View Full Version : SPACE MAGS!? rable rable rable rable

10-29-2008, 10:42 PM
just wondering if maghog (i think he's who had it) ever got his back after the irs took it from that fella's shop he had it in. i sure hope so, cuz if not some rat bast.....some lucky SOB probably got it at an auction or craigslist for dirtcheap. an update would be sweet. :cheers:

10-30-2008, 10:34 AM
It was a major nuisance, and if I didn't have certain connections with certain people, then that gun would probably be lost indeed. As it is, it is now in my possession, lying in bubble wrap in America with five of my other guns.
Kirt at RoguePaintball got screwed royally, not only by his "girlfriend" but also by the company that took over his building after his father died. He lost everything, and still owes the gov't a lot of money while the woman that stole all of his money has nothing to be held accountable for.
In all fairness, Kirt is a good guy that made a few mistakes which cost him his business. His disappearance from the paintball scene is sorely missed in Maine, where he promoted safety and fun in the sport for over ten years. I wish him luck in the future.
I'm damn happy I got my Space Mag back though, it's one of my most prized possessions.

10-30-2008, 06:21 PM
It was a major nuisance, and if I didn't have certain connections with certain people, then that gun would probably be lost indeed. As it is, it is now in my possession, lying in bubble wrap in America with five of my other guns.
Kirt at RoguePaintball got screwed royally, not only by his "girlfriend" but also by the company that took over his building after his father died. He lost everything, and still owes the gov't a lot of money while the woman that stole all of his money has nothing to be held accountable for.
In all fairness, Kirt is a good guy that made a few mistakes which cost him his business. His disappearance from the paintball scene is sorely missed in Maine, where he promoted safety and fun in the sport for over ten years. I wish him luck in the future.
I'm damn happy I got my Space Mag back though, it's one of my most prized possessions.

I can attest to the void of paintball in Southern Maine due to the unfortunate closure of RoguePaintball. There are some new options now but it has taken time for those to become available. I hope that Kurt does find his way back to paintball and that all works out for him.

Empyreal Rogue
10-30-2008, 06:41 PM
It was a major nuisance, and if I didn't have certain connections with certain people, then that gun would probably be lost indeed. As it is, it is now in my possession, lying in bubble wrap in America with five of my other guns.
Kirt at RoguePaintball got screwed royally, not only by his "girlfriend" but also by the company that took over his building after his father died. He lost everything, and still owes the gov't a lot of money while the woman that stole all of his money has nothing to be held accountable for.
In all fairness, Kirt is a good guy that made a few mistakes which cost him his business. His disappearance from the paintball scene is sorely missed in Maine, where he promoted safety and fun in the sport for over ten years. I wish him luck in the future.
I'm damn happy I got my Space Mag back though, it's one of my most prized possessions.

That story brings a tear to my eye. A story of love, love lost, love returned; as well as sadness, despair, and loneliness.

I have never met Kirt at RoguePaintball, but he sounds like a decent man. I wish him the best of luck in the future.

Will Wood
11-07-2008, 07:59 PM
I've been wondering about this! I'm glad you got it back.
Yea, and again that is too bad about Kirt. He was always did more than he had to for people. I was having gun problems at a Tourney once and he let me use one of his guns, and at another tourney he gave me a discount on paint for no reason (Well we made a bet on bowling the night before, and I lost, but he did it anyways).

Very glad it is in safe keeping. Too bad you can't have it.. Germany laws IIRC?

Though whatever happened to the E-Mag one is a better question, that one got lost forever, right?

Did Heather's persistence of memory cocker get recovered too?

11-08-2008, 02:45 AM
I have all of the TLC's now in my possession (except for the one that got stolen from Steve Davidson, and the one I gave to Tom)
It's kind of a shame that they are all boxed up in a closet somewhere. They were meant to be on display, but I don't know where.
Any ideas?

11-08-2008, 03:28 AM
I have all of the TLC's now in my possession (except for the one that got stolen from Steve Davidson, and the one I gave to Tom)
It's kind of a shame that they are all boxed up in a closet somewhere. They were meant to be on display, but I don't know where.
Any ideas?


Will Wood
11-08-2008, 09:15 AM
They would look good on my apartment walls :ninja: :dance: :dance:

I say anyplace paintball oriented is almost a bad idea, since so many players seem to also be thieves sadly.
You'd want someplace with good security too..so what behemoth said :clap: