, on MCB.

Thanks all for the input.